Soul Star Travelers of Elven World

Soul Star Travelers of Elven World, Magick of Tuatha de Danann

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Comment by Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry on May 31, 2024 at 2:53am

Yes that seems to be a good thing for the community Vlada

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉL𝐀ᗪἇ ኔጡ። on May 30, 2024 at 9:01pm

Oh yeah the Europeans lay the flowers too..but because the teens were Maori thats what the protocols are..but they do it for any full on tragic accident like that,as it rocked the community....

Comment by Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry on May 30, 2024 at 1:50am

thanks for letting me know, when there's accidents here often the area is blessed with flowers

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉL𝐀ᗪἇ ኔጡ። on May 29, 2024 at 2:25pm

The Kaumatua Elders went out there and did a karakia & tangihanga over the whole area, and no one was allowed there for some time as a lifting of the tapu had been done &  laying of pare kawakawa branches which symbolise life being brought back to the place of their deaths. 

Comment by Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry on May 29, 2024 at 2:23am

Yes they were claimed it sounds like, they found the bodies only later, they became a part of the living nature of the place Vlada, thanks for recalling this story to me.  May this space always be blessed.

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉL𝐀ᗪἇ ኔጡ። on May 26, 2024 at 6:54pm

Yes so you can see why you wouldn't want to get lost in that dense bush, worse if its at high altitude and the clouds come down and your in a mist blanket only,... not knowing which way to go up or down..

I recall a sad incident happened here a few years back now, where police chased a group of young teenage boys who had stolen a car in Rotorua in the early hours of the morning, they chased them into a area that is heavy bush ridden, they got out of the car on the roadside and just ran straight into the bush, police decided not to follow them in as it was dark,they instead called them to come out towards the sound of their megaphone for ages,as it was too dangerous to be in there alone,...

Well that didn't work, morning came round & they got the police dogs & bush rangers in for search n rescue and they never did find them till months later a hunter came across their naked bodies all huddled together against a tree, they also found what was left of their cloths and a make shift campsite with a fire that was so small it had hardly any wood in it so it hadn't got really started and obviously had gone out,they obviously had a lighter on them at the time but it was no good on wet wood, so they got hypothermia and stripped off and wandered further into the bush obviously and huddled together but it was too late they died..very sad,but also a lesson to any other teenagers to not run off into bush even if your in trouble,seriously as its possibly certain death if you do..

Comment by Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry on May 26, 2024 at 2:40am

The nature certainly draws you in and somehow claims you, lots of sounds, so very different to our native areas in England, it felt kinda spooky..

Comment by Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry on May 26, 2024 at 2:14am

Sounds like a wise move, taking provisions and clothes for the cold and wet conditions, weather here lately is so changeable, it's on a cold spell, but then the afternoons warm up then back to cold in the morning.

Thanks for video, I'll go check it out

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉL𝐀ᗪἇ ኔጡ። on May 25, 2024 at 8:10pm

Yes you dont want to get lost in our native bush, you may never come out again alive,every way you turn looks the same, every path has no ending,and there are dangerous drops into raveens and cliff faces,as well as wild boars ..also you may go in on a nice day, but in the bush temps can change and before you know it its hypothermia that will get I always go to well maintained tracks by DOC and stick to the trekking trails..plan & be prepared by googling on how long they should take,and I always take a small amount of food,and a warm rain coat even if its just a day trek & the sun is shining..check out these images of how dense our bush can be..

Here is a private Native land video,yes it has tracks, but still see how easy it would be to get lost in there if you stepped off these tracks..

New Zealand South Island Temperate Forests | One Earth

Totara Park Native Forest | Auckland Botanic Gardens

Native Bush by Nathan Secker - Art Prints New Zealand | Image Vault

Comment by Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry on May 25, 2024 at 1:58am

Everything in your homeland looks so lush :)

Yes lots of ivy in our woodlands in England, the way it wraps around the trees and perhaps inspired a few poems over the years...I just the the sunlit dappled effect of the light in the woodlands, makes the whole feel magical and enticing

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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RichardtheRaelian posted a photo

I like the part about the silence!

What is your favorite part?
3 hours ago
Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry replied to Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry's discussion Rewinding a forest...Do you love to walk in woodlands or forests
"I enjoyed your photos and yes it's an amazing world of nature, so much takes my eye and nature offers so many interesting opportunities for photography, it's an exciting world Vlada"
19 hours ago
Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry commented on Carl Gustaf Prien's group Tree of Life
"Enjoyed the video Vlada, many thanks"
19 hours ago
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