Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

"When you hurt another, you create a distinct vibration of energy that is felt in all including yourself. When you help or love another, you create a distinct vibration that is felt in all including yourself. This vibration flows through the energy that connects us all, but also know that as this energy flows out and it returns back to you. So what you do to another, you do to yourself. ♥" ~Auriella O'Neill

Kinesis Abilities

There are several forms of supernatural phenomena, which may appear to be the product of magic, but in fact originate from a completely alternative source other than the Æther.

Psionics (or Psychic Power)

Everything, when considered on the most basic of levels, is nothing more than a specific arrangement of electrons, protons and neutrons. Therefore everything can be affected by a change of electrical charge or an increase or decrease of electrons. Such as static electricity causing your hair to stand on ends.

All animal and human thought processes are nothing more than electrical impulses and stimulation within the brain. Brains control the body via the nervous system. The brain sends electrical impulses along the nervous system, which in turn stimulate particular areas of the body for a specific effect. Such as the contracting or relaxing of muscles.

Now, assume that a brain can affect something directly without first having to go through the rest of the nervous system. Why should this not be? Could it not be possible that a brain can send an electrical impulse through the air as it would through the nervous system. Remember, everything is made of electrons, protons and neutrons - even air.

This is the basis of psionics, the ability to effect a change within physical reality without direct physical contact in the traditional sense. Psionicists or psychics can directly affect their surrounding physical enviroment or even the thoughts of others by simple manipulation of the electrical energies and charges of any intervening molecules and atoms.

There Are Two Subgroups In Psionics:


This subgroup focuses on the manipulation of kinetic energies of objects or substances. Kinetic energy can be described in the simplest of terms as 'energy of movement.' By increasing or decreasing kinetic energy, a psionicist or psychic can produce a large variation of effects, such as causing items to combust or freeze (Temperature is an average measurement of the kinetic energy of a substance's atoms) There are numerous types or schools of kinetic powers, which are classed on what energies or how they manipulate these energies.

Here follows a list of the more commonly known types and brief descriptions:

  • Telekinesis (the ability to move objects with thought alone)
  • Hydrokinesis (the ability to manipulate water)
  • Cryokinesis (the ability to manipulate temperature)
  • Pyrokinesis (the ability to manipulate fire)
  • Geokinesis (the ability to manipulate earth)
  • Photokinesis (the ability to manipulate light)
  • Magnokinesis (the ability to manipulate magnetic fields)
  • Gyrokinesis (the ability to manipulate gravitational fields)
  • Aerokinesis (the ability to manipulate air)

Combinations of the above (example: hydrokinesis and cryokinesis to manipulate ice)


This subgroup focuses on thoughts and the mind. Some psionicists and psychics can 'read' the electrical activity of another's brain and can effectively read the thoughts of that individual. Other psionicists may even manipulate the electrical activity of another's brain and can influence their thoughts, words and actions.

Extremely powerful psionicists can even control others, while more malicious psionicists can actually disrupt the electrical activity and cause severe damage to the mind and brain of an individual.

Telekinetic Energy is Natural

You will learn that the ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the cortex of the brain in relationship to this.

Most of what we term psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in the "off" phases of consciousness. Consciousness is always in the on/off phasing, blinking off and on, as it were. Off/On phasing phenomenon is photon related manifestation of energy and light.

One must be able to discern the reality of both. Sometimes there is a vast difference in what we THINK we see vs what IS actually happening.

What is Telekinesis

Telekinesis is essentially the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. While some people think that it is an occult practice, this is not strictly so.

I can only give my perspective, but I believe that we are all born with this skill. It is inherent, like walking, talking, breathing. We simply neglect it from day one.

A common theory is that TK works by energy fields (magnetic or electric) or by "waves" of psychic energy, which are actually dense enough to push/repel an object.

Most people's only encounter with TK is accidental- something mysteriously falls over or objects fly around a room, a phenomena often mistaken for a poltergeist when it may actually be a person with spontaneous telekinetic powers.

Anyone can harness their power and use it with the proper devotion.

A Theory on Telekinesis

Every living person has a brain. Obviously. To say anything otherwise would be preposterous. However, we don't use the entire brain, we don't even use the better fraction of it. We also each use different parts more than others.

Some people enjoy art, some enjoy math and numbers, logic, sports, writing, dancing, and collecting... all of these activities use a different part of the brain.

