Morell Sunweaver

Czech Republic

Profile Information:

About You -what brings you here?
Left and right hand of the Lady of the site, if you need, you can ask me anything about the network. I cannot answer only the deeds of my lady, but I try to do my best.

I came to the Elvenworld seeking for other elven souls like mine. Although I have no memory of it, I lived on Atlantis and with the Vikings. After that Loki moved me among the elves who I identify with. That much I was able to collect.
Not sure why I've returned here among humans dorung this times of change. But they change us all too. I fell in love with darkness and the night, both becommings my elements, especialy after learning to honor light and the day just the same. Still night is my time, especialy the evening.

I used to care for the Valar temple website.

My Galery:
Your Sun Sign
Your Website
Alternative Contact
What Path Do You Follow?
Darkling, independent, warrior, elf, mystic, mage, vampire
Simply mine.
Do you have a multi dimensional avatar or identity you connect with in particular (check more than one as applicable)
Elf, Walk-In, Universal, Dragon, Seer, Witch, other
This site is based on the ElvenWorld Adventure and Romance Series which are read by young adults (teenagers+). This site allows no pornography, explicit sex (keep clothes ON), religious/spiritual persuasion, politics or violence of any kind. Will you follow these rules?
One should not come to a darkling for an advice unless they are really not afraid of the dark.
I accept decisions of site management to suspend members who discuss their ideas as being better or more important than others or is found not to be respectful. You can try again later.
Despite being surprised by deeds of my lady sometimes, I agree. It is needed.

Comment Wall:

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  • MermaidFaeryMoon

    Thank you for that reply I just been trying to help my twin flame out and myself out for a while I not to long ago about 6 years ago accepted my Faery side been curious about how to find others like me I hope to make beautiful friendships and kinships here
  • Alyanya

    Hannon le ☆ :)

    Well met

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Shiori

    ok one not all reptilians are evil Draconians are not Dragons we are different.  Please stop believing an entire race is evil. I am sick of the fearmongering and hate mongering of reptilians.

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Treespar

    Thanks for the sword! Belonging to one of my favourite middle earth characters too!
  • Tara

    Love love how your dragon looks up in the tree it’s s absolutely stunning!!

  • Tara

    Love your page, the music, your art. Thank you for the inspiration

  • Ashanna

    Thank you for your warm welcome, Morell!

  • Zandra Amara

    Thank you for the welcome, Morell!

  • Tara

  • Steven Hutchinson

    Messages from Angels and Ascended Masters

    Morell, I am delighted to welcome you to Messages From Angels & Ascended Masters. Visit there any time to enjoy new messages & meditations to help with our spiritual growth with this link:

    And please feel free to add your Love & Wisdom to our group through your own posts that help uplift us all.

    Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, & Abundance,


  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Treespar

    Wow, love that Elf art.
  • Ruriha

    Hi, thank you for your welcome. ^^ 

  • Ruriha

    Do you mean that what you told me to do with the chat won't work?

  • Ruriha

    Oh, I agree that everything happens for a reason.. I was wondering why the chat was messing up myself..

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Ahh thank-you Morell for firstly noticing & your kind compliment on my change of avatar, I thought it was time for some change in etheric energy infusions..I was obviously right to do so.. as it struck you

    Image result for elvens

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Oh I assure you its

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    LOL yes thank-you for your profile comment.. you got most of that right Morell,..My Raven life guide has infused his essence within me yes,that essence is part of my higher-self aspect,yes I'm a Starseed from Maldek.. I also have two cosmic soul guardians Elou & Meityr chosen for me by my cosmic father Archeut Ananuel from the Mavrud Maldekian Council of Universal Creations when I was first thought into creation upon my Home planet Maldek and they came here with me when I incarnated here in human form,they are still visiting me here to this very day, [they glow too like a light soft blue colour]...and fly in a merkabah light ship that looks like a huge glowing orange metal coin...they are 13th dimensional ethereal Council Elder Root Race Guardians,cosmic connection to Humans who call them here 'Light beings',they are ancient & seen by many who believed them to be the Cosmic Creator Gods millenniums ago...they are originally from a invisible realm universe within the Menkalinan (Beta Aurigae) star consellation.The star’s traditional name, Menkalinan, comes from the Arabic phrase mankib ðī-l-‘inān which means “shoulder of the rein-holder.”

    Also I'm not a qualified social worker at all,but more a Youth Guidance Councillor who works along side qualified social workers in a team, also you forgot about my beloved dog & my doves & my 2x ducks..I have a little farm you could say.. I have much love for all animals,Oh and the fact I'm also a poet & artist, but also a musician & singer as well,Oh I'm multi talented I put my finger in a load of different pies in my teens...see your observation skills arnt that hot,cos I actually have shared what I look like in our home, I just dont plaster my mug shot all over the place & advertise myself like most people do online, as even though I share a lot.. really I'm a very private person & subtle with my private online activities & that's why I'm not on Facebook nor any other sites like twitter or Instagram its just not my thing.. this is for a very good reason too being its job related...:)

    Might not be your thing in music taste as I know you like darker stuff.. but I loved this man and miss him heaps..he has strong energies and messages infused in his music..

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Ahh Morell that animated Raven gif is just too amazing,where did you find it?, like what does it belong to,a movie or something? I'm so placing it in my favorites to place in a special place Thank-you so much..

