(I'm well aware that Scorpio is in the Water element, but it's traditional ruler, Mars, is a Fire element planet. The modern ruler of that sign is Pluto.)
I'm focusing here on Neptune and the Moon - Pisces and Cancer respectively - for those who like to utilize their astrology in their healing with water. These two, the planet Neptune and the luminary, Moon are associated with the Water element.
The Sea (Neptune) is the summoning up of overwhelming emotions, unconscious feelings, and is symbolic of the infinite dangers of the ocean. The ocean is one of the most powerful elements on earth, and signifies the dangers unleashed when the forces sleeping under the surface of unconsciousness erupt. We need only think of the powerful moods of ‘The Sea’ – its enormous depth, turbulence and crashing waves that indiscriminately destroy everything in its path to understand the nature of this bright azure blue planet. Water and emotions are linked symbolically and just below the surface, lie the emotions and memories that have been buried. Neptune, twelfth house placements, planets in Pisces, all have access to these watery depths, and plunge deeply into the sea, staying as long as they want. Neptune type people have the ability to go deeply into the realm of feeling and emotions, and gain access to to whatever is down there. The oceanic world is a symbol of great beauty, sorrow, and represents places so deep and dark that clear vision is no longer possible, and one can only dimly sense what is there. The sea has a sense of vastness, profoundness, depth, far greater than one can ever plumb or fully know, and this is also the nature of Neptune. – The Astrology Place
Neptune Retrograde – from “Neptune: The Twelfth House and Pisces” by Maurice Fernandez
“Neptune retrograde implies the individual has already disillusionment and possible victimization in past lives. Such a configuration may indicate little room is left to remain in innocence in this life. The individual is more urgently challenged to eliminate a mode of action that relies on ease and escapism, and is more intensely challenged to learn lessons of discrimination and control to rise above getting carried away, as a non-retrograde Neptune individual might.
“Rising above innocence and naivete, the retrograde Neptune individual is often learning to reassess his/her relationship with the divine. Blind faith and excessive positivism cannot be sustained; thus, the individual may go through phases in which all aspects of spirituality are rejected. The purpose is to learn the deeper meanings of spirituality and cease using it as a hope for salvation, but instead as a means to merge with the truth.”
Natal Retrograde Neptune Individuals with this placement are enigmatic and not easily understood. They are generally extremely sensitive, and are also the quintessential ‘Old Soul.’ They are capable of seeing realities to which most of us are blinded, including our own illusions. However, like the rest of us, they have their shadow side, and often chase unrealistic fantasies of their own. Because they are so highly intuitive, they can see the outcome of a situation without having to experience it. – Starwolf Astrology
Neptune, god of the Seas, is another of my planetary dominants. Due to this, I have learned quite a bit about myself, not to mention finding answers as to some of the reasons why communicating with others was often so difficult – and usually had conflict.
Information from Trans4mind
The Greek God, Neputune, was god of the oceans. He was also a shape-shifter: he could change his own form and that of others.
Neptune is also associated with dodging and weaving, escaping from traps and being hard to catch. It is hard to pin a Neptune person down because barriers dissolve or do not exist, and non-resistance causes strong force to dissipate.
Neptune can dissolve anything, and the self can be dissolved into the infinite. Also Neptune can dissolve barriers, so far more can be achieved in an area than any rational person might expect to be possible. Neptune dissolves problems, barriers, conventions, impossibilities, etc..
Neptune is a planet of transcendence, which means it goes beyond artificial or imagined fixed forms and limits, and it can achieve much more than could rationally be imagined.
For instance, a person wishes to create a hospital for small wild animals, injured by vehicles on the roads. He has no medical knowledge, no money, and no supporters. Naturally he has nothing like a business plan. He doesn’t talk or persuade well. And he isn’t very bright either. It is only a dream. He has no rational chance of achieving his dream. However, with Neptune, he achieves it to the amazement of everyone.
She decides she will go to a foreign country on a spiritual mission. The country is dangerous. And she must travel by the cheapest means possible, exposed to every danger. Of course we plead with her not to go. She goes and achieves her aim, and, as for the danger, no one so much as gives her an angry look.
We cannot understand these and many other examples, and we do not know why some people seem to be able to do what the rest of us know is impossible. Neptune does, however, also have a protecting force for those under its rule. Perhaps it’s some intuition which leads them to avoid dangerous places and dangerous people.