This is like psychic ability. We all use some of our total psychic potential, but far from all of it. Some of us just "know" when something it going to happen, or can predict an outcome better than most people, or get a "sense" of whether a person you just met is of a good or bad character. All of these are uses of the psychic power.

Just like the brain, we can also exercise the parts that lay unused. An artist can learn algebra if they really put their nose to the grindstone. Just the same, you can learn telekinesis with proper training and expanding of your natural psychic abilities.

The only thing that holds you back, is not believing in yourself. Just like the child who says, "I can't do math, it's impossible", the person who says, "I can't use telekinesis, I just don't have the ability" is holding themselves back. They say that you're your own worst critic. Well, stop it! Believe in yourself and the abilities will follow.

A Sceptics Definition

Telekinesis is the movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power. Psychokinesis is the production of motion in physical objects by the exercise of psychic or mental powers.

Uri Geller claims he can bend spoons and stop watches using only his thoughts to control the external objects. Others claim to be able to make pencils roll across a table by a mere act of will. The variety of parlour tricks used to demonstrate psycho kinetic powers is endless.

My thoughts on this: Of course there are a variety of parlour tricks to demonstrate this. There are parlour tricks for practically everything! This does not mean that genuine telekinesis is impossible.

Tips On How to Do Telekinesis

Telekinesis is moving things using your mind. If you're going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate on that object and nothing else. Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis.

You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn, but I think it's worth the wait. Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal. Do this for as long as you're comfortable with, and do it daily

After some time you will start to see results. I've found that light things are easier to start with. Some experiments are: Rolling a pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off, and last but pretty easy is bending silverware or keys. Bending silverware is a little different. You hold the object of choice in your hand, and you feel the surface as you imagine in your head bending the silverware.

The thing is, you don't "make" it bend, you "let" it bend. Levitation is pretty much a form of telekinesis so use the same method as telekinesis if you want to levitate something or yourself off the ground. Some people think telekinesis has to do with magnetic energy, and some think it's the use of energy.

Shaping Energy With The Mind is often used to make psi balls. This is a way to learn to shape energy. You cup your hands as if holding something between them, and then think like you're a faucet of energy, and just let it flow out through your hands and into a ball between them. Even if you can't see it maybe it's not strong enough and you need to add more.

Don't worry about seeing when you first start because you may not be able to add enough. You can tell if you made a psi ball though by paying attention to your hands. They will get hot and your hand will have little twitches every now and then.

If your hands hurt don't worry, it's normal. Try making psi balls during different feelings, and see what changes there are. Once you can see your psi ball you can change it's colour, shape, and etc. It will do whatever you want it to.

Swinging On A String

Now you will learn a simple technique in the movement of energy. But first lets look at energy as you know energy exists around all physical matter. One could say that we all live in a sea of energy. I've noticed within my observations that the earth energy field spirals around, as do charkas. However, I have noticed with peripheral vision that the energy around water is rippled and even though it is solid in its structure.

Now pointing out that the earth's energy spirals bring us to the technique in the image, swinging on a string. As you may be aware there are chakras in both palms of the left and right hands. Rubbing your hands briskly helps to stimulate these charkas. And it is best to stimulate the hand chakras when using telekinesis.

Now as you may of noticed, if you hold a pendulum over a hand chakra the motion of the hand chakra has its own natural spin. This is normally in a clockwise motion. Now we're not learning how you move the object here. That's not the point of this exercise. As it is already moving it becomes telekinesis when you alter the natural flow of energy in the hand.

What I do first is try to stop the pendulum once it is still, then I try to rock it back and forth, then from side to side. And when I'm done I return the chakra to it natural flow. Now I would suggest with this technique relax and focus on controlling the energy not the object

I've used a crystal in the image I would suggest you start with a piece of cotton and a ring, if you don't have a ring you could use a small washer hang on a piece of cotton

Shields are made in mostly the same method, but the energy is surrounding you. You can program it to your will. It will do whatever you want it to.

Telepathy is exploring someone's thoughts. You can also send to them through telepathy. Like, pick a letter and have a friend that you will be sending to, have them receive. Imagine you are linking to them, to their thoughts (sender). When you feel you are linked, clear your mind except for the letter.

Picture the letter in your mind in different colour, size, and fonts. Think the word as you do this. The receiver must clear their minds and must be open to all thoughts they receive or think they receive. Do not have the receiver say the letter until they think they absolutely know what it is.

