Michael Newton PhD on Past Lives..
Author Michael Newton explains in detail the latest details and most recent groundbreaking discoveries that reveal, for the first time, the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on Earth―proof that our consciousness survives from the both in Journey of Souls.
Michael Newton, Ph.D., holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, is a certified Master Hypnotherapist, and is a member of the American Counseling Association. He has also been on the faculty of higher educational institutions as a teacher while active in private practice in Los Angeles. Over many years, Dr. Newton developed his own intensive age regression techniques in order to effectively take hypnosis subjects beyond their past life memories to a more meaningful soul experience between lives. He is considered to be a pioneer in uncovering the mysteries about life after death through the use of spiritual hypnotic regression. He now trains other advanced hypnotherapists in his techniques. Dr. Newton is the author of three best-selling books, Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Llewellyn, 1994) ,
Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Llewellyn, May 2000), and Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression (Llewellyn, 2004). Dr. Newton has an international reputation as a spiritual regressionist who has mapped out much of our life between lives experience. He has appeared on numerous national radio and TV talk shows to explain our immortal life in the spirit world.
In this film he describes a special hypnosis technique to reach the hidden memories of subjects, Dr. Newton discovered some amazing insights into what happens to us between lives. Journey of Souls is the record of 29 people who recalled their experiences between physical deaths. Through their extraordinary stories, you will learn specifics about: How it feels to die What you see and feel right after death.
The truth about "spiritual guides" What happens to "disturbed" souls
Why you are assigned to certain soul groups in the spirit world and what you do there
How you choose another body to return to Earth
The different levels of souls: beginning, intermediate, and advanced
When and where you first learn to recognize soulmates on Earth
The purpose of life Journey of Souls is a graphic record or "travel log" by these people of what happens between lives on Earth.
They give specific details as they movingly describe their astounding experiences.
After reading Journey of Souls, you will gain a better understanding of the immortality of the human soul. You will meet day-to-day challenges with a greater sense of purpose. You will begin to understand the reasons behind events in your own life.
Journey of Souls is a life-changing book. Already, over 165,000 people have taken Journey of Souls to heart, giving them hope in trying times.
Thanks for making this known to me Vlada...I read a book by Jenny Cockell called Past Lives, Future Lives, have you read this book. Also read a book, think it was by Raymond Moody called Life after Life
Great share Vlada, Thank you/
No I havnt read any of those books.. I will go watch a video of her's on it now..
This is the story of Jenny Cockell, a woman from Northamptonshire who believed that she had lived before - as an Irishwoman named Mary who died 21 years before Jenny was born, leaving several very young children without a mother or a stable, happy home. The book describes the trauma and worry of a past-life memory, and Jenny's decision to search for "her" lost children. It follows her progress through her dreams and memories, the revelations of hypnotism, her searches through maps, through local groups in Ireland, and her trip to the village where Mary had lived. Finally, it details her painstaking search for the children and the extraordinary "reunions" that took place.
Yesterday's Children by Jenny is a very interesting read too Vlada
Oh geepers I enjoyed those two video Julie, cos I can so relate to this womans experiences, I also had those same feelings as a kid of why cant people talk to me telepathically?, why dont other people talk the same language as me in my head?..or talk about their own past lives like I so wanted to,why dosnt my father believe me when I told him I came from the stars and even naming my planet?, yup there were just so many why,why,& why's..when I got to school and learnt how to write & draw I was drawing star maps, yet had no idea what astrology even was, why was I drawing them, cos it was my only connection to my home planet I could see in my minds eye..I also wrote about my experience and how my planet got lost, it was so good that my teacher made contact with my father to tell him Id copied something from a sci-fi book and to try and guide me away from doing so, well for once my father stood up to me, he went to the teacher and said he hasnt copied anything of the sorts, we dont have sci-fi books in the house even,nor do we allow the kids [my sister & I ] to watch television without being in the room,so what has he written about?..well he came home with it,and asked me why did I write this, I said well its my memories, he said dont write any of your memories again!, your gonna get yourself into so much trouble,people will call you a lier, people will think your insane..it was horrible I cried for ages that night heartbroken not only being thought of as a lier, but being told off by my father and told never to speak of it again, I didnt understand why?... and he burnt my writings and I was banned from ever speaking of them or anything like it again.. but after I left home, & owned a pc of my own,I was being shown how to use it and guess what was the first thing I put into google search 'you guessed it the word Maldek.. and woah I was blown away what showed up,my best friend was also OMG you were telling the truth..cos everything I'd said was true on there..but I still thought why wont the scientists believe it was there, like why are they covering it up..years later the scientists then delved into it and were saying there was a planet between Jupiter & Mars & it did explode and was then part of the Orions belt,and portions came down to earth hense the Ice age,and also other people were talking about their own soul experiences upon it as well...but then I started reading some religious folk were telling lies about it fully, making false claims of why it exploded and this too got up my back hairs,I was like why do people who dont know jack shit about it,.. tell such horrible untruths was beyond me..anyway thanks for sharing this woman to me,enjoy the videos I watched..
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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