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So, I know that I am a Fae, but don't know which type or race. I resonate with Celtic Faeries, Elves, Tuatha and Sidhe. How do I find out for certain?

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My advice is to look with in your self. The Sidhe and Tuatha De Danann around me said to meditate on it. The answer lays with in your self. 

thank you, that really helps. how do you think i should go about doing this?

BlueTiger said:

My advice is to look with in your self. The Sidhe and Tuatha De Danann around me said to meditate on it. The answer lays with in your self. 

Hi Treespar ! It's entirely possible, since the Sidhe bred with humans often.

I wonder if you are able to use a pendulum...or even get the Faerys Oracle ( brian froud)...i find it always answers my questions really well...even if i only pull one card. Maybe especially if i only pull one card : )

I have gotten my own answers only after being pointed in the right direction by a very experienced faery oracle herself, many years ago.....she said i was tenathi d'ar, and explained that they are the guards of the tuatha de dana'an.

I also did a lot of research and meditation (prayer is talking, meditation is listening...First put your question out there, ask a trusted entity to stand by and protect you, and "trance out"...there are many ways in which to do this....you can write to me if you want me to send you some files i have...if people want, i can post some things here.)

If you wish, it might be fun to read "the shining Isle" by ly de angelis....it's about the Tuatha in our modern world....and see if it resonates something within you !  there is another partner book you might want to get later if it does....

but i read these every fall for years, they resonated so much.....maybe this put my "will" out there for contact, because 2 Samhains ago they started coming to stay at our house ( the dog told us a lot of unseen beings were dribbling in at all hours, and i was "told" they are the Sidhe Travelers ! They come around Samhain and leave around Yule, like my late dad has been doing too, since 2006...i have corresponded with the author and mentioned these are not fiction for me...she confirmed they're not fiction for her either.)

also, i have found that...if you have genetic "talents" like any kind of ESP, facility with magic, seeing/hearing beings others cannot, healing, even pointy ears like my son...

not sure yet if pronounced canine teeth are one of these traits...i've noticed this more in millennials !....

these things might be like other latent genetic traits that tend to come out in subsequent generations.

xox addy

Treespar said:

thank you, that really helps. how do you think i should go about doing this?

BlueTiger said:

My advice is to look with in your self. The Sidhe and Tuatha De Danann around me said to meditate on it. The answer lays with in your self. 

Hi Addy, I would definitely like to try the pendulum method. How do you do it please?

hi Treespar !

this is from my files:
be aware that pendulums will seldom if ever tell you the future....either because we're not to know it,
or because the entity you're talking to may not know the future.
for example, ghosts/ancestors are as unlikely to know the future as we are.
they can give good advice, though....and can tell you about what's going on in the present elsewhere.
there are several ways to find and use pendulums, but i will talk about the ways i've done it myself.

pendulums have a life of their own, and i have found that not all of them will want to work with everyone.

there are different ideas about who is talking to you through a pendulum.
some say it's your own subconscious, or higher self ( the part of your spirit that stays in the "Otherworld" even when you're reincarnated).
some say it's entities.
for me, it can be any of these...if i ask specific entities to speak to me, they do.
The more relaxed you are, the easier it will come.

as well:
make sure the string or chain lets the pendulum move freely, it needs to be a fine string or chain, since a heavy one will "clog" its movements.
whether your own movements cause its answers is something you will scrutinize and work to eliminate.
you must stay utterly still and make sure to have no subconscious moves !
even if it is your subconscious that is answering,
you don't want to take a chance that it's your conscious, masquerading.

First, some ways to find one that wants to work with you:

1)  use a pendant that you often wear that loves you and seems to want to be your pendulum as well.
...the more often you wear it, the more of your energy it will have stored for use.
you will also go by instinct and purpose to know whether it wants to be held ( and/or worn) over your solar plexus, heart, or throat chakra as you use it.
some even want to be over your third eye....or lower chakras.....
do what you feel, they are energy vortices after all.
these vortices accept energy from the Universe inward, for you to metabolize,
but the pendulum will meld with this energy and be geared toward that kind of purpose.

2) if you have long hair, you can use a hair for the string, and loop it through a habitually worn ring or pendant.