The irrationality here does not lie with Neptune, for whom things are quite clear. It is for the other planets and signs to be confused and amazed.
Neptune could, of course, be described in many ways, the negative descriptions in part a reflection of the person who cannot understand. The negatives include: delusions, illusions, self-sacrifice, submission, nonsense, illogical, deception of self and others, unrealistic, impractical, lacking common sense, etc, etc. These descriptions aren’t wrong, however, they aren’t always right and they are probably half right. The half that is right are the denotation of the words and not their emotional connotations.
For instance: what is a delusion to some, is an enlightenment to others; what is self-sacrifice and submission to some is non-resistance to others (in judo non-resistance is a powerful weapon); what is nonsense and illogical to some, is the power of faith and belief to others. And what appears to be illogical and unreasonable by any standard can nonetheless be extremely effective and workable (Quantum Physics is one example).
Neptune comprises those transcendent forces that tend to loosen and dissolve the artificial barriers of time, space, egos, and nations, and the traditions, conventions and laws (of man and nature) which appear unchangeable. All modern planets tend to be transformational. Uranus does it abruptly, mainly in the areas of human thought and beliefs. Pluto does it drastically. Neptune mostly transforms in a more agreeable and not violent way. However, this is only mostly true. Just as an ocean can be quietly and gently powerful, so can it be a raging torrent. And Neptune can be very very powerful.
When we referred to “transcendent” in the previous paragraph, we were referring to intangible forces. Another way to describe transcendent is to say it refers to going beyond the normal limits, surpassing and exceeding them. It refers to forces that cannot be perceived by the five senses, or perhaps not graspable by the mind. Transcendent also means rising above and becoming independent of something.
Neptune is creative. For instance, an engineer looks at a river and sees a bridge. If engineers didn’t have illusions, then there would be no bridges. If we didn’t dream up new and wonderful things, then there would be no civilisations. Naturally, there are extremes. Some people have no imagination, or appear not to have any. And other people have too much. An engineer who looks at a river, imagines a bridge. Imagines someone falling off into the river and urges us to launch a boat to rescue them, has clearly gone over the top!
Neptune was discovered not through the senses but was the first planet to be discovered through the mind, through mathematical calculation. Neptune is a planet of abstraction in that it uses purely mental processes to achieve things. It is a planet of magic, whereby success is gained through unknown means. Later, these means may be understood, through science, etc. But at the present they seem like magic. Neptune is also associated with channelling and psychic ability.
While Neptune was discovered as a result of mathematics, another planet, Vulcan, was supposed to exist through similar calculations. As it happened, the slight errors due to applying classical physics to Mercury’s orbit, were explained, not by another planet (as in the case of Neptune), but by a new theory (Einstein’s Relativity). The same transcendent forces which yielded positive results can also lead one astray and into illusion and delusion.
In the world of Neptune, both A and not-A can both be true. They appear to be true in Quantum Mechanics. Although this formula has been considered the basis of logic (called the law of the excluded middle), modern logicians have questioned it. There is a new type of logic, which like Neptune, has less strict definitions and borders. Fuzzy Logic, which deals with the “fuzzy” concepts we use in everyday life, has come into prominance. This is, partly, Neptunian logic. It seems that Neptune only appears to be illogical. It is really a higher level of thinking which only seems like nonsense.
Information from Astrotheme.com
Neptune represents escapism, impressionability, daydreaming, delusions, carelessness, deception or intuition, dishonesty or inspiration, telepathy. Water is its element, it is moist, it rules Pisces, is in exaltation in Cancer, though some authors say it is Leo, and is in analogy with the vegetative system.
It represents dreamers, mediums, magicians, merchants of illusion, drug addicts.
