Elven Blessing today 21 June 2009 For The Wedding of Purple Faery
We are Light Elven; beings of light; rainbow light that fills the essence of all things on this Earth including your physical body.
You are children of Light Elven, children of the Earth, and your body is a song. The waters in your body are singing in harmony with all nature and the cosmos.
Love yourself, child of the Earth.
Just like a plant or animal, when you whisper to it, it responds in kind. Love yourself, lovely child of the Earth.
Love that you feel ---in every day, in the moment. It is this love from which you are able to shine your light on others including your beloved.
Cosmic forces and Earth energies are playing upon our bodies at this time more than in the time of our parents.
Just being here on Earth in a body is challenge enough -- it is not comfortable, it is raw, ragged, many days, pain and discomfort or frustration. Try to find the place in your heart for hope. Look for love in yourself, child of the Earth.
Your rest, rather than a frustration to be away from the world, can be a moment of reconnection with your faith in universal forces and Light Elven who will be with you on your journey.
Love yourself; the perfection that is the waters within you, the design that matches every tree, in roots and branches, rivers and streams and all growing things, the blood that flows is perfect blood, the heart that beats is a perfect heart, the touch and breath and sound is most beautiful. Focus your mind on these things and know that like the animals and plants we communicate in rhythm design and sounds -- our song.
This is the only sound and one to which you need be true, the one within. Love yourself, child of the Earth.
Marriage is a spiritual journey of two who have committed to help one another on the path, making a communion that is palpable by others as a love beyond either one, but a love of two that neither could be alone;two halves, one whole love. That love is for you and others and all your love will touch.
Love yourselves, children of the Earth. Love yourselves and your love will grow
Be easy to yourself, try to appreciate that you are here, despite all. Remember to dance, to find expression of love as often as you can.
Try to love yourselves, children of the Earth, as deeply as we love you.
Try, children of the Earth, to see the beauty in yourselves, as we see you
Try to see yourselves through our eyes, as you take hands. We see a soul song blossom and reach out as far as the heavens, that is your love in our eyes.
The Light Elven
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