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following all leads...a couple of nights ago I visioned what could be energy wings/aura expansion which grew and grew until I saw antler shapes on the end of the aura/wings...this video seemed to come to me as proof that what I'd seen and felt was reality

LOve,Love,LoVe Heilung too, right up my alley in tones & Shamanic frequencies..I have others I'm sure you'd like too..I'll post them if I havnt in here already..

cool, thanks Vlada...these things speak loudly to the part of me that's untamed by civilisation! 

Yes many think this is dark but its tribal tones..connections to Mother Ea ..Here I just posted this band I love who also play similar..


Thanks, yes I agree, we all have a tribal instinct even if some don't recognise it yet or want to pursue these ways...Over the years I've been attracted to the drum and the ways of the Mother and have been interested in animal guides

Great yes drums are the soul frequencies,hense why tribes used them..and so do you know your own animal guides?,...not including my life guide Raven I also have a barn owl her name is 'lninaznah' she awesome to me...and a black wolf and his name is 'Ma'iinkan'  hes really wise and give me good advice in being strong and both of them I couldn't do without now..I also had a lesson guide years back a red Dragon dropped in for a short while his name was 'Loktor' he didn't stay long..


I see stag or his female counterpart at times during meditation.  When walking the medicine wheel I have white wolf, a white bear came once on winter solstice medicine wheel.   I've seen a black puma years back.  As I mentioned before when I was a youngster I saw tiger in my dreams.  White wolf has been seen with me.  She has a strong presence round the medicine wheel, I felt her fur and her closeness, it was very real, especially strong the first time this happened.  I had a very omg moment several years back when I got a feeling that a dragon had landed on the roof of my house!

And when they came to you what lessons did they bring with them for you to learn from them?

Like I know the Stag is a leader into the other worlds of being as he is like a beacon for dimensional journeying... and the Wolf symbolises intelligence & freedom,...the bear is a strong source of support in times of difficulty as It provides courage and a stable foundation to face challenges...and your Puma is the symbol of the mother, the dark moon and the power of the night.

And then Tiger puts a special emphasis on raw feelings and emotions,as it symbolizes primal instincts, unpredictability, and ability to trust yourself.... so just what did all these spirit guides teach you when they came to visit cos thats one heck of a bunch of strong spirit animals you must have been in real trouble in your soul to get them all..

face to face with the eagle last night, very strongly, felt great strength and the eagle eye, very powerful and very close up.  I'll post up on the group on eagle totem

this was over many years, and I'm not really sure.  Used to write a journal with dreams etc, its twice this week when I've very powerful feelings in aura and I vision

ënagualí ~ Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

And when they came to you what lessons did they bring with them for you to learn from them?

Like I know the Stag is a leader into the other worlds of being as he is like a beacon for dimensional journeying... and the Wolf symbolises intelligence & freedom,...the bear is a strong source of support in times of difficulty as It provides courage and a stable foundation to face challenges...and your Puma is the symbol of the mother, the dark moon and the power of the night.

And then Tiger puts a special emphasis on raw feelings and emotions,as it symbolizes primal instincts, unpredictability, and ability to trust yourself.... so just what did all these spirit guides teach you when they came to visit cos thats one heck of a bunch of strong spirit animals you must have been in real trouble in your soul to get them all..

See now you have the Eagle its a powerful spirit animal, representing courage and ability to see spiritual hidden truths,so somethings going on to have all these come in on mass,they usually come to give specific lessons & move through them with you personally ..so what is this teaching you here,you need to look for the door to the East thats gonna give you all the answers as to what you take away...I've never met a anyone who can garner all these spirit totem animals so easily,so its a gift in itself..

Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry said:

face to face with the eagle last night, very strongly, felt great strength and the eagle eye, very powerful and very close up.  I'll post up on the group on eagle totem

what I felt and experienced with the head and eyes of the eagle, for I didn't see the whole body, was that I was looking through eagles eyes...I'd seen a picture in a dream around the same time or shortly before and it was like looking through several windows to a brief image of someone I knew.  I can ask eagle to keep her eyes open for me is my guess.  Maybe with eagles eyes I can see through walls;)

When I did some work with the guy online when I was on Ning Revolutions who was Maouri but living in Australia, I saw what looked like a guy on a horse jump through a wall, but it was like the wall was paper and it left like a paper rip in the wall.  He asked me about where he was going to live eventually and my thought was that he wouldn't find happiness unless he moved back to his family in New Zealand and took up his tribal position as Shaman.  


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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