The best way I've found to practise telepathy is to still the mind first. This is best done, by focusing on an object and following the breath till the mind is still. If you find your thoughts intruding while doing this just release the thoughts with the breath as they rise.

Now you will learn what makes telepathy and telekinesis possible on the left side of the brain. Just left of the crown chakra there is a channel that extends into the prefrontal lobes and minds eye. As you open the channel you also begin to awaken the etheric mind chakra just above the head to the right side of the head.

Now once the mind is still I focus on sending the thought in this channel and sending through the pre frontal lobes out into the etheric plain.

Now this might seem odd to you. But I would like to point out that around all physical matter we find etheric matter. Which would indicate that telepathy much like telekinesis is in fact etheric in nature.

However on the right side we find the opposing channel just right of the crown chakra. I've found in my conclusions that this channel is linked with telekinesis and the etheric body or casual body chakra as it is also known. Located on the left side just above the head

Clairaudience & Telepathic Hearing. In the image above you will notice on either side of the head where the temples are there are two channels which I've called telepathic hearing the reason why I've call it this is I've noticed in my observations the I hear a vibrational buzz or murmur in the right side when talking with my spiritual guide and when using telepathy.

So I've learned that I send telepathy through the telepathic channel into the pre frontal lobes and into the etheric. And receive telepathy through the etheric into the etheric or telepathic ear as I have called it.

Empathy is feeling other peoples' feelings. You will learn that one way of doing this is by learning to read auras with the aid of peripheral vision. See emotions are also stored in the emotional body of the auric fielded. So through learning auric visual techniques you also learn empathy as well.


Telekinesis is Real People have done it, people do it all the time. It is a gift all humans hold. Get that through your head before going any further. Doubt is like a wall between you and TK. So climb over the wall and leave it far behind you. You do not need doubt in your search for truth, especially not when it comes to the powers of the mind.

What You Can Do With Telekinesis

With tk you can: move objects i.e. magazines, cups, etc. bend objects such as spoons, forks, pencils etc. you can also make psi balls and throw them

If your advanced you can:

shut/open windows
lock doors
turn on lights
hurl objects at people or at other things

What Not To Do

Before you get started trying to bend the spoons and forks, let me give you some tips on why it may not work or hasn't been working.

1. The reasons why someone has difficulty cultivating their telekinetic skills is usually one of several things. Some human emotions like stress can impede the process, though, once in awhile a stressful situation can actually increase someone's ability to achieve what appears as superhuman traits. I'm sure you've heard of the situations where all of a sudden something happens and someone can lift a ton of something. In the moment of "have to" they released their natural ability to, seemingly, defy science. They didn't think about it, they just did it. No thinking, no preconceived judgments. Don't think about it so much just practice without preconceiving.

How To Build Your Telekinetic Skills

Anyone can learn to move objects with their mind. These exercises will help you increasing your telekinetic skills.

Becoming One With the Object

Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink). Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out.


With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind. If you want a parking space near the door of a crowded mall, visualize clearly an empty space right near the front door before you leave your house. Looking for a special something? See it clearly, see yourself in possession of it and happy. To enforce the visualization, write down exactly what you want. Be descriptive! If you need it, it will happen. If not, realize there may be a reason it did not occur as you wished; perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this time. Always ask that it be done in the best interests of all concerned. This also works on faulty electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer, vcr, car, etc working perfectly.

Pushing With Energy

Before attempting this one. Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor perhaps) Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible. With the energy ball between your hand and the balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball. Do not touch the balloon with your hand.

Materials You Will Need

A glass quart jar with a metal lid
Thin black sewing thread
A wooden match
A small sewing needle
Modelling clay

Instructions For Making The Jar

1. Clean the jar and let it dry.
2. Cut the burnable tip off of the wooden match (be careful not to cut near the tip)
3. Put the wooden match on a block of modelling clay
4. Push the small needle through the middle of the match. Do this slowly, with a twisting motion. If the needle is too big, it will break the match. You may also put matches in water and microwave them for 2 minutes, to soften them before putting a needle through them.
5. Push the needle half way through the match.
6. Clean the clay off the needle and the match.
7. Measure and cut a piece of thread long enough to reach from the lid to the middle of the bottle.
8. Glue one end of the thread to the middle of the inside of the lid.
9. Glue one end of the thread to the top of the middle of the match, just above where the needle goes through.
10. Let the glue dry.
11. Put the needle, match, and thread in the jar and screw the lid back on.

