This video below is like history just repeating itself to me, our past has been forgotten and we are now simply recreating it again.. yet we think its new consciousness but it's not, as well back on Maldek was the same, we could do the same, we were classified in your human terms as Shamans, mages, magicians, sorcerers, witches & wizards of kinds and we could create worlds within worlds, galaxies within galaxies, dimension after dimension and a universe deeper than anyone will ever know all with our minds for you humans here on earth to experience what you know now as your every day occurrence called in general 'life'.. we laid down the foundation building block stones for you all to walk upon or you wouldn't be here now even if we hadn't, we were the first creators of human consciousness..
We the Maldekians are a strong and united people. We are one spirit. We are not afraid of attacks or being honest with others because we protect each other. We have abundant energy and we are givers. that is the crystal in its physical form, the diamond star template crystal sits over those who are the keepers of the lore it is the prism that connects us back to original source.
Sometimes I am very tired because this is not my first time on earth and in a physical body, and so I tend to dissipate energy very quickly to others, giving it away freely from heart space. I take many naps and am able to charge myself back up for the day. I do not yet know how to control my energy gifts. However this does not concern me too much because I know that I am protected by my soul light scepter guardians & life guide. We are very humble, sweet, honest, yet "naive", intelligent, generous, sensitive kinds.
We are hurt very easily because in our planet we are accustomed to experience unconditional love only. In our planet there are so many colors, rather the colors are colors which we chose to manifest in our realities.
We are all individuals but exist as one... Small changes may be made, however dramatic changes are to be made with the agreement of all of us. If one person disagrees then we can not make this change. In our planet We have the will power to not manifest what we decide we should not manifest. Our planet was not a planet in human sense but a world star.
Humans call it Maldek, but we called it Mavruidia. We communicated by telepathy & through word vibrations. These word vibrations are like music to humans on this planet.
This is why we have the names we do for things, because it sounds artistic and sends beautiful waves of positivity. Negativity frustrates us and at times makes of us defensive & go in protection mode.
Our planet has a long history, all of our planet is now spread across the cosmos and returns to earth often over eons as meteorites. Most of the history is similar our planet was destroyed by a form of nuclear explosion from an opposing race in a major galactic space war battle.
Out of all the colors our favorite color to manifest is blue, this is a healing colour, however... there are some that have an inclination for other variations, like those infused to violet hues. We have many alliances and we are part of the galactic Elders and part of a huge type of Council.
There is no one leader to the galactic Council of Universal Creations, we must all agree as one. All representatives of all galaxies and in turn universes. The universes do not have as many meetings as the galaxies. The assembly of universes created our laws. This is a multi-galaxy law.
The laws create certain boundaries, forbidden acts, and guides to ONLY spiritual evolution not 'enlightenment' as that notion is human perception religious based, there are no religions on the higher realms.
There are Guide lines to technological advancement between universes as its forbidden for specific purposes to jump the boundaries set forth for each soul achievement. There are very few of us here because we prefer to live in a distance dimension still upon this planet and but close to you.
The Elder souls live in the sun. The core of the sun is made of liquid ice. We prefer the cooler weather to the hot. Because in reality we radiate too much warmth, and why our energies are so high. We prefer to be small because we enjoy for everything else to be proportionately large. We usually chose to manifest into olive toned skin. We enjoy manifesting beautiful almond shape eyes and often blue/green.. believe that the most beautiful eye colors are Green, Blue, Aqua, Beige over all.
Although we might have our individual and united preferences, everything is beautiful, many of our race take on a Elvish ear shape. I enjoy food because this is what I bought to this planet on my first incarnation. When I was very young I did not believe eating was necessary and that it was a waste of time. I used to only drink my nutrients. On our world we drank a nectar that supplies us with all the necessary nutrients.
This nectar comes from an infinite source via a type of jungle vine. There, was a world of so many different foods and tastes, many of these were bought to earth for our people to enjoy if climates provided suitable growing conditions...
