Elven World Starseeds

Soul Star Travelers, Elven World, Tuatha de Danann, EarthStar Nation

Opening The Doors Of Perception - Just What Is Our Reality About..

Ethereal Realms

Opening The Doors Of Perception - Just What Is Our Reality About..

 I was also told I had a vivid imagination as a child, and I hated that word with vengeance and still do as an adult who knows the truth of it, cos that word instills that everything a child sees in the other dimensional realms is not real at all when it totally is its a souls qualia, its exactly where the fairy's dwell the inter-dimensional light beings, ones scepters, guardians & guides etc they all reside above 3D, the ethereal realms they are just amazing spaces, divided into different spaces, its where artists get their visions from to bring forth for their art pieces, its everything we have created ourselves via our Higher-self in other lifetimes even of which we dont realise weve done and that's why they are not able to be viewed or reside on Earths 3D plane of reality in other words, well not until the creator of it brings it forth into this 3d reality... and this is why people get their third eye shut down by this false notion & indoctrination by their naive parents telling them its not real when it totally is.. and then they struggle to open it up again in their adulthood as their third eye is calcified & closed to dumb them down, thus stripping them of their higher-self powers...


Our realities are these days being altered by AI in the process its destroying our natural human creativity and creating a new perception & consciousness, so soon we wont know what is real to us and what is not, as our realities are also affected by images & words and by our perceptions of them, humans need to adopt a "what's possible" view using the ethereal realm to step outside the Matrix to make ones knowledge far better, which can ultimately benefit ones self and the world in pursuit of higher evolutionary consciousness.. not have our minds eye directed & dictated to us from a AI aspect...

At Uni I was taught that envisioning is all about reference. It's a river of contemplation and experience. Lets take William Shakespeare as an example he had an immense ability to create new words. The experience of feeling/thinking up a new word (conjugation/meaning/defining/spelling/etc) is all based on the past and current mechanistic (brain activity) experience as a human. Free will is an illusion, physicists are correct. The experience of free will (as a conscious creature) is real (qualia) , therefore the recognition of such (one's own qualia) has an effect on those who recognise their experience of free will, allowing an opening/widening of experience and thought, itself. envisioning  is a process of perpetual contemplation and reference to perpetually more novel concepts.

So how amazing it is that a fuzzy little thought can become an action, which in turn, transforms into reality. We are creator souls after all. We just choose which envisioning thoughts become reality. I also speculate that some ideas and thoughts find homes. If someone doesn’t want to bring it into reality, this idea might manifest in someone else instead, hence great minds think alike. Its kinda like that mantra, “see a need fill a need,” and I almost wonder if as a human species, we all see a collective issue, as our brains work like a network. Pseudo science gets a bad reputation, but I’ll be honest… some stuff seems tantalisingly intriguing. Idk.. I just refuse to believe that we are simple humans put on earth for simple things we can do better.

I walk a path in multi-dimensional realms here on this planet some they are on the dark side & some the light side to have 100% balance for sure, the Ying & Yang, but one cant stay in the light forever without wearing rose tinted glasses lol..so they are blinded by too much light so much they are actually out of balance but don't know it or vice versa as in regards to that girl you met.. it manifests also in those who get easy offended by simple truths in words or comments, or those who have been brain washed in religions, they cant move past what has been indoctrinated into their minds.

Most of the people criticise envisioning too.. Because they don't dare to envision anything big in their own mundane life.. they will never connect to their higher-self either...That's why they are living an ordinary life.. They are unaware of the Power & beauty of the ethereal realms thus fear anything outside of this 3D realm of  this Matrix reality....The old saying comes to mind :- 'one will always fear that which they do not understand'  truths!!.

I watched a video on perception of this planet  yesterday its by Anthony Peake, and I was blown away, I place it here below & a link to his book on the same subject:-

Opening The Doors of Perception by Antony Peake - Penguin Books New Zealand

In 1954 Aldous Huxley's hugely influential book The Doors of Perception was published. Huxley's title is taken from William Blake's 1793 book 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'.

In this Blake makes the following observation: 'If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.

For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern'. 'Opening the Doors of Perception' will update Huxley's work and suggest process and procedures whereby man can, indeed, perceive reality in its true glory.

Anthony Peake is the author of bestselling titles 'The Out-of-Body Experience' and 'The Infinite Mindfield'.

He is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychical Research.


Anthony Peake - Opening The Doors Of Perception Preview.

Now I loved this video so much and could relate to so much within it ... and although I havn't read his book, I've added a preview to this post above instead.. so if you like what its about too, buy it, this guy is onto something huge, he's genius .... it also explains why I see what I see compared to many others, I don't take drugs, I havn't taken anything in regards to drugs in my life that's not been subscribed by a Dr for an ailment which isn't much, just antibiotics & anti-inflammatory pain medication, ibuprofen, paracetamol etc..

