Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

I am one of the people who walks between the worlds. Everything in my life is made up of a bit of this and a dab of that. I often use the very things that others think useless to make clothes and to decorate my life. I have had other folks tell me that I'm not a real elf because I do not do certain things or I eat the wrong things or what I wear is not the right color or fiber or cut... I just walk away from such folk and remain my rather eclectic self.

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Comment by Morell Sunweaver on December 25, 2019 at 2:49am

Yeah. We are all so spread that it feels maybe too much like being entirely alone, especially here.

Comment by Catherine Anne Colchan Leslie-Fa on December 25, 2019 at 12:54am

I do follow the rules of my kinfolk but they are few this side of the veil... I could wish more of them to be here in Oregon but they are spread across the world and are where they need to be right now. 

Comment by Morell Sunweaver on December 24, 2019 at 2:50am

Lol, some tribes have specific rules, but not fitting there doesn't make you any less elven. Look at me. I eat meat, I drink blood as PSI vamp, I'm kind of gothic and viking... and I'm still an elf.

Being yourself is way more than fitting any "label". If you know within that you are an elf, that is what matters the most.

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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