People gather to meditate with horses, while horses offer healing energy. For more information, go to
I walked that filly for what seemed like 5 miles along the road side she was so high spirited her eyes rolled in the back of her head, she snorted at me even but in saying that she had no evil in her she was just in fear of not being handled by the owner, I think the owner was scared of her to be honest and thats why she hadnt been broken in.. horses know this, they do certainly pick up on peoples emotions for 100% sure,I had no fear of anything, I just walked right up to her in the paddock she stood up[cos she was sitting] and she even stamped her feet at me, you know how sheep do that as a sign to let you know they are fearful and to get away.. well I stopped and just stood still and I blew air through my teeth at her, this got her curiosity didnt it, shed not had contact like that,just using sound..then I started to mimic her tones,blowing those lips and nose noises LOL I had her then, she saw me as no threat I was just a strange looking shaped horse to her..she smelt me all over even my hair [I let her] as she did it I kept blowing air through my teeth and then started to touch her she was slightly trembling I will say..the next day I did the same but I bought a rope with me, I let her smell it and I rubbed it all over her as we both went round in circles together in a form of dance really she took the lead though..then the next day I attached a halter to that rope and the same sequence occured, till I was able to slowly slip it over her head..all the time blowing air through my teeth she associated that sound with my breath or my soul essence to her's,cos she also blew breath after mine mimicking it..connecting to each other.. after that everything was easy walking etc opening gates all that stuff..then the next week I came I decided it was time to get on her I could touch her legs,face,body etc all that..anyway it was hilarious once I got her to the river though..I did everything totally different to what she expected me to do,everything went from slow to fast..she had no time to even think..I used her fear against her really while she was looking all around checking out the area Id already tied the rope to the other side of her halter[not bit at this stage] just a halter & rope..then I just grabbed a huge handful of her mane and flung myself on her, straight into the water LOL,you'd swear flames were coming out her nostrils she didnt know what was going on,instinct kicked in she couldnt buck she had to swim no choice..silly of me really it could have been very dangerous for me..[not her gees she was young & strong she could have taken me up under the willows near the bank and knocked me off [she didnt] she just swam with the current, I guided her then after feeling her tensions drop away..she shook from head to toe when I finally got her up the bank..but that was it I tried jumping back on again and she let me..I rode her round in a circle even and walked her up to the edge of the road again no problem.. I didn't ride her the 5miles home though, I walked her again..but when I got home I jumped on and she was fine,I told the owner and she was shocked..gave me a growling but was at the same time she was grateful..funny how she reacted to what Id done,she didnt know if she should be angry or what..think it was more I put myself in danger without her knowing..anyway that horse had a strain of Arab in her,that's why she was so head strong, she held her tail up in the air, and pranced around like she knew it all,I just bought her down off her stool we say over here or down a few pegs...teenager she was,Id heard the saying pull the rug out from under her feet,show her your the boss,and that's what I did & it worked..She went on to be a champion equestrian jumper..her high spirited nature was perfect for that role.I will watch your video sounds like a nice tale..
Amazing! I do believe there is something different about "Horse People" or "Horse Whisperers." That doesn't include all people who are involved with horses either. People who speak horse are very intuitive, specially with nature. We tend to speak with emotion and body language before resorting to oral speech sometimes. When your in your tween and teen years your gift with horses is extremely strong. It happens with out even trying it seams in those years. My Father and his side of the family had been horse people as far back as will go. They quit just before I was born, sold their stables and horses off. I was never told about this, I was never shown pictures, they never spoke of it and I wasn't even aloud to see that side of my family, and I was still obsessed with horses from day one. It infuriated my mother who didn't want me to know. I think we're just born this way. By the time I was 11 I wore them down and started lessons and got a horse. I worked with them for about 6 years, but it is expensive and haven't been with them sense. I thought my love for horses and needing to be with them would go away after a while. It never did and I think about it every single day. I would rather be roaming fields and woods with horses than being with people. That extends to all animals to but horses are something special to me. I know other horse people feel this way to. The way your rode that horse , it's a spiritual thing. Horse people just know how to do it without previous experience (Unless you count past lives ;D ) I'll post a video "The Black Stallion" where the boy does the same thing. It's very zen to watch a connection being made with out a word being spoken. It's nice to meet someone else who has this ability!
I really enjoyed watching this,thank-you it bought back memories as I have a deep connection with horses,but all animals really..I even broke one in Indian style, I rode her into a river bare back this was when I was 19yrs old..almost got myself into trouble for doing it too, but in the end all worked out ok cos I told the owner that her horse talked to me and let me ride her..saved her heaps in money too..LOL..but yeah when I'm in their presence they go all gaga soppy on I a horse whisperer maybe???
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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