Our souls don't all originate from the same place or have the same evolutionary pattern. No matter what physical entities we have been elsewhere, our souls are all generally the same in construct, however each individual is unique. A lifetime on earth is an intense experience compared to other more harmonious incarnations elsewhere.
You're soul/spirit is progressing right now with every new lesson you learn and every new experience you have. You're moving closure to your soul's next stage of evolutionary existence. Cherish this life therefore, because it is packed densely with catalyst - and whether your experiences seem positive or negative, it's all contributing to your universal spiritual progression. Remember to have love in your heart!
My own personal memory recall of becoming a soul spark into creation
I wrote a poetic expression of my memory of how 'I' or my soul came into being as Arktuis Mektah Aunhuiln , this was before the 'I' as a 'human avatar' on this planet.. this was also the same of my cosmic twin soul brother Vanyala-karharg Almyer ...this was all back on Maldek that my soul spark was born into creation..via my cosmic Mother & Cosmic Father...
I Entered..
Neneki nesenti-mikenko amach ajakis akis tentana mija-narka ni moi .. hai ki an ei duduk sheiben-ei-ta mahesh anapuna...ekataya Kanesh omata tawai! kukula- em- sham, sakti elmkt ei sei ektu ahan kul..mekhut daaka.....
Before the first NOW, there were a countless number of centuries of non-time. & so, at the exact live instant, before which it was a moment, a powerful voice echoed inside the birth sphere & said: Become!...
And the larger sphere of whiteness like that of a thousand oceans bubbles came together to form my soul spark...it ignited into being, that act was like a flower that spread its white petals.
That moment resembled like a corolla that arose upwards in a spiral. It looked like an explosion of light in slow motion..then it split into two sections then there was two me's,my cosmic twin brother was ignited into white light of becoming,his soul then split into two sections,& made my soul smoulder & split again..he followed suit & then we both were drawn by the attraction of the sphere,its exterior had turned blue.a symphonic echo faded, until the last light rays from the sphere opened into that like an ocean,and we were both thrown into existence.
Our soul & spirits then was glimpsed in the magnitude of blue energy vortex's to form a spiral star,we were suspended,facing each other floating in the air, levitating over an ocean of blue & white light mist,that took on the appearance that of liquid aqua coloured water,It was as if the blossom of the Infinite flowed great rivers of light prisms splaying outwards,combining more and more incredible light wisps of swirling, whirling around each other, forming centers..
Deep into the evo, we were maturing, we were developing or evolving into an embryo-like formation.
The insecurity of not knowing as your cosmic birth father will take care of you, do not feel abandoned in the middle of these silent solitude's to come, as it has begun .....
Ashan ei em elo 'enta akta khor diwaj' hl en eli walh .. ek enta sheknah mu ra'ehl, ana epta khorj en djawa'el-emni amma aya hori anana em shakul ka te me ...
Honored to enjoy this beautiful post, message and music, thank you.
This is beautiful, but, I must wonder... if "a tiny point of consciousness must form. This does not include self awareness but is the point where a conscious life comes about and begins seeking survival"... then how could that non-self-aware spark form memories?
Also the idea that plant and non-human animal life don't have souls or spirits... hmm. Their consciousness is different than human, so that soul or spirit (which are muddy terms. "animating life force" is not the same as "self contained bit that can reincarnate") isn't expressed the same way... but absent..?
To answer the general question, I don't recall the moment of being formed. Perhaps shortly after. (And there's also a twin "brother" involved in my case, although "twin" may be a bit strange to say in the normal way because I think he's somewhat younger. As if human twins were actually born some years apart.) But then to my way of thinking it would be impossible to personally recall events that occurred before I existed.
See reading this response its still coming from the human 3D perspective, all souls are connected in the cosmos in family groups in the aetherical sense of being, ..as such all are thus 'all knowing' even from a cellular aspect the instant they come into creation [call that consciousness/awareness in human terminology if you so wish] ...and when I talk about my cosmic twin brother in this experience, we both came from the same spark into creation within my cosmic parents thought & split at the same time within the cosmos, so no he is not younger nor older than me,...as I'm not talking earth born existence here,e.g not born from or upon this world but from & within my home planet within thought..which was at the time way above 3D consciousness & in another dimensional plane of existence.This is my own truths as a walk-in..
If you enter your Lahun chakra your 'soul spark into creation' will have been recorded and thus is also all knowing...from within there you then will know everything that is meant to know about your soul personally speaking, be that you came from another planet or that your earth born incarnated from Human parents all souls that incarnate still come from the aether cosmos anyway to be in a body to have a human experience on this planet..from your Lahun chakra -also which I call ones 'Halls Of Remembrance' you may find that you existed not from this earth but from another dimensional plane even.. thank-you for your thoughts..
I just found this video so sharing it here on this post as relevant explanation, its on a near death experience where the victim is a Neurosurgeon and thus he explains about consciousness not actually being within the body alone, he speaks this via the coma scale, if one goes to 3:44 on the counter he explains it..this is the same with before birth or incarnation...
this is what I was trying to express with recall memory and how my recall memory of being a soul only before I incarnated as a human on this planet was able to be retained..then to even go on the hunt for more info later on..Its a very intriguing video though I'm not a religious person its beside the point..as soul consciousness is a reality without even any God being mentioned.
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:
See reading this response its still coming from the human 3D perspective, all souls are connected in the cosmos in family groups in the aetherical sense of being, ..as such all are thus 'all knowing' even from a cellular aspect the instant they come into creation [call that consciousness/awareness in human terminology if you so wish] ...and when I talk about my cosmic twin brother in this experience, we both came from the same spark into creation within my cosmic parents thought & split at the same time within the cosmos, so no he is not younger nor older than me,...as I'm not talking earth born existence here,e.g not born from or upon this world but from & within my home planet within thought..which was at the time way above 3D consciousness & in another dimensional plane of existence.This is my own truths as a walk-in..
If you enter your Lahun chakra your 'soul spark into creation' will have been recorded and thus is also all knowing...from within there you then will know everything that is meant to know about your soul personally speaking, be that you came from another planet or that your earth born incarnated from Human parents all souls that incarnate still come from the aether cosmos anyway to be in a body to have a human experience on this planet..from your Lahun chakra -also which I call ones 'Halls Of Remembrance' you may find that you existed not from this earth but from another dimensional plane even.. thank-you for your thoughts..
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.
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