The Secret of Dreaming: An Australian Aboriginal Myth of Creation
Once there was nothing.
but the Spirit of All Life
For a long time
there was nothing.
in the mind of the Spirit of Life
…a Dreaming began.
In the empty darkness
there was a dreaming of Fire.
And the colour of Fire burned brightly
in the Mind of the Great Spirit
Then came a Dreaming of Wind,
and the fire danced and swirled
in the mind of the Spirit of Life
Then came a Dreaming of Rain
For a long time
the battle of Fire Wind and Rain
raged in the Dreaming
And the Great Spirit liked the Dream.
So the Dreaming continued.
Then, as the battle waned
between Fire Wind and Rain
There came a Dreaming
of Earth and Sky
and of Land and Sea.
For a long time
this Dreaming continued.
The Great Spirit began to grow tired
from the Dreaming,
but wanted the Dream to continue.
So life was sent into the Dream
to make it real,
and for Creator Spirits
to continue the Dreaming.
So the Spirit of Life
sent the Secret of Dreaming
into the world
with the Spirit of the Barramundi...who is the fish,
And Barramundi
descended to the deep still waters, relaxed and calm
…and began to Dream
The dream took Barramundi to
waves and wet sand,
But Barramundi
did not understand the Dream
and wanted only to Dream
of the deep still water.
So Barramundi
passed the Secret of Dreaming
to the Spirit of the Currikee,
which is the Turtle.
And Currikee
paddled out of the waves
settled down to the wet sand
…and began to Dream.
Currikee Dreamed
the smoothness of pebbles and warm of the sun.
But Currikee
did not understand the Dream,
and wanted to Dream
only of the waves
and wet sand.
So Currikee
passed the Secret of Dreaming
on to the Spirit of the Bogai,
which is the Lizard.
And Bogai
climbed onto a bed of pebbles
and felt the suns heat above him on his back,
…and began to Dream.
Bogai Dreaming flew Bogai
through the clearest sky by the lift of the wind.
But Bogai
did not understand the Dream
and wanted to Dream
only of the small pebbles and
warm sunshine.
So Bogai
ushered the Secret of Dreaming
onto the Spirit of the Bunjil,
which is the Eagle.
And Bunjil
harnessed the wind under her wings,
soured in the cloudless sky…
and began to Dream.
Bunjil Dreamed
of tall trees and the blanket of the night sky,
But Bunjil
did not understand the Dream,
and wanted to dream
only of the wind
and open sky.
So Bunjil
released the Secret of Dreaming
onto the Spirit of the Coonerang,
which is the possum.
And Coonerang
scampered high into the tallest tree,
lost herself in the twinkling of stars,
…and began to Dream.
So Dream sang to Coonerang
the rustle of yellow grass & wide plains.
But Coonerang
did not understand the Dream,
and wanted to Dream
only of the great trees
and the blackness of night.
So Coonerang
allowed the Secret of Dreaming
to pass onto the Spirit of the gangaroo.
which is the Kangaroo
And Kangaroo
leapt high above the yellow grass
contemplating the white plain.
…and began to Dream.
the dreaming tickled the ears of
Kangaroo with music, and song and laughter.
But Kangaroo
did not understand the Dream
and wanted to Dream
only of the board plains
and the swaying grass.
So Kangaroo
passed the Secret of Dreaming
onto the Spirit of humanity.
And man & woman
walked across the land
and saw all the works of creation,
given life by the dreaming of the mind of the spirit of all life
Woman & man heard the quarrels of birdsong at dawn
and saw the red sun on the horison at dusk,
…and began to Dream.
They Dreamed of
of sharing in the music of dawn birds,
of dancing of the bobbing emu
and of sinking into the red ochre of sunset
And they Dreamed also
of the laughter of children
And man & woman understood the Dream
So they continued to Dream
and dream of all the things
that they had dreamed before.
He dreamed
of the deep still tranquil water,
of the waves and damp sand,
the rocks and sun beams,
of the clearest sky & breeze,
and the trees & the night sky,
and of the plains of yellow grass.
And woman & Man learned through their Dreaming,
of all the creatures
were their spirit cousins
…and that they must protect the Dreaming of all life.
And they Dreamed
of their child they knew would soon arrive;
and they dreamed of how they would
teach this secrets of dreaming to his child
who was not yet born
Then the Great Spirit of life knew at last
that the Secret of Dreaming was safe.
And being tired
from the Dreaming of Creation,
the Spirit of all Life entered the land
to rest & recover
So that this world now,
when the spirits of all creatures
become tired
they join the Spirit of Life in the Land
So this is why the Land is sacred
and man & woman must be its Caretakers.
Just as they protect the secret of dreaming...
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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