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What Color Is Your Soul And What Does It Mean? Color, 57% OFF

Evolving Soul. Stages, levels & colors.

"We can not give any physical definition for the soul, because it somehow limit what it seems, has no limits. I understand the soul as a reasonable light energy. This energy seems to function as a vibration wave such as the electromagnetic force, but not limited to charged particles of matter. The energy of the soul is not a uniform, unchanging substance. Just as each person has unique fingerprints, every soul has unique characteristics associated with its formation, structure, and vibration. There may be shades of color to determine the level of the soul, but it can not determine what the soul is as a living being." Michael Newton (hypnotist).


"I tend to define a reasonable soul, as radiant form of energy."


"In eastern philosophy is the concept - and I agree with it - that we have a spiritual body, connected to our physical body, and it is the etheric body has its own structure."


"Chakras are funnel-shaped energy that radiates out from us in the seven major points of the physical body. This subject felt that the chakras are the spiritual expression of individuality through physical means."

Evolving of the chakras system.


The partnership body and Soul.

"The ego is defined as the I-self, which is considered the spiritual substance, which is superimposed experience. This spirit would define soul, but here there is the ego, which is relevant to the consciousness (brain) and perceiving the outside world through the senses, causing his actions and reactions. It is with this functional body, created before the soul, the soul must be united in the womb. In a sense, there are two egos, and it seems to me quite clear during the regression, when I put my subjects in a circle and then stand at the time they connect to the fetus. It is in this fruit starts cooperation of body and soul."

When a soul enters inside the fetus?



'If the soul is rather old and has experience of many past lives, she quickly realizes that was free, and sent "home." These advanced souls need no to someone they have met."


Evolving Soul.


"A rough classification of Souls, has identified three general categories, such as: beginner, intermediate, and advanced."


'Stages of Evolving Souls, from beginner level I - through the various stages of training - up to the Master (Level VI)."


"The subjects used the word "level" when describing their level on the ladder of knowledge or training.

If there is no hierarchy in the spiritual world, rather it concerns the mental consciousness."


Advancing of souls means identifying opportunities through the adoption of personal responsibility but it does not imply changes in the status or degree of power.

The subjects said that in the future they will join "The most sacred being."



"I found that, as a rule, pure white color indicates a younger soul as it moves the energy of the soul becomes more saturated with color - go to the orange, yellow, and, eventually, the blue color. In addition to this basic color of the aura in each group there is a slight glow of different shades of mixed characteristic of every soul."



Higher levels of the Soul.


"I took the hard Shayniru, pulling information from it, because I knew that in my life I may I will not have another patient at this level. This is individual and other highly advanced subjects noted that the Council of Elder exist in reality, the deep meaning which goes beyond concepts and notions of souls, yet incarnated on Earth.'


"Visits to those great teachers, meeting with them, I approached the closest to the higher realms. This is because it is here that the soul perceives the supreme source of divine knowledge. My patients call this energy "Presence."


 What Color Is Your Soul and What Does It Mean? - Color Meanings

Soul color.


Stages of evolving Soul; its levels & colors.

Soul color is defined as a color that strongly resonates with our soul. Each soul on this planet has a color associated or linked with it. Just as we develop taste or preference for certain foods, styles, activities, etc., our soul also develops a preference for certain colors. As we know, colors deeply affect our mood and how we feel. Similarly, certain colors soothe the soul while others ignite or flare it up.

Colors have different vibrations, and through meditation, we can sense the vibration of cosmic energy flowing through the body. When we focus on our breath, we activate the Prana or the Chi energy in the mind and body, which is also a form of vibration. The energy that flows within is linked to the soul energy, so if a soul develops a preference for a particular color, it simply means that it matches itself to that color’s vibration.

How Do You Find Out What Color Your Soul Is?

Silhouette of woman sitting in front of the colorful universe

Before we go through each soul color’s meaning, let us first take a look at how you can determine your soul color.

