
Elves - A place for those who identify as an Elf/Elven, and for those who work with them.

Elves and Tolkien

So, I've been thinking lately about work of Tolkien and material he had made about the elves. Let's put the toppic on the table in few questions

How is Tolkien acurate about the elves?

How seriously we should considre tales of Silmarilion, LOTR and Hobit? How they should matter for someone livien elven way?

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    Beautiful language my question is whether it is channeled or invented 

    What joy this bard brought to the world

    the Tuatha de Danann were real and The stories very much cultural threads it’s 

    wonderful I am still curious of their real origins. No one has ever opened the 

    mounds at Hill of Tara in Ireland…. I am curious if  Elvish is actually spoken somewhere in the universe. 

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    Silver Flame of The Silver Elves

    This is such an important question to consider deeply within us all! We Silver Elves will forever be grateful to professor Tolkien for popularizing the understanding that elves can be incarnated in human size bodies and spreading this notion widely (although he wasn't the first to write about it) and was really what got us to realizing and exploring in the 1970s that we could be elves too. Since that time, we have been living and sharing The Elven Way (see our book on Amazon of that title) in our own way. What is most important is that we understand that we are our own elf and living the Elven Way means exploring into ones own inner soulful nature and expressing our uniqueness and magic as an elf, not limiting ourselves to be an elf according to any particular lore, including LOTR. We have quite a different view of the higher spirits than is presented in Tolkien's world of the Silmarilion where they (the Valar and Maiar) are essentially made/created 'as is' like angels in Christianity; and our Silver Elves understanding is that the Shining Ones are evolutionary, as are we elven as well. So in The Elven Way, we strive to ever become more of our true s'elf and develop ours'elves spiritually. Thank you all for this amazing group!

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    ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Thank-you for your thoughts Silver Flame,sadly Morell isnt in the site anymore to respond back on this post,but I will take the opportunity instead if thats ok with you, your right we do have to live in our own soulful nature,..the ancients didn't have what we have today to access information, but better still, a slower, simpler life that afforded time to contemplate answers to life's questions. This is why so many during those times knew Truths and possessed wisdom where as so few do today sadly,in fact so few are able to tap into their own akaic recall even to see where they went wrong in the past life times to change things in this life time either...But ancients were practicing and they were taught to cultivate - we on the other hand have tons of information sources that we actually don't use or practice by heart..is is a wonderful expression of living in the natural state free of all man made acquired ideas, labels and concepts of what we 'think' life should be, and when one becomes mindful every thought of yours, you will understand yourself gradually and life is more meaningful as a human being. Its also imperative we continue to find our peace within for not just ourselves but for our earth & our Universe with which we all played a part & created..yes..