Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Past Lives - 2 courses - Damanhur University

Past Lives:  Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times

Thee soul is not born; it does not die; it was not produced from anyone…; Unborn, eternal, it is not slain, though the body is slain.  -Katha Upanishad

I am certain that I have been here as I am now a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand times.  - Goethe

We observe the principles of reincarnation everywhere in life:  the cycles of nature, day and night, the cyclic motion of the sun, earth, moon and solar system.  We also see the principles of reincarnation reflected around us each day: a plant grows, dies and releases its seeds.  Its seeds burrow into the earth, begin to sprout, and new life is reborn once again.

Reincarnation, or the rebirth of energy, or life, occurs all around us in different shapes and forms every day.  Perhaps this is why to many of us reincarnation is something intuitive, something that resonates the very nature, the very essence of life.  We also see that our lives, and everything around us, follows a fundamental pattern; that of change, growth, transformation and evolution.  We see that all of life goes through a maturing process at different rates and different velocities.  Thus to many of us, the maturation process of the soul through the process of reincarnation sounds just as instinctively and fundamentally correct as any other maturing process in life.

Not only that, but some of us have experienced extraordinary feelings, memories and sensations that point to the legitimacy of such a mysterious experience.  We will be exploring many different signs that you might have touched the “other side” in this article.

Past Lives and ‘Your’ Soul

The doctrine of metempsychosis is, above all, neither absurd nor useless ... It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.  - Voltaire

Known also as “metempsychosis” and “transmigration”, Reincarnation and the concept of past lives has existed for thousands of years, spanning back to the ancient Celtic, Greek, Asian and Indian traditions.  These days, about 51% of the world’s population believe in some form of an afterlife, with about 7% believing that we are ultimately reincarnated.

One of the most intrinsic beliefs of reincarnation is that most of us have lived many lives before, and sometimes we can actually remember these past lives.  These past lives and past ‘selves’ we tend to identify with as extensions of ourselves and our egos.

However, as Sol elaborated in a previous article :

Reincarnation of an ‘individual self’ is only as possible to the extent of believing that your sense of ‘self’ - your ego - is real.  Two identities who are dwelling within two different physical bodies in the present, or in the past, will be two very distinct personalities.  In truth, the ‘I’ is a transitioning, ever-changing phenomenon.  Although our identities and senses of self are ever-changing, there is something that remains the same.  There is something within us that is constant and continuous and that is pure awareness.  It is this very pure awareness which serves as the experiencer and observer of life, and it is this pure awareness that we can refer to as ‘our’ Soul … This understanding of reincarnation closely resembles that of the Buddhist idea that the continuity continues, but the individual disappears.

So although it is not necessarily “you” or “me” who has experienced reincarnation and past lives, the ever-present soulful essence within us has.

 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated

When we understand reincarnation as the maturation process, or evolution, of soulful energy, it follows that some of us have intuitively experienced different things in our lives that reflect on the age of the energy known as our souls.  It is commonly believed that many of our personal characteristics, experiences and capabilities in this life reflect on whether we have lived before on earth.  It is thought that the more we mature, the more gifted we are in certain areas of life and the more frequently we have ‘spiritual’ experiences.

The truth is that all of us have most likely reincarnated, however some of us have gone through this cycle more than others and therefore experience many of the following characteristics:

  Recurring Dreams

Dreams are reflections of the unconscious mind, and while repetitive dreams may sometimes signify trauma, fear or issues that your brain is trying to process (“unfinished business”), repetitive dreams can also potentially be reflections of past life experiences.  Many people claim to have experienced certain events, seen particular people or gone to specific places frequently in their dreams that feel very familiar, and somehow recognizable.  For example, I often have recurring dreams of a 15th century castle that I have a distinct feeling of knowing very well, yet I havent ever seen or been to this castle before in waking life.

   Out-of-place Memories

There are many recorded instances of young children who have out-of-place memories that later prove to be oddly accurate in detail.  While out-of-place memories could be due to simple fantasies, misunderstandings or an incongruency in the ability to remember, there is mounting evidence that suggests out-of-place memories could reveal connections to past lives.

