There are perhaps even too many tutorialy to how to ascend, to awaken your higher potencial, and many other names for spiritual developement and ability to sense other dimensions of reality.
The more imagination the tutorial contains, the faster I scrap it as a crap. Not because it would not have any affect, but because many don't realise, what they are actualy doing, when performing that. When you imagine, you are not recieving much, but you are sending away signals of how you wanna things to be. But when your "sensors" are so filled with outgoing, then there is no place for what is actualy incomming.
To awaken your senses you don't need to imagine them working, you already have them on both spiritual as well as physical level.All you need is to pay attention to your senses, but in full. Take your time, sit in the room that is silent and don't even play any music, not even any meditative sounds, they would only distract your atention and disturb much more subtle sounds of the silence. And silence can be actualy very loud!
The same you can do with your smell, with your sight... and as you start using your energetic senses, you can discover that you have more spiritual senses than physical, but then, even senses the science doesn't admit, do have physical manifestation in the body.
Think about it: They teach us that we have five senses, hearing, seeing, tasting, touching and smelling. But that is far from reality, for... are you not able to:
Feel the temperature? Thermosensitivity.
Feel the presence of the sunlight? Fotosensitivity.
feel weird around strong electronic mechanisms like transofmators? Electromagnetic sensitivity.
Feel he wetness/driness? (don't know the term for that)
Feel when you are moving and how? Kinetosensitivity.
Feel pain when hurt? (So? Which of 5 senses is that)
That makes already eleven senses, but I believe that there is more.
And all that abilitites work on multiple levels. All you have to do is give any of them your full awarenes for a moment and be of silent mind.
And you will know yourself, what is beyond.
I personlay preffer working with listening, that is my start and once you extend one of your senses, the others are easier to extend too.
And if you feel need to play something, you may try this video. It doesn't disturb training of your spiritual hearing.
To me Morell there is no such word as imagine nor imagination..this word is a human indoctrinated word & closing device of the third closes children's pure soul thought creations down instantly,if it didn't this planet would be a totally different place than it is right now,so why is it that adults get insulted by their very own children's words & thinking processes [ e.g imaginations] & choose to alter these or change the truth they speak outwardly,steering away from the reality seen & obvious perceived experience they express to their caregiver & ones they love as they not wonder why a child gets so confused in doing this to them!!..growing then into adults who are still confused too mind you..
As everything is possible and everything has a beginning and a end, as everything has already been achieved and or created before... if not on this planet on others or in other dimensional realms,if there was no deeper insight or remembrance to all that has been visited and created in past lives or via soul experiences then artists wouldn't be able to pull imagery from their subconscious minds to create realms,design & concepts never seen or discovered before.. but they have actually visited them before to paint or draw fact their minds would be totally blank canvases..every ones minds consciousness would be a blank canvas...I'm not talking crap here either..I'm speaking full truths..
Your right about possessing more than 5 senses and mentioning some of them,yes we have many not investigated or mentioned..we are all multi-dimensional beings and yet many of us dont remember that we are,being they are still in the amnesia state of this 3D reality, but we are fully magical beings as well we have many gifts that we dont use on this planet..we are capable of creating worlds within worlds and galaxies & universes, we created this planet and many others,how we did that was with thought alone,but tell that to anyone and they would say your insane to even think it..
As a person who has the gift of Synesthesia I'm able to tap into the energetic dimensional realms no one else is able to see nor sense, this enables me to see colour in music tones,or see living energy soul threads over things that are alive or have sentience,see the electromagnetic frequencies traversing the airways,..also being a full empathic as well, I'm highly sensitive so often take on other peoples pains & trauma energy and wonder why I'm suddenly weeping for no apparent reason,as its not my pain I'm weeping for,but its there's they are hiding inside themselves,I often dont sense this in time my soul takes it onboard simply looking at them in the eye..[they always say the eyes are the windows to the soul]..these things are hardly heard of spoken much about..unless you look deeper,you will find literature from guru's & spiritual people on how these gifts come into play in these earthly realms..let me explain more of my perspective what if I say there is a toxin of extreme power as to be beyond the trans-mutative capacity of nearly all human beings,and it can be used for things that many would term as un-human or Alien abilities,as there are always a few examples of individuals whose consciousness can respond to forces of such potency without being damaged,take those people who perform acts,of being inside a small box without asphyxiating,or that guy in Kenya who climbed totally barefoot to the top of Kilimanjaro and spent the night on the icy summit clothed only in a cotton jacket while he prayed to his Gods, & yet survived,..or those guru who can go into meditative states for months not eating a thing,or the martial artists who use Chi energy to set fire to things or move things with their mind etc..see these are true things & that have been researched into, so no need for skepticism..We humans have abilities beyond the norm and yet half of us never seek out on it.. let alone put them to practice.
Kailis Bill,
Welcome to Elvenworld, you may be interested to know that I'm a full empathic Medium/Soul Seer & true Starseed, I'm fully awakened to all that is and ever has been one could say & from a very young age I just didn't understand why.... like all souls that come here they have the amnesia effect into 3D reality, also as I'm a walk-in soul, I'm also shamanic in nature..I'm not from this Earth planet either, I know that may sound weird [ my soul spark isnt from this planet put it that way,it came into creation elsewhere but my earth bound body avatar suit is earth born & I've been here many lifetimes with recalled memories in my Halls Of Remembrance]..
