Hey I dont know how many of you have been at starseeds.net before it was shut down, but it's back online under a new owner and everything has been kept the same. Even if you had a profile before the shutdown, if you log back in, its all there. And to those of you who havent been to starseeds.net, its the same concept and layout, just painted more towards starseeds than elves/fae, but like this place, it's open to and accepting to all people and theres loads of members from all backgrounds as well as groups for each variety of hybrids. And its very active, like it used to be. Since it was reactivated, theres people online all day every day and I expect it will be back up to how it used to be very soon, with plenty of people posting sicussions and offering their services like healing, mediumship and clairvoyant tarot readings. To anyone here who sees this, our old home is back.
Great,the site certainly needs better reading,even to just kurb & draw ones attention away from the Raelian daily photo spammer.
I'm going to start a blog soon.
Why dont you just create your own discussion postings as that outlet, find a group in here to do them, write on these things you've found out about self as reflections for others to follow or learn from also. Lets face it when one is on an awakening path that's how others learn from shared notions,& personal experiences much like I have to you over the past few months..
These number of sequences you've unfolded on here indicate to me at least that newly planted ideas are beginning to take form and grow into reality for you.... for all those going through severe trauma persey its an awakening sequence date, it makes them take a look around, look at what is important to them, decide what they want for those who are awake.. its also the same but with less trauma a time to listen to choose what you want and start working towards that end goal for yourself... that will allow for the information and lessons to manifest does that make any sense to you..obviously you have a lot to share or you wouldn't keep returning to this same old discussion here aye. But do we really know anything about you personally from them all no we dont..so be constructive in your writings instead of rambling for no apparent reasoning.. other than to just to be vocal seeking to be heard...instead open your mind to others...
This is true. I need to find a healthy outlet for my feelings. I'll take a step back for a while
Have you even noticed no one else is commenting on this post, no matter what you or I say on this..it died ages ago,like many other discussions in this website have....and now you've just rambled all over it again.. but for no real reason other than human expression. Even I'm not sure what your getting out of posting all of this, nor what you want anyone to do or say to it..as these are your thoughts and reflections only,kinda like a sounding board...also as your not bouncing off anything I've said on here either, in conversational responses...
so by stepping out of your own point of view one might think differently about something they are saying. Maybe if you thought you were a animal you might understand what I'm on about,for example, animals have no time to feel sorry for themselves.
They are simply too busy doing what has to be done just to survive, and they also don’t have the time to feel down nor depressed. You can learn so much from nature and all of the animals that inhabit the wilderness.
They harbor no anger toward one another, and they trust their own inner sense of how to live. When we feel down or nervous, nature is a good listener. We can take a walk in the sun; listen to the birds, the sounds of twigs cracking under our feet. We can feel peace while listening to the sound of a river flowing. We can clear our minds and free ourselves of worry and depression. If one allows it, one can achieve freedom from their thoughts. If one seeks it, one can achieve a sense of peace and let go of momentary depression. If one decides to sit and allow ones depressed feelings to take us over, then we choose to remain depressed...so yes your right this is all the root of your shadow self flowing forward on here and nothing to do with the Grey aliens you speak of either....
Sorry if I burned any bridges.
And this is the root of my shadow.
I'm no better than the Greys that abduct me.
I wonder if I have antisocial tendencies?
I'm going to do everyone a favor and remove that friend I told you about from my life that got banned on Deviant Art. Because I was fine and even a normal person before I met that person. Hopefully now I won't act like a psycho.
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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