Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Dance of Earth and Venus | SAOG Studios


In Western culture our attitudes are predicated on a number of things that mean that I, as a sympathic metamporph owned by a non-consensus entity, am pretty much not only outside the tribal box but somewhere over there in a dark corner where I'd better keep my mouth shut or they'll send the lynch mob out... every where I open my mouth of late I get shut down, misunderstood or not seen or heard at all, I was even thought to be dark & evil and any other heinous response and banned from a website...We'll come back to the slavery kick in the gut in a moment, but let's first address the issue of reactivity.

The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. Psalm 33:6

Here in New Zealand we value the pro-active. Our languages are set up to be active languages. People do things. A person laughs. Rain makes people wet. There is an implicit assumption of intent behind every statement of cause and effect. Better English classes tell us we should always use the active tense because it is more dynamic, more concise. Even Government scientists are moving away from the traditional third person method of reporting. No longer are we instructed to write: a sample was taken. We are now told to write: I took a sample.

It is as if we require there to be a reason for everything. Someone has to take responsibility. Someone has to take the blame right!. Things don't just happen. Someone caused them to happen.... This mindset is in the very way we structure our thoughts and language. It is so basic that it comes before that language. It influences our interpretation of language when that language tries to describe things from a different point of view. Start using the passive tense and English becomes clumsy and awkward. It seems not to flow as well.

Why does Venus have such a strange axial tilt? Which scenario can lead to the current retrograde rotation of Venus? - Quora

But for me, as a reactive entity, things do just happen. For me life is an emergent property of a chaotic universe. My existence is an emergent property. I often do not decide to do something: it is simply that circumstances occur from which that action is a result. Native American Indians will tell you that Rain doesn't make people wet — there is no intent. People are made wet as a consequence of being outside while weather conditions are such that it happens to be raining.

Try to describe the world in terms of emergent properties in the English language and things start sounding like one great big conspiracy. Maybe that's where the idea of an omnipresent, omnipotent, meddling God came from. We have to have this so called invisible God entity because we can't cope with the idea of things just happening because that's the way things are, as all is but energy.

We can't cope with the idea that responsibility can still exist in an emergent universe. I can take responsibility for my actions: emergent property or not, if I do a thing then that thing would not have happened in that way without me.

And so we return to slavery being an abomination.

Well, say slavery and we immediately think of negro workers chained to a sugar plantation while some fat colonialist starves them and makes a pile of cash out of their blood, sweat and tears. In that idea is the implicit assumption that, given the choice, the slaves would rather be elsewhere, working for themselves; that they are there by force. We immediately assume that their choices have been wrested from them, or rather that they already have chosen something different but that choice is being denied them by another party using force and violence. There is also the implicit assumption that they are unhappy.

The idea of slavery as an abomination is predicated on the existence of choice. As soon as one suggests that the 'slave' is there of his or her own free will, then that is no longer a slave, not as far as the general public is concerned. At that point the slave becomes a servant, because it is assumed that the slave can also make the choice to leave.

Yet for me the flaws in these assumptions are not the definition of slave, or servant, or the presumption that all slaves are held by force: it is rather the assumption that there is such a thing as choice(free will) in the first place.

By assuming that we have choice(free will), we assume that somehow we are able to act independently of the universe. We assume that, for the purposes of decision making, we can isolate ourselves from the effects of the universe, weigh up all the options in a calculated process and come to a decision that is based on our own desires, morals, ethics, wishes and needs.

Rose Color Meanings | Petal Talk

I don't believe that I am capable of that. I'm a sympathetic meta-morphic. I'm reactive, not pro-active. lol...

The universe happens to me and I happen to it. We happen together, me and my world. I am part of the Great Dance and the steps I take are guided by what is around me: other dancers, the spaces left between them, the music. More often than not I feel like a piece of feather floating on the breeze. The universe is so much bigger than I have space for inside my head — even I, whose ego is so vast it could blot out the sun I'm often told [just kidding]. Yet how can I or anyone act independently of it when I don't know everything that's out there?

Why would I want to act independently anyway?

