
Elves - A place for those who identify as an Elf/Elven, and for those who work with them.

  • Shiori

    heya. I am an Elf Mostly Wood elf.  I am also some Nymph. One of Groves.

  • Carl Gustaf Prien

    Welcome Shiori.

    I am not elven, but created all of these groups.

    Feel free to discuss... and I also have an Undines and Nymphs group you might be interested in as well. Feel free to check out all the groups. :)

  • Shiori

    thank you. The elves I feel highly connected to and learned from a close friend, is ones Tolkien called the Sindar  (with some Noldor in there).

  • Shiori

    I am not sure what Elves they are based off of, but I feel Tolkien was not as much of a Fiction writer as most think.

  • Morell Sunweaver

    I'm strongly connected with dragons and elves, Yes, I think it too, Tolkien really found something, no matter if he only was inspired or had memories, which is quite possible. He showed way of awakening to many.

  • Shiori

    True that he did. I felt that way for years.

  • Morell Sunweaver

    Me too and now I can work with the Valar and their energies, very fascinating.

  • Shiori

    ahh did not know you worked with the valar thats cool.

  • Arbellason Marucha

    It has always been my theory that the stories he wrote where memories or close to it, that the events he experienced in WW1 awoke those memories and allowed him to write them down for others to read.

  • Morell Sunweaver

    Not sure about validity but I've read somewhere that he wrote the fall of Númenor inspired by his dreams/memories of the fall of Atlantis.

  • Arbellason Marucha

    That does sound familiar and I do remember tolkien referencing Númenor as Atlantae somewhere.  I've been interested in conducting an experiment of sorts regarding Atlantis, that being pooling together memories, descriptions and such from people all over the world in order to piece together a full picture of what really happened. My most vivid memory of it or a place very similar is a hall of sorts, I guess you could liken it to a hall of memories, rows and rows of crystal quartz containing information on everything imaginable and then some. I guess you could say that it is a passion of mine to fully reconnect with it.

  • Morell Sunweaver

    I wish you luck, Atlantean spirits are still here and alive, protecting Earth from space invaders.

  • Carl Gustaf Prien

  • Tara

  • Tara

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Beautiful Night Elve Fae

  • Morell Sunweaver

    Kael'thas Sunstrider, amazing elf. Can't explain it. he's fantasy character from PC games, yet I felt resonance, synchrony. I found my brother. weird, but lovely.

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Ametrine -(MHZ)

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Ametrine -(MHZ)

    I Loooove this picture Morell :o))) 

    i put it here, 


    In my pinterest :o))) Thank you 

  • Morell Sunweaver

    It is somewhere in full res, which looks even better. ;-)

  • Ametrine -(MHZ)

    :o))) Blessings Morell, Thank you 

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Ametrine -(MHZ)

    :o) Thank you so much morell, i am a Huge fan of Deviant Art, you can find great artists in it :o)))

  • Morell Sunweaver

    Yeah, DA is fulll of gorgeous art. And I appreciate DA as unlike social networks all art you submit there is still fully yours and they won't use it for ads, life Facebok or similars.