The jar should look like the picture above. I used a spaghetti jar to make mine

Bending An Object

Exercise One

1. Find utensil of choice.
2. Hold utensil in your hand / hands however you are comfortable.
3. Sit quietly breathe comfortably relax.
4. Empty your mind of all extra chattering and thoughts. Remember stay focused.
5. With eyes closed slowly rub your fingers tips over the surface of the object.
6. Feel don't think about it, feel what the surface is like. Get into the flow of molecules, atoms, energy.
7. This may take a few attempts. You will begin to actually "feel" the energy.
8. At that very moment when you feel it, you and the object as a blend of energy just bend it! If you've done it correctly it will bend!!!
9. Remember NEVER apply force! You aren't there to physically force it to bend. That's not point of the exercise.


What is Telekinesis

Telekinesis is essentially the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. While some people think that it is an occult practice, this is not strictly so. I can only give my perspective, but I believe that we are all born with this skill. It is inherent, like walking, talking, breathing. We simply neglect it from day one.


Method 1: Becoming One With the Object
Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink). Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out.

Method 2: Visualize!
With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind. If you want a parking space near the door of a crowded mall, visualize clearly an empty space right near the front door before you leave your house. Looking for a special something? See it clearly, see yourself in possession of it and happy. To enforce the visualization, write down exactly what you want. Be descriptive! If you need it, it will happen. If not, realize there may be a reason it did not occur as you wished; perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this time. Always ask that it be done in the best interests of all concerned. This also works on faulty electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer, vcr, car, etc working perfectly.

Method 3: Pushing With Energy
Read the beginner logs and master Energy Balls before attempting this one. Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor perhaps) Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible. With the energy ball between your hand and the balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball. Do not touch the balloon with your hand.

Visual Techniques

Moving A Small Object

Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.

Step Two
Then place a stone in front of you.

Step Three
Then focus your eyes on the stone in front of you.

Step Four
Now close your eyes and visualize that stone in front of you.

Step Five
Then visualize that your energy is blending with the stone.

Step Six
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup to the left using the power of thought.

Step Seven
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup to the right using the power of thought.

Step Eight
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup back to the center using the power of thought.

Step Nine
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup towards you using the power of thought.

Step Ten
Now focus your mind on moving the stone or cup away from you using the power of thought.

Step Eleven
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup back to the center using the power of thought.

Step Twelve
Then in your own time open your eyes.

To do steps six to eleven a couple of times. Then if you want to try using another small object like a cup.

Moving A Large Object

Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.

Step Two
Then place a chair in front of you.

Step Three
Then focus your eyes on the chair in front of you.

Step Four
Now close your eyes and visualize that chair in front of you.

Step Five
Then visualize that your energy is blending with the chair.

Step Six
Then focus your mind on moving the chair to the left using the power of thought.

Step Seven
Then focus your mind on moving the chair to the right using the power of thought.

Step Eight
Then focus your mind on moving the chair back to the center using the power of thought.

Step Nine
Then focus your mind on moving the chair towards you using the power of thought.

Step Ten
Now focus your mind on moving the chair away from you using the power of thought.

Step Eleven
Then focus your mind on moving the chair back to the center using the power of thought.

Step Twelve
Then in your own time open your eyes.

Moving Your Visual Body/Astral Body


Telekinesis of the astral body / visual body is a form of bi-location and is the ability of moving the astral body by will or thought.


Above is an image of astral bi-location caught on film not often seen let alone caught on film and was one of the first telekinetic abilities I learned as a young child.

Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.

Step Two
Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you.

Step Three
Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body.

Step Four
Then move your visual body to the left using telekinesis and the power of thought.

Step Five
Then move your visual body to the right using the power of thought.

Step Six
Then move your visual body back to the center using the power of thought.

Step Seven
Then move your visual body backwards using telekinesis and the power of thought.

Step Eight
Then move your visual body forwards using the power of thought.

Step Nine
Then move your visual body back to the center.

To do steps four to nine a couple of times to get the hang of it.



Physical Telekinesis

Moving a Small Object

Choose a small, lightweight object, preferably made of a light metal, such as a cheap ring.

