Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

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Mevlana Rumi, the way of heart

Rumi is amazing he has been my own souls poetic inspiration for eons, even from my past lives I recon.. as I can bring forth words that flow like milk from a earthen hand jug at times,. especially when I'm simply listening to real deep Shamanic drum beats or Sufi music, whence for where they come from only my Higher-self soul knows the answers to that.. they just arrive...

Like This One Recently still un-named & could be added to later also:-

Those who await the essences of infusion have a problem all to often which has proved to be a cynical stitching together of second-hand shapes in an attempt to please all campers..

who ever listens on the other hand in spite of employing all three of these trademarks of coming, have a sincerity, a fortitude..at their disposal that marks them out as worth taking seriously...

momentum & throbbing pulse is normally echoed all the way across this writers mesmerising immediacy, take on nothingness, the untamable beast challenges.. the mystical monsters from a usable unconquerable outfit..

It just turns out there's a downside to raising the bar after all.. hefty injections.. what ensues is a formidably intense display yet danceable blare.. Listen to it.. infuse it on your soul..

In essence it acts like a colossal tectonic plate & like another perpetual machine within his soul armory..


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So glad you enjoyed the new discussion Vlada, Rumi is truly an inspiration.  I look forward to reading your inspirational writings inspired by Rumi.  My thought was when reading first thing this morning was do you have a voice recorder...

My other thought was that I remembered a flow of inspirational Rumi like poetry when I was taking a bath, again years ago not long after I joined the online communities.  I so wished I could have captured the flow when it arrived, it was a wonderful feeling and it appeared and invoked such a joy like emotion that brought tears to my eyes.  Rumi inspires love of that I'm sure.

Sufi Whirling link on wikipedia


No I don't have a voice recorder why?, I have no need for one.. years back on Writers Network someone said my poetic verse reminded them of the words from Thoth...another said they felt I wrote more like Rumi or Jim Morrison, some thought I was channeling.. but I think when we are inspired by these other poets we do tend to pick up on their styles when we write our own..

When I speak in trace states from my higher self aspect I've often been told I speak kinda like how Rumi does.. but once they were just words in thought written in a notebook, just a lot of random comments or notions, philosophical phrases.. that just flowed in my mindscape at differing time spans and it surprised even myself when I read them all back, as these were questioned by so many as it really got them thinking.. just like how words of Rumi always gets people thinking.I often make poetry from them by adding more words so they make some kind of sense to the reader.. I place sourced music & pictures to them as it brings a piece all together..

Image result for the essence of me

Like this piece in my book on page two of 30, 2009:-

"If you could go back in time to the very first moment that you were born,.. The very first moment of your human life not just as a soul spark into creation, think to like when you took your first breath and looked up to see your mother for the first time.
To feel the light on your face and the warmth of that sun, was that of the cosmic Father & the Mother...what would be the first thing on your mind?
Would it be a cocktail of happiness and fear combined?  and or a rain of love and hate combined? or would you even be in pure agony and restrain from fear of being in life itself... for the simple reason that you have now lost your only sanctuary, the sense of the nurturing one and the only place you knew so well and felt totally utterly safe within total darkness... But mostly tell me, do you recall the pain of your birth into form on this world? ...

Never had you thought how much you would miss that pain, and yet never you would think it is not pain you miss, but the attention you were given by others on the outside for being in that pain. That one moment you were more afraid than you had ever been.
Afraid for not being able to fear what you didn’t understand..
And yet afraid for not being able to hate anything for simply being free.

For it is the attraction of essence of you that has created the darkness you existed within, all thus that made this world interested in you from the very beginning...

would you trade it and go back to the darkness where it makes you part of the nothing.
One whole for the first time of your evolution... to whence you originally came into being.. so to the meaning of your journey, so far is to go back to where the sun never dawns..

 Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən 

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What I found was I couldn't always capture the verse as I couldn't always type as quickly as I could talk, and poetry would come to me while out walking, hence the idea of a voice recorder.  Being in nature seems to be somewhere where the words flow free, as I believe being immersed in water has the same free flowing experience.

 "just like how words of Rumi always gets people thinking.." YES for sure

Ahh well I touch type, have been doing that since Uni with all the essays I had to do...so no I don't need a voice recorder, I also get phases when I'm out walking or just out anywhere really, these words would pop in my head an I'd write them down, sometimes just a line, hense why I piece them together & hense why the notebook was my way of keeping them if I needed them to continue on from a line...

Yes for sure, sometimes I write straight onto the page online, sometimes it has been in a notebook.  Over the years I've watched and listened to many Rumi videos and drawn inspiration from them.

I remember seeing that you'd posted on the Rumi discussion on ANewGaia.  I used to have Rumi videos on my profile page there but they aren't there now, maybe the Youtube channel closed.

The beauty of the heart

is the lasting beauty:

its lips give to drink

of the water of life.

Truly it is the water,

that which pours,

and the one who drinks.

All three become one when

your talisman is shattered.

That oneness you can't know

by reasoning.