I'm actually from of a extinct planet that is known about but from millenniums ago first world, known by a few names & known to science also, but its not often spoken of in our history books, it is now part of the Orions belt & portions are the meteorites that come to earth still to this day,I know it by the name Maldek...
I have many birth given gifts, but try to keep them on the low & just share what I feel will be accepted.... having Synesthesia I'm able to see certain peoples auras and can instantly know many things about them even things they dont know, I can also recognize soul signature MO's online as I can see colours in the text writings that they do,but its not with every person....
I was thought to be autistic as a child as firstly not only did I have a high IQ but I was also extremely sensitive to this planets energies flows that I would go into body shock anxiety panic attacks and separation anxiety psychosis so badly I'd have to be attached to my nannies hand by a soft strap just to share the energy to feel any kind of comfort to stabilize myself. I learnt as I grew up and then witnessed my soul guardians arrival and was told by them to why I'm here I was able to manage my emotion attacks much better after that..I can say so much but you'd be here for a long time so I can suggest you can read many of my blogs & discussions in the forums in here,there is quite a few, as I share deeply & often & have also had ET contact personally too & written on it all..I'm sure you'll find much of interest..
Bill Walker said:
Wow, so much to try and absorb in your comment here above. Sorry, I'm not sure of what your name is from the signature. I totally agree about parents suppressing there kids imaginations. I had so many psychic paranormal experiences growing up and my family treated them as pure hallucinations, or imaginations. It took my brother decades to come around to understanding just where it was I was coming from. He's now a true believer, but not really because of me. Spirit put a stranger in his path that told him things that that person just could not have known. My brother has since apologized for how he treated me growing up.
However, to my moms credit, who was probably the most conservative of the family, she started to realize just how many things I said about future scenes, that I described, were actually coming true. It was then that she started believing in a world, or a consciousness, that she couldn't feel or see. I'm told she even began telling outside family members that in fact she was starting to believe in my second sight. She unfortunately passed at a fairly young age, though she sends me signs now often to let me know she's around.
You also stated that you have empathic abilities, that's so cool, and yet it can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Yes, I also feel some of the things you describe above but fortunately over my many years I've learned the ability to turn the volume down so to speak.
I get the sense that you are a soul that is truly awakening to a much broader universe than what most people perceive, I look forward to reading more about your views!
Oh feel free to ask anything,I'm sure to be able to give you a response that you'll probably feel comfortable with but if I dont know the answer to it, I usually guide you to where you can find it for yourself..Oh and sorry by the way my name is Vlada..
Bill Walker said:
Nothing in your reply surprised me at all. I suspected a more advanced energy just from your words in your discussion. Thank you for the welcome. I look forward to reading more of your entries as time goes on! Peace!
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:Kailis Bill,
Welcome to Elvenworld, you may be interested to know that I'm a full empathic Medium/Soul Seer & true Starseed, I'm fully awakened to all that is and ever has been one could say & from a very young age I just didn't understand why.... like all souls that come here they have the amnesia effect into 3D reality, also as I'm a walk-in soul, I'm also shamanic in nature..I'm not from this Earth planet either, I know that may sound weird [ my soul spark isnt from this planet put it that way,it came into creation elsewhere but my earth bound body avatar suit is earth born & I've been here many lifetimes with recalled memories in my Halls Of Remembrance]..
I'm actually from of a extinct planet that is known about but from millenniums ago first world, known by a few names & known to science also, but its not often spoken of in our history books, it is now part of the Orions belt & portions are the meteorites that come to earth still to this day,I know it by the name Maldek...
I have many birth given gifts, but try to keep them on the low & just share what I feel will be accepted.... having Synesthesia I'm able to see certain peoples auras and can instantly know many things about them even things they dont know, I can also recognize soul signature MO's online as I can see colours in the text writings that they do,but its not with every person....
I was thought to be autistic as a child as firstly not only did I have a high IQ but I was also extremely sensitive to this planets energies flows that I would go into body shock anxiety panic attacks and separation anxiety psychosis so badly I'd have to be attached to my nannies hand by a soft strap just to share the energy to feel any kind of comfort to stabilize myself. I learnt as I grew up and then witnessed my soul guardians arrival and was told by them to why I'm here I was able to manage my emotion attacks much better after that..I can say so much but you'd be here for a long time so I can suggest you can read many of my blogs & discussions in the forums in here,there is quite a few, as I share deeply & often & have also had ET contact personally too & written on it all..I'm sure you'll find much of interest..
Bill Walker said:Wow, so much to try and absorb in your comment here above. Sorry, I'm not sure of what your name is from the signature. I totally agree about parents suppressing there kids imaginations. I had so many psychic paranormal experiences growing up and my family treated them as pure hallucinations, or imaginations. It took my brother decades to come around to understanding just where it was I was coming from. He's now a true believer, but not really because of me. Spirit put a stranger in his path that told him things that that person just could not have known. My brother has since apologized for how he treated me growing up.
However, to my moms credit, who was probably the most conservative of the family, she started to realize just how many things I said about future scenes, that I described, were actually coming true. It was then that she started believing in a world, or a consciousness, that she couldn't feel or see. I'm told she even began telling outside family members that in fact she was starting to believe in my second sight. She unfortunately passed at a fairly young age, though she sends me signs now often to let me know she's around.
You also stated that you have empathic abilities, that's so cool, and yet it can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Yes, I also feel some of the things you describe above but fortunately over my many years I've learned the ability to turn the volume down so to speak.
I get the sense that you are a soul that is truly awakening to a much broader universe than what most people perceive, I look forward to reading more about your views!
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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