Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

The Gods of war will bring much destruction to the nations because they supplied the knowledge of how to do so, not because they wished so. The nations themselves will bring much pain and suffering upon each other as well. What is not spoken of, what is not prophesized about is what is to come after this so called Armageddon. This is where the new light will rain down upon us all, this is where the strong will survive, and the weak will parish.

Involve yourself not in the concerns of the Christians, the Jews, or the Muslims, or any other creed, race or religion of doomsday believers. For they know only half of the truth, and not the whole of it, no one is to know the whole of it save one, the last survivors. It is said that the ones who live by the sword die by the sword, this is not totally true because the one who died by the sword was killed by a sword, and the one left standing is not dead. There is always another left to wield the sword once again. So says Thor, the God of War.

Now apply this understanding to the so called Holy book of the Christians, the Jews, and the Muslims, you will see that the ones who live by the word of that God die by the word of that God. It is written in their books that their God will destroy the non believers. Now this is not to say that this referees to the ones who simply disbelieve the so called written truths. It is to say however that the ones who sit in their congregations who are not turned by the truths and not convinced by the lies that will die come Armageddon. The cold hearted ones who fall asleep in their churches, congregations, temples and mosques. The ones who go attending these meeting to simply save face with their friends and family, their peers. The ones who wear their religion on their sleeve like a protective cloak. The ones who will spout parables from their books, but will not mention the other parables that counter attack their own misconstrued beliefs. These are the ones left dead in the wake of that God.

It is written in the bible, the Old Testament the Jews call the Torah, that one must not kill, one must not commit murder. This is one of their commandments, this is their belief, and it offers not further conditions save that you must not do the act of killing. Now, what is killing? It is to willingly take the life of another person, another son or daughter of the source God, as when Kane killed Able. Reading further into this so called Holy book, it goes about telling the people that they must not suffer a witch alive, and one more to that, it further says that if a wife cheats on her husband that the husband is to put her to death.

These two counter arguments to the first statement of thou shall not kill are not mentioned when one Christian or Jew spout off the ten Commandments, nor are they even admitted to even being in the bible, or the person claims this is old testament and they only believe the new testament, cherry picking from their own holy works, the so called word of God.

What of their conquests, their ideologies of war and conversion, their belief in the purification through pain and suffering, like in the old times known to us as the cleansing times. Still to this day Jews, Muslims and Christians are not only killing each other for these ideologies, but other nations as well not in that trinity of a singular God, we the so called Pagans suffer from their wrath of misunderstanding the divine, divinity, and diversity. So I say again, involve yourself not in the concerns of the Christians, the Jews, or the Muslims, or any other creed, race or religion of doomsday believers.

This race war, this religious war, this so called Holy war, which ever you would like to call it, or understand it as, is not ended come Armageddon. There will be survivors, there will be ones left to wield the blades, the clubs, and the hammers once more. This is not the first time that the earth, or man, has destroyed itself. The Hopi Indians and many more other peoples know of this, even we ourselves have knowledge of these happenings.

Using pattern recognition you can simply see that the time line is similar, you know the times, the dates, if you only look for but a moment. You know that ever 26,000, give or take a few years, the earth flips itself, that things are turned on their heads and inside out. That the cosmic clock resets itself once again, counting down to the next time the event takes place. It is called “recycled expansion”. In order to continue, in order to expand, things need to be recycled, reused, and set back in their place holders, or all will fall victim to entropy. With out recycled expansion all is lost, you yourself know that out of chaos comes order, and out of order comes chaos. That cycle is recycled over and over again, the pendulum never stops, what the expansion is, is the understanding and retaining of new and old knowledge brought forth into the newly created swing of the pendulum.

Everything in nature, everything in mankind, and everything magickal, divine and cosmic follows patterns, cycles, divine laws and rules. That there are doorways, pathways, thresholds and boarders that each energy, each power, each body must follow, or pass through. Because these divine doorways, passageways, thresholds, laws and rules are in place there within is the allowance of these things and their ability to happen. So then it is with the coming time of the 26,000 year cycle. It is not God judging the world, for God does not punish or reward, man has free will with only the punishments and rewards we set upon ourselves. God governs the natural world, not the minds, morals and ethics of man kind – we do that.

So who or what will be left after the big war, that Armageddon they all speak of, that misunderstanding that it is God punishing man kind, when in reality it is a pattern that mankind follows, destined to destroy themselves. It is in their nature, in the race of Adams nature.