  You Have a Strong Intuition

 Intuition is the ability to balance the conscious and unconscious mind and to tap into our deeper wellsprings of primal wisdom and innate knowledge.  It is said that the more we soulfully mature, the more we are closer to returning to the ‘source’ (known also as nirvana, eternity, oneness) from which our Souls come from, and from which the collective unconscious  - a body of universal knowledge - exists.

  Déjà vu

We’ve all experienced déjà vu before at some point in our lives.  It’s that bizarre feeling that somehow we have already experienced or lived a moment in time before.  Often déjà vu comes spontaneously, and is triggered by smells, sounds, sights, tastes and various other sensations.  While some claim that déjà vu is a neurological dissonance, others claim that déjà vu reflects the possibility of other dimensions (i.e. parallel universes), and still others believe it is revealing of past life experience.

  You’re an Empath

Empaths absorb the emotions, and in some instances the physical pains, of those around them literally empathizing, or directly feeling and experiencing what others experience.  While identifying as an Empath and absorbing the emotions of others could be seen in some instances as a psychological form of avoidance to bypass one’s own problems and pin the blame on others, in other genuine cases it can be seen as a sign of a soul that has undergone many previous reincarnationsand has refined to the point of transcending the individual self and it’s problems, extending to others as well.


Also known as ‘future sight’ or ‘second sight’, precognition is the ability to obtain information about future events that isn't usually available.  Precognition can be experienced through visions, physical sensations and feelings as well as in dreams.  While considered quasi-scientific by some, to others precognition is a very real experience and could indicate the maturation of soulful energy.


You probably guessed it!  Retrocognition is the opposite of the above precognition, and refers to the ability to obtain information not usually available about past events.  These past events could be in your own lifetime, or sometime in the distant past.  Of course, retrocognition unlike precognition is not easy to prove or verify, however, for those who have genuinely experienced it (and have been able to honestly verify it), this ability could also be a sign of soulful reincarnation.

  You Feel Older Than Your Age Reflects

Some people are perpetually “young at heart” even into their later lives, and in the same manner,  some people just seem to have been born with “Old Souls”.  The experience of feeling older than your age reflects is commonly associated with having reincarnated many times over and this is echoed in the "Soul Age Theory" where there is a certain progression of soulful development: from Infant Souls, to Awakened Souls. For example: if you have reincarnated few times on earth, this would be reflected in the age of your energy, and in this life you will display many primitive and child-like characteristics.  If, however, your soulful energy has reincarnated many times over, you will display many matured and wizened characteristics (such as the ones mentioned in this article).  If you feel older than your age reflects you might be a Mature or Old Soul .

 You Have a Great Affinity for Certain Cultures/Time Periods/Environments

It is said that having a great, unexplainable attraction for certain cultures or time periods is a kind of past life “residue” reminiscent of a certain place, culture or environment that your soul may have experienced in past lives.  For instance, you may have an inexplicable affinity to Asian culture, Celtic artifacts, or the 19th century.

 Unexplainable Fears or Phobias

As touched on in the last point, many believe that certain memories or experiences can pass on or leave “residues” in our childhoods and adulthood's from past lives.  Whether this is true, or is simply a form of problem bypassing, many believe that we can experience the echoes of past traumas in our own lifetimes in the form of unexplainable fears and phobias.  Examples can include:  the fear of drowning, the fear of certain types of animals, the fear of certain places, the fear of particular numbers, colors, objects, and so forth.

  You Feel as Though this Earth Is Not Your Home

The yearning to find your ‘home’ can be seen as a reflection of the desire to return back to the source (oneness, consciousness, divinity).  Many people feel this yearning to be reminiscent of an athlete running a long race and longing to reach the ‘finish line’.  In the same manner, Souls that have reincarnated many times over express this basic need for finally completing the cycle and returning home.  Feeling that this earth is not your home is often accompanied by chronic feelings of tiredness and wariness for life on earth.

From Gazpacho's album March of Ghosts. 

'What Did I Do?' is based around the story of the English writer P.G. Wodehouse who was accused of treason after a series of broadcasts he did on German radio during WWII. He was interned as a foreign national by the Germans and spent some time in prison camp before finally being released at 60.