3) peruse commercial pendulums you see here and there to see which "speaks" to you.
try them in the store, ask them if they want to be with you and work with you...ask a few test questions....
see how much energy they have when you hold the end and give it a little shove....some will definitely have more !

( i have several pendulums, different stones, some i bought, some were my jewelry, some were gifts...
i love them all.
but the once i was in my favorite rock store that i have frequented for many years in the Marche Bonsecours, Old Montreal...
i don't usually even look at the pendulums in stores anymore, but i heard her !
hanging in a crowd of beautiful pendulums, i found the double rock crystal one that was screaming for me to pick her up..ok, lol.. not really screaming, but a very high pitched crystalline whine..).
this is the first time that's ever happened...they all have different energies, but this one is definitely ALIVE.
i tried her and she swung like crazy...she also wanted me to wear her as a pendant over my solar plexus, and i had the most amazing dream the first night i did this.

Then, various ways to work with the pendulum:

- sit down and hold the pendulum in your dominant hand, over the corresponding thigh.
 starting from the knee, about an inch above the skin, slowly move the pendulum back toward the body.
you will feel a distinct drag caused by your energy field, and may even see the slant of the chain !
( this was just for fun <G>).

whether you want to work with entities, or with your higher self/subconscious, ask how they wish to answer...
whatever they tell you will be the way it is from now on, for you :
with your dominant hand, give the pendulum a bit of a swing along your thigh a few inches above the skin ( always start with a bit of a swing, to energize it....when you've become an old hand at this, it may not be necessary and it will start from a dead stop) ,
...often it will add its own energy for huge swings !
( you can also hold it over your  upturned recessive palm, or reclining and hold it over your solar plexus, rather than your leg)
ask how they wish to say yes, how to say no....usually yes is a circle or straight line to the left for instance...no can be a straight line back and forth along the thigh or straight back and forth to the right.
maybe or unsure can be middle back and forth, if you go according to lines toward left and right being yes and no.
you can visualize the area as a geometry protractor...degrees left or right...the greater left or right the more definitive the answer....up and down the middle can be maybe or dunno.
if you want you can draw a protractor-like field and do the penduluming over it on a table.
( you can even pendulum over maps etc to find things...).
crazy huge swings can be confusing, so notice if they start to the left or to the right.

sometimes the answering entity has enough energy not to need the little beginning shove...it will start from a dead standstill.
as well, once it has answered, it may stop dead as well with no slowing down first.
if you don't interrupt the swinging, and ask a different question, it may stop its strong swinging one way to abruptly change direction and swing strongly another direction.
( this is all pretty awesome and dramatic <G>).

if you have any questions, about this or anything else, pls feel free to ask....i'm here for you !

Treespar said:

Hi Addy, I would definitely like to try the pendulum method. How do you do it please?
wow! Thank you so much Addy, that helps me so a lot! Is there a way I can make the pendulum myself, as I don't have one?

for sure you can make it yourself...just get a small item ( it's best to have a pendant or ring you wear often...if not, anything that resonates with you and seems to "like you"...maybe cleanse it first ...wash, rub with salt, then rinse in cold running water...if no njatural water, then tap is fine.... focused on " cleansing cleansing......or, sage smudge it..)...then you can use a long hair if you have long hair, or a long thin thread.

xo addy

Treespar said:

wow! Thank you so much Addy, that helps me so a lot! Is there a way I can make the pendulum myself, as I don't have one?

for sure you can make one..out of anything light and small enough....you can even carve runes on a little piece of wood stone or metal...your imagination is the only guide <3


for sure you can make it yourself...just get a small item ( it's best to have a pendant or ring you wear often...if not, anything that resonates with you and seems to "like you"...maybe cleanse it first ...wash, rub with salt, then rinse in cold running water...if no njatural water, then tap is fine.... focused on " cleansing cleansing......or, sage smudge it..)...then you can use a long hair if you have long hair, or a long thin thread.

xo addy

Treespar said:

wow! Thank you so much Addy, that helps me so a lot! Is there a way I can make the pendulum myself, as I don't have one?

question what Fae would look similar to a drow yet they are NOT a drow?


They wouldn't even need to be specifically mimicing drow necessarily. Fae can look like all kinds of things just naturally.

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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