Neptune Dominant: If Neptune is part of your natal chart’s planetary dominants, in astrology, you are said to be a Neptunian: your intuition is highly developed. You are of a contemplative nature, and you are particularly receptive to ambiances, places, and people. You gladly cultivate the art of letting-go, and you allow the natural unfolding of events to construct your world. You follow your inspirations, for better or for worse. At times, you display an extraordinary clairvoyance gift. You seem to be able to read your subconscious like a book, and you track down subtle underlying mechanisms, flaws, or open breaches. This innate intuition might explain the strokes of good luck which the Neptunian is sometimes credited with. However, you may also be the victim of illusions and misleading intuitions. You are an idealist, and you let your deepest aspirations prevail over the realities of the moment. Then, you set off in quest of some quixotic objective, living like a Don Quixote who relentlessly pursues an impossible dream. You have a great talent for psychology and the mysteries of the human soul. Since you instinctively perceive people’s intents and motivations, as you swim in the complexity of human nature, you feel in your element. The subtlety of your perceptiveness is the source of both special affections and irrevocable rejections. What is the danger of such a dominant? If it is not offset by other influences in your natal chart, you may not have an iron will. Your trump card is your instinct, which may be developed to the extent that it becomes clairvoyance. – Astrotheme
Neptune-Moon: Poorly Aspected Moon
Instinct: The Moon rules the stomach and all things that have to do with the intake of food. Most specifically, the Moon rules the navel and thus the umbilical cord, our primary tie to our first food source, our mother. Thus our eating habits and the way we deal with food in general is lunar in origin. A careful assessment of the Moon’s position in the natal chart will reveal a person’s eating habits as well as his relationship to his primary survival instincts. If the Moon is well placed by sign and house, it will in most cases show that the early relationship to the mother was a good one and be an indicator that “food issues” will not be a prominent psychological life challenge. In terms of esoteric psychology, the Moon is rules the solar plexus chakra and is thus a major controlling factor in terms of a person’s natural emotional state. The solar plexus is our link to the “astral plane,” that facet of our being that regulates and defines our emotional nature as well as the condition of our desire nature. A disturbed solar plexus or in astrological terms, an afflicted or poorly aspected Moon will indicate that there is a tendency to problems relative to the expression and fulfillment of our needs and desires.
Neptune/Moon difficulties reveals a person who is overly sensitive to negative emotional fields of energy in the environment (as well as within oneself), leading to a state of emotional imbalance, often manifesting as fear and insecurity. – Alan Oken
Neptune-Moon Information from The Astrology Place
Those with the Moon in aspect to Neptune are the daydreamers of the world, they have strong gifts in art, music, and drama. They have such wonderful, colourful and vivid imaginations that they may be found escaping into a fantasy world away from the everyday realities of life. In Astrology Neptune rules the ocean, the mystical and dreamy.
Moon-Neptune types are super-sensitive and some may be considered psychic, and could be found recounting stories of prophetic dreams, images and feelings about people that couldn’t be explained.
In relationships they may be emotionally needy, and the danger here is being blinded by their emotions to the extent that they cannot see what is really going on. Moon-Neptune people often never feel quite emotionally fulfilled and love falls short of what they imagined it would be. Women with this contact often have this softness and extreme femininity underneath that is extremely attractive.
The Moon rules the mother in astrology and sometimes she represents a guilt inducing image, and it can represent a controlling mother who dominates through martyrdom, weakness, the “after everything I have done for you,” type of lady.
They may experience a loss around the mother or she may be incapable of caring for a child, mentally ill, physically weak, or addicted to drugs or alcohol. On the hand the mother may have been quite talented in the spheres of art or music, creativity, and be extremely sensitive. (My mother was an art instructor in Leipzig)
The Moon in astrology rules the home life and they may prefer being secluded and shut out the noise and chatter of the outside world. There is a high degree of sentimentality and nostalgic feeling connected to their early life. Being highly sensitized and empathetic people they may also find themselves wallowing in the problems of others, and this can emotionally overload them at times.
All Neptune people have to be aware just how open they are to the environment. For some their emotions are too overwhelming and their feelings are chaotic, and they have so much internal stuff going on that it is hard to discern what they are really feeling at times. Those close may ask why they are upset, but sometimes there is no clear answer, and they just feel an inner sadness.
Morningstar Essences – Fox Medicine and Neptune
Neptune in Pisces April 2012: Titanic’s 100th Anniversary by The Astrology Place
On April 15th 2012, the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic will be remembered around the world. The timing of the ship’s most significant anniversary transpires when Neptune returns to its own sign of Pisces.
In mythology Neptune is the god of the sea, and he lived in a golden castle on the floor, but he was also known to be a moody god and would strike the ground with his trident creating earthquakes. Along with the sensitive, dreamy and idealistic nature of Neptune, the ocean also contains a powerful and violent force which must be respected.
