Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Every 8 years Venus dances with the Earth forming a perfect geometric pattern that looks like a Rose.

This video shows the geometric pattern that Venus makes from Earth over an 8 year period. It is called the Rose of Venus or the Pentagram of Venus.

Each one of those petals is formed as Venus moves through its 18 month cycle.

After five of these cycles, Venus returns to the same spot where it started, completing the rose or pentagram. Then the cycle begins again with a new rose waiting to be formed.

To break it down so far:

  • The Rose of Venus is a geometric pattern Venus makes with Earth over 8 years.
  • The pattern is made up of 5 Venus cycles which take approximately 18 months each

The Cycle of Venus

There are two important components that make up the cycle of Venus- Venus’ transition from a Morning to an Evening Star, and Venus’ move in and out of retrograde.

Here is a breakdown of the 18 month Venus cycle-

1.) Retrograde Venus Aligns with the Sun

The Venus cycle begins when Retrograde Venus Aligns with the Sun. This is called an inferior conjunction and signifies the start of a new Venus Cycle. This is the rebirth of Venus and shortly after, Venus will turn into a morning star.

2.) Venus Turns Direct

Retrograde Venus turns direct, it is now rising in the morning and is visible as a morning star. Morning star Venus is able to shine its qualities out into the world. It focuses on our relationships with others and the outside world.

3.) Venus Aligns with the Sun

Direct Venus aligns with the Sun. We call this the superior conjunction and is the peak of the cycle. It is at this stage that Venus slowly starts to become an evening star. With Venus as an evening star, our focus turns to self-love.

4.) Venus Goes Retrograde

Evening Star Venus turns retrograde, slipping into the underworld. A new cycle is about to begin.

(The terms inferior and superior conjunction are come from astronomy – in astrology, neither conjunction is better than the other, they are both important.)

After 5 of these cycles, Venus returns to approximately the same spot in the sky as where she began, completing the geometric rose pattern.

You can think of this like the cycles of the Moon.

The inferior conjunction is like a New Moon and the start of a new cycle.

The Superior conjunction is like the Full Moon phase of the cycle, when Venus is at its peak but also getting ready to go through the “death” phase.

2020 Brings a New Rose

On June 3, 2020, we experience an inferior conjunction (so retrograde Venus aligning with the Sun), but also the end of an 8-year Venus Rose.

June 3, 2020 marks the completion of the Rose because Venus returns to the spot where it started 8 years ago at roughly 13 degrees Gemini.

(The Rose will continue to be completed in the sign of Gemini for many decades to come, but eventually as Venus moves a degree off here and there, it will move into Taurus.)

As Venus is reborn on the 3rd of June, so too are we. All the work, all the effort that we have put in to our heart, our truth, and our inner voice will finally come to fruition and we will emerge as a flower in full bloom.

Dates to watch for this upcoming Venus cycle:

  • June 25th, 2020- Venus stations direct
  • March 26, 2021- Superior Conjunction
  • December 19, 2021- Venus Retrograde

The Petals of Your Own Rose

The rebirth of Venus on June 3rd is a time when the rose is complete. We reach a state of fullness but also new beginnings all at the same time.

Before this date, we may feel like we are going through a sort of death process, and preparing for something new to rise.

A new cycle is beginning and we are clearing the way to make it happen.

Each petal we have so dutifully worked through over these last 8 years also carries a significance we can look at.

The first petal began forming on June 2012:

At this time, a seed was planted deep in your heart. At this time you may have met someone that changed your views or your ways. You may have fallen in love or out of love, or discovered a new love for yourself.

The second petal began forming in November 2014:

At this time, this small seed began to rise up through the darkness and out of the soil. You may have been encouraged to diver deeper and to explore the commitments of your heart. You may have been navigating the new discovery that emerged back in 2012.

The third petal began forming August 2015:

At this time, the little green shoot is growing taller and forming leaves. Ideas are being crystallised, a new vision is slowly emerging. Your heart is being stretched to new dimensions of love, forgiveness, and compassion.

The fourth petal began forming March 2017:

At this time the green shoot forms a tiny bud that is waiting to bloom. There is a new clarity, a deeper sense of understanding. Some of the bigger questions start to make sense. You learn to love like you have never loved before.

The fifth petal began forming October 2018:

At this time the bud is half open, waiting to reveal itself to the world. Over the next 18 months the flower will open and will reveal its truth to the world. A time of embracing your authentic truth.

