Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

What is a grid worker - you are grounding; the grid of light energy

Welcome my sweet and beloved ones
Elven, Tuatha de Danann, lightworkers, grid workers, star children, crystal children, multi-dimensional reality travelers,
Nature spirits and all lovers of Mother Earth

I have been learning about grid work. I think this is what we are doing in our higher dimensional realities which exist simultaneous to the 3rd. Remember humans are not perceiving these manifold dimensions beyond 3D - but you are, however. So therefore, you may not always remember your dreams where you do this vital, heavenly, work of love, this grid work - unless you open and look beyond the veil. Either way, you are very important; your presence, your dedication and focus on earth and creating her new paradyme of prosperity and peace.

Here is a link from some folk in England working with the grid.

See also the latest crop circles of 2016 here:

Blessed Be

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Comment by Carl Gustaf Prien on September 11, 2016 at 7:19am

Power Centers

From - http://earthsanctuary.org/ley_lines.php

At every point where ley lines enter the Earth (inshoots) and at approximately 70% of the nodes where ley lines leave the Earth (outshoots), there is a water spring. The ley-line inshoot or outshoot and accompanying water spring are the universal prerequisites for power centers. It is not just the water spring as suggested by Underwood or the ley line as suggested by Watkins, but the union of the two that determines the site selection of monuments.

Ley lines and water lines have fundamental similarities and differences. They both form a network of force fields over our planet and seem to affect human behavior, although in different ways. Ley lines originate from outside the Earth, while water springs originate from inside the Earth. Ley lines travel in straight tracks with 90-degree turns, while water lines are non-linear and circuitous.

The power of ancient monument sites lies in the interaction of the telluric Earth field of water lines with the cosmic solar field of ley lines. Their combination creates a synergetic, holistic field which is greater than either of the two energies taken separately. This fusion of the fundamental components of the Universe, yang and yin, is the source of all matter, energy and consciousness.

The power center radiates a universal energy that affects consciousness and can also be influenced and changed by consciousness. In fact, as silt becomes sedimentary rock over time, strong human emotions experienced over time at a power center create layers of consciousness that future visitors can feel and experience. For example, here is a short story about my visit to an underground chamber, located in central Vermont.

In the late seventies, I belonged to a group called the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), which studies the historic and prehistoric past of New England. There are many interesting stone and earth monuments all over New England that NEARA helps locate, preserve and study.

One summer day, I drove to the top of a mountain in central Vermont. At the top, I parked and started walking around. I get a certain feeling at power centers and I was picking up on this feeling as I found a standing stone and a recumbent stone with Iberian Ogam inscriptions believed to have been written by European Celts 3000 years ago. So much for Columbus "discovering" America. At the center of this cosmic place is a beautifully preserved underground chamber called Calendar II because it is oriented to the midwinter sunrise. If you sit inside the chamber and look out the entranceway on the morning of the winter solstice, December 21, the sun will rise in the center of the entrance. Analysis by archeoastronomer Byron Dix shows that the chamber was also used in lunar observations and eclipse prediction. This is only one of many such sites found all over New England.

This chamber, like most other such chambers, is located over an underground water spring and a ley-line power center. As I entered the chamber, I felt a palatable presence in the air, an increase in energy density, an intensity of experience. It came to me that this chamber was specially designed to evoke these kinds of feelings and experiences. The overhead lintel stones weigh approximately three tons each. I couldn't stay in the chamber for more than five minutes. The "volume" of the energy in this place was too high for my tastes and sensitivity.

Monuments harbor the potential for universal creative power that can be directed for the progress of humanity. In India, such spots are called tantrapieds, places for liberation and enlightenment. These sacred places have a very spiritual vibration, facilitating deep meditation and contemplation.

When a person stands on a water line, ley line or power center, the field of the water line affects the person and their own field, or aura. Just like the heat waves we can see rising off a highway on a hot summer day, there is a similar, semi-visible emanation all around our body which, under special conditions, can be seen as a field of light three to twenty-four inches or more silhouetted around our body. You may have seen someone's aura as a faint light or glow around their head, especially when they are next to a light-colored wall.

So far we have discussed three kinds of Earth energies: water lines; ley lines; and ley-line power centers, with yin, yang and balanced (yang-yin) fields. There are other kinds of Earth energies that also affect us. One example of such a power center is at kivas in the Southwest United States. When visiting Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico, I stood in the area where a kiva, now ruined, had been. I could feel power and a yin, telluric force field. The kiva was a sort of magnetic center into which energies were drawn from the surrounding countryside, and then drawn upward into a concentrated vortex.

This feeling of power as sensed by our consciousness and body is the key thing to seek at any sacred place -- it is the effect of the field on our consciousness that really counts, not the name, technicalities or details.

When you visit ancient monuments or sacred places of any kind, be aware of and experience your level of consciousness. Feel how you change in mood, what kinds of thoughts you have and what "comes to mind." If you have negative feelings or don't feel a place is safe or "right," avoid it.

Ancient monuments are a blessing because they elegantly mark power centers. In many parts of the world, all you have to do is find a megalithic monument, mound or ceremonial place and you've found an important power center.