Titanic’s anniversary is a preview of what we can expect during the transit of Neptune in Pisces 2012, and maybe there will be other significant sea-journey stories throughout Neptune’s transit in the zodiacal sign of Pisces.
When Neptune enters Pisces we should look out for stories about flooding, drowning, ships, piracy, deception, imagination, psychics, and ghosts. Neptune also represents images associated with death representing the passage of the soul from this world to the next. Neptune is inarticulate and expresses itself through longing and terror, strange fantasies, and dreams.
Neptune’s Fog, Ghosts and Smoke by The Astrology Place
We have all heard about Neptune’s heavy fog that descends on us in a cloud of mist when we least expect. Some of us live with heavy aspects to this watery and nebulous planet and probably understand it all too well. Many Neptunian people have this air of mystery hanging over their heads and they hide their secret dreams. longings and imaginings behind various smoke-screens.
One of the great troubles of their lives is a lack of clarity, unreality and deep illusions about life. Neptune in transit describes those times when we enter a psychological fog and the reality of life isn’t so clearly seen. There is something undeniably strange and mysterious about this layer of cloud that drifts into our vision, and suddenly we don’t see the people in our lives so clearly. We don’t see where we are going. We are unable to get a grip on the reality of the situation and everything is blurred around the edges.
Misty figures like Ghosts’ define some of the actions of a fogged up Neptune, and whether or not we believe in ghosts, there is something close to the experience of them that feels rather Neptune in nature. It’s the feeling of being lost, unable to communicate, and misunderstood. In the birth chart, Neptune indicates the ability to see beyond the finite to transcend the self and reality by taking us to a world where we can experience something more beautiful.
The blue planet seeks to dissolve the limitations and boundaries of the physical world, and individuals who possess a powerful Neptune often have the distinct feeling of being an individual with a formed personality to feeling like an outline of their former self. The imaginary fog often thickens like something of a mental-twilight zone, something has been erased, and everything that defined them has now faded.
Neptunians often feel like they are drifting through life with no clear direction and no real goals in their lives. A dense fog has distinct characteristics: it has no boundary or shape and we don’t know how long it will be there. Neptune people are also like psychic sponges, absorbing and identifying with everybody’s feelings and suffering. A Neptunian fog is hard to grab hold of, surrounding us, enveloping and obscuring our view. (my bold)
On a mundane level Neptune brings fog, mists, rain and damp weather. When Saturn conjoins Neptune, we have cold weather with ice and snow, and this was evidenced during the winter of December 1952, with the combined effect of soot, tar, and exhaust fumes created thick smog that hung over London for four days. The smog was so thick that it infiltrated buildings – cinemas and theatres were forced to close – and transportation was made impossible, and many people fell sick. The smog occurred when Saturn and Neptune formed a conjunction in the sign of Libra.
Neptune aspects involve uncertainty, spaciness, and the planet cloaks everything in mystery. Neptune’s propensity for falling helplessly in a fog of depression, loneliness, drugs and alcohol is powerfully activated during transits, and a more positive note the Alcoholics Anonymous group was formed under a Sun trine Neptune contact in the 11th house. Many Neptune people are chronic avoiders of life and live in a clouded reality,. Neptune also makes us aware of our dependency issues in relationships, and it’s also where we escape, dream, and keep the world at a distance.
Dear Neptune – You are not Allowed to Feel My Guilt by the Astrology Place
I have been watching the Vampire Diaries for the first time. I heard it was a popular American show and finally decided to give it a go. In season one there is an interesting episode where we find out how Damon was turned into a Vampire, and there is a discussion that ensues with his brother, Stefan, about him feeling guilty about everything that has happened. Damon says to his brother: “You brood too much. Everything on this planet is not your fault. My actions, what I do, it’s not your fault. I own them. They belong to me. You are not allowed to feel my guilt.” I thought these were very wise words, and especially when aimed at the Neptunian type of person who decides to take on everybody’s pain regardless of whether it’s really their right to feel it. The world guilt comes from the Oxford English dictionary, meaning ‘to pay’ and relates to a feeling of being indebted to someone.
