Have you ever said to yourself, 'I absolutely MUST get that.' It doesn't matter what it is but you know the feeling. You see it for the first time and you just know you have to have it. This is our experience when it comes to finding the best amethyst geode cave for you.
For some people, it is just the same as love at first sight when they first laid eyes on their life partner. Others it could be a shiny new car or a new iPhone.
No matter what the item is, something deep down inside stirs and you just know you must have it.
Nearly every single one of the beautiful people who has bought a small or large Amethyst geode cave from us has 'stalked' it for days, weeks or months.
We don't mean this in a bad way. But the reality is, as soon as they saw the geode cave, that emotion deep down inside stirred and they knew they had to get it.
Often, they cannot even see the other geode caves we have in stock. It is simply an 'I must have this' experience.
Something resonates. An energy transfer happens. People are captured by the beauty of the Amethyst geode caves and for very good reason.
So, a little bit of history.
All the best Amethyst geode caves come from Brazil. Having said that, Uruguay has the deepest purple amethysts available in the world today.
Many people are not aware of how long it has taken to create these masterpieces.
Amethyst geode caves are formed over millions of years.
As the volcanos were erupting, lava flowed down and when it cooled, it formed bubbles. These bubbles became air pockets. Subsequently, the air pockets had water inside plus silica and other minerals.
Then over millions of years, nature did its thing and created these beautiful geode caves or cathedrals as they are often called.
If you truly want to be impressed or want to impress others, then getting your hands on an Amethyst Geode cave twin pair is truly unique.
These are the very first twin pair caves we've had in stock and they blew our mind when we opened up the box initially.
They are mountain like in shape and have been cut to perfection.
Click play on the video below to see what they are like up close.
What makes the geode caves so spectacular is all the different size amethyst points within the cave.
Some people prefer the large points, some the smaller points and some are lucky enough to purchase a cave with both large and small crystal points.
Both types are incredibly unique and truly captivating to look at.
What is remarkable is how both the large and small crystal points sparkle when you have a light reflecting on them.
It is the sparkle that truly impresses people.
Like a lovely classic piece of art, you will find yourself staring at these for hours on end.
You will notice even on our amethyst cluster pieces there is a range of both small, medium and large amethyst crystal points. All beautiful in their own respect.
As mentioned above, the most common thing we find is people fall in love with one or two geode caves. Those are the ones they absolutely must have.
We have had several people who have been sitting on the sidelines, saving up money or waiting for the right time to jump in and purchase their favourite one.
The disappointment when you miss your favourite one is very real.
You must keep in mind, every single Amethyst geode cave is 100% unique. There is not another one like it in the world. They may be a similar height, a similar width and similar weight, but every single piece is truly unique.
When you spot the one you love, it is wise to do everything you can to make it yours.
So, you have found the one you love. The one singing out to you. The one that resonates with and lifts your spirits.
But what if there is a better one?
In our experience, it doesn't happen like that. The best one is the one you love right now. Like a first love, there is never anything quite like it.
You are always better off securing the one you love now as the number of high-quality amethyst geode caves available in Australia is limited.
Have a look around. You will find hundreds of low-quality geode caves. They are very light in colour. Some of them aren't even purple. Some are a mixture of light brown and white.
You can also see it in the price. Some are so low because they are just trying to move the stock out of their shop.
We can tell you from experience, the best ones, the deep purple ones, the lovely looking ones, they go fast.
Ultimately it all comes down to personal preference but a lot of it has to do with the deepness of the purple.
As mentioned above, there are many cheap amethyst geode caves that are very light in colour and some are just plain white or quartz. Sure it is a quartz, but you buy the amethyst geode caves for the purple Amethyst colour, right?
When we source our geode caves, we make sure to select the best geode caves in Australia. The deepest purple and the right combination of sizes. Our clientele in Sydney are very particular and want the best.
So we like to provide the geode caves that when you look at them you say 'that is stunning'. We want no other words to come out of your mouth but stunning, majestic, magnificent and you get the idea.