The first Tuatha De Danann were not of Adams race, but of Danu’s daughter, Evolia, the one from the Glass ship who came down from the stars and bred with Adams race. The race of Danu watched Adams race destroy them selves over and over again, and with much sympathy and empathy they gave one of their daughters to the earth, to Adams race, in hopes that there would be a recycled expansion of Adams race. Upon breeding Adams race would intertwine the bloodline of Danu’s daughter Evolia within mankind making it stronger within them all.

You probably know that we have come from the stars many years ago, that we are not totally native to the planet itself, but a cross breed of sorts. Some hold much more of the starpeoples bloodline that others. This is aparent isn't it? Adams race is clearly not done expanding them selves, are not complete, and a recycling is to take place. The ones who survive mankind’s Armageddon will hold much more of Danu’s blood within them, it is with hopes that this will strengthen mankind enough to come back home one day, home to Danu and her sons and daughters.

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Comment by Robert Denham on June 15, 2010 at 9:13am
I didn't know that BP drilled in to a Batholith Volcano....that would explain the report from a company who was aproched by BP a week before this happened, they were asked in a private company meeting if they were prepaired for such an event, and then asked to tell no one of the meeting. That corilates with BP knowing pryer to this event what they had truely done.
Comment by Robert Denham on June 15, 2010 at 9:09am
Shotan Ugajin, I would say the doom is real as well, because the cycle is almost at its end, complete.
Many religions, many people, have measured the 26,000 year cycle. So because we are near the end of that, the end is coming...or more correctly, a new beginning is coming. That said, it is not "Gods will" or him punishing the wicked, it is merly a system, a cosmic cycle that we are apart of...man is (dispite his belief) entangled and part of nature and the natural world.

I watched the video...and I know about mining, open pit, and deep core drilling, I grew up with coalminers. I have never agreed with deep core drilling, it's simply too dangerous. See, the more you open your own skin, the more you are prone to infection, and there for this messes with your imune system, causes scare tisue. The skin, is much like the crust of the earth...so the more you damage the earth, the more you drill past the top layer or so, the more you risk effecting the health of the planet, and the enviroment. -- YEARS of doing this, and we wonder why there are so many earthquakes, toxins in the air, birth defects...ect ect.

It is from digging in the earth we go so much knowledge, and it is from digging in the earth we go so sick as well, the earth is very toxic.

The Gods of war will bring much destruction to the nations because they supplied the knowledge of how to do so, not because they wished so.
Comment by Robert Denham on June 15, 2010 at 8:58am
I understand what you have said Marianne, and agree, it is a way of letting humans know they are part of a bigger picture, part of the universe, and that nothing stays the same forever...it simply is not Gods will to distroy mankind, but the cycles are divinely placed that aid in that distruction. It is merly a cycle that has happened time and time again, and will happen evertime the cycle comes to pass.
The cycle, the circle.
Always open,
never broken.

the gods already knew what was going to happen through the prophecy: who would be killed and by whom, who would survive, what would happen to those in the other world and so forth.
I agree with that, as they know the hearts and minds of all men.
Comment by Marianne Mathiasen on June 15, 2010 at 7:06am
"Everything in nature, everything in mankind, and everything magickal, divine and cosmic follows patterns, cycles, divine laws and rules."

According to the Old Norse Mythology Ragnarök was the doom of the gods and men, and heralded the destruction of the Nine Worlds. Yet the strangest things about Ragnarök was that the gods already knew what was going to happen through the prophecy: who would be killed and by whom, who would survive, what would happen to those in the other world and so forth. They all knew they couldn't do anything to prevent the prophecy coming to pass.

You will find this kind of doom myths in most religions and mythologies, warning humans about the end of the world. In my opinion, it is not to be taken literally, it is as you say in this blog, a way of telling humans that they are a part of the universe, and that the universe isn't going to stay the same for ever. To some people, this is very scary to other a big relief.

"So I say again, involve yourself not in the concerns of the Christians, the Jews, or the Muslims, or any other creed, race or religion of doomsday believers."

I have never seen a book written by any God, only books written by men, claiming they know the truth about how humans should live their lives. In my opinion, religion is a weapon to enslave other humans. Faith isn't the same as religion. Faith is freedom to believe. Religion is another man's ideas of what you should believe.
Comment by Shotan Ugajin on June 14, 2010 at 7:29pm
Comment by Shotan Ugajin on June 14, 2010 at 7:28pm
Don't look now.... THIS DOOM is pretty much the main focus at the moment. BP drilled in to a Batholith Volcano. THIS DOOM is REAL.

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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