The shadow side of Pisces, Neptune and the 12th house is that pounding waves of guilt often play a destructive role in the individual’s life and the waters of what belong to whom in any situation creates something very murky indeed. I am a Neptunian person and seeing my son struggle with classmate bullies and playing up at home often makes me feel guilty for not toughening him up more and paying too much attention to the new baby. I am looking for reasons within myself for why he feels unhappy in school. It’s in my astro-genetics to feel guilt and it curses through my veins exercising self-blame in the process. Neptune people also know how to make YOU feel guilty for their unhappiness. The darker Neptunian qualities are self-pity, guilt and matrydom, and they are talking, walking, breathing, paradoxical people, even to themselves.
The point of all this is that Neptune people need to strengthen their sense of I-ness and understand that we are all individuals who make our own choices and we react in ways to a situation that is completely ours to own. A bondage through sympathy, and serious lack of boundaries, and also their unique ability to fuse emotionally with others around them often means that these individuals vamperise another’s identity and actually drain their strength. (my bold)
Neptune Dreaming by The Astrology Place
The unconscious contents floating about our heads in the night time are given to the power of Neptune. The watery god is ruler of the ocean and the unconscious and everything that is washed upon the shore. This often involves those things that our minds have consciously forgotten. For example, have you ever had dreams about people that you have never even had a conversation with, and they are not even someone you think about daily? You go to sleep and this person arrives in your dream. We can have several events and people actually separated by years combined together in our dreams, placed in a new yet strangely familiar setting.
Astrologers call Neptune a “forgetful” confusing, and vague planet. However, I don’t think we have forgotten anything at all, and everything is stored away in our unconscious. With Neptune we tend to have more trouble remembering day-to-day things, like paying the bills, coping with reality, holding down a job. Most of these things are generally considered to be Mercurial, earthy in nature, and relate to how we deal with the physical world..
Mercury is opposite to Neptune in nature and is gifted at categorising, labelling, details and small talk. It involves everything else we need to do in order to organise our mental thoughts and daily routines. Our more rational selves (Mercury) mock all un-rational things, and reduce everything to a more coherent, intelligible, and lucid explanation.
Astrologically Neptune is the modern ruler of the 12th house (secrets and dreams), and has difficulty remembering things in our daily lives, but its strength lies in going much farther back in memory and possibly to another time and place. This is probably why Neptune is associated with hypnotism, and the ability to fall so easily into the unconscious is due to Neptune’s lack of boundaries and OPENNESS to the intangible.
Neptune puts aside the rational mind, and allows symbols, images, and signs to communicate. When dreaming we are completely fused in this inner world, and since Neptune rules acting, we often see a colourful cast of characters acting out different roles in our dreams; they change costume, character, and scenery, and they are not always who they appear to be. It is the unconscious psyche which speaks to us through dreams, but try and decipher your dreams and it can be a confusing exercise, and very challenging.
Neptune rules the Ocean which is a prolific symbol of the unconscious, and represents the deepest emotional level of the individual. Under hard Neptune transits it becomes much more difficult to contain what is beneath the water. The blue planet stimulates our imagination, dreams, psychic experiences, artistic inspiration, and mystical tendencies.
The oceanic pull is very seductive for many Neptunian people, whether its falling in love, listening to music, seeking solace in a bottle, living as an artist, there is something completely intoxicating about Neptune’s world, and we long to quench its thirst. Neptune transports us to a realm beyond the ordinary, and the dream is always preferable to living in the real world.
‘Neptune Sacrifices’ by The Astrology Place
The root word for sacrifice is derived from sacer-sacred, or holy. Sacrificing one’s life to a cause is seen in some nations as the immediate entry into paradise, and is often seen as some spiritual reward. We see some of these powerful dynamics at work here through Neptune. When one makes a sacrifice for us, on some level, we feel spiritually indebted to that person, and if we don’t feel this way, then the more manipulative side of Neptune will ensure that we do!
Many Neptunians act in the name of sacrifice, selflessness, and self-abnegation. Sacrifice is seen as serving the larger collective and the common good, and we put away selfish and personal needs. Neptune individuals tend to identify with the life of Christ, his pain, suffering and crucifixion, and feel their lives have a similar theme. Neptune involves many images of sacrifice and when astrologers look at a natal chart the house of Neptune and its aspects are examined to see where some kind of sacrifice may have to be made in any given area of life.