June 3rd, 2020 the flower has now returned to a seed again so a new one can be planted and begin again. The cycle has been completed, the journey has ended, and a new one is on the horizon.

Tracking the Next Venus Rose Cycle

June 3rd signifies the start of a new Venus Rose cycle, and on this day a new seed will be planted.

On the weeks leading up to this date, you may feel a sense of cleansing and release. You may feel yourself preparing for a new cycle, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Here are the dates of the next inferior conjunctions or remaining 4 petals to come. Track your experience over the years and see what themes your Rose brings:

  • January 9, 2022
  • August 13, 2023
  • March 23, 2025
  • October 24, 2026

June 1, 2028- A new rose begins

The Rose of Venus as seen from Earth is a reminder of the sacred geometry and mystical patterns that always exist in life.

As we walk our journey, we are always encouraged to keep moving forward but also to revisit parts of ourself so we can keep diving in deeper.

The Rose of Venus - Forever Conscious

Each one of those petals is formed as Venus moves through its 18 month cycle.

After five of these cycles, Venus returns to the same spot where it started, completing the rose or pentagram. Then the cycle begins again with a new rose waiting to be formed.

To break it down so far:

  • The Rose of Venus is a geometric pattern Venus makes with Earth over 8 years.
  • The pattern is made up of 5 Venus cycles which take approximately 18 months each

The Cycle of Venus

There are two important components that make up the cycle of Venus- Venus’ transition from a Morning to an Evening Star, and Venus’ move in and out of retrograde.

Here is a breakdown of the 18 month Venus cycle-

1.) Retrograde Venus Aligns with the Sun

The Venus cycle begins when Retrograde Venus Aligns with the Sun. This is called an inferior conjunction and signifies the start of a new Venus Cycle. This is the rebirth of Venus and shortly after, Venus will turn into a morning star.

2.) Venus Turns Direct

Retrograde Venus turns direct, it is now rising in the morning and is visible as a morning star. Morning star Venus is able to shine its qualities out into the world. It focuses on our relationships with others and the outside world.

3.) Venus Aligns with the Sun

Direct Venus aligns with the Sun. We call this the superior conjunction and is the peak of the cycle. It is at this stage that Venus slowly starts to become an evening star. With Venus as an evening star, our focus turns to self-love.

4.) Venus Goes Retrograde

Evening Star Venus turns retrograde, slipping into the underworld. A new cycle is about to begin.

(The terms inferior and superior conjunction are come from astronomy – in astrology, neither conjunction is better than the other, they are both important.)

After 5 of these cycles, Venus returns to approximately the same spot in the sky as where she began, completing the geometric rose pattern.

You can think of this like the cycles of the Moon.

The inferior conjunction is like a New Moon and the start of a new cycle.

The Superior conjunction is like the Full Moon phase of the cycle, when Venus is at its peak but also getting ready to go through the “death” phase.

2020 Brings a New Rose

On June 3, 2020, we experience an inferior conjunction (so retrograde Venus aligning with the Sun), but also the end of an 8-year Venus Rose.

June 3, 2020 marks the completion of the Rose because Venus returns to the spot where it started 8 years ago at roughly 13 degrees Gemini.

(The Rose will continue to be completed in the sign of Gemini for many decades to come, but eventually as Venus moves a degree off here and there, it will move into Taurus.)

As Venus is reborn on the 3rd of June, so too are we. All the work, all the effort that we have put in to our heart, our truth, and our inner voice will finally come to fruition and we will emerge as a flower in full bloom.

Dates to watch for this upcoming Venus cycle:

  • June 25th, 2020- Venus stations direct
  • March 26, 2021- Superior Conjunction
  • December 19, 2021- Venus Retrograde

The Petals of Your Own Rose

The rebirth of Venus on June 3rd is a time when the rose is complete. We reach a state of fullness but also new beginnings all at the same time.

Before this date, we may feel like we are going through a sort of death process, and preparing for something new to rise.

A new cycle is beginning and we are clearing the way to make it happen.

Each petal we have so dutifully worked through over these last 8 years also carries a significance we can look at.

The first petal began forming on June 2012:

At this time, a seed was planted deep in your heart. At this time you may have met someone that changed your views or your ways. You may have fallen in love or out of love, or discovered a new love for yourself.

