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Healing waters..

Water is our most sacred substance on the Earth. It is the energetic source of all life on the planet. It is that which gives consciousness life and form. It is the physical manifestation of consciousness - the paint brush of sorts as without water and light, there is no life as water is alive. Yes you heard right water is indeed conscious, alive and has lifeforce. The good news is we are mostly water and we can through meditation and energy practices learn how to change the frequency of our water before we consume it and allow it to be healing and supporting of positive emotions and health rather than the vibrationally toxic water most drink without thinking about it.

I share something with you,.. water resonates vibration, all in the universe is vibration and it creates geometric patterns (inside and outside of any body).

Water is sentient and intelligent. It is a being. It is energy, frequency and vibration like us. It remembers and knows. It reacts to all thoughts and emotions. 

Experiment with that: drink a little water and then try to drip a glass of water, really listen to the sound of the drops for a while then go to bed, try emptying your mind, dream deeply, and miraculous the next day you'll wake up energized, try some days more and you will create superpowers (i.e: more concentration, predictions, lucid dreams, intuition, etc). Yeah Sweet dreams, so before going to bed actually ask a glass of water to hold your dreams for you, then in the morning drink the glass of water you asked this question and note if your dreams come flooding back into your memory recall.. I do this all the time and it works..

Surely, to pray over one's food and drink before eating and drinking, should mean to speak LIFE back into them! Think of it. Before we have a meal or drink our drink, we should pause and think of how it has died and we must bring it back to life again through envisioning it alive in its natural habitats and then speaking words of life into all of it! We could also draw pictures and write words and stick these onto our water pitchers and glasses. We can heal ourselves.

A Glass Of Water Kept Under The Bed Can Do Wonders! Read Here To Know More - Boldsky.com

The ancients have been protecting the water for all generations to come for this very reason, while up against big corporations wanting to destroy it too.

Water should always be connected to Nature and should flow in a natural cycle. It is vital we all drink pure, natural and uncontaminated water. Humanity will create a healing, beneficial system that incorporates and allows water to do this for the benefit of all including water itself as we continue to evolve and ascend into the future.

Consciousness is everywhere and in everything. We can call it the great spirit, ground of being, etc. Personally, I think source is too big for us to really grasp and we all have different names for it or some people believe not at all. Personally, I believe in a creative consciousness!. All that being said, I find that these experiments show how a prayer actually works. It's also wonderful and amazing.

Years ago a Japanese Dr Masaru Emoto experimented to prove water had consciousness, see his video below on the outcomes of talking positive & negative to water and what it did in response..

The truth is overwhelming. There are so many simple truths right under our nose. Things that we have intuitively known for our entire lives without ever being aware of and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to understand more deeply.

 I have been practicing this philosophy for some time and I also talk to my cells which are covered in water. As a musician, I measure the impact and importance of vibrations not only on our bodies but also on the scale of the Universe.

Love yourself in this body, love your life on this planet. The ebb and flow of physical existence is limited, but your consciousness is eternal. Know that every morning when the sun warms your skin with his light is the opportunity for a new day, and the chance to write another page in your book of life. Look forward to new adventures, never look back in disappointment. Every experience is a lesson. You are a part of creation, you deserve to be here. You are a part of it all. You are loved infinitively.

I have often tried to remind those around me of these mechanisms of this 'law of life' for years, to my family (& those who can hear). Its very important as we are approaching the new reality that has been hidden from us since the world began!

Raven Leads My Way Again..


Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən 

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Altered water flows and quality | Wet Tropics Management Authority


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Enjoyed your article Vlada, thank you.  I have the true power of water book at home and the water crystal oracle based on Dr Masuru Emoto's work.  The power of prayer regarding water purity is needed greatly and it's good to get the message out there into the community so that we can do everything in our power to help build awareness.  I've just looked through the Water Crystal oracle based on Emoto's work with water and the crystals for summer and sun came to my attention, both very beautiful crystals.  

I was talking with my mum earlier about hydrating her body during this hot spell of weather as folks here in England aren't so used to high temperatures.  

Also to cleanse our vegetables and salads with running water and prayer is a practice I have followed since committing myself to reiki practice in the late 1990's...I say "I cleanse the food with love, light and divine reiki" as we cannot always eat fresh foods from our gardens.

One of the practices to follow is to hold the hands over the food and drink and to bless it and appreciate it and send gratitude for the availability of the food/drink you are about to eat.