I say I have no choice and that's exactly what I mean. The circumstances of my existence in the universe are such that my way forward is limited by the space left for me. The influences that define those spaces are many and varied, stretching backwards and forwards from and to the past and future, and sideways amongst the other figures like petals of a rose in the woven Cosmic Venus Dance I got told about the other day by a friend online,and why I write this now...

Julie my new friend if your reading this right now which I'm sure you will be... I thank-you for introducing me to this Venus Dance time & I thank-you for seeing me, hearing me and allowing me to flow on the strands of the winds in this time space with you here, you've given me a breath of fresh air simply sharing your thoughts,poetry & imagery like music its a change from all the nasties out in the world online...Just know however that I'm aware of some of them, but not all.

I also lack the illusion of choice, because at no point am I unaware of there being anything other than my own perceived needs and desires leading to an action, I'm simply being me every  breath & step I take. Even if free will does exist out there, somehow — some quantum process that allows the universe to twist itself slowly into knots & swirls using the Schrödinger Effect — I might be just an observer, as I don't think I was built that way.

Not only was I not built to be aware of choice, I was built so that it doesn't make sense to me. My perception of the way the universe works is different. The way I sense and perceive is passive, not active. My nature, mindset & tongue does not permit me to discuss the way I perceive things in a way that makes sense to those un-culculated in the gung-ho, we-all-love-a-doer culture in which we live ... I'm a frizbitterian remember!!...

It becomes awkward and stilted and we have to rely on metaphors stretched to breaking like pulled soft toffee.

The dictionary definition of slavery is the state of being owned by another person. Maybe it's an abomination because there is some form of value judgement implicit in that. Maybe the abomination is that one human being could ever be worth more than another. But then we have that all the time. Try telling the President of the USA that he's only as valuable as an illegal Mexican immigrant, or one of the inmates of Guantanamo, he'd be totally horrified..lol.

Raven Dance | Artists for Conservation

Yet I too am owned in a sense. My Old Man Raven, he possess's me in every fiber of my being, physical and otherwise...his essence is part of me.. I am but a pinion feather on his wing and what happens to me is an emergent property of this life in this great chaotic universe, just as he himself is an emergent property of Existence.

In that we are all as equally valuable as each other. We are all emergent properties of Universal Existence.

This is not a abomination.

To you who look at me and feel pity, or fear, or revulsion, or disgust or anything else thats just nasty:-

go read some Dr Seuss.

'Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind'.

To those I count as heartfelt internet friends:-

Never feel bad about wanting to talk to the few to whom you can talk, no matter what the subject, how late it is, or how much hassle you think you're being. We may not have the language to discuss it properly, but at least we know we don't have the language to talk about it properly,...hahhaa

just know that we were all once kuaulele balls of light[stars] we were corrupted by the ahumana a moo [reptilian race not from papahonua [earth] ..Ea was the moo that changes many Mu ai maia our density, spiritually and genetically but many Mu ai maia did not fall asleep, some still remember where we came from myself included there as one who did,I'm a Lemurian ënagualí..


The tide is changing soon papahonua will not be under control of the ahumanu. The truth and knowledge of the cosmos will be revealed - wink see you so get me aye..

I hold so much ancient knowledge many know not what its even about....

its all now written on the strands of the winds in time...

Raven leads my way again..


Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən 

© - All Right Reserved

Written in the Wind (Acoustic) - Yaima

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Comment by Julie on April 29, 2024 at 6:37am

I would feel the same about the bees Vlada, I love watching them when they're busy on the flowers and I love to eat honey and used many things that bees are responsible for in their lifetimes.  Only once have I seen a swarm of bees, down in cambridgeshire in the Fenlands, south east for of the British Isles.  

The little bee at the top of my painting is tiny but I will try to paint one that's bigger and more detailed.

I often wonder if we would have a world, or food without the bees.

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on April 28, 2024 at 3:00pm

So that's why I couldn't see your post of the rose of Venus Tara, as you took it down..well we all know everything on this planet is connected Tara..and like I told you the higher your frequencies the more chances that synchronicity starts to entwine & happen,dimensional shift synchronicity,..its all there you just open your mind to it.... Ametrine and I have had more chances of synchronicity than I've ever had with anyone online,..we just seem to click into it all, but then she is soul family so it makes sense to me..