Maldek was not destroyed by it's own people at all full-stop, we were not war faring people even, we were not dark War Lords nor Sorcerers of evil practicing magic for power, we were Elven types & shamanic in our nature thus peace keepers & creators of all things magical but in beautiful reality... so that's an outright lie right there, that we destroyed ourselves, the Atlantians were the ones that did that not us..
the warfare that went on that destroyed Maldek was created & originated between another race that I believe were the Mintaken Alpha Draconians [Annunaki?] & the Sirian's yes the Sirians are not a innocent race, they have nuclear weaponry ray beams on their war ships also...and the Mintaken mother ship [also said to be this so called Nibiru by its namesake??]... came upon Maldek and they used nuclear weapons to fight against the Sirians, who thus fired back also and it was their nuclear beams that also hit our planet destroying it from the outside & then the inside just became unstable & exploded, destroying one of our moons & portions of Maldek hit Mars & Venus & surrounding planets as well as destroying their ionosphere shields over time they couldn't hold together & it fully collapsed killing Mars, cos Mars was once also just like Earth but more advanced...
The Maldekians did advance with their ships to intervene naturally as in self defense mechanisms, I was on one of them with my twin brother at this time & our ship got hit by radiation beams. but not destroyed fully, we sent out a call & Pleiadean ships intervened as they were in the area aiding the wounded from all races involved, so we got picked up by them & taken onboard one of their healing yes we had military type space ships, used for transport to other planets who could not receive us via teleportation, see we couldn't move from one planet to another via teleportation over vast distances, only on our own planetary fields....
but we didn't start the Galactic Orion War, the Mintaken's did that & on purpose too putting themselves in the line of fire right in frount of our planet as they loved war & were evil types & they loved blood & fighting to this day they still do..
this is what's in my 'Halls Of Remembrance' and are my own truths, so when I hear people telling other fake tales I actually get annoyed inside, but then I know they are telling untruths only cos really they don't know what actually happened because they either wernt there themselves and are simply passing on others stories from one to another & so on.. like you know the old fashioned phrase, of 'Chinese whispers', how a tale can be altered severely over time once its told by hundreds of people it turns into nothing of the original spoken for the other link lol we never had robots on Maldek WTH, see that's how tales get over done & turn into sci-fi fiction stories..hahahaha just laughing at that piece info..
Lemuria did not have nuclear weapons either gees, Lemuria sank due to an asteroid [huge chunk of Maldek] hitting earth & upsetting this planets balance it then went through a wobble type part shift & climate change causing some parts into a ice age, this then broke the dimensional fields in which Lemuria was based within this was above 3D,.& still is above 3D though it's destroyed it cant be seen or found...other parts of this planet then sank & split up into other countries, some even vanished into another dimensional fields also.. yes they are still here on this planet but we cant see them physically in 3D.
Just sharing a small taste of my home planet & soul truths..
WiṰℏ B℈ấUŦI₣UŁ R℈FL℈CṰi◎N§ ◎F L◎√℈ ∞
Arktuis Mektah Aunhuiln [My Cosmic Soul name] ..
Ektru asham kelu emal..:)
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ
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Call Of The Wayshower ...
"Greetings... We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright. The future is a beautiful place ... But you will need some training in order to inhabit it. In the future - technology evolves faster than any human mind can think. When the singularity occurred. We became like gods - able to create entire worlds in the blink of an eye. Every thought had drastic immediate impact. All of our dreams became a reality - but so did our nightmares.
The future became a battle of ideas. We had to learn to direct our minds - to prevent dark psychological forces - from destroying all of us. Now with every new world we create, we summon the sacred imperative of mind... "Let there be Light." "How can we be from the future?" you might ask. Let us explain.
Plants harvest light with near perfect efficiency. You may not realize it, but this is impossible under classical physics. Along the way to the photosynthesizing core - photons of light should collide with other particles, but they don't.
A photon succeeding in reaching the core is as likely - as you sprinting blindfolded through a dense forest - reaching the center without striking a single tree. Plants are engaged in a kind of miracle.
