
Elves - A place for those who identify as an Elf/Elven, and for those who work with them.

  • Lycanthropy, Vampirism and the Elves

     The Elves created Lycanthrops and Vampires as fighting machines / biological and psychological weapons - they messed up in the end!*****This is a legend – a legend of the beginning, of the origin of some beautiful, but also many gruesome things. Because wherever you have light, it casts a shadow!…

    By ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

  • A Cultural Overview Of Elves

    A Cultural Overview Of ElvesThis work tries to shed some light on elves and their culture. In many cases, I had to resort to logical conclusions, ideas or speculations, where the origins lay in the dark.For a better overview, this essay is divided in chapters, which are about the most important…

    By ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

  • Elves and Tolkien

    So, I've been thinking lately about work of Tolkien and material he had made about the elves. Let's put the toppic on the table in few questionsHow is Tolkien acurate about the elves?How seriously we should considre tales of Silmarilion, LOTR and Hobit? How they should matter for someone livien…

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • elven spirituality

    I still struggle with elven spirituality. How could it be defined, if it can even be defined? How can one be spiritual the elven way?

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • Blessed is the land where the trees grow

    After watching the last vid of Calantiriel on studying Silmarillion like sort of bible I was meditating on value on such intake. In this state of mind I got information on what is trully valuable and…

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • Rialian - Synesthesia Symbiosis

    Text from the main page-------------------Being elven seems to be a state of abstraction... of having a relation to the flows of things, rather than having a relation to the thing itself. Take emotions... elves tend to be very abstract in these things... I know I am. We are not so much passionate…

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • Elven philosophy

    How do you, elves, see the world? what is it for you? and what is your place in it?I'm very interested, what you can tell.

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • Rialian - The Elven Way

    by Ilon Bluesky From Elven Glen: Vol. 1, Issue 1, page 3Elves are of a special nature. They are sometimes gay and playful, sometimes musing and contemplative. Their magical Way is as difficult to describe as the way the wind whips your hair about on an autumn afternoon, or the way the forest…

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • LOTR inspired elven meditations (guided)

    By Morell Sunweaver

  • Rialian - Some Descriptions of Elves

    Elves (Ah Kin) live in Shamballa, the City of Eternal Bliss, also called `Foresthome', which lies deep within the forest and exists simultaneously on many planes. Within Shamballa all needs are met, all dreams are realized, and no wish is ungranted. Things seem dreamlike and intimately real at…

    By Morell Sunweaver
