Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Digging through internet lately I've found an app CE5 Protocols, (pretty buggy) which belongs to active group of people who are literaly trying to attract UFO to them for them to see it. It's funny and cute game to me. Would be more of app wasn't paid, but all info from it is also online for free, so not that bad. But it gives ideas.

I think that if they are actual aliens, they just play alone with this game.

But to the toppic, who here has seen them or their ships? Any experiences here? I bet that there is a lot of them here among us.

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Wow, thanks for posting this. I've seen what I think is two types: organic - which I've seen in real life - lights going every which way plus orb appearances and secondly I have seen videos on social media which look very authentic. I would love to know what others have seen. 

I've seen heaps of UFO's & taken photographs of them & video and one time I had a witness to an actual sighting which was conjured or manifested to appear to us & no they dont come from space but from other dimensions... plus I've had contact onboard a light ship and yeah sorry No one needs a phone app to make contact.lol thats so funny..

Here's one ufo filmed back in 2014 manifesting from 5 glowing revolving spheres into a silver ship..

Here is some colour changing ones filmed back from 2015

Heres some orange & green & red coloured ones spinning,this photo was put through magnification & filters only in paint on the pc, just to show the ship itself inside the glowing balls of light..

Of course you don't need app, if you have mind and creativity to do it yourself and figure your way with it. If you don't, well... then you need an app. And that ability is lacking in many people, who are taught to do what they are told and nothing else.

It's nice collection of photos. Must had been amazing experience.

Extremely amazing experiences all of them in fact, though they have slowed down showing up now, when those pictures were taken I was seeing them regular almost every night..I've written about my experiences over the years,..when I was taken to the ship was totally mind blowing and damn right scary all rolled into one..I dont want that happening again though, my body suffered terribly from it all afterwards....but now its like hmmm I'm going over old news again..the knowledge I've learnt from those experiences however will keep coming with me..

Wow. I just remember "not seeing" some kind of landed ufo in mist on the field. Unfortunately I was in the train, so moving fast, But I saw that empty shape in the fog, quite well visible. But cannot tell how big it was. No idea on that distance. Sad I didn't have time to take photo.

Yes that's normally the case when seeing these ufo's not being fast enough to take a photo.. unless your thinking about taking photo's of things at night and set up for doing it & you have to have a camera[phone] with you close by, but also while moving on a train even if you had a camera it may not have turned out clear enough for you cos your moving & its misty..but at least you mentally recalled seeing it. Yes mist is a good cover for them landing and clouds too..

Yeah. I'm not really UFO hunter. Not really feeling to ask them to show up for me to photo them.

These are absolutely gorgeous 

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

I've seen heaps of UFO's & taken photographs of them & video and one time I had a witness to an actual sighting which was conjured or manifested to appear to us & no they dont come from space but from other dimensions... plus I've had contact onboard a light ship and yeah sorry No one needs a phone app to make contact.lol thats so funny..

Here's one ufo filmed back in 2014 manifesting from 5 glowing revolving spheres into a silver ship..

Here is some colour changing ones filmed back from 2015

Heres some orange & green & red coloured ones spinning,this photo was put through magnification & filters only in paint on the pc, just to show the ship itself inside the glowing balls of light..

I’ve seen some in night sky but most often bouncing or moving orbs in all kinds of natural places. I’ve often wondered if they are organic satellites here on Earth or possibly beings visiting somehow. I am curious is others have seen or have simila thoughts.

Hi! I'am more interested in the pilots of these craft not the actual spaceship itself and what messages they bring for humanity if any so if anyone asks me,"Do I believe in UFO's?"My response would be, "No I believe in the pilots of these craft."

Ghosh Traksa that's a rather stupid response one  that actually makes no sense,... I'm mean seriously...how can you be interested in a pilot without a belief in their craft/spaceship..cos without a craft you dont have a pilot at all & some craft dont even have pilots in them either anyway as they are scout ships.

And besides many ufo's & intelligent extraterrestrial life have appeared in our skies for millenniums in our earth history & many actually are flown by inter-dimensional beings symbiotically & some are Extraterrestrial beings coming via cosmic space portals..messages for humanity lol that wont be coming as they are far more advanced than our human consciousness, as they are ancient that's for sure & from higher dimensional planes of existence..so for now they simply just observe us, letting us know they are here & only make personal contact to those souls from their own home planet and or soul family or to those who they feel have the correct mindset & awareness..

Ancient space ship on the moon..


Pin on Annunaki , UFOs and Ancients

UFO and aliens are real, who wants and works on it, can contact them. I had contacts myself. Some good, some very bad. Some are teachers, some are liers and manipulators.

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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