Neptune describes what has been “given up” and lost and the sacrifice can be involuntary or it could be by choice. When a person makes too many sacrifices life can be viewed as a place of sorrow and longing for things that are unobtainable. There is something deeply poignant about an individual, who gives without expecting anything in return, but many of us are wary of the deeper motives behind such selfless giving, and perhaps this is a particularly gloomy view to take. The noblest kind of act is often viewed as an act of god, pure goodness, and saintly behaviour.
Furthermore the Neptunian personality can desperately search for a cause to devote and give themselves to, and this can extend to relationships, home-life and choice of career, and doesn’t primarily involve sacrifice on a worldly level. There is also the inclination in the Neptunaian personality to become a Martyr, too, but usually the victimised, wronged, and oppressed aspect of the Neptunian personality really comes to the fore when he or she is not creatively fulfilled, emotionally satisfied, and is excessively dependent.
Pisces, Neptune and 12th house people often need a life devoted to some kind of service relating to their innate sense of idealism and devotion to causes. But, when life feels unfulfilling, remote and lonely, then addictive substitutes are used to fill this void. Pisces is the bridge between heaven and earth – and mediates between the two. There is less of the material attachment in Pisces, Neptune and the 12th house and so perhaps it is easier to make these kinds of sacrifices when one is not overly attached to anything.
The 12th house has a sense of karmic responsibility and great sense of world burden. In the astrological tarot, the hanged man represents sacrifice, and the pictorial image represented by this card shows a man hanging by one foot, stretched across two trees and twelve branches which have been cut off. His hands are bound and one of his legs is folded and forming a reversed triangle, meaning that he dies in place of the wicked ones.
Sadly many of Neptune’s higher ideals get lost, and those with Pisces in their chart are learning to have compassion (not self-pity) and wholeness and value is often dependent on helping and rescuing others, sacrificing their own happiness in the process, and so a balance has to made between the two.
The longing for redemption is a many-headed daimon that dwells within the most earthbound and prosaic of souls. Neptune is the astrological symbol that describes this energy. Liz Greene, an internationally known astrologer, has given us the most complete and accessible book about Neptune ever written! She explores Neptune themes in literature, myth, politics, religion, fashion, and art to show how this energy manifests.
In this masterful work, Maurice Fernandez lifts the veil of confusion and mystery which has often rendered scholars perplexed about the influence of Neptune, the 12th House and the Sign of Pisces in Astrology. Within this groundbreaking approach, a clear and detailed perspective allows readers to correlate the insights to their personal life experiences and, in such a way, understand the reasons for the particular conditions and circumstances.
The particular way that Neptune, the 12th House and Pisces foster our evolution is uncovered through:
The seven stages of evolution through which the soul progresses in its journey
The challenges of building an immunity, fulfilling our vocational path, and realizing ourselves spiritually.
The delicate balance between ego requirements and the relinquishing of all resistance in the face of the Truth.
The material of this book is likely to change many preconceptions. The fact that the approach to this book is based on the idea of the evolution, allows for a far wider perspective, since it takes into consideration the various evolutionary stages of archetypal manifestation.
The current times are significantly auspicious for such book as Neptune is approaching its own sign of Pisces in which it will stay for a period of fourteen years. Needless to say that the concepts elaborated upon in this study will increase in relevance to the public. This book is crucial to understand the fascinating processes that are nearing on the personal as well as collective scale.
This book may be used as a therapeutic tool, for while studying Neptune’s evolutionary influence, the reader may reflect upon many personal issues. Understanding Astrology is a way to further understand life. A serious approach to astrology offers a unique perspective on the cyclic nature of life, to potentially help people harmonize with existence and heal.
The Pisces archetype is also known to symbolize the spiritualization process. This book may serve as a guiding manual for many readers to further their personal spiritualizing process as it offers tangible and sensible perspective on the challenges of such an initiation.
