Nothing Shocks Art
Tthere was a sphere that revolved inside my head
behind my forehead it turned slowly in space
today, a line of a gem with no centre, inverted in interest
I met in a vision someone in a cape, skeletal head
hands reached out to me, filled with birds
crystal shards flew... embedding deeply into my body
My entire being was encompassed by movement
an etheric butterfly body became my reality
I didn't exisit as I did yesterday, encompassed by colour
Newness of incarnation, a certain dizziness grew
day by day heat threatened to take over
a sensation at the back of my head, pain mutating pain
A Wellspring washing the whole world clean
filling up, so slowly...liquid rainbows in illumium colours
in review of this adventure, nothing shocks art
Tai (Julie)
June 2013
edit August 2024
A Point of Welcome
Collision in Time
and would I breathe
a thousand sighs of longing
when my eyes met yours
and would time disappear
no trace left to mortal eye
and how would I know you beloved
profound imaginings chase my thoughts
promising this dream of never-ending
and my mind and heart settle on you
I see your green enlighten my blue
realms of understanding pass by my lips
pink rose of summer
enlivens this long forgotten kiss
melt my heart into your own
for my soul is incomplete without yours
why are we not together beloved
as I hold you in magnificence
a million miles away my unity is completed
engaging in every single splendour of your being
I know your perfection
you have brought me into insubstantial bliss
and now I let go
into the space beyond you
and I know that in my dream
reality has manifested transparent stars
in multitudes of light prisms
each star a replica of our love
light years away
I know our hearts have collided in time
each one an imperfect fragment of the other
each a child of one hundred smiles
blazing the universe into timeless rapture
I am you
unconscious and bereft of my own heart
as one beloved
all knowledge is held unbound
if tomorrow never came
we would regret lost time
moments spent holding
the other in consciousness
as we drifted into formlessness
devoured by the spirit of incompletion
I let go into Unity
Tai (Julie)
July 2011
Awakened by Morning Light
Autumn is coming Beloved
see the magic and feel the colour
leaves fall into gentle understanding
sofly bedded into mother's rich earth
I kneel with reverence so golden
Sunlight streams through open branches
silhouettes of upstanding grey monuments
enthrall me with wonder and deep benelovence
I feel the holiness of being here in nature
I know the joy and blessing
Cycles and seasons come and grow warm
many now feel deepest gratitude for your patience
each human life holds you close in their hearts
gentling your battered and abused body into healing
space grows cold with the surrender of fear
Mother Earth I love you
Tai (Julie)
Sept 2010
photo Tai (Julie)
Poems from a selection on ANewGaia site
Oh my oh my you placed a image of the cosmos above to which replicates whense my soul spark entered from,.. into this 3D earth plane of existence.. as it gave me goosebumps when I first saw it, I don't know which part of the cosmos it originated from however, and so I went in search for it to find out, this is what I found on it...
"its the impression of a quasar located in a young galaxy a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. Hubble Space Telescope data." So in other words its around the time of the first world into creation and I lived on it, a planet that was much like Earth, but is no longer in existence..
So I must say I love that poem 'Collision in Time' you attached it to and see why its yet ironic how it infuses a similar perception of the beginning of time the collision, the big bang.. where mine was titled 'I Entered'.. I think I've already shared that with you..
Thanks for finding out about the image Vlada, it felt like a magical place for me...ahhh great news indeed. I must find your poem again
My poem Its been on my profile page all this time if you wish to read it there..
