Being a Loner or Outsider...
Ever just got so used to being lonely that it feels normal to you now? Like waking up, going to work or school, coming home and seeing 0 messages on your phone, zero missed calls. No plans for the weekend or nights. No success with dating apps and other shallow social media programs claiming to "connect" individuals.
Or you interact with people online for months or years only to have them ghost you for their own reasons all of a sudden even if you've done nothing wrong to make them do other words they show you their true colours eventually..
Or going out to a club only to just stand there awkwardly with a drink in your hand watching groups dance and talk having fun think "how do they reach that point?"
But strangely enough still feeling content with it. Because it makes every meaningful social interaction much more memorable and important. I think people take social attention for granted. Most people aren't interested in making friends unless it's somewhat beneficial to their reputation or provides their ego with a reward of some sort...
It's technology that benefits those who need it the least. And leaves the ones who actually need it most behind even further. Being lonely is so common because it's a status that severely impacts the ability to make connections. You can't connect the dots if you don't even have any to connect to.
Loneliness is when you can’t connect to anyone but feel the strong desire to have some emotional support, loneliness is when you don’t have friends or family,...
Loneliness IS when you start lying to your colleagues that you've seen some friends during the weekend while you just spent two days totally alone.
Loneliness is if you have friends, yet you still feel left out and betrayed staying around with them.
Loneliness is missing human interaction to the point where you feel something is wrong with you, loneliness is when your self worth is measured by how important are you to others, loneliness is the suffocating feeling of drowning in your emotions, hoping for someone to save you but knowing at the same time that no one will!
So How Can This Be Changed..
Loneliness is a paradox. The more lonely you feel the more detached you become. The more detached the more distant you make yourself. This grows until people can talk to you and you cant even listen. Your mind is preoccupied by itself and your so used to being alone you crave it. Your friends if you had any to begin with grow further and you grow less dependent on them.
And then you wake up one morning and everyone is gone, or you break off a relationship and the friends you thought you had just disappear & go off with it, and you wonder where they really your friends or his/hers and you've built then a wall keeping them away cos they bring back memories of the other half all over again... It can happen to anybody. Social isolation is a killer. Once you get to far away it's very hard to come back. I wish we could all connect and be living solutions to one another..
What I've found most helpful is having my cup of coffee or tea, getting out the door, and going for a walk. Open your eyes on the walk, let go of your self absorption, be open to any nature around you.
Yet even I know this world has lost its hands on relatability. We are all dying because of social deconstructing and the problem is getting worse.. Spirituality has taken a backseat and our old people are warehoused into nursing homes every day as if they dont matter anymore in the society...and yet they were our greatest of teachers..
Humans have lost the ability to listen accurately, and pass people off with no compassion or empathy. In my line of work I come across so many youngsters who tell me they are lonely and yet they have people around them, but this kind of loneliness goes way deeper, I hear words like,.. that they stay at work late because there is no one to go home to... they look forward to sitting in heavy traffic because they feel a little less lonely and there is nothing to do at home anyway. Besides, getting home later makes their neighbors think they actually have a life or maybe they are out dating a pretty girl/guy or generally socialising... they constantly think about where to go to meet new people, but never seem to come up with a good answer so they stay home. It is a never ending circle that they cannot get out of...and its worse in a small community where the night life is none existent and even the restaurant's & takeout food industry is limited
Please allow me to offer this small token of advice:
#. Learn to love and accept yourself, self-soothe, and enjoy doing things by yourself. If you don't enjoy yourself, why should anybody else? If you feel unworthy or are anxious, it will be hard to form and maintain relationships.
#. Join groups that are doing something that interests you. Meet up is a great way to start. Keep attending these groups and join new ones to make friends with people there.
#. Volunteer to help people via charities, after school programs, etc. When you help someone, you're not alone and it opens up ways to meet people.
#. If you live in an isolated area, move so you can be closer to places where you have easier access to activities and people.
#. Travel. When you take a trip, you are forced to be more social, ask for directions, seek help, learn new things, and be open-minded. You're increasing neuroplasticity.
#. Think of someone you haven't spoken to a long time you miss. Is it time to make amends? Get connected? That could be an opportunity for friendship and closeness.
Conclusion: Do these things and guaranteed you will not be alone, and slowly and gradually you will befriend people and they will form your social circle and support. The worst thing to do is to settle for being lonely and not take action.
As Its no wonder the suicide rate has risen since covid,.. I supervised covid test sites during the pandemic. I interacted with thousands of people coming in from all distances & directions, but made very few meaningful connections because I was a ghostly apparition covered from head to toe with PPE, yet I noticed that peoples mental health had taken a huge dive in a downwards spiral.. no one was smiling, people were in fear, I sensed all their emotions of trauma along with the certainly sucked being an empath during that time that's for sure..
However confined at home myself, I began to think and I looked around at all the things I'd been saving "for good" and I decided that 'For Good' Had Arrived. So for the rest of the pandemic, I used the For Good china, the For Good utensils, and I dressed up for dinner by candlelight (the Good candles, of course). I wore my 'For Good' jewelry for virtual meetings, and when we were allowed back in the office, I wore my 'For Good cloths' & shoes every day.
