Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

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Is there a notable difference between Elves and Fae? I have a few faery books and they lump elves, Fae, mermaids, undines, gnomes, trolls and dwarves under the same category. I think I have had past lives as Tuatha de Danann. According to mythology, after the Fomorians defeated the Tuatha, they went underground and became the Sidhe. Last I checked the Sidhe are faeries.What thoughts do you have about this? Feel free to share. :)

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I think Elves and Fae are different, but similar to greater or lesser degrees, depending on the Fae. I don't think Elves are a kind of Fae (with rare personal exceptions). My personal experience with them is that they carry a different vibration.

"Sidhe" means people of the hills, as I imagine you are aware. As you probably gathered from my other comment, to me, the Tuatha and the Sidhe are not one and the same, although there are crossovers and similarities. I would not use the word Elves for Tuatha nor Sidhe, personally, although there is definitely history in the community for people using more than one of these terms for themselves (Tuatha, Sidhe, Faery, Elven). I would call myself Faery, Sidhe, and not Elven or Tuatha, but I recognize cousinship and am certainly eager to meet such people in the flesh!

I really appreciate your input. Though I'm more inclined to think of the Tuatha as Elves...But do you think they are more like the Fey? I have come across some sources that mentions the Tuatha as a Faery race. Other don't specify a race or they say they were Elves. Its hard to know what you are with so much conflicting information. :) But discussions help. I know I didn't originate on Earth. I can't say where I come from or what race, because I don't have a clue, but I know I'm not originally from here...soul wise, anyway. :)

I too am eager to meet Otherkin who are Fey, Elven, Sidhe or Tuatha.

To my understanding the Elven and Fae are light beings that n the Elven kingdom to to speak the Fae exist the Fae being of the feminine and Elven masculine as you see in Elvenworld (the book). Of course these are not requirements but perceptions and labels for purpose of expressing ideas. The idea being the Elven Kingdom is home to Elven (masculine) and Fae feminine. The ultimate reference would be the Hermetic law of gender that masculine and feminine must both exist but this is more of a yin yang concept than a judgment as to who is allowed to wear which type of clothing or have which type of body shape. Hope that makes sense...

In my view Fae and elves are not the same Fae in my terms are those who are not children of the gods but are far older and varying in ideas neither good or bad. Elves on the other hand are one race of many that the gods gave life to. Now on the matter of foul beasts/trolls/orcs and such are twisted copies of greater races made to mock the gods.

im pretty sure to see both emerging as connected to Nature 

so the difference is just their culture and habits arising from their Body forms and Daily Life for Many live.

But besides that and when it comes to Culture and Harmony with Nature they are also fully in Balance .

Maybe they also split away from the Elven tribe earlier to choose new Bodies or a new Realm ( that was just a guess )

I'm a mermaid but a fairy of water.
Is it possible that ones energy comes accross as many different entities, in which case it does not matter?

It is possible. However one usually have tendency to identify as member of some race, which feels most close to the one.

Clifford Davis said:

Is it possible that ones energy comes accross as many different entities, in which case it does not matter?

I am an undine...but not a merman. My female spirit companion is a water lily fae or nymph.

In my view they're all elementals, but - for example, in the case of undines and mermaids (which are often conflated), undines are the element of water itself, whereas the mermaid/merfolk are an entirely different elemental altogether.  Since I don't fall into any of the other categories of elementals, I can't really speak for them - they know their own kind more than I...LOL.

I do know, that when I was making the groups, and wanted to do a Pixies group, they seem to be conflated with the Fae, from the images.  The pixie I know does not look like a fae - she has no wings and the 'traditional pixie' hairstyle.  I created two separate groups - one for Fae and another for Pixies.

I think that fae are much more connected with specific things in nateure than elves.

I feel you there. i have a stronmg drow to call myself Tuatha but also Elf. And many say they are Elves others say different.

Elf Seeker said:

I really appreciate your input. Though I'm more inclined to think of the Tuatha as Elves...But do you think they are more like the Fey? I have come across some sources that mentions the Tuatha as a Faery race. Other don't specify a race or they say they were Elves. Its hard to know what you are with so much conflicting information. :) But discussions help. I know I didn't originate on Earth. I can't say where I come from or what race, because I don't have a clue, but I know I'm not originally from here...soul wise, anyway. :)

I too am eager to meet Otherkin who are Fey, Elven, Sidhe or Tuatha.

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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