The plant puts the photon into a state of quantum superposition, multiplying it by every route that photon could possibly take.
Imagine - blindly sprinting through a forest - being multiplied into every one of the billions of possible paths.
If any one of your possibilities were observed hitting a tree, the superposition would collapse - and that would be your final outcome, but the plant patiently refuses to observe any of these casualties - while at it's heart it sings..."Let there be light."
When any of the possibilities finally reaches the core without fail, only that winner is observed. All the other possibilities disappear.
The winner is transmitted back through time - from the future - and becomes the only possibility that ever existed. This is how photons reach the plant's core with impossible precision.
This is how you - and every organism in existence - overcame the massive improbabilities of life. -- This is how we are from the future.
This is how you will become the light of the world ... as we invoke the sacred imperative together ... "Let there be light."
We are from the future.
Everything is going to be alright.
Humanity is about to undergo an astonishing revolution.
Many have called for this revolution, but few understand what it truly means.
This coming revolution is part of a great progression towards an awakening of staggering proportions.
Life force is the creative self-organizing intelligence orchestrating all of this behind the scenes.
Life force is experienced by you as the feeling of Love – for Life and Love are the same.
What humanity is about to become is quite inconceivable to you right now,
But we are here to help make this transition a little easier.
Like gyroscopic force stabilizes a motorcycle – Life force [Love] stabilizes all living systems.
Populations full of love, cultivate honesty, courage and generosity, self-organizing and self -regulating without the need for coercive control.
Populations with deficits in love succumb to fear, violence and corruption, inviting coercive governments to combat the chaos and entropy that arises in the absence of love’s organizing intelligence.
Just as Life force is experienced as love, entropy is experienced as ego, hatred and fear.
The corrupt and power hungry feed on this fear.
Without enough gyroscopic force to keep it upright a motorcycle falls, likewise without enough love to keep them upright free and idealistic governments fall.
Populations too fearful, selfish and chaotic to stand on their own, invite despotic governments to forcefully rule and stabilize them like a kickstand for those who’ve lost their minds.
As long as a population has more fear than love, what appears to be democracy is often little more than a spectacle to mesmerize the masses. Autocratic power still operates behind the scenes. Its media directs people’s unconscious fears and aggressions towards invented enemies, insane competitiveness, rabid consumerism and addiction.
This system glorifies the ego, the embodiment of entropy, which convinces you that you are alone against the world, causing alienation, fear and aggression.
The core values of your culture have been hijacked, forging a pathologically antisocial anti-ecological system obsessed with profit, power and control.
Real change must now come from outside this system.
Real change must now come from you.
Just as free and idealistic governments can’t survive the entropy of populations filled with fear Egoic coercive governments can’t survive the creative self-organizing power of people filled with love.
Gandhi called this power soul force, life force, love force. It is the fundamental force behind all nonviolent revolution and the unassailable creative intelligence of Life.
True freedom and equality requires a population alive with this self-organizing intelligence.
The coming awakening happens in stages.
And the next stage… is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE.
Love is the organizing force behind all that is beautiful, joyful and creative in this world.
Power structures are merely the reflection of a population’s levels of love or fear.
But true love casts out all fear making graceful revolution not only possible but inevitable.
so the next stage… is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE.
When you unleash the sentient energies of love, then, for the second time in history the world, humanity will have discovered fire.
The fires of love will spread through all people, thus all systems shaping the world in its own image.
Love is a force of nature. And so are you.
The coming singularity happens in stages.
and the next stage… is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE.
The love that fuels this revolution starts with you.
You can become an agent of love, allowing it to guide you and govern your actions.
Love is increased through communion, song, mindfulness, prayer, humor, forgiveness and connection.
(We will reveal more in future transmissions.)
For now, communicate to every sentient being you encounter:
I see you.
You are not alone.
We are in this together.
You are loved.
The revolution of love is here – and all is well.
So… Let there be Light!”
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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