Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Animal Guides Meditation

This is a great journey to find out what your animal guide is at the time you make the journey. It is a meditation with that specific purpose and intent. Sometimes our Spirit Guides can and do take the form of animals too. By `sharing` with one particular animal, we gain access to its qualities.

According to some Native American beliefs, we have two animal spirits who walk with us, one on our left and one on our right. These animals appear to us in dreams and visions to guide and protect us along the path of life.

It is through our animal guide we derive our personal strengths, and it is with this animals guidance that we can shape our path in life.
I personally believe that our animal guide protects different aspects of ourselves and guides us in the right way.

Animal Guide Meditation
Since this is a special meditation, you may want to prepare your meditation space in a significant and loving way for yourself by creating a peaceful, calm and tranquil atmosphere.
If you feel you would like to light a candle or burn some incense that helps create a peaceful space, then do so. Perhaps a white candle or or another coloured candle of your choice.
A blanket helps maintain body heat, which can drop considerably whilst doing this work. Some appropriate music also helps set the environment and mood.
It is a good idea to say a prayer first stating your intent and outcome and focusing on your dedication, willingness and trust to get to meet your animal guide in this special meditation session. Some people like to bring into their meditative space, sacred or personal objects or meaningful symbols to add to the importance and spiritual significance of this meditation event. You may wish to have an altar or area that is able to contain special, sacred objects that hold significance for you.
Once you are relaxed and know you won`t be disturbed – take it nice and slowly.
Try to sense, feel or imagine as much detail as possible as you begin your meditative journey.
It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to go into this meditation without any pre-conceived ideas about what you would LIKE or HOPE your animal guide to be.
Be curious and just keep an open mind and an open heart.
  1. Sit in a comfortable position, one that you can sustain for about 30-45 minutes.
  2. Close your eyes and take in a deep cleansing breath. Fill your lungs right up. Then release the breath slowly through your mouth pushing all the air out of your body. Take in several deep breaths through the nose in this way and then imagine, sense or feel yourself being surrounded by golden or white light from the universe and then after a while imagine, sense or feel this golden or white light coming into your lungs and filling your body as you continue deep breathing. This light will protect you and your body and keep you safe during the meditation. You may wish to affirm that you are filled and surrounded by this protecting light and know that it is so.
  3. Now image at the same time all the stress, anxiety, worries, concerns, needless energy and negativity you have within you leaving your body and being carried out to the universe as grey smoke and mixing with and being dispersed by the golden or white light outside of your body where it can no longer do harm to you or anyone. Just relax your entire body and mind. Feel the tension in your muscles begin to let go and drain away.
  4. Focus in the centre of your body and imagine, sense or feel the white or golden light moving up and down your body from this focus point. Imagine the healing of this energy-light as it passes through your muscles and organs and your entire system. Feel the tingling sensations as the light moves down to the tips of your toes and up your body through you neck, shoulders, face and right up to the top of your head. Imagine your entire body being internally cleansed, healed and bathed in this white or golden protecting spiritual light.
  5. Set the positive intention once again by asking your animal guide to come to you and to help with the purpose of this mediation. State your positive intention clearly and ask ‘God’ or `Spirit` to support you with your meditative journey. Don’t forget to acknowledge and thank ‘God’ or `Spirit` for this help and support.
  6. Keep your eyes closed, and get a sense of looking up at the pituitary gland which is no larger than a pea. This is a small gland located in the middle of your forehead, just above the brow. (this is also considered to be the position of your Third Eye or Ajana and governs command, perception, knowledge and authority and its primal relationship is with inner and cosmic knowledge). Try to keep your eyes focused on this point. The muscles around your eyes may become sore as you stretch them upward, so don’t over do this at first. As you practice, this step will become easier for you to do.
  7. As you focus on your Third Eye imagine, sense or feel you are standing on a grassy hill. Bring yourself to the very top of the hill and when you are ready to begin to walk down this hill, just do that. Notice, sense or feel or image each step as you walk down the hill.  Imagine yourself moving safely and with ease. Use all your senses to experience this descent.
  8. When you are walking along the bottom of the hill feeling very safe, see yourself healthy and carefree and allow your sense of being to be part of this place as it fills your body and mind. Take a moment to imagine or sense it.
  9. Now imagine or sense or feel you are moving into a beautiful place in nature, a place where you can see the sky or just get a feeling of it and experience that.
  10. Now find a place to sit down – it might be a boulder or a tree stump or a sand dune and make yourself comfortable. As you are sitting, imagine that a mist is beginning to form. The mist becomes thicker and thicker until you can`t see anything around you. As you sit in this mist your inner intuition is expanding and you can feel the approach of your animal guide.
  11. Then the mist starts to clear and the first image you see before you is your animal guide. Either on the land, in the air or in the water, the animal appears before you now.
  12. Greet your animal guide and accept whatever comes forth in a response. Ask it what lessons you have to learn from them or if it has any special advice to give you. Ask any questions that you might have. You may even simply just want to only be quiet and still here with your animal guide and that is OK. Ask it what strengths and / or weaknesses it brings to you. Ask them how they can help you combat these weaknesses. And ask them how you can call on their strengths to help you during difficult situations. You might invite your animal guide to be part of your life on a daily basis and consider asking them how you might connect with them during your day-to-day life or ask how they can assist you during your dreams. Just enjoy it!
  13. When you have concluded your visit, thank them deeply for their gift of service and protection to you and for coming into your awareness today. Say `goodbye` to them in a loving and respectful way that feels right for you.
  14. Watch as the mist forms again all around you. Imagine yourself now moving out of the mist and towards the grassy hill and ascending the grassy hill again and from there your soul connecting back with your physical body protected by being surrounded and filled with the golden or white light.
  15. As your soul unites back within your body, all the visions, sensations, answers, strengths you might have received integrate with your conscious everyday mind and are automatically stored there now for easy assimilation and access.
  16. Now bring your thoughts back to the present and think about the good days to come and take in a deep breath feeling completely at peace. Begin to feel the energy start flowing through your body and become more and more aware of your surroundings as you breathe in wakeful energy and balance your energies. Then open your eyes and enter again into the outside world `The World of Form`….feeling wonderful in every way .
You might wish to record your journey either on audio tape or in a journal before finishing up. If you wish to do this, I would advise doing it immediately while the images, feelings, sounds and experience are still fresh in your mind.
Then find information about your animal guide in books and suchlike. Read about it’s habits, strengths and personality. Be drawn into complete harmony with the strength of the animal guides essence. How similar in personality are you to the animal? How different in personality are you to it? It might be nice for you to have images or ornaments, clothing and jewelry of your animal guide in your environment. This helps the conscious mind connect with the animal spirit in the outside world (the world of form) and can give you added strength and support during your day-to-day life.
The more you use this meditation to meet with your animal guide, the more adept you become and the more you begin to feel their healing presence around you during your daily routine. You may feel them at your side, rushing past you or perhaps quietly lying down next to you, protecting you, and giving you the messages and resources you need by assisting you to find your personal pathway through their presence.
If you consciously communicate with your animal guides you have an enormous wealth of resources to tap into. Allowing you to relay life lessons that apply to the human search for unity with all our relations. It can be a powerful and joy-filled journey in the making from the four-leggeds, the creepy-crawlies, the finned ones and of course the winged-ones connecting us to the Great Mystery and to all life.

Views: 12

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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