I just see differently than others, I'm not schizophrenic either. I know I do have synesthesia, I've been diagnosed with that, I see auras naturally, I have these added gifts, I was told I was on the edge of the Autism  spectrum years ago at age 12yrs, hense why I'm overly sensitive & empathic, had major panic & anxiety attack melt downs as a kid and how water healed me or touch skin to skin healed me, but I'm not fully autistic... one person did say to me they thought I was a savant, tis was when I was Uni I just laughed at them,

Now I have a memory of being able to see through the membranes of my mothers stomach from inside the womb [yeah sounds weird I know] and I can say I was seeing my Biological father sitting at a desk writing something, I saw the chair, the books on his book shelf ,the wallpaper patterns, the fabric design on the curtains, the colours of things OMG... even if I didn't know what they actually were at the time I saw it all the same & its also in my Halls Of Remembrance too, its only now I'm older that  I can honestly can say I took a mental photo of it to store it in my akaic.. as I have a photographic memory big time....

But I dont use my gifts to my advantage,.. I just flow with them, and I do get de-javu so often, geepers..

I don't have seizures, I have visions though big time just like this guy expresses in this video I'm blown away, but now I'm thinking are my visions an actual form of a seizure, I dont shake in my body though I just go into this trance or vision type state,[am I having hallucinations though?] and when Im in them I weep like I cant control my tears they just roll down my cheeks.. then I feel extremely cold when I come out of them, then I shiver like I'm cold & my body feel heavy like stone and I just want to curl up with a blanket and sleep.......

When I wake up I often have to write down the mass of words in my head suddenly, thats how I get some of my poetry, I believed its from my higher-self...  this has me so very intrigued now, ghod I hope I dont go on to have schizophrenia or Alzheimer's disease... but also just what would I see if I took Psilocybin has me on the edge of actually trying it? 

I've had UFO experiences too..I've filmed them and have many photo's of them..But now I also go back to my experience which I wrote about meeting this young girl at the police run 'Blue Light Disco activity event' I volunteered at... when she told me about the little people,  ... I havnt seen these Grey's either, though I have had 'visions' with them in them, one I wrote about was the vision of a metal box with writing all over it, and then finding something similar to this box from another persons encounter with them, now that freaked me out to, I still havn't found out why I had that vision either, I left it to unfold by itself.

 So yeah I wonder why these beings are here doing this to humans, are they working with the Reptilians as well to manipulate this planets humans?..

I'm not saying that all these Grey's if that's what these 'little people' the child talked about are either, as she discribes them a little different to other peoples descriptions of them?? nor If they are Benevolent either, many people have talked saying their experiences with them being helpful and they are Benevolent, so maybe there is two totally different races of these Grey's just like there are different human races, some evil Malevolent some good Benevolent you know, just like humans are..

I wanted to ask so many questions of this child on my own to.. just to see what her responses are to them, but also to get her souls perspective of her experiences with this other race that arnt humans as such that we know of.. I know she's only young, and I have to be careful how I word things to her also...but this is the best time to get what I term as untainted mind thoughts, they are pure thoughts coming from her own soul only..no one else has instilled or indoctrinated this info or experiences into her mind, not her mother and father or other kids, or TV, movies or books, no one.. its just coming from inside her only.. but you can read about  this experience I had with her from:- This link here.

Now sleep paralysis I've experienced it once... geepers didn't know I was still asleep & awake at the same time though, I just thought I had been on the astral and hadn't got back into my body fully & was still seeing creatures from the astral realm I didn't know they were friggin grey Et's at the time, now I think back they bloody were, but they were partially invisible so I closed my eyes and said to myself go back to astral then wake up properly lol...and when I did there was nothing in the room... geepers this is like recalling my life experiences..no I think do certain chosen people all have the same experiences maybe??...... man this is good shit!..

This video above is just totally mind blowing to me, I can relate via personal experience to almost everything he's speaking about, right down to the taste of metal in the back of my throat sometimes when I meditate geepers.... and then he went on to say at the 49th day of gestation is when the soul enters the embryo and thus this would explain why I was able to see through my mothers stomach membranes to the outside world of reality as an embryo OMFG!  this all makes perfect sense..so sharing it all on this post here...So Enjoy..

Please add your own thoughts in the comment section lets keep these thoughts going to open up our consciousness..

Raven leads My Way Again..


Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən 

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Comment by Tara on Monday

I loved the post and now I’ll listen to the video! 

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on Sunday

Cross reference to blog comment on Et's, multi-verse reality.. https://elvenworld.ning.com/profiles/blogs/ets-and-earth-changes-ho...

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

©All Right Reserved

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