Julie said:
Thanks for finding out about the image Vlada, it felt like a magical place for me...ahhh great news indeed. I must find your poem again
Ahhh yes I've read it on site too, thanks for directions, the image I posted way back is almost the same Vlada
here's more from particular one, the first being from a piece of art that attracted my eye
Paper kiss
I love to see how paint mingles
on watered paper
paint meeting spirit
boundaries transparent
no regulations
just love expressed
just paper kissed
with the imprint of a moment
I love to see colours merge
only felt liquid like
fanned by a slight breeze
on the mountain
October 2013
the art used to be displayed on Red Bubble but is no longer there
I wonder what it feels like to be in this scene
to walk over the bridge within our own Fantasy Wallpaper
Fantasy Wallpaper
is it night within our day
are there elves and pixies
that come out to play
all we know in Wallpaper Land is this
the tree is lit with eggs of light
bound together it draws our sight
there's showers of orbs that peek from air
the sun is down without a care
the woods look misty
the roots are thick
they reach on out
in pixie quick
there's a quaint old language
that doesn't speak
only intelligible
within our sleep
oft our subconscious
thrives in dreams
within the world
of elf pik'd seams
Oct 2013
Mike's response
Oh I do like that water painting too of the mountains & flower tree, yes its so pretty & so inspirational...
A collaboration from yours:-
I love to see how paint mingles
to unfold a unimaginable scene
where ones soul meets the essence of nature
connects on her wavelengths
to entwine her seeds of wisdom & truth
to breath in her harmonious songs
see her beautiful symphony of colours & elements
like a life force all on its own
I love to see how paint mingles
how everything flows in its own harmony
removing all self doubt & delusion
creating a resonance, kinship & thriving guide
My mind is seeing form as a time or an opportunity
for my heart to beat alongside its landscapes
like a symbiotic relationship
ditching the extremes
instead respecting the balance that's so needed.
I love to see how paint mingles
each brush stoke has a life like
where one shouldn't feel superiority over other species
nor isolate ones selves from them
but be a part of them instead in graceful motion
I love to see how paint mingles
as it creates its own envelope of LoVe as true magic...
©2024 Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ
I love your collaboration, thanks so much, glad you enjoyed the watercolour picture Vlada
here's the Temple Balm poem
Temple Balm
entering the house
from whence I came
healing balm
fell like rain
incense of
the divine repast
held us tight
it held us fast
healing waters of countryside places
painted each one with radiant faces
a message of heart from angels of light
St Michael is come to end the fight
his sword is swift, his spirit is strong
he holds the world in prayer ever long
have faith, have courage, it’s time to rest
all our earth is fragrantly blessed
March 2020
A sacred flame that burns throughout time
a plane of consciousness where everything thrives
a relentless movement through stillness
a heartrending contemplation that has no end
a journey of starlight that consumes each velvety darkness
a desire to explore each new feeling, each new intensity
a rhyme with no rhyme
is love
14th August 2024
Contemplation and Rest
We are each an indelible part of nature
moving on each ebb and flow of the tide
our eyes have been truly wide open
on each ocean we will eventually ride
Each Beloved is an immediate reflection
in a temple with windows of gold
each brother and sister a treasure, so open
on earth as it is in heaven... Behold!
Each day there's a perfect combination
each ray is a window of hope
we rest because it's needed in plenty
to write, to paint, just to cope
Never hide what is meant to be opened
never hold back that which is waiting to be said
to share is a multilayered contemplation
we can rest easy when we weave each new thread
14th August 2024
Each Step
a present is a gift to share
each step we tread a pleasure rare
so take each step and smile within
Grandmother Spider
gifts her silk to spin
14th August 2024
Enshrined in the Body
Our very own sacred body, a shrine that's met inside
each divine and sacred body will chance to turn earth's tide
Sun and Moon are welcomed, in passion that rages forth
calming non existent boundaries, a shield to magnetic north
Sensuality is ever present, between partners of the soul
when met in chambers of comfort, a serenity of the whole
Union is held in wonder, even when apart
for aloneness is a nonsense, when our spirits seek our art
13th August 2024
poems I wrote for the August topic entitled " The Temple of Earth"
I've used some of those pictures myself many times on pieces.. the blue lady sitting is from a sequence of AI artworks I've used.. I'm not so keen on the temple religious one I'm afraid, but the art glass window on it is beautiful.. the shrine is nice but I always get the feeling these poems should be longer, as I just start reading them and start getting a feel of the essence within them and then its gone as they end too fast...maybe this is why Ive never got into haiku poetry they just dont hold any energy for me to pick up on at all..