But what if you want to find a power center and there isn't a monument or ancient place near you? Or what if you are interested in analyzing power centers to find out how they work or how the patterns of Earth energy are manifested? Well, unfortunately there are no commercial Earth energy meters (yet) on the market. Currently, there are two ways to find power centers. One is just to be able to feel them, naturally. I have one friend who can just walk to a power center and say "here it is." People like this, though, are quite rare. The other way to find power centers and Earth energies is through the technique of dowsing.

Comment by Carl Gustaf Prien on September 11, 2016 at 7:17am

Water Lines by Energy Shifter

Water Lines This primary water system exists deep inside the Earth as hydrated minerals. At shallower depths, this diffuse "steam-like" field of water gradually coalesces into pockets of liquid water which eventually connect into underground streams. As shown in the illustration below, the water travels upward in a vertical shaft called a "pipe" until its flow is stopped by an obstruction. This point is called a dome of water because the water is, in effect, domed up. If fissures or cracks in the Earth are connected to the pipe, the pressure of the water pushes the water into the cracks, which then become what we call underground streams, or water lines, which can then travel for great distances under the Earth's surface. Their course through the ground is generally winding and non-linear.

An artesian well or water spring is formed when a water line flows on its own power out from the surface of the Earth. It is common practice to dig or drill a hole down to the water line to find a water source. Thousands of well drillers are in this business.

Many animals are not only affected by water lines, but can instinctively perceive and use them. We, as humans, are also affected, but less naturally and need artificial assistance to perceive them. Using a forked stick or dowsing rod, when we are over a water line our muscles tense slightly, causing an almost imperceptible reflex movement in the arms and hands, which cause the stick to move and indicate the presence of water.

What Do Water Lines Feel Like? As water flows through underground streams, it creates a subtle electromagnetic field, several feet wide, that rises vertically above the water line, even through multiple floors and stories. This vertical planar field of electromagnetic energy affects people physically, mentally and spiritually.

Here are some comments from people talking about what standing over a water line feels like to them:

  • "Slow and warm and fuzzy."
  • "Heavy in my arms."
  • "Faint undulating energy."
  • "Surprise. Electric. Pleasing."
  • "A flowing directional pull, like ripples."
  • "Chocolate syrup."
  • "Calming energy."

It's one thing to experience the effect of a water line by standing over it for a short time. It's another thing to work or sleep over a water line. A water line has a yin, or passive field, associated with it. Being on a water line will tend to slow you down and make you feel lazy or apathetic. People who work at desks over water lines often have problems getting enough energy to get work done or even to get started.

Water lines can have serious negative effects when the water line is polluted physically or psychically. Negative water lines not only create a place of passivity, but can be detrimental to one's physical and mental health.  TUNING WATER WITH BAMBOO

1.     Ground the house (or make sure it is ground)

2.     With water you can use bamboo sticks

3.     Find the subterraneous water coming in

4.     For Subterraneous Rivers we have a depression so we have to increase the cosmic energy.

5.     You will put 1-5    3 foot bamboo rods in to the ground.

6.     Because walls have auric fields emanating from them you have to go outside the walls of the house

7.     Put the rods at the source of the big water

8.     Place them reverse of the growth direction (Cosmic side in ground and root or telluric side up)

9.     This is good for wet faults and water.

10.  For dry faults put the bamboo with the telluric (root) side down into the ground

11.  As you place the bamboo spin it in at a clockwise direction and check every 3 inches to see how the energy is.

12.  You should wait 15 minuets to measure.

13.  If you are pounding the bamboo into the ground you should wait 20 minuets every 3 inches.

Elements of geobiology: Water veins and geological cracks

The two important geobiology elements left are underground water veins or lakes and geological cracks.

There are two kinds of underground water veins, primary water and aquifer water. The first one is water that comes up from the deepest parts of the earth for the first time, It is known as healing water and is the water that flows out of earth in well known hot thermal stations around the planet as for example in Yellowstone.

Most of the power places on earth have at least one vein of primary water, usually more, crossing one or two ley lines. in geobiology it is not suggested to build a home above primary water because its energy is too strong.

The second kind of underground water veins is aquifer water. The natural radioactivity above these veins is higher than usual, and the magnetic field is very low. Its influence affects a height of 100 meters. The friction of the underground water on the rocks creates a very strong vibration on the surface. This vibration becomes more noxious if the water is polluted. Its presence can be noticed above surface on the vegetation, trees grow diagonally trying to avoid the vibration, wholes in planted hedges. Lightnings often touch earth where two underground water veins cross each other. When an underground water vein comes together with a hartman or star or mummification crossing it creates a noxious spot which is called geopathy. This is a situation that requires to move your bed or to move to another room or another house, if the underground water is everywhere.

It is possible to diminish the harm of underground water by planting genus buxus above the place the vein enters to your land.

Underground lakes are closed cavities with stagnant water emitting a mummifying stagnant energy above surface.

Geological cracks have the same effect as water veins above surface, but more intense. It is impossible to live in a house built above underground cracks or water.

