Soul Star Travelers of Elven World

Soul Star Travelers of Elven World, Magick of Tuatha de Danann

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~Speak Your Truths Wild Ones~

It surprises me that words well written in expression and spirit these days go unnoticed yet dribble of no significance or benefit get more dribble attached,this makes no sense to me as good advice is ignored and yet many lessons can be learnt from them..words that hit home to the point,words that attach to the soul..


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Here’s to the wild, the weird and the wonderful.

To those who ride the waves on their own seas and lose sight of the shore. Who discard the rules, the labels and the chains that once bound them, in search of the truth of their heart. To the ones who are fueled by the authentic and the uncensored, no matter how gritty the taste at times.

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Here’s to the mismatched puzzle pieces that don’t get invited to join in all the reindeer games; that get left behind in the dust to learn their own way to fly. Who in their sacred solitude grace the skies with wings of freedom and a destiny born of soul fire.

To the rare, unearthly beings who walk the road less traveled, taking the adventure that rises on this path with purpose and passion. Who are brought alive by the fire in their blood and the longing threaded through their being.


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Here’s to the rebels, the heartsick originals, and the bittersweet loneliness that fuels their spirit. To the ones who won’t conform, back down or step aside. To the ones who were not born to fit in but to gloriously stand out. To those who are here to be midwives of the genuine.


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To the tribe of troublemakers that think so far outside the box, they dream on the edges of the infinite. To those who dance even though they have no idea how; who stumble and make it part of the steps, sing completely off-key and totally out of tune.

To the ones who raise their voices to sing at Karaoke nights who have never set foot on a public stage or even performed to a audience & yet give it a go anyway,even though they don’t always know the words & are often tone death as well...

Here’s to the awakened ones whose purpose is to feed their soul and not starve it. Whose mantra is the drumbeat of their own heart and the brilliant possibility that looms on the horizon. To the ones who dare to be open, to feel, to love and to live.


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Here’s to the magical, the mystical and the misunderstood. To the wise ones who move between the shadows and the light. To those who howl at the Full Moon and run naked in the flowing streams. To those who read the compass written on the walls of their hearts and follow the North Star etched upon their spirit.


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Here’s to the fallen, the broken and the shattered. To the warriors who know that to be cracked is to let the light in deeper. Who know that the best fruit is on the very tip of the branch and the brightest jewels are hidden within the roughest of surfaces.

To the ones intoxicated by the burning of the winds of change in their lungs and who live in the lands that others fear to tread.

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Here’s to the brightly colored patchwork of divine visionaries that won’t stand down, play small or sit out. To the stargazers, the storm-chasers and the Old Souls that walk this Earth.

Here’s to the wild ones. Here’s to you All.\m/



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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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