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on April 28, 2024 at 2:50pm

Ahh yes me too love the bees and I have had two swarms in my garden,there was a huge hive in my neighbours garage walls, for many years,and I filmed it buzzing..this is a still shot from my video of them going into the garage up under the guttering..

 It often would split and they would land in my feijoas tree, I so wanted to collect them but had no hive to put them in sadly,they dont stay long when the hive splits,...sadly he sold his house and the new owner didn't like the hive in the garage so he got a exterminator in and killed the whole hive,I was gutted plus I was so angry with him,...such ignorance some people have aye,I grief cried for those bees as it was a huge hive & way over 6yrs old....

I hope to see your painting of one Julie..

Comment by Julie on April 28, 2024 at 10:22am

Hi Vlada, I've just come back again to read your blog post.  I felt your music.  

What you've written here isn't easy to say, but very heartfelt, and illustrated very well.

I feel your presence and know that who you are is important, and know we are each a petal of the rose of life and together there are complimentary energies that dance together.

I did a search today online for a little more information on the great dance of Venus, I enjoyed looking at the images but one image stood out to me more so than the rest.  It wasn't an up to date posting (June 14th 2023) on Atlas Obscura but it felt relevant to mention....it was called Watch the Beehive Cluster and Venus Dance in the night sky, I'll put a link to the article https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/m44-beehive-cluster-venus 

The relevance for me on the above article as that over the last few days I've been painting.  At first I was going to try a picture of a bee, then ended up with painting a small bee in the top right corner, along with lots of mushrooms and a couple of bullrushes on a background of gold metallic acrylic paint.

I have a thing about bees, at times I dream about them and I remember at least once I've stroked a bee and it felt beautiful that the bee just let me do this, it trusted me.

I found the music invoked emotion, a beautiful piece of music

Thank you for all you are, for all you have been and all you will be.  


The other relevance was the fact that I remembered was that I wrote a poem years ago the title was something like Master and Servant, I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to find it but I'll look anyway. 

Comment by Tara on April 28, 2024 at 7:37am

So amazing. I wrote a poem about Venus same day you all were writing call3d the Rose of Venus. I took it down from here though. But anyway, it too was about this beautiful Venus traverse.  Then I went to an art festival yesterday and a beautiful girl had also written and painted the same story about Venus ! Such a beautiful story like yours here about the transverse of Venus. It’s incredible how much synchronicity is in this world. I believe my poem will be used in an upcoming festival for the artists here who all paint simultaneously. They like to have music poetry and dance too. So lovely, thank you so much for this and for posting this beautiful music. I really try to keep the faith amidst the noise of the world, on Beauty - someone’s got to do it so thanks for all you’re creating! The music is beautiful

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on April 27, 2024 at 3:01pm

Cross referencing to Julies original post on this topic & the conversation that followed.. that inspired me to write this:-


Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on April 27, 2024 at 2:36pm

So were actually is your writing Tara? I've searched the site here and cant see anything at all you've written on it.

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on April 27, 2024 at 2:31pm

Oh really,lessons or magic afoot then or what??, just like this venus rose,all petals attached connect,I always say nothing is a coincidence as everything is connected:-You are in harmony with what you seek. The secret of synchronicity and most things is to be “Consciously Aware”. If you are consciously aware of something you can immediately see and feel what others cannot.   The higher and sharper your frequency and intention, the faster your synchronicity’s are revealed.this is nothing new to me, though it may be to you Tara, I have this happen within a day almost every day since I was 6yrs old when I started to notice it happening around me,my guide said I'd opened my heart chakra and now it cant be closed,so I will feel,sense,smell & see everything in others they cannot see themselves kinda like a conduit of sorts... Most of the knowledge of your subconscious can never be passed to your conscious mind because it is too vast. So your subconscious reveals just enough for you to understand your world. But you must be open to receive this knowledge. You have to tune in to the universe. You must pay attention to your thoughts and the world around you.

Comment by Tara on April 26, 2024 at 11:59pm
We have both written about the dance of Venus on the same day separately without any communication with one another.

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

©All Right Reserved

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