~ Rumi ~

"All three become one"

Make everything in you an ear, each atom of your being, and you will hear at every moment that the Source is whispering to you, just to you, and for you, without any need for my words or anyone else’s. You are — we all are — the beloved of the Beloved, and in every moment, in every event of your life, the Beloved is whispering to you exactly what you need to hear and know. Who can ever explain this miracle? It simply is. Listen and you will discover it every passing moment. Listen, and your whole life will become a conversation in thought and act between you and Him, directly, wordlessly, now and always.

It was to enjoy this conversation that you and I were created.

~ Rumi ~

A life without love is of no account. Don’t ask yourself what kind of love you should seek, spiritual or material, divine or mundane, eastern or western…divisions only lead to more divisions. Love has no labels, no definitions. It is what it is, pure and simple. Love is the water of life. And a lover is a soul of fire! The universe turns differently when fire loves water. 

~ Shams Tabrizi ~

Ahh yes so I did, here's what I said over there, for prosperity sake:-

Rumi has always inspired me in my poetic writings, I believe he spoke & wrote from his higher-self aspect & its thus real wisdom.. much like I do at times,...the higher-self words seem to come from now where in a trace like state, kinda like lucid dreaming & others from when I could be listening to some great music its like meditation & the words come out assisted by my Raven life guides essence.. also portions of words just pop into my head & I have to quickly get them onto paper before I forget them, so I hold on to these mass of small pieces & then put them together to make one longer poem when it feels right, or some just flow out in long paragraphs already like the words below.. I've still not finished named nor collated.. waiting the chance to unfold into a good one..

Through the door of 'I am', I find the passage
Trembling in solitude emerging I Surrender..

When the shield of warm sun dissolves to expose
the faces of the galaxy here, tiny mortals whither
beneath a cold that never ceases...

Words be like tantric symphonies scathing distractions of mindful thinking's

I Sit now in simple relationship to the Earth, like a poet enraptured in a tall forest.
Be rooted in silvered light where you are now & joined in me on the eve in the moonlight.

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən 

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Julie said:

Yes for sure, sometimes I write straight onto the page online, sometimes it has been in a notebook.  Over the years I've watched and listened to many Rumi videos and drawn inspiration from them.

I remember seeing that you'd posted on the Rumi discussion on ANewGaia.  I used to have Rumi videos on my profile page there but they aren't there now, maybe the Youtube channel closed.

The beauty of the heart

is the lasting beauty:

its lips give to drink

of the water of life.

Truly it is the water,

that which pours,

and the one who drinks.

All three become one when

your talisman is shattered.

That oneness you can't know

by reasoning.

~ Rumi ~

"All three become one"

Enjoyed, thanks Vlada

Moon In A Bowl of Water

One night the poet Awhadi of Kerman was sitting on his porch, bent over a vessel. Shams e-Tabrizi happened to pass by.

Shams: "What are you doing?"

Awhadi: "Contemplating the moon in a bowl of water."

Shams: "Unless you have broken your neck, why don't you look at the moon in the sky?

LOL I find that rather funny, cos Shams was right.. but these are more like short tales of a past time span in the minds of both these ashiqs .. I often wondered would Rumi ever have become one of the greatest poets today if it weren’t for Shams’ spiritual love and mystical influence? ... as he inspired him to write & vice versa, best buddies sharing LoVe back n forth.. these poetic men really had a lot of time on their hands to go deep into the makings of reality..

Here is the tale in its full entirety:-

Moon in Bowl of water

One night the poet, Awhadi of Kerman (a very great Muslim poet) was sitting on his porch, bent over a vessel.

Shams-i-Tabrizi, a great Sufi mystic, happened to pass by.

Shams-i-Tabrizi looked at the poet, at what he was doing. He asked the poet, “What are you doing?”

The poet said, “Contemplating the moon in a bowl of water.”

Shams-e-Tabrizi started laughing, with an uproarious laughter, a mad laughter.

The poet started feeling uncomfortable; a crowd gathered.

And the poet said, “What is the matter? Why are you laughing so much? Why are you ridiculing me?”

Shams-e-Tabrizi said, “Unless you have broken your neck, why don’t you look directly at the moon in the sky?”

The moon is there, the full moon is there, and this poet was sitting with a bowl of water and looking into the bowl of water at the reflection of the moon.

Seeking truth in scriptures, seeking truth in philosophies, is looking at the reflection. If you ask somebody else how you should live your life, you are asking for misguidance, because that man can only talk about his own life. And never, never, are two lives the same. Whatsoever he can say or impart to you will be about his own life – and that too only if he has lived.

He may have asked somebody else, he may have followed somebody else, he may have been an imitator himself. Then it is a reflection of a reflection.

And centuries pass and people go on reflecting the reflection of the reflection of the reflection – and the real moon is always there in the sky waiting for you. It is your moon, it is your sky, look directly. Be immediate about it. Why borrow my eyes or anybody else’s eyes? You have been given eyes, beautiful eyes, to see, and to see directly. Why borrow understanding from anybody? Remember, it may be understanding to me. but the moment you borrow it, it becomes knowledge to you — it is no more understanding.

Understanding is only that which has been experienced by the person himself.


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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