After he was released he stayed for some time at a country estate where he was informed of what crimes the Nazis were guilty of and how impossibly stupid it was to agree to broadcast on their radio. 

It is his ghost we hear sitting on the porch listening to the gramophone recordings of the broadcasts trying to understand why these simple funny narratives had caused such an uproar. The song also deals with our level of involvement in society. Are we by birth under any obligation to take part in whatever political or social system we are born into?

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I have started on my own shadow work a few moments ago.  I listened to the song and tapped into recurring dreams.  I feel so old and tired.  I've been doing years of past life regression with a special friend that shared several past lives with me.  I've seen the shadow of those lives exasperated by trauma in this life.  I have all the signs.  Including being an empath.  I couldn't handle other people's baggage let alone my own, so I've built this Berlin wall of Apathy to shield myself.  Not a good thing.  That wall has cracks in it. Now I'm human enough to care, human enough to look away.  There were tears in my eyes that needed to be shed so I can embrace and reintegrate my shadow.

Glad I could get you started Kaldara,as Its not a easy path to do ones own shadow work fully, it takes a lot of dedication and time to unfold the many layers,its like peeling the skin off many oranges only to find some are actually lemons and bitterly sour to taste..as many people create an internal conflict between their spirit and their mind tape when faced with a choice to address conflicts,trauma & automatically repeat what is on their mind tape even though their mind is programmed to have past thoughts and actions that create consequences,they often forget those traumatic consequences and wonder why their lives are going downhill..Once your awareness and sensitivity to the changes to chemical reactions in your body increase,as you work through each layer & peel it back you will then realize the only person you let down the most is yourself.

Our Shadow Self : r/BPD

Is this person for real or a psychic vampire targetting me?  Here's the link. Esmeralda - Request to perform a Ritual of Etheric Preservation (es...

Something tells me they are targeting my etheric envelope.  I'm ready to sever the link to them.  Even my friend Mac says they are bad news if all they ask for is money.  Because he's a real psychic and my own third eye is sensing danger and psychic manipulation.  In fact the issue is being caused by my failure to reconcile my own shadow.  I suspect she is hungry for my energy because it resembled my own past psychic vampirism.  So I can recognize the same hunger in someone else.  I guess the money thing is needed as some form of contact so she can drain me dry.  I'm not going to let that happen to me.  I used to do something similar.  Psychic vampires often fool others with their psychic vampiristically abilities.  I know because I have done this.  Only difference is I was never after anyone's money.

Just letting others know that I stood up to a psychic vampire.  Actually not my sister but someone who was using my troubles with her to their own advantage for money.

Kaldara said:


Kaldara said:

Just letting others know that I stood up to a psychic vampire.

Kaldara said:


My head hurts and I'm slightly dizzy but I think it's just whiplash from fending off a psychic vampire.  A stranger I turned to in a moment of weakness.  Even my special friend that I speak with on the phone warned me.  I finally listened.

4x comments one after the other that actually make no sense...who are you trying to impress here,do you want a pat on the back?... if you say you recognise things then why are you all over the place like a psycho on heat lol?..

Why are you going to online mediums IDK??...cos yeah they actually make a living out of taking your money and filling your head with BS you dont need...wake up!..

And I suggest firstly you take a chill pill & breath..then ground yourself & set up your auric shields..

take a chill pill you can't rush perfection - Sarcastic Nicholas Cage | Make a Meme

Well, I woke up and didn't fall for it.  I still have my money.  I will do that now.  I need to stop letting both sisters get to me.  The other one has some pent up rage that's spilling out, mirroring and feeding my shadow.  I'm throwing up my auric shields but I still need to ground myself.  I'm glad for this site and my good friend to talk to.  I'm focusing on my breathing and I'm gonna take some quiet time. Laters. :)

Yeah I dont think you need to be looking into these mediums for any answers... you need to find out more for yourself,keep on the path of self discovery by dismantling your sense of self and making your unconscious conscious....plus give up wishing to hear praise from others for what you do right and succeed at, just take pleasure in what you do without needing encouragement from anyone else. If it's worthwhile to you, that's all that matters...expand your consciousness beyond & then share those findings...


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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