Close your eyes and think of a color you really love. This color is ideally one of the seven different colors of the Chakras, which are the energy centers in our body. Now imagine that your soul is also surrounded by light in this color.

You should start to experience peace, calmness, and happiness. Your body will relax in the light of that color, and you will feel one with the Universe. You will sense clarity that will remove all doubts and anxiety, and that is when you know you have found your soul color.

Soul Color Meanings

Here are the different soul colors and their meanings:

Red Soul Color

Red flower on black and white background symbolizing the soul

Red is the color of the blood, and this rich color ignites passion and is associated with the Root chakra. It is also linked with raw power, sexual longing, passion, and the burning energy to go out there and do something. Your soul is grounded to Mother Earth as it is the very color of the root chakra. Red has the longest wavelength with the lowest frequency, and this color means you are a beginner soul on the spiritual path.

Orange Soul Color

Orange flower on black and white background symbolizing the soul

If your soul color resonates with orange, then it means that you are stimulated and excited thanks to the provocative and intoxicating effect of the color on the soul. While your soul has advanced slightly from a beginner’s spirituality, it has a long way to go. There is still some arrogance, over-emotion, and aggression in you, although not as much as red. An orange soul color is connected with the Sacral chakra, which is associated with sexual and creative energy. It is also associated with the Third Eye chakra, which means that your soul is transmuting the sexual energy to attain spiritual, intuitive, and inner wisdom.

Yellow Soul Color

Yellow flower on black and white background symbolizing the soul

Yellow is associated with the Solar plexus chakra. If the color yellow resonates with your soul, then it means that you radiate self-confidence, and your intellect is stimulated. You are brimming with creative ideas which help you act upon your gut feelings. A yellow soul color indicates that you have the Teacher’s soul, which means you are spiritually high up to guide other advancing souls. It is also associated with sunlight, Earth, happiness, optimism, hope, and femininity.

Green Soul Color

Green flower on black and white background symbolizing the soul

Green is a color associated with the Heart chakra, which in turn is linked with love, Earth, growth, and abundance. Your soul is also the Healer’s soul, which makes you a mediator, balancer, and harmonizer of life. Your soul soothes and calms other agitated souls. Your personality is the down-to-earth type. People love to confide in you, and many look up to you. Your dynamic personality gets projects, plans, and activities to move forward.

Blue Soul Color

Blue flower on black and white background symbolizing the soul

Blue is the color of the sky and sea. This is the Master soul color which is associated with depth and stability. You are a wise, stable, confident, and intelligent soul. You are calm, steady, and trustworthy, and your friends look up to you for advice, leadership, and guidance. You have vast knowledge, and your go-with-the-flow attitude attracts people to you. The color blue is associated with the Throat chakra, so you have a way with words, communication, language, and verbal ability.

Indigo Soul Color

Indigo flower on black and white background symbolizing the soul

Indigo is the color of the Third Eye Chakra, and this soul color indicates the Ascended Master. You are already regularly meditating, visualizing, and making powerful positive affirmations to the Universe. Your Third eye is open, and that makes you highly intuitive. This awakening takes a lifelong effort, so you have probably been on the spiritual path for decades. You are adept at lucid dreaming, which means that you are aware that you are dreaming while you are asleep.

Violet/Purple Soul Color

Purple flower on black and white background symbolizing the soul

The color violet or purple means that you are a mystical soul with strong spiritual consciousness. You have transcended all human limitations and have intuitive flashes and strong extrasensory perception or ESP. You also have high levels of concentration. This color is associated with the Crown Chakra, and it has the shortest wavelength with the highest frequency. This makes you majestic, powerful, authoritative, and able to guide people around you. You have high imagination and no problem recollecting dreams.


From - "Journey of Souls" - Case Studies of Life Between Lives, "Soul Purpose", "Life between lives" - Michael Newton (hypnotist).


The  level of consciousness. (R. Monroe)



Why we tend to forget our former existence?

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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