Elven World Healing Arts Community

Nature inspired arts, music, poetry, dance & song

Well... o_o

I just got done spending time unplugging and removing a number of lamps from my living room. I also moved my coins out of there as well.

See, I had sensed a very heavy and nasty energy about me. I felt a black type energy and it seemed as though it was trying to "steal" my astral body, from what I could "see".

So I made an essence blend and have it in small jars in windows facing the direction from where this mess was coming from. 

I then started moving stuff and when I picked up my small bag of pennies, that is when I noticed the connection with copper...when I removed them from the room.

Knowing electrical fixtures have copper, I proceeded to work along the wall where I have the jars, removed the lamps.

By the time I was done, I had 2 left (which is plenty as I have big windows).

The energy of the room felt better.

See, I am not sure if it was ley lines, underground water lines, or both, but the copper added with electricity going through it made/created a sort of amplified energy situation that turned out to be unhealthy for me.

So...now I need to see what else I can work on.

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Comment by Tara on February 20, 2023 at 9:55am

This is fascinating. Grounding and your work with crystals is wonderful I am so glad to hear you’re doing better. Every place and crystal has its own energy.  I love grounding to a place that heals me, it’s life saving. Please keep us updated! 

Comment by Nacht Segler on January 1, 2023 at 8:23am

Out of curiosity, I happened to check for the Iron mines here. The geology is exact to what my hunch was as far as things starting at the top of the hill, flowing down with the water, and finding themselves on/in the lower ground.

From Mindat.org:


Comment by Nacht Segler on December 13, 2022 at 3:59pm

This should link to the book cover photo:


(I tried posting the image in the response, but it didn't work. I use my phone for online stuff so that may have had something to do with it.)

Comment by Nacht Segler on December 13, 2022 at 3:56pm

I went back into Judy Hall's Crystal Prescriptions Vol 3to read up again on GS (Geopathic Stress). It confirmed all I was experiencing as a result of this situation - from the paranoia feelings, to feeling a presence/being watched, to  night sweats and nightmares, difficulty sleeping around 3 am, mood dysfunction, depression, overwheming sadness w/o a cause, lack of self-confidence, apathy, sense of helplessness, lack of concentration, constant neg. emotions, electrical issues, feeling better when away.

What I have done since is make notes of crystals to grid with, helped with healing/clearing thyroid/throat/thymus areas, made crystal bracelets to help with this issue, and continued to work with the essences.

I've made a lot of progress since then on all levels.

Comment by Nacht Segler on December 8, 2022 at 12:17pm

I haven't had any issues since. One other thing, looking back, was the lights flickering, when they shouldn't have (I checked over all mundane causes). It's been rather nice since making the changes. I seem to be sleeping better as well. The lessing of electrical lights was not an issue as I get quite a bit through all the windows I have.

This all came on so subtly (over a 2 yr span) that I didn't notice it until it reached the apex point and I was aware my usual work was not resolving things (things were more resistant).

Comment by Morell Sunweaver on December 8, 2022 at 12:11pm

To deal with such things, frist you have to really be a master of your own home, not only for poeple, but for spirits too. Then when you have these problems, do banishing and force them away from you. Also keeping wards in your home helps preventing it. 

Comment by Nacht Segler on December 8, 2022 at 8:55am

(Backstory - copied from an email I sent)

Since that time yesterday, I did the same with other areas of my apt.

This has a history going back years...let me explain:

There is a property within a short walking distance from my apt. I know (knew, as I no longer interact) the lady who owns the property. 

I would have occasional dreams about areas of this property. When I told her about these areas, she said they are ones with underground water lines, or springs/aquifers. There was one time I had a dream of this one area of that property, and not long after the area became flooded/saturated with water.

Now, I learned through self discovery that I am an incarnated oceanic water spirit (Klabautermann - associated with Hurricanes and near Hurricane like weather out at sea).  So these dreams indicated something to me.

She also told me there were negative energies coming from a particular direction. This is important.

Both of us experienced paranormal activity in her house.

One thing that I noticed though, was just how much electrical equipment is running at her place.

She often told me about being attacked (this is important as well).

Well, in 2020, I used the stimulus money to get stuff for my apt. I bought a large number of lamps - more than I ever had before.

Over the course of 2 years, I unknowingly turned my apt. into a giant Oija board.  It reached its apex during Sept-Oct.-Nov. During one of the attacks, I was sitting at my kitchen table minding my own business and I felt a nasty male presence "slam" his "body" up against my right side, so as to push me out of my body.  I experienced a nasty black energy that made it feel cut off from my higher chakras and like a ton of books on my head. My Thyroid-Throat chakra was really attacked, and I felt severe pain when trying to do my own energy work in healing this body.  One particularly nasty male voice said "Do you feel afraid yet?".  There was also a nasty female as well. I don't know if she was one of the witches this aforementioned lady told me about or not, but I blasted her etheric ass into oblivion.  When that was done, I saw what looked like a massive community of Fair Folk (dwarves?) come to me and celebrate.  I also saw what seemed to be Odin? and someone with him look at my clearing jar I made back in 2016. Now, I'm non-Theistic, I don't work with any gods, goddesses, or guides, but that was one other thing I noticed.

So...sorry for the long story, but any ideas for dealing with this sort of thing, I would appreciate it.

My apt. is much calmer now. Using a snow analogy, when all that stuff was "flying" around, it was like white-out conditions, but now it is just a bit of flurries here and there...a few flakes.

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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