I've had a look on Gaia for a few longer poems...
Deep Winter
When the earth awakens from her deep winter sleep
the cowslips will bloom and the berries will weep
as the earth warms her bones and breathes a sigh of relief
we will fill our hearts with sunbeams and surrender our grief
All energy in roots, the trees so forlorn
we feel the cold winds seer us and shiver our bone
we see the sunshine reflected on snow
we lose our desires and seem to let go
The birds still sing all huddled in trees
not often do we see them warbling the reed
so carefree in summer, they fly swift in the air
they sing with their hearts, with never a care
What is it about winter that looms like a beast
maybe there will be famine or maybe a feast
with christmas coming soon, a celebration will come
at home with our families, brought together "in sun"
The christ light will shine for all to share
we must take this revelation together in prayer
our hearts all alight with love and with peace
sharing our space together swiftly "released"
Dec '10
Tide upon Tide
Layer upon layer of sound
hearing selectively
rain dappled windows
sigh their weariness
whirring traffic
oceans of boats
rocked by the sea
space stretched out
opened before
tide upon tide
birds call high
in trees
where raindrops
upon rhythms of
springtimes of
beliefs hide inside
to be released
tide upon tide
feathers folded on
loaded with tears shed
ripped wide open fears
of mother's abandoned
wild to be
on mountains high
with snow capped pinnacles
that reach the sky
tide by tide
I ask
March 2011
Explosions of stars
light years away
face upon face of beauty
Nurseries of new planets
coming of age in space
how the visions lift my
Black voids
so full of light
speak to my heart
Artistry at its best
my world forming from love
majestic is the vision
Away beyond this earth
this planet we call home
never waiting for tomorrow
August 2010
Earth Welcomed Us
feet shuffle.... leaves layer themselves
feet seek the earth
pouring out there remembrance
igniting their memories
once upon a time we were leaves
we floated, deep from space
empty but full of acceptance
our minds receptive to our new world
we alighted.... earth welcomed us
our planet forgave our intrusion
because we were needed
Autumn 2014
photo ~ October 2014 - Tai
Oh I liked 'Tide Upon Tide' & 'NOW' they both got me started in deeper inner seeing to the cosmos & beyond but then bam it was gone again.. its just I like to float within the written word thats why they have to be longer..
That's great, I had the Tide upon tide published in a book of poetry "Uplifting Moments". I wrote a poem for Byakko around the same time for their magazine
I worked in the group for several years, also this incorporated breath work in creating mandalas using the breath and something called the Ocean breath which sounds beautiful when done within a group, just like the ocean waves on beach pebbles.
I dont actually see any magazine or peoples poetic words on that link, just articles or am I not looking in the right place? your published, where can your book be found? and how did you go about doing it, as Ive been asked so many times to publish my works, but never got around to it as I have no idea on how..and so just keep sharing them on these networks.
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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Added by Julie 9 Comments 4 Likes
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Fantasy wallpaper
The artist may not know it
but (s)he inspires the poet
A seamless dream,
A magic team
The magic flows
Each moment grows
Who picks the theme?
A pixie's dream.
Where does it start?
the poet's heart?
A soul like Tai
or the artist's eye
Mike was a poet/actor who originally came from Ireland, but was living in Paris when I met him on old Gaia
he was a good friend and always livened up Gaia with his quirks and jokes and fun
Bless you Mike, he was an inspiration to all
All Beloved's Kisses
spun from gold
delicate and fine
she bowed to Ra
her eyes defined
by kohl so black
enchanted, divine
sweet sun shone
the moon's lament
for all beloved's kisses
are heaven sent
be still in thought
be fierce the heart
be fine in love
for it is an art
Sept 2011