Dowsing ancient villages in France made us discover that in the past people knew that. We did not find a house located above a crack or water. People knew where the underground water flows, they were using dowsing sticks made of cherry tree wood to locate the veins and to build their wells.

Energy creates a depression in the electromagnetic field of the earth where the water line or vein is.

If you sit on this energy it will have an effect on your body. Especially Endocrine Glands.

  1. When you sit on a subterranean river it effects the adrenal glands and thyroid. This happens to compensate for the stress affected by the water.
  2. The other glands are functioning at lesser energy.
  3. This is why we want to look for water underground.
  4. When the water circulates in rock they rub against each the stone and create electrical micro currents and this causes depression.
  5. How do you feel them? The edge of the water is very disturbed.
  6. In the middle where the spirals meet we have a cold area.
  7. You will feel water in your kidneys, bladder, thyroid or throat. This is your confirmation.
  8. You might also have an itchy feeling in your eyes.
  9. An intense cold in the kidneys or the feeling you want to urinate.
  10. Water charges people very easily.  Make sure you take a bath in 2 handfuls of seasalt for at least 15 min. (The kind of energy we are working with is very contaminating. We open ourselves to pathogenic energy so we can feel them)
  11. Trees absorb pathogenic energy.
Comment by Carl Gustaf Prien on September 11, 2016 at 7:16am

Elementals and Earth Energies

11. Elementals

Again, in our experience, we have encountered a range of elementals that live in a parallel world but we are unable to ‘see’ possibly because they are vibrating at such a different rate to us.
The elementals we tend to encounter in spirit release are ones upset by the client because work has been done to ‘their’ garden and they have been uprooted and had their homes destroyed. These same elementals become angry and will attach to us to get revenge and become stuck in our dense energy.

Other elementals attach to us because they like us want to know us better and wonder what we are about. Our energetic density ensures that they stick and their distress can be discomforting for us.
We are asked at times to work for people who want our help in learning about the elementals in their gardens, farms, and homes so that to co-operate with these elementals in our gardens is to live in harmony. There is one corner of our garden that we simply are not permitted to mow the lawn in to cite such a case.

With the amount of building work, road works and decimation of woodlands and countryside, the elemental population are suffering acutely and we do recommend that if you are doing work in your own house and garden, that you consider the other world folk living there and perhaps consult workers like us to mediate! It may be that a small water feature is the answer to harmonious living following disturbance but it is worth finding out.

We do not claim to be experts in this field and only a small proportion of attachments seem to be from this dimension but we have had 100% success when working with these energies. It is enriching to be in touch with this magical and enchanting realm.

In much the same way as elementals are affected by our activities and can become angry if disrupted, earth energies react in the same way. We have done much work in homes above or crossing ley lines, where there is a tear in the fabric of the earth and where earth creatures are disturbed. Again, this work has been 100% successful and places where people have been ill, feeling uncomfortable and experience dis-ease – areas become settled and happy again.

We also come across the effects of earth energies that have, in past times, merged with the darker side of human nature. We have worked with areas in which a piece of ground has been infested with pestilence, disease that this has caused a merging of hate between man and earth which has carried on through the generations, more or less forming an illness or sickness through a family and community resulting in early deaths and dis-ease.

This at first appears to be an ancestral pattern but when investigated is more complex and deadly. It has been possible to effect change and still work remotely as the geography is not always clear for local visits since this can take place in other countries but still operate in this space and time.

Comment by Carl Gustaf Prien on September 11, 2016 at 7:15am

'An Introduction to Land Cleansing' from Molly (Green Hope Farm Essences)

Negativity builds up on land in many ways.  Human discord of any kind settles on the land where the discord took place.  If you have a temper tantrum in your backyard, that energy remains in your backyard.  Even the most pristine piece of land, uninhabited by humans, will have negativity delivered to it by wind and precipitation.  For example, rain clears the atmosphere of negativity but this leaves negativity on the land.

This discord stays in the land UNTIL the negativity is either cleansed energetically in conscious human cooperation with the Angels and Elementals of Nature or is forcibly removed through extreme weather such as hurricanes, thunderstorms or floods.

When land is energetically cleaned, the vibration is raised and the negativity is dissolved or transmuted without any side effects.  Elementals and Angels, particularly the Elementals, do the actual energy cleansing but this group CANNOT do this work in the same benign way unless a human asks them to do it.  Asking for this cleansing must be done by a human.  It is one of our vital roles in the co-creation and maintenance of Earth.

If a human doesn't ask for energy cleansing for a piece of land and this land is holding a lot of negativity, the Elementals only options for removing this negativity is extreme weather.  Because the Elementals are supposed to keep the planet in form, steadying and balancing it as we go, they WILL clear land that is very negative in order to help this balancing process.  Without our help, big weather events are the operative mechanism for such clearings.

Comment by Carl Gustaf Prien on September 11, 2016 at 7:13am

I put up a blog post that might resonate with some - it is my own experiences (so disclaimer there)...but if others find it helpful, so be it, if not - that's ok too.  I just have to work in the 'frame' of my experiences.

I have a lot of information on ley line working and will post it here rather than start a new thread.

Comment by Morell Sunweaver on August 17, 2016 at 11:14pm

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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