Glad you enjoyed my article here Julie, yes I do the same with all my vegetables I eat too, whether from my own garden or the supermarket, we are lucky here in NZ that our vege is not often chemically sprayed nor is it GM modified, thus its all eco friendly but I still wash and bless it persey before consumption...

Liam used to ask me what I was doing talking to the vegetables in the kitchen one night lol, he said I'm not so sure they will answer you back Vlada, but if it pleases you to try n speak to them then no harm done, with a raised eye brow to my mental state lol.. but when I explained to him why I did it he then understood, and he even mentioned it was like Reiki healing, so he would then often bring home huge containers of spring water to use.. instead of the tap water..and he started to offer it to the public at his cafe/ bar as well, so I influenced him in a small way..

He also always used to ask me why I would shower more than any other teenager did, he thought teens didn't like to bath, lol.. yet I was the opposite, it was nothing unusual for me to take anything up to 4 showers a day if It was possible, and I told him it was cos the water heals me, it talks to me and takes away my anxieties as I have a connection with it.. he was blown away and just thought I was a OCD clean freak..it was then he started talking about me being Shamanic in nature and I agreed that I was just that..

Then I told him that's why I liked Bruce Lee so much when he said 'flow like water', ..just as If you listen to the winds outside you will know what direction to flow in, If you plant your feet in the earth, you will know how to find a balance, if you watch a flickering flame of a fire you will learn to dance to your own tribal heart beat, if you feel water in motion you will value going with that same flow & nature is our greatest teacher so start listening to it and learn from it, I also told him that I feel like the main purpose in life is to be as pure when you leave your body at the end of it, as you were when you were that little baby first born into it.

It was then he said he knew I'd certainly lived many life times to know this info.. which is the truth as I so have.. Cos your born clean in soul with a innocence so you've got to respect that rule of birth from that small door till you make your way back to the bigger door always with the clean soul of innocence your born with. Cos to me wisdom is not a lesson to learn sometimes it finds its way through little men who go on to be bigger men with great minds, so always speak your own truths & unique law, your own unique language of experience, in your own soul language or sound reason....emut eksal et se te moi..

I am back from two days on the water Vlada, I totally enjoyed my experience there.  I experience a greater understanding of the lives of the wildlife surrounding me when I'm there and I feel my consciousness reach out to the elements.

Continue to speak with your heart and soul and you will touch many, many lives and make a difference.  

Green water rising

accept our prayers

for the good of the earth

accept our prayers

for the good of the sky

accept our prayers

for the good of humanity


July 2024

How did you go on the water? what do you mean? 

I visited the narrowboat Vlada, so 2 days floating on a boat with the ducks and geese as companions and the sunshine to keep me warm.  Pleasant breeze up at the marina, in England we've all been waiting for the sunshine.  Back to a bit of rain yesterday afternoon and today it's cloudy and a lot cooler

 You own a narrowboat?..or did you just hire it for 2 days for a ride.. I kinda envy you..as we dont have them over here..

I've had an interest in narrowboats for years and always wanted to take a holiday on a boat, so about six years ago I met up with a friend who also wanted to experience what it was like to take time out on a narrowboat and be in nature.

My friend owns the narrowboat, but we share the cost of upkeep and maintain it, like caretakers with access as we live closer to the marina.  So it's like having a boat share Vlada.

 Woah thats rather cool indeed..not cheap to maintain a canal boat,do you have to lift it to dry dock every so often to give it a good scrubbing & repaint?

The main price hike for the boat has been a big increase in VAT and cost of moorings which have increased so much in the past 6 years.  The other big thing is "blacking" which is about every 3/4 years.  There are slipway charges to take the boat out of the water, it's done with a big tractor with a trailer behind.  When the boat comes out of the water it has a power wash to take off the algae and flaky paint.

Some of the painting can be done at the marina mooring or other times when we've been out on a trip.  Special paint is needed for the roof with anti-slip properties and the gunnels which run around the boat have "gunnel" paint applied.  

Washing is usually done on the mooring as one side of the boat goes green, probably the non-sunny side Vlada.  

In hot weather I close the curtains on the sunny side and keep the cool side with windows open and back open as it gets very hot in the summer months on a narrowboat.

The boat has been what is called a project boat so much of the work to update has been done by ourselves bit by bit.  It was originally a hire boat so was pretty much well maintained, then a family lived on it for a couple of years.


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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