Ideally, you want to find the purple that you love. There are a few different shades of purple so find the one which truly inspires you.
They say size does matter. But when it comes to a beautiful amethyst geode cave, that isn't always the case.
First of all, the largest geode caves are incredible.
Have a look at the largest geode cave from this video linked below. Crazy huh?
Let's talk stunning centrepieces.
As you can appreciate, the bigger the geode cave, the more impressive and memorable it is going to be.
If you love the beauty nature has to offer and you love sharing amazing crystals with others, then the bigger the better.
But as you will notice in this post, buying the best amethyst geode cave for you is often about buying the one that resonates the most with you.
If you find the energy and love from a small geode is perfect, then that is the one for you.
Not only that, but the beauty of each geode is in the details.
Both big and small geodes have an amazing array of beautiful crystal points.
It is these crystal points that truly inspire. They captivate the senses and draw you in. They draw you into what has taken Mother Nature millions of years to create.
The wonder. The joy. Just to sit and look into the geode cave is amazing.
So buying the largest geode cave is perfect for some and buying a nice size geode cave is perfect for others.
Go with the one you love.
Each geode cave can take up to a million years to form. The water and other minerals collect inside and then Mother Nature transforms them into what you see now.
You will find a range of minerals and elements have formed inside. Things like quartz are very common to be found inside with the Amethyst points.
Silica is another very common mineral found inside. Other minerals will include things like calcite, dolomite and hematite.
Each little piece is another mystery into what was flowing through the Earth at that time. It is like you are capturing a piece of the Earth's movements from hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago.
So cherish the other colours and crystals found inside your geode. That is what makes it unique and interesting. There will be no shortage of people who are asking about the different colours found within.
One of the rarest types of geode caves you will find is the double cavity. You will be hard-pressed to find more than a dozen of them in Australia.
As far as geodes for sale, you may go a year or two before you see them come up.
At the end of the day, do you want something that everyone else has or one of the most unique and fascinating geode caves?
The reason a double cavity is so rare is the person cutting them out has to have two geode caves on top of each other, but have the foresight to consider another one is underneath.
You want a dedicated mineral and rock excavator who can understand the brilliance of a double cavity geode cave.
Then to be able to extract it from the ground in one piece in both the top and bottom sections is remarkable.
As you can appreciate, this is a rare feat and if a double cavity makes you go 'wow', then grab it when you see it as they do not come around all that often.
If you are looking into Amethyst geode caves, then it goes without saying you already have a number of exquisite crystals in your collection.
Many people ask about being able to charge their crystals in the geode caves and they are absolutely spot on.
Geode caves are a lovely way to be able to re-energise and charge your crystals.
Selenite crystals are considered the best way to charge other crystals and a close second is to put them in the cave of your amethyst cathedral.
So yes, you can and should charge and cleanse your other crystals in the cave of your geode.
You will be pleased to know we offer more than the beautiful geode caves. We also have large amethyst crystals for sale.
Most refer to these as a large amethyst cluster. They are flat but equally as stunning as the geode.
It is just some prefer their large amethyst stone to sit flat as opposed to standing upright.
Relative to the Amethyst geode caves they are the cheaper crystals but no less stunning.
If you would like to buy large amethyst crystals then view our page here and here. But don't be surprised if the large ones are out of stock. They seem to be sold shortly after we list them on our site as they are hard to get.
Hopefully, you can see the importance of finding the one that resonates with you. The one that inspires you. The one that captures your heart and soul.
The best one for one person will be different from the next person.
You only have to focus on you, the energy you feel and the uplifting charge you get when you look at and hold your Amethyst geode cave.
Other amethyst geode cave links to check out
You can view our full Amethyst geode cave collection below. Not all of them are on the site at all times as we reserve come for those coming to visit our display in Sydney.
Article Source Link & purchase prices:
Thank you Vlada
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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