
Elves - A place for those who identify as an Elf/Elven, and for those who work with them.

Blessed is the land where the trees grow

After watching the last vid of Calantiriel on studying Silmarillion like sort of bible I was meditating on value on such intake. In this state of mind I got information on what is trully valuable and needed to become part of our lives. It was incredibly short part of the text from the book...

In reverence Yavanna is next to Varda among the Queens of the Valar. In the form of a woman she is tall, and robed in green; but at times she takes other shapes. Some there are who have seen her standing like a tree under heaven, crowned with the Sun; and from all its branches there spilled a golden dew upon the barren earth, and it grew green with corn; but the roots of the tree were in the waters of Ulmo, and the winds of Manwë spoke in its leaves.

Speaking about tree of life in different form indeed, but it reminds of how holy and needed the trees are. The tree, every tree is in truth guardian of all life. The trees nurture life with clean air with oxigen, remove toxins from it, they lift water from earth so it can evaporate easily and go into the sky so it can rain. Leaves falling down become fertilizer and I do not speak about fruit given to all the being that eat them, home for birds to make their nests, leaves, bark, wood and branches with thousands of uses from healing across food to various forms of art... even building homes. As I said, nests for birds, hideouts for bugs, small caves for bats and four-leggers, wooden buildings of humans...

If humans is microcosm, then he is, maybe separated mirror of it, while the tree is heart of earthly life, heart of ecosystem that is connected to all of it.

The tree is guardian and servant of all life and loves it being around, would never harm it, so it seems and in a way it is defenseless against humans and their axes, it cannot be any other way, because the tree is heart and the human here on Earth is now supposed to be the guardian of the tree and of the life... It is human's task to defend the tree and serve it and the life, as the tree does.

The tree is sacred to the elves, I feel it is sacred to the Valar as well. They know this is beating heart of all life. Elves taught the ancient nations of humans about it, telling them of tree of life. Now you know it too.

Blessed is the land where the trees grow.

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