Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Howard Gerber
  • Male
  • Richmond, TX
  • United States
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Howard Gerber's Friends

  • Elizabeth saenz
  • Tammara Scott
  • janette chapman
  • cazandra  smith
  • Sabrina Luna
  • Robert Denham
  • Leith Carnie
  • Celticlass
  • Angela Daigrepont
  • Ron Cordes
  • Tara

Howard Gerber's Page

Profile Information

About You -what brings you here?
We bring Pagan rituals to Texas prisons.Although our rituals are essentially Wiccan, we blend in elements from Druidism and Asatru. We visit six prisons and a working on reaching more. All Pagans and Heathens are welcome, as well has Native Americans, Feri, Thelemists, Egyptian Magicians and even Satanists.
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Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 11:30pm on August 2, 2010, Tara said…
Oh, wow your path is such a blessing. I am amazed by you!
At 5:42pm on July 13, 2010, Elizabeth saenz said…
Howard I like that you are bringing an option to those who may have trouble finding one! Please check out my site and feel free to use any writings or messages you think would be beneficial to share.
At 6:33pm on July 12, 2010, Boldylocks gave Howard Gerber a gift
At 3:33pm on July 11, 2010, Robert Denham said…
As an ordained Priest myself, I find that alot of people single like the power trip of being the leeder of the group, and have not fully understood how to restore the spiritual body of the followers. There is a restoration that needs to take place in some of these people, expecially if they are in and out of jail. There is a rebuilding that must take place from within to fully restore the mind-body-soul trinity that we all have. As we are all extensions of the source God we all must draw closer to it so it draws closer to us. Following a ritual may make one 'feel' better, but does little to restore the mind body soul trinity....look into the triple spiral.
At 3:30pm on July 11, 2010, Robert Denham said…
"I lead a Pagan rituals in six Texas prisons. We have Wiccans, Hare Krishnas, Asatru, Druids, Satanists, Voodoo, Thelemics and many more that attend. We are certainly not all the same, but we have a lot more in common to share than we do with the Christians or Muslims."

You may not be able to leed a ritual from the Tuatha De Danann, I don't know your bloodline first of all, and I don't know if you have direct communication with the Source God...these two things are needed to do rituals in full, to have them visually manafest in this reality...or you could simply be talking to 4 walls :)
At 3:26pm on July 11, 2010, Robert Denham said…
Further - Things like Fear and Hatred are not separated from one another, for all is one. This is what The Elven People (tuatha De Danann) has know for many many eons, ALL is truely one.

Crowley gives this example is his book 4 'Aleister Crowley'.
He writes;
"Hope and fear are only opposite phases of a single emotion; both are incompatible with the purity of the soul. With the passions of man the case is somewhat different, not to be suppressed, but emotion is impressed from without. It is an invasion of the circle."

With that said, there is an old Zen saying:
“Water that is too pure has no fish.”
At 3:21pm on July 11, 2010, Robert Denham said…
"Those who wear plastic Elvin ears are not acting out illusion? Yet even those who live in illusion are better off than those who live in hatred or fear."

I don't know much about living in illusion, as I follow what has been given to me by the Source God. God (Him+her=Herm) has given me what it calls "The Wheels of Truths", so I live and follow the Truth, I follow no ISM or IST as most if not all ISMs and ISTs are what one would call BOXED THINKING, confindments of the mind that your creativity and individuality will die in.
At 1:15pm on July 11, 2010, Elizabeth saenz gave Howard Gerber a gift
At 7:44am on July 11, 2010, Robert Denham said…
Please don't take my words as a personal attack on you...not that you have, just saying.
I personally just find Wicca very ofensive, it's not Elven, yet feels it can take from us what it wants....like Christians steeling peoples minds and souls and converting their beliefs into Christianity
At 7:52pm on July 10, 2010, Robert Denham said…
All inclusive indicates that it includes lies, deception, and fakery as well...because that is found in ALL religions :) The Tuatha De Danann and their spiritual understandings are not based in a religion, but in truths, personal experience and the divine conversations (Some, like myself, have direct communication with the Source God) So I personally find it offensive to include that which is of fakery, as well as that which does not belong to you, not to mention that which you do not fully understand...you can not ask a white person to know what it is like to be black, or a china man to know what it is like to be white...sure we may see some of it, but not truely all of it and feel it...somethings you simply can not have.

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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