Clear your mind completely. You should have NO distractions whatsoever, and try not to let erroneous thoughts into your mind, or you will lose your focus. Concentration is vital.

Build a "tunnel" between you and the object. Visualize this tunnel between yourself and the object. You only see the object. Everything else is outside of the tunnel, and thus, outside of your view.

Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... ) It may sound silly, but it works!

Don't expect this to work the first time you try it. It might, but there is also a chance it will not. Try, try again! If you cannot devote your time and patience to this, don't bother trying it at all.

Why Can't I get Things To Slide or Lift?

Remember, there are laws governing these principles. We may not understand or even be cognizant of them, but they are there and they do work!!

One of the reasons it is so difficult to get things to lift or slide has to do with friction, resistance, etc. Okay, consider this. You are trying to get a bowl to slide across the counter.. Ask yourself about the dynamics involved here. Do you realize just how much energy it takes to perform that event?

A lot!! It's harder than bending a spoon or fork! Why? Because you are deal with things like horizontal distances between the objects center of mass, the point of contact to the surfaces. Friction, remember? It's actually, easier to levitate (lift it) it that drag it. Remember, that you want to start with easier things first, then if you find you have an ability graduate to other things. I'd love to be able to do what Matilda could do, Anyone see that movie? She had everything dancing about in the room!

Just remember - it IS possible!

Exercises to Help You Develop Your Abilities

The Compass Exercise

The compass exercise is something I still play around with every now and again. It is one of the easiest "tools" I know of that is accessible to just about anyone, and the are relatively inexpensive. Why a compass? Because the needle of the compass kind of floats and offers the least amount of surface friction and resistance.

1. Place the compass flatly on a stable surface. It doesn't matter what direction the needle is pointing in. I had someone ask me that once. This is an exercise about clockwise, hopefully. Though, there were those times I do get it moving counter clock wise. I'm not sure why that is really. It happened in the lab when I was involved in erasing static or "white" noise off of cassette tapes. That was part of an experiment we had to extend the tones or beats on a tape. Lets say in a normal range there may be 10 signals in a 10 second span, my job, as well as the others who were participating, was to extend the signals so that there were more in that same span. It worked but every once in awhile I seemed to shorten them instead but that's a whole other story. Just remember to try for clockwise direction of the needle.

2. This method is the HAND method. Place one or both hands about 1 inch or 2 inches above the compass. Close your eyes, but if you close your eyes you'll need a spotter to watch the needle for you.

I suppose you could video yourself and check the tape later. Electronic gadgets! I love'em! Next, DON'T THINK anything! Just relax holding your hand above the compass an have a knowing resolve of what you are there to do--- then just allow the neural network in your brain to do what it knows how to do. Be mindful, however, of why you are there doing what you are doing just don't think about it, that's all. You are not suppose to be engaging the cognitive part of your brain. You may or may not feel the energy surge through your arms and fingers. I usually do. Sometimes, my hair static's out and I look like I've been frightened or about to be hit by lightning. If that isn't a sight!! That's all there is to this exercise. Simple, easy and to the point. Your goal and only goal at this juncture is to get the needle to move.

A word of CAUTION. Don't use an expensive compass, as usually this exercise winds up ruining it to work as an actual compass again. This energy will alter certain structures.

Cork and Water Exercise

1. Here is another easy exercise for honing your psychokinetic skills. This method is very simple to put together. Water? Yes, remember? Less surface friction and offers less resistance. If you are going to be able to utilize telekinetic energy, at all, then this is the probably one of the most easy. Basically, all you need is a bowl of water, a cork, and a small paper clip. You can either glue the paper clip to the top of the cork, if you like, as all you are trying to do is add a little weight to cork so the cork doesn't float around on its own by room current or room air flow. The other method is to make a groove in the top of the cork. Uncoil the paper clip and let it rest in the groove. Either way, both work just fine.

2. Again, as in the compass method, place your hands about 1 or 2 inches above the cork. Release all preconceived ideas as to what should be happening next. Just let the energy flow. Feel it move through your arms and out through your finger tips. In a really good session you can have that cork sailing all over the bowl.

3. Try to remember that this "happening" happens in between the off/on phases of consciousness. I don't mean unconsciousness like passed out or fainting that's something else. I mean here aware and not aware phases of reality consciousness. I remember when I first was trying this technique when I started out years ago. I tried, and tried (I was still Willing and Thinking reality in those days) but that cork didn't budge. When all of a sudden the phone rang in that split second of me NOT THINKING the cork flew over to the side of the blow!