“Maurice Fernandez has accomplished a rare feat: he invites us to add fundamentally new perspectives to our understanding of some elemental astrological building blocks, and he does so without crossing the borderline separating ungrounded, fanciful speculation from the realities of the counseling room.” – Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky
Table of Contents
- Foreword by Jeffrey Wolf Green
- Introduction
- The Pisces Archetype
- Neptune Through the Houses and Signs
- Planets in the 12th House
- Planets and Houses in Pisces
- The Nodal Axis in the 6/12th House, Virgo/Pisces Axis
- Neptune in Aspect to the Nodal Axis
- Neptune Retrograde
- The Ascendant and the 12th House
- The Transit of Neptune in Aquarius
- The Transit of Neptune in Pisces
(no description)
The Moon is particularly strong in Cancer and symbolises a person who responds very much to the emotional tone and atmosphere around them. The individual is very sympathetic and understands the unspoken feelings and needs of others.
This placement of the Moon can exaggerate all things lunar for better or worse. The person tends to put importance on family ties and is sympathetic, loyal and compassionate. The Moon in Cancer holds a full container of memories and emotional experiences.
The Moon here longs to be nurtured and protected, and there is a danger of becoming overly dependent on others for emotional support. A person with the Moon in Cancer fears loneliness and isolation and needs the support of others. There is a powerful need to bind people close them, which sometimes leads to subtle manipulation that elicits both sympathy and protection.
The Moon in all the water signs needs to receive emotional responses from others even if they provoke it through anger and hate. Water people need some feeling response, rather than none at all.
The person has pronounced intuitive feelings and psychic abilities, and powerful gut instincts. The symbol of the crab is associated with Cancer and represents its hard outer shell and soft interior.
When feeling down in the dumps, they tend towards moodiness, crabbiness and snap at others. And these ’moods’ which change with the tide are often linked to old emotional wounds from the past. Those with Moon in Cancer cling to home, family, and loved ones. Similarly, there is an attachment to memorabilia from the past, so photo‘s, diaries, and old objects mean a lot to them. Cancer finds it difficult to throw things away and they need to feel familiar with their surroundings, especially when feeling insecure, and some like to study history and collect antiques.
A person with the Moon in Cancer has a powerful imagination and withdraw into their private world. The person likes to stay at home, and it is viewed as a place of shelter and protection. However, they ca be jealous and possessive when their security is threatened and find it difficult letting go of past. The early childhood provides the emotional background for all future relationships and if their past was traumatic, it can take a long time to heal from such early wounds.
Cancer’s deep insecurity lies at the root of their defensiveness hyper-sensitivity over imagined slights. The crab can hold grudges for a long time, and it is expressed through criticism and gossiping. The person is prone to worrying too much, and they tend to have a sensitive stomach with adverse reactions to certain types of food. Women usually feature strong in lunar types, especially the bond with mother. Moreover, there is an instinctive flair for business, along with the initiative, tenacity and good timing to succeed.
The house in which the Moon is placed is the area of life we tend to express our emotional needs and wish to give and receive support. It can be a very reactive and sensitive point in the chart. Those with the Moon in the 4th house feel home and family life are important and there is a great hunger for emotional security.
The personality is anchored in their roots and the fourth house is the ancestral pool, and so this person may have a strong bond with the land and heritage, and they may want to investigate family history and genealogy.
Childhood experiences are important and the relationship with the parents has contributed to this powerful need for safety and security. The Moon in the 4th house of the chart suggests that their place of residence is constantly undergoing change. Moon in the 4th house is descriptive of a strong emotional bond with the father, and he may be viewed as emotional, protective, unstable, or moody and unreliable. The Moon is the mother image and is usually associated with the females of the family – mother, aunts, sisters and the maternal line, and if aspects are favourable this person may benefit from an inheritances through women.
Ties to the early childhood home and parents may still be important even in adult life, and so they sometimes remain emotionally dependent on others, and the instinctive search for emotional security and intimacy dominates everything. The individual needs to feel a sense of belonging, and is powerfully tied to their past and its origins. Those with the Moon here appreciate privacy and often the environment influences their moods in some way.
This placement of the Moon usually feels at ease in the immediate family environment and they need to feel a sense of familiarity, security, and self-protection. The main problem is insecurity, moodiness and defensive emotions. The nesting instinct is strong and the need to withdraw back home is also needed when difficulties arise and they need to find shelter.
Moon Persona Chart
Personality 4: “The mother” (“The little child”)
If I want to know more about my femininity, my feelings, my inner child and my feeling of security and comfort, i.e. the feminine part of my psyche – I look at my Moon persona chart. We consider this persona chart (beside the birth chart) the most important instrument for exploring a person’s inner world. – Astrodienst
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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