    Sometimes others awaken these things in us that we have neglected aye.. observation skills are important to us only at certain times when we are observation skills have been honed you could say,like a Raven eye...this is why I'm good at what I do Shamaic & psychically speaking I can see deeper into people using it,reading their energy signatures..I dont always get it all right all the time, but a lot about a person I do get people are amazed I saw it when no one else it is a gift of sorts..

    Victoria buzovska 13

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    I assure you its not fantasy realms,rather its my own soul truths,also I speak from my Higher self soul aspect about those past truths they come from beyond this realm Morell so they are likely to appear to some humans like that of fantasy realms, it's higher consciousness I Am who I Am.. yet what I do as a conduit is to infuse energy frequencies that open people to ancient lost wisdom's of their soul to see what they see..

    Where we are now as far as humans go is only halfway down the highway of truth... but then I'm not the only one who has had a past existence offworld on another plant or in other dimensional realms either..many have, only just have to enter any Starseed website to see them for yourself..

    A true starseed though can express these things outwardly especially if they hold the ability to enter their Lahun chakra 'Halls Of Remembrance' like I have... I also have the added gift of the use of word formats for expression on my side...

    I was just born this way regardless,cant change that,have you never heard of the Higher self aspect of self as I Am ... 

    You can read up on it HERE

    I Say:- I Am a sovereign being with my own needs,loves,thoughts: I Am not an extension of another's perspective,or a compromise that is bought;Not a faceless figure for the comfort of 'scientific' statistics,nor the scape-goat for demonised guilt trips of social or religious hysteric delusional heretic's,I Am a friend if friend in deed;yet I may be a stranger until I am known;...what I Am is the simple truth of myself..I Am another soul just as human as you are..I Am honoured to be among many souls sharing the truth of their light here on this planet,opening upon these pages in these websites..unafraid to just be & speak their minds,just as it was on my home planet Maldek..

    Kinau eh ahari -na-sutu laktra shem akhtel arulu sajarn.. Mukaten,


    Open your endarkened eyes as you have light enough within to guide your own future paths friend..

    Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ።

    Image result for buddha paths

  • Kassa Lohe

    Why,thank you so much and since you already named me,here it goes:) I do wonder how you found out about the things you wrote about yourself. I somehow feel kinda stuck.So many things I read, basically everything that gets thrown my way, yet none of the experiences described ever happened to me,be it guides,angels or insights into the past or whatever there is. So I find your Description interstingly detailed.
  • Kassa Lohe

    Tank you so much for taking the time and sending the link. I ve just watched it, will it help? I shall see but at the very least ist really nice to watch. may. You know I wonder, how to distinguish between what's just created by my, usually very vivid, imagination and what is really an information. Theres so much information out there...about the how to do it and the results youre supposed to get. By the way that video you send me is the first of its kind I came across  ... 

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Tara

    Hi, I’ve been seeing you at (what is my morning) meditations in the otherworlds. You’re looking good! 

    Join us for multidimensional meditations 5:30 am Pacific US daily 

    I’ll be there! 

  • Tara

    Hi, I’ve been seeing you at (what is my morning) meditations in the otherworlds. You’re looking good! 

    Join us for multidimensional meditations 5:30 am Pacific US daily 

    I’ll be there! 

  • Tara

    Huh? LOL . It IS the exact same message somehow sent twice by my login. 

    I am not a robot - for goodness sake, are you crazy. 

  • Tara

    LOL well, that’s a relief. The best people lost their minds!! 

  • Tara

    LOL u r wonderful, thank you.

    and the dragons, too

  • Morell Sunweaver

  • Valsaryen

    Dear Morell, thank you ! Actually, I am boundlessly happy to find such a community; it is not so easy nowdays to find an elven soul mates.  But I already did. I hope for further talk, you can visit my website , there is link to my soundcloud as well.. 

  • Valsaryen

    Sorry, fixed it. now it works. I already noticed, rather silent community.  I am currently looking through your website, found  similarities between our perceptions of this world.

  • Ashlynn

    Thank you ^^

  • Catherine Anne Colchan Leslie-Fa

    Thank You

  • Roxanne Victor

    Thank you. 

  • Somebady

    Oh Morrell thank you so much for the link to the book Star Travellers! It looks like I've found something I've needed for quite some time!, Nice an affordable to xp let me know if I can help you with anything its the least I can do much love an light! Xoxox

  • Emma Cosgrave

    Thanks Morell :)

  • Wreyuthreyin

    Thank you for welcoming me. 

  • Angel Aurora

    ~I'm not just into Angels ;) I also love the Celtic lore, Fae and well yes Angels =)

  • Kevin Connelly

    Thanks, Morrell, I'm looking forward to being here.

  • Arethinn aTinderel

    Glad you enjoyed :)

  • Morell Sunweaver

    What a beauty...

  • ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ።

    Red Ribbon
  • Rubia

    Thank you for the welcome, Morell! Glad to be here too!  

  • Autumn K

    Thank you for the warm welcome. xx

  • Anae

    Thank you for your being Morell. It's in the dark night that we see the amazing Stars. Everything serves a purpose and holds its beauty, including you! ♥

  • Morell Sunweaver obsessed Seeker, who unraveled in ancient myths and legends the location of a paradise country where mythical demigods lived, and perhaps the ancestors of mankind. And the journey, which promised to bring glory and honor to its discoverer, suddenly turns out to be not at all what he expected to see...

  • Morell Sunweaver