The compliments and connections that followed were amazing I felt like a new person entirely - and it turns out that wearing my 'For Good' clothes is just plain fun...there really was no point them sitting in the wardrobe & drawers gathering dust I thought, even the buzzy bright coloured geographic shaped shirt my sister bought for one of my birthdays that at the time I thought just wasn't my taste at all yet accepted it gracefully and yet was likely never to touch my body, and even thinking at the time just what was she thinking in getting it for me, as it was not my common shade of black, well guess what... it got worn and the compliments just flowed again.. so yeah Good Had Arrived, and my life was Good with it.
As a social extrovert and person who has been the one to reach out to others my whole life, I am realising people have also lost the grasp on how to be a true friend to people. We were all meant to have family and buddies we are social creatures after all.
The older we all get, the fewer friends we seem to have in life. So here’s to all the people that are lonely, you are all wonderful people and wishing a phenomenal day to you all..
Keep your head up and love yourself and dont worry just get out there and wear your 'For Good Cloths' before the moths get to tomorrow may not be just another day..
Raven Leads My Way Again..
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ
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Yes this was happening here too Vlada, our nurses were threatened with losing their jobs too even though like you they didn't believe in the vaccines as most of them had had covid in 2020. My friend who has had a nursing career for over 25 years had covid at the same time as my dad in May 2020
Your right we were and I was even threatened to loose my job if I didn't get vaccinated, I put up one hell of fight, but really couldn't afford to walk out on my job as I have a mortgage to still pay, it sucked big time they had me over a barrel in other words.. if I was in a better situation I would have walked out.. but in my position and as a frountline essential worker I had no choice. I hate being controlled in anything on this planet so it ate my soul & spirit space big time..
Thanks for the link, lots of interesting articles from the link Vlada....what I thought at the time was that we were being manipulated by fear, "survival fear" which worked itself into the chakra system, specifically the base chakra. Through their rules of separation from loved ones, which broke the human support system....but did this only make us stronger in the end and more likely to fight for our rights as humans?
They offered humanity a way out of covid through immunisation, so that most people took it up and those that didn't they ostracised in so many ways, even down to taking away jobs and life choices.
Havn't read all this before sharing,.. but they are mentioning it in this yeah they have been using it alright without consent, with Nanobots.. take the fact as you say below,
No vaccine I've heard of had these vaccine I know of was manufactured so damn fast either.. they used a portion of covid virus itself to make the vaccine, just like every other vaccine, but what else did the put into it, cos they knew little about the effects of Covid on people at the time, which is how they make vaccines by clinical trials with body immunity symptoms.. plus cos it spread around the world so damn fast how would they know it was even going to work, well they didn't, hense why people still died even from the vaccine, with the likes of myocarditis..& blood clots...then you say was it a smoke screen for something else, well of course it was, maybe we were all just naive puppets in paying for the wars that went on around at the same time? who knows..
I've read online evidence that the vaccine has affected many and not in a good way, which makes me wonder what is worse getting covid naturally or getting it injected. My opinion may vary to others but I would say covid could be safer than vaccine.
I wondered why I mentioned at the time about my aunty, but I'm glad I did as it's just another piece of the evidence we have all been putting together over the last few years.
Several months after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine I was sitting on the well deck of the boat and I noticed an odd thing, on my inner right arm a few inches up from my wrist a patch about 3 inches by 3 of little red dots, I felt alarmed by what I saw. It had taken me about a month to get through having the vaccine, I just didn't feel right at all. When I was driving back from the vaccine centre I felt something pass over my eyes and as soon as I got in I had to lie down, I was cold and so tired I just lay on the settee waiting for the feeling to pass.
I'm not familiar with nano technology but I will look up what it is online.
Our government I found out last year paid a company to put out warnings on tv, I kept wondering what they were trying to hide, was covid a smokescreen for something bigger. Nothing added up. The population was told after the first shot of vaccine there would have to be another 3 months after...was this Then someone changed their minds and the second shot had to be delivered after 2 months...was this No vaccine I've heard of had these stipulations.
The vaccine companies must have made huge profits, maybe the governments did too
Woah Julie, I'm blown away, what your telling me is not just some simple isolated cases, I'm sure many other people have experienced these weird ailments with their health after being Covid vaccinated, this also just validates what I've seen happen & been are we dealing with Nano technology here?, bite on the foot, exit point of Nano?..
