Here I am in California with our earthquakes, in USA with the present election insanity, the floods in the fires. I feel so lucky to be having a bit of nature, near me at all, times, and opportunity to contemplate and observe this astounding transformation for all. lately, my dreams have been intense, and I feel the presence of myself as an otherworldly being and of others in multidimensional realities although I’m not sure, I would think of them as strange or in anyway unusual, just multidimensional friends. I am curious if others are feeling these kinds of feelings, and having other worldly experiences, especially recently. Not that it is necessary. I am also feeling the very ordinary feeling of being like a little hobbit here on Earth, a creature of a simple life for which I am grateful for my tea and toast, a good snuggle with the cat and a golden sunrise
Beautiful ideas and true! Thank you!
Its a known fact that everyone has soul guardians or spirit guides or animal spirit guides too,.. who talk to them constantly in so many ways, however most people don't listen to their messages, any more than they listen to what other human people (parents, spouse, children) are trying to tell them in their reality, its like they totally are so wrapped up in their own little ego world they miss the clues they are being sent... We are each born with some natural psychic abilities even if we do not realise just how much we already use of our intuitive psychic perceptions to sense in our daily lives, yet if they were to suddenly be taken away we would notice the difference immediately. However these psychic and spiritual gifts are also latent and can be developed far beyond what we normally perceive of them, to some this development comes because they are natural psychics or spiritually aware, but to most we would have to spend time honing these latent skills and abilities of the spirit... thats why humans need to awaken to their own intuitive sensitivity of the 6th sense first then tap into the aethereal worlds by using it.
Really beautiful words here Vlada, thanks. It’s so beautiful you have these souls guides and protectors and to hear about your connection to them. I am hoping to take this inspiration to grow into seeing my souls guides more readily. They seem to relish in the beauty for which I am really glad. It’s lovely how things grow and change
[who are the ancient ones youve met?]
The ancient ones for starters are my soul life guide Reɪvən & soul scepter guardians, Meirtyr & Elou they are the ancient ones I've met all from other higher realms, they are guardians of inter-stella portals, they come from other planets.
My soul scepters told me they had high technology and abilities to which they used & actually helped to create this worlds reality laying their encrypted messages in the crystals underground and on Leylines to unfold into fruition in future time lines. They were also known centuries ago as the 'Shining Ones' or 'Cosmic Lore Keepers' because they appear translucent in this etherial world, Meirtyr & Elou.. they were chosen for me by my cosmic soul father Archeut Ananuel from the Mavrud Maldekian Council of Universal Creations when I was first thought into creation upon my Home planet Maldek and they came here with me when I incarnated here, to guide me on my life path in this human body suit avatar.. they are still visiting me here to this very day, [they glow too like a light soft blue shimmering colour]... and fly in a merkabah light ship that looks like a huge glowing orange metal coin... they are 13th dimensional ethereal Council Elder Root Race Guardians, cosmic connection to the first Humans on this planet who call them here 'Light beings', they are eons ancient and seen by many who believed them to be the Extraterrestrial Cosmic Creator Gods millenniums ago... they are originally from a invisible realm universe within the Menkalinan (Beta Aurigae) star constellation. The star’s traditional name, Menkalinan, comes from the Arabic phrase mankib ðī-l-‘inān which means “shoulder of the rein-holder.”
They look increasingly similar to this image above, they get confused often with the Reticulan Ebens [Tall Greys] because they are tall and slender looking, but Tall Greys dont glow nor are they translucent beings.
They also arnt as ugly as the Greys they are beautiful softer featured & glowing, kinda like this image below as an example...
Oh thanks for your thoughts. Imho I am here for the ride, because I promised to help certain people and did I say for the ride and to help people? Lol I’m happy to be here. I just adore this gorgeous planet. Just imagine when cruelty ends, I believe heaven on earth is real. I have heard it said all there is is love and the rest is not real. I hope so. I feel so much better when I believe so. But anyway. Who are these ancient ones you ve met? I only saw the, once, they seemed very real but also very much ordinary too. I was not afraid.
Yes of course we are enjoying creating in the ethereal realms, but we are also unaware we can also bring back our creations into this realm of reality...some are learning though..
The experience of meeting something as a truly ancient ET, old as Aeons and more real than every day consciousness beings by very high levels is truly astounding & scary, are they the ones who created this reality maybe?, are they God?. What are we to make of this physical world after those experiences? Everything just points to being as helpful and loving as possible before you go back to wherever or whatever that other realm is. It still begs the question of why are we in this physical form to start with? A learning experience on a planet that only has what it has beautiful as it is and no other planet has it the same ? It's a very harsh learning experience at times too for sure, but we humans create it all ourselves, by our own minds & choices.....
I come away with the belief (through, just knowing, somehow) that consciousness is fundamental whereas etheric space / time is not. The higher realms seem somehow constructed out of light and we are also made of that, but we are trapped in this body form that suppresses the true nature of our being.
Yes, we are making art all the time. Art in a museum is strange to me but art in life - life as art, the dance of life. Absolutely amazing. Even the dramatic traumatic moments but it’s easier to connect to the beautiful ones. Healing Arts— they are part of life not just for fame and stage. If it’s multidimensional, then maybe we are enjoying ourselves creating…?
- lately, my dreams have been intense, and I feel the presence of myself as an otherworldly being and of others in multidimensional realities although I’m not sure, I would think of them as strange or in anyway unusual, just multidimensional friends. I am curious if others are feeling these kinds of feelings, and having other worldly experiences, especially recently. Not that it is necessary.
Yes I am all the time.. its called being in the multi-verse where anything can become a reality from, as our brains are equipped, we tend to underestimate our abilities and thus many never fully tap into them.
To tap into the multiverse one needs to change everything about ones self from old beliefs, old diets, old consciousness & practices and learn the knowledge of how to increase our capabilities within ourselves to step up a few levels in order to reach such potential...also take into account consciousness/reality Is a puzzle in a holographic realm, in the multiverse some people can think and make imagery on this level and yet refuse to accept they are the creator of it and thats because they dont bring it back from there into this 3D reality. You’ll never figure out if there are multi or singular universes if one dosnt do this, everything everyone makes just stays in there, because it’s beyond our complexity level of comprehension otherwise... but I assure you it is there & it is real, It’s like looking at a portrait and describing to the world what only your eyes see or what you’ve studied about art & artists. But only the mind and the mouth of the artist/creator of it.. can tell you what they've painted. Which colors were used and mixed to get that perfect shade? How many different layers of paint did they use to get that texture? What were the various tools and techniques of strokes, splatters, and flicks it took to create their masterpiece or masterpieces (multi vs. singular debate), depending on how many variations they’ve designed to display or not to display because they’re not ready to reveal it yet? So until ones ready to reveal & bring it back into this reality,.. enjoy the creations your making in your own multi-verse realms, in all its splendor and wonders that the ultimate artist makes... that being You!...
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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