Floating Wood - Exercise One

Meditate for half an hour.

Fill a clear glass bowl with fresh water. Drop a toothpick or other small wooden object into the middle of the dish. Since there will be no friction between the water and the object, it will be easy to move it because there is less resistance.

Get comfortable and breathe deeply.

Look at the toothpick. Imagine your mind's "hand" coming out and pushing on the object, and imagine it gliding across the water to the other side of the dish. Feel the energy pushing on it. You should begin to notice some movement after a while. You can use your hands to direct your energy, but don't touch or blow on the toothpick.

Once you have practiced this and you believe you have gotten the hang of it, take it one step further. Imagine that you are pushing down on the object, forcing it to go under the surface of the water. This will take more concentration, but the results are also more significant.

Dancing Flame

Meditate for half an hour.

Light a candle in a safe place. A white candle on a white/light colored table is best.

Get comfortable and breathe deeply.

Stare at the candle's flame. Do not think about anything, clear the mind but keep the flame in front of you. Soon you should see only the flame. Not the table, not the candle, not the room and objects surrounding you, just the flame.

Now imagine the flame is stretching upward, growing taller, brighter. You can put your hand above it and imagine you are drawing the flame upward. Imagine the flame shrinks, becomes smaller and shorter. Imagine it flickers and dances. Imagine it bends. Practice these things until you feel you are "one" with the flame, and it is doing as you desire it to.

Keep practicing this, once you are comfortable with your ability to do this, try putting the candle out with your mind. Could you light it up again with just your mind? Hmm... anything is possible!


This is a simple experiment to exercise telekinesis.

Take a metal thumbtack (the kind with a flat, circular base) and set it so that the sharp end is pointing upward. Now take a small square of white paper, about 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch (maybe even smaller), and carefully balance it on top of the tack. You can replace the bit of paper with a piece of carefully cut aluminum foil if you feel more comfortable with metallic energies.

Meditate for half an hour.

Now sit in front of the "psi-wheel" you have just created. Stare on one corner of the square of paper. Focus all your energy on that one corner, willing the paper to start turning on top of the point. Imagine the wheel (the paper) begins to spin on the axis (the tack). Hold your concentration for as long as it takes for you to get it spinning.

Once you have the hang of this, try knocking the paper off the tack!

Swinging on a String

Meditate for half an hour.

Cut a piece of thread about 10 inches long. Tie a wide object to it, like a needle, a toothpick, or a short piece of a wooden rod. Hang the string so that you can sit comfortably in front of the hanging object.

Sit far enough away from the string so that you know you aren't making the object spin with your breathing. Let the object come to a complete stop, not turning at all in midair.

Take a deep breath.

Focus all your attention on one side of the object, right or left, it doesn't matter which. Imagine the object slowly turning as if your mind was really pushing against that side of it. You can use your fingers to "point" your energy, but do not touch the object.

Once it starts to turn, and who knows how long it will take you to get this far, imagine that your energy pushes it faster so it speeds up. It should turn with greater momentum.

Practice this. Once you get the hang of it, keep using this method to get the object to swing instead of just spin. Good luck!

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Thanks Vlada! You're amazing!

Oh I also found some more in the files with the videos..


After our first article on telekinesis we got a bunch of questions from people wanting to know more.  We got in touch with some experts at the Chakra Energy Institute who wrote us an awesome guide for anyone who wants to learn more about real Telekinesis!

What is telekinesis?

The Seven Chakras – Vortexes of Power – Himalayan Yoga Institute

Chakra Energy Institute

Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate movements within objects without physical touch.  Telekinesis is not caused by any forms of energy related to heat, acoustic vibrations, static, air flow or magnetism of the common type.  However, many individuals and schools have been able to repeat positive tests within a controlled environment hence how we know the above are not linked with the phenomenon of telekinesis.

Can anyone learn telekinesis?

YES anyone who wishes to dedicate their time to learn Telekinesis can find success.  Telekinesis can easily be learned with the correct training provided.  Although it takes practice, dedication, and the ability to direct energy both internally and externally.

So how do I learn telekinesis?