The cyclist 72yr old elderly client also had a exit point or bite or scab come from nowhere, what ever way you want to explain it, he'd not been bitten he knew he hadn't as his home had double glazing, he hadn't been outside it was full what is this all about??.. he even said he had a live blood analysis done at Tauranga Hospital after he developed this AFib after this 4th mRNA booster jab -Pfizer. He had this live blood analysis done, and In one drop of blood, he said they showed him pictures of the MRI of these clots and he saw what he understood was a large nano-bot type clot with strings coming out from it, unusual clumping of almost all his red blood cells and micro clots on the ends of these strings, he said it was the weirdest thing he'd ever seen on a image. ..he had 3 clots in his lungs in total that came from nowhere, they couldn't trace their origin on the MRI... This certainly helps explain his shortness of breath which triggered anxiety which triggered this slight AFib though. He never had these issues before these wonderful experimental Covid booster therapy jabs. This was the largest nano-bot that the Medical practitioner at Tauranga hospital had seen since the jabs came out. You can see why his family were beside themselves, as he was rushed to Tauranga hospital being its larger & newer, also as our area Thames hospital didn't have the MRI machine nor path laboratories to test his blood, so they too couldn't be close by him either during this fearful time, so much stress.. Sad situation to be experimented on without informed consent aye!
This just reveals the fact that there is still much about this virus we've yet to understand. I can say now though that Nano technology was certainly used to create the vaccinations not sure by which pharmaceutical company's, so just another money spinner maybe?, by using covid as the mask to cover drug experimentation.. but to test differing drugs on people? And Nano technology it leaves no traces just a suspected bite mark that can be simply passed off aye..
"compulsory vaccines at their GP's they went down hill with all kinds of other weird ailments, they swear the vaccine itself is the killer,"
There have been a significant number of deaths that don't check out since covid vaccines began.
From observations locally I would say the majority of the population had a dose of covid in 2020, then I think it was the call to be vaccinated in March 2021 here in England. Not much was know about the types of vaccines used but I was very reticent to receive a vaccine. Here in my country we were bombarded with text messages and written letters urging us to get vaccinated. Then when that didn't work it was phone calls urging us to book a vaccination at a local centre, where many people gathered in a long queue at the college buildings in our town. AstraZeneca jabs were delivered at this time. I had a bad reaction so I never went for more injections.
My mum received the bivalent and about 24 hrs later had what she thought was a funny turn when her powers of memory failed her. She phoned the doctor after a couple of days of not feeling better and was advised to go to accident and Emergency where she had several tests but no scan, from memory she was there until 8.30 from about 1.30. Staff said it could take another couple of hours to have a scan. She was tired and confused and hadn't eaten anything apart from breakfast. She came home and I stayed over for several days. She hasn't got better.
When my dad had a fall in March 2020 he was taken in for a scan, he didn't come out of hospital for 7 wks. He caught covid while there and was positive for 3 wks. He cried a lot when he got home, that was a common symptom of covid exposure the doctors said. While there, there were experimental drugs that were being tried out to combat covid, my dad received those.
I totally believe you about the folks you mentioned after receiving vaccinations.
I keep wondering when all this will aunty and uncle have both just had covid, my uncle took longer to recover and now my aunty has been put on antibiotics for what the doctor said is an insect bite on her foot, I'm not sure that it is.
OOps I meant Nano technology not nana lol..even though they are nana's & poppa's.
I read that statistic on medications effect on the brain structure, it was on some paperwork I had connected to class B drugs & the administration of ADHD medications in children, and as for the other things surrounding conditions in the elderly is that I also have elderly clients that before Covid came around were fit healthy outgoing sorts, yes they were seniors, but not decrepit invalid types, some had never had a cold in years even & even though they took all the precautions, stayed inside their homes, meticulously sanitized, kept family at bay ,they live in the country anyway so are isolated from society anyway, they got food delivered to their door steps, havn't had covid at all either... and yet the instant they got the compulsory vaccines at their GP's they went down hill with all kinds of other weird ailments, they swear the vaccine itself is the killer, or giving them these ailments as it happened so suddenly, two have had blood clots, one in her leg the other in his lungs, the man is 72yrs and has been a cyclist all his life, a active fit healthy senior, now he feels they are killing off the elderly by giving them these booster shots, and 3 others have now developed deep fear & anxiety issued and refused all injections and even have fear of needles totally, so its effected them emotionally to, plus I notice they weep often, yet before all this they were strong minded happy people.
You cant tell me that these vaccines are safe, or havn't given them these health issues as I've seen it with my own eyes, and also because the guy got rushed to Thames hospital and he's lucky they dissolved the clots in time, but he said the Drs were confused to where these clots actually came from' even after a MRI they couldn't find the cause of them at all, and put it down on his record paper work as such.
So what ever this virus is, its gonna be around for centuries killing off people with all kinds of ailments in this way is it nana technology related so it cant be traced back to these vaccines as the cause of them? who knows... but thats scary in itself.
"A new study even says that with just a single dose of medication, a single pill can change your brain structure forever"
I'm sure that's what happens, I read up on the drug sertraline and found it wasn't something I would want to take as it has affected people in a bad way even after discontinuing the drug.
"The elderly too who just dont have the correct learned coping mechanisms to get over their loneliness issues, they feel isolated and ignored in society.."
Yes, and throughout the covid years that's certainly been seen, and the vaccinations with the jabs, especially the bivalent has had ill effects on so many.
So many interesting and valid points Vlada, thank you.
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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