Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

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Sidhewillow's Friends

  • Treyah Autumn Wolf
  • Nevin
  • Daniel "AloeMantis"
  • Donna Smith
  • Becky DiNolfi
  • Tara

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RichardtheRaelian left a comment for Sidhewillow
""Happy Birthday!""
Apr 8, 2024
RichardtheRaelian liked Sidhewillow's profile
Apr 8, 2024
RichardtheRaelian left a comment for Sidhewillow
""Happy Birthday!""
Apr 8, 2023

Profile Information

About You -what brings you here?
I am trying to find my path in life and have been enjoying the magical and mysterious wonders along my path on Earth. I love gardening, healing, herbalism, spending time with animals and immersing myself in nature, where I feel most at home. I as well love learning about herbalism, aromatherapy, plants, divination, flower essences and above all the Elves and the Sidhe. I have this longing in my heart to unite with them, as I have often felt rather un-human, and am trying to discover who I really am.
Your Website
http://Thank you so kindly for acepting me into your community, am ...

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Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 1:57am on April 8, 2024, RichardtheRaelian said…

"Happy Birthday!"

At 11:20pm on April 8, 2023, RichardtheRaelian said…

"Happy Birthday!"

At 9:51pm on April 11, 2011, Nevin said…
Happy belated Birthday Shidhewillow...    May the coming year be rich in blessings for us all~ bringing you healing and boon, so!
At 7:43pm on April 9, 2011, Becky DiNolfi said…
happy Birthday Sidhewillow I hope it was awesome..
At 5:12pm on January 14, 2011, Becky DiNolfi said…

Hi Sidhewillow,

I just went back and read your question and I did work with Ted Coombs to open a stargate here on my property. I did it on the 4th at 4:44 PM. I had 467 Elvin masters come through in thatr 24 hrs. It was awesome. I even had someone from another dimention actuallt turn my peace sigh on my arbor around and upside down that same night. An upside down peace sign is a symbol for the tree of life.It was an amazing thing . Let me know when you are going to do it . I would like to be a part of it also.My Fairy queen was there to help also. Noni is queen of a tribe of 27 that live here with me and my pigs... I had only one Elf stay here with us and his name is Anikin.. 


My Lady Becky Fire Elf Shimmer

At 10:53pm on January 11, 2011, Donna Smith said…

Hello back, Sidhewillow. 

I had wanted to thank YOU for your find comments on my photos.  I do love this new passion I have found.  My computer has been down the last number of days so I'm still trying to catch up on my online communications.  And it's been a while since I have really explored Elvenworld and that's definitely on my to-do list! 

Yes, I agree it will be fun to connect here with you.  I just read your profile and interestingly enough just watched a movie that seems to me it might interest you......The Spice Mistress.   About an Indian psychically gifted woman who's destiny is to let the spices talk to her.......everyone has a particular spice that is for them...or what they need.  It was actually a pretty good movie. 

I'm also enjoying the Paulo Coehlo books.....very spiritual and again.....those Gifts.

Take care.......



At 10:00am on December 24, 2010, Nevin said…

We have great winds clearing the energies of the land up here on Vancouver Island right now~ what a wonderful feeling to see nature dancing so!    I love your idea about sharing the Eleven Portal that we co-created with others interested.    I'll check in with my inner guidance and the Elves of course and see what they have to say on the subject and get back to you.      Also I want to download some of the the photos once I get that little wire to connect camera to computer.    Sidhewillow, you're right its good to find others whose hearts are drawn to this work.    Sometimes I feel very alone in the human world on this journey.     Even some of my close "new age" friends have no comment on my Elven path; I find that odd...  but how could I not continue?    There's so much more to this world than meets the eye and the eye is starting to see what the heart feels as Mother Earth releases her full vibration.      So cool you're into Flower Essences to~ such a real way to connect and co-create with the Devas and Nature Sprits!


Will be back in touch very soon,






At 1:43pm on December 20, 2010, Daniel "AloeMantis" said…

Merry Yule :) Glad to connect with you - I'm from the Toronto area.

At 4:25pm on December 19, 2010, Treyah Autumn Wolf said…
Merry Yule to you also. Ive spent the last few days moving, and going through huge obstacles getting my stuff here from Nevada. The moving company is trying to rip me off so now I am trying to recover my belongings. But like many say - the Goddess never gives you a problem you can not handle. Lets hope I get a happy ending to this problem. Will have internet as soon as I can get it. Take care for now. May the Goddess bless you many times over this full moon Yuletide.

Quelleme, Lady Trea
At 2:35am on November 8, 2010, Treyah Autumn Wolf said…
They dont give you enough characters to write here in the comment block, do they? ^-^

I am originally from New York, and have been on my pagan path since 1990. In 2007 I had a dream and a deep driving force to accomplish a few things (of which with my White Wolf/Sagittarius nature of loving fun more than work have been doing more gathering of information and playing around more than writing and getting things "on the ball" because me and schedules do no mix =P ), one of which is the Moon Elven dictionary, the other to write my own book on my elven path. I'm just having a hard time with getting alot organized and written and expressing myself on paper/on notepad, wanting to "do it right the first time around". I got myself to a point where I felt like I've been banging my head against the wall and going no where fast. Things for me are changing again and so now with the changes I am finding new energies ping-ponging around and I am hoping with the New Moon that just passed I will get on the ball and start working once again after I move to Georgia. I hope though what I have posted here will help you ^-^.

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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Julie liked Steven Hutchinson's discussion I Am Radiating My Truth, Balance, Strength, & Authenticity
9 hours ago
Julie liked Steven Hutchinson's discussion Be The Joy That You Would Feel Joyful About ❤
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9 hours ago
Steven Hutchinson added a discussion to the group Messages from Higher Realms

Be The Joy That You Would Feel Joyful About ❤

Be The Joy That You Would Feel Joyful About Be the blessed person that you would love to know, and that blessed soul you shall always be. See More
12 hours ago
Steven Hutchinson added a discussion to the group Spiritual Experiences

I Am Radiating My Truth, Balance, Strength, & Authenticity

...I stand in the center of my truth, radiating balance, strength, and authenticity....I transform fear into courage, doubt into clarity, and chaos into creation....I am aligned with the cosmic rythm, embracing my divine purpose with faith and determination.See More
13 hours ago
Julie replied to Julie's discussion Poems of Nature in the group Poetry
"The River Rushed The river rushed down to the sea crying I need to be free! The sea was a melting pot for all things  it provided breakfast for everything with wings! The sea had its ebb and its flow it had seaweed that clung to the rocks…"
14 hours ago
Julie replied to Steven Hutchinson's discussion Crystallizing Dreams - 432 Hertz Piano Healing Meditation in the group Breaking Limitations
"Thanks Vlada"
14 hours ago
RichardtheRaelian left a comment for Ron Cordes
""Happy Birthday!""
16 hours ago

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