First you need to learn how to gain the sensitivity to feel and direct energy both internally and externally.  You must allow the energy centers to be cleaned of toxins and blockages so that the energy within the body flows more effectively, to do this you will need to learn a form of high level meditation.  Not all meditations have the same goal so you will need to use the right one to see the results you are looking for.

You need to learn high energy level meditations because when using telekinesis you begin to break into the reserve energy within the body.  Just like when running, you slowly start to burn away the calories that have been reserved within the body, the same thing happens when you use the energy reserved within the body for energy practices.

After achieving a high state of energy and the ability to feel, gather, store and direct energy; you can then begin to learn telekinesis.

Choose the object you want to learn to move, I suggest using the spiral. (the cut out for the spiral provided by the chakra energy institute is shown below) The spiral is a simple object to learn telekinesis with and it requires very little sensitivity, energy and concentration to be able to move it.

In or out of glass?

When practicing and learning telekinesis it is best to always place the object inside of an air tight glass container.   When performing out of glass, unless using larger heavier objects, you’re always going to be thinking of ways to prevent outside energies from moving the object and not focusing on moving the object yourself.  Worrying about outside forces such as static, airflow and heat remove your focused awareness from the object and actually make it harder to move.

Online there are videos where you see that many people are performing out of glass and are covering their faces to show that they are not breathing or blowing on the objects.  By doing this they are placing awareness away from the object, and also lowering air intake which takes away from the  energy that is required to perform telekinesis.

Now if you are able to perform telekinesis with the object being placed within the glass you can be sure that as long as the glass is air tight that no matter how heavy you breathe it will not affect the object.  It will be easier to focus all of your awareness on the object that you are trying to move.

How long should I practice for?

With any form of energy work there are many factors to consider, however, the rule of the thumb is when working with telekinesis you work until you begin to either lose interest or you become tired from what you are doing.  If you experience headaches it’s a sign to stop due to either having low energy or you have generally been concentrating for far too long causing the headaches.

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Should I practice every day?

When learning telekinesis it is ideal to practice for 1 day and then recover for the next.  Treat telekinesis as a type of physical sport, by doing that you understand that no good will come from pushing yourself every day as in the end you will just end up making yourself become fatigued.

When doing things such as weight training we are placing stress onto our bones and muscles and when using things such as telekinesis we are placing stress on our energy field so it makes sense to have recovery days.

Patience is key!

Learning anything new takes time, practice, and dedication.  Some days you will spend 2 hours focusing your energy and be unable to make any physical motion.  However, near all telekinesis progress comes from having no movements at all!  Most people spend a few minutes each day for a few days and when nothing happens they either say it is fake or telekinesis is impossible!  Remember that it typically takes at least 2 weeks to even get a small amount of movement so keep trying! It will eventually work and when it does you will thank yourself for being patient as all your hard work starts to pay off.

How to use the spiral.

1.      Print the spiral cut out onto a piece of paper and cut it out.
2.      Get a piece of string as thin as or thinner than a strand of human hair
3.      Tape the string onto the black dot located on the spiral.
4.      With the other end of the string tape it into the glass
5.      Place the glass onto a solid, flat non static material table and allow the object to set into a stationary position before working with it.

The Spiral cut out.

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How to do basic telekinesis using the spiral:

This technique is extremely basic however it is enough to allow you to create movements within a short time provided by the chakra energy institute.

1.   Begin to regulate your breathing for a moment until you become relaxed.

2.   Place all of your awareness onto the object by meditating whilst looking at the object.  Connect vibrationally with the object and sense what it feels like energetically from the inside.

3.  Begin to feel the energy moving within your mind and body.   You can move your hands or body to help feel this mental motion of energy.

4.   Influence the movement of the object in the direction of your energy from the inside.

5.  Be patient and have fun!

Remember telekinesis takes practice, time, dedication and an understanding of both internal and external energy so don’t expect any movements to happen for at least 2 weeks.

Until then why not check out the videos provided by the chakra energy institute!

Telekinesis no hands working with the Spiral.

Telekinesis working with the spiral using thick string

Telekinesis working with the psi wheel at a distance

Telekinesis working with the psi wheel using hands, no hands and body movements

Telekinesis working with a large glass vase

Let us know in the comments below what you think!

Special thanks to the experts at the Chakra Energy Institute for providing these awesome videos and tips!  Check out their site for more information, including a full course on how to learn Telekinesis!

Article Written and Shared with permission by Lee Ireland.

Thanks. Excellent intake.


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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