The second petal began forming in November 2014:

At this time, this small seed began to rise up through the darkness and out of the soil. You may have been encouraged to diver deeper and to explore the commitments of your heart. You may have been navigating the new discovery that emerged back in 2012.

The third petal began forming August 2015:

At this time, the little green shoot is growing taller and forming leaves. Ideas are being crystallised, a new vision is slowly emerging. Your heart is being stretched to new dimensions of love, forgiveness, and compassion.

The fourth petal began forming March 2017:

At this time the green shoot forms a tiny bud that is waiting to bloom. There is a new clarity, a deeper sense of understanding. Some of the bigger questions start to make sense. You learn to love like you have never loved before.

The fifth petal began forming October 2018:

At this time the bud is half open, waiting to reveal itself to the world. Over the next 18 months the flower will open and will reveal its truth to the world. A time of embracing your authentic truth.

June 3rd, 2020 the flower has now returned to a seed again so a new one can be planted and begin again. The cycle has been completed, the journey has ended, and a new one is on the horizon.

Tracking the Next Venus Rose Cycle

June 3rd signifies the start of a new Venus Rose cycle, and on this day a new seed will be planted.

On the weeks leading up to this date, you may feel a sense of cleansing and release. You may feel yourself preparing for a new cycle, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Here are the dates of the next inferior conjunctions or remaining 4 petals to come. Track your experience over the years and see what themes your Rose brings:

  • January 9, 2022
  • August 13, 2023
  • March 23, 2025
  • October 24, 2026

June 1, 2028- A new rose begins

The Rose of Venus as seen from Earth is a reminder of the sacred geometry and mystical patterns that always exist in life.

As we walk our journey, we are always encouraged to keep moving forward but also to revisit parts of ourself so we can keep diving in deeper.

The Rose of Venus - Forever Conscious

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Replies to This Discussion

This is astoundingly beautiful.  Thank you so much for this Rose of Venus

Woah I didn't know this either,its awesome...thanks Julie for sharing it... though I'm not into astrology as such because I know planets dont actually speak so how can they give us these horoscope characteristics & meanings to a human being,and information lol...nah really its human calculated character probabilities ..but I do know planets move in cycles and the universe is all based on Sacred Geometry.

I was pretty amazed too Tara and Vlada... the rose flower is very beautiful and it's good to see how the pattern is formed.  I have, I think Venus in Taurus on my birth chart, which I believe shows a liking for all things beautiful

I'm not sure what variety of rose this is but it's one that lives in mum's garden and I believe it was there when she moved in, so she wasn't sure of the variety either.  It has a lovely fragrance

Like I said to you I dont understand horoscopes but here is a portion of one given to me in regards to my birth natal chart,and I also have Venus in Taurus mentioned within it..and as for the mentioning of the characteristics of me yes I can say its accurate,but then I'm also a Gemini and have a load of beauty attached to my soul anyway being I'm a split twin soul,my cosmic soul brother is not incarnated on Earth however..and my cosmic birth mother was from Venus also,my cosmic father was from Mars..

Do you know anything about reading Indigo natal birth charts at all Julie?,... if so here is mine to look into,to fully understand me on a much deeper level..

Venus in Taurus ( its own sign of rulership ) causes you to believe that romance and relationships go hand in hand. You approach relationships slowly and steadily, looking for someone who will be solid and secure. You appreciate those that can understand you. You enjoy sensuality together with sensitivity.
Venus in the fourth house. You like relationships in the home to be harmonious. You want to create a beautiful home environment. There is nothing that hurts you more than disharmony at home.
Venus is conjunct Chiron, which causes you to have a childlike innocence in your personal relationships, which also can make you vulnerable to emotional pain. You fear commitment and rejection. You may experience pain in early relationships, but this pain is usually healed giving you insight and wisdom in later personal relationships. You see the beauty in people who have been cast aside by others, and develop the ability to be a teacher or healer in intimate relationships.

This is one of my own grown roses in my garden,its a true apricot British import David Austin rose I believe and is very rare,so I'm hoping to take clippings from it and have more of them around me,the scent at night is deliciously highly scented its called:-  'Crown Princess Margareta'

Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry said:

I was pretty amazed too Tara and Vlada... the rose flower is very beautiful and it's good to see how the pattern is formed.  I have, I think Venus in Taurus on my birth chart, which I believe shows a liking for all things beautiful

I'm not sure what variety of rose this is but it's one that lives in mum's garden and I believe it was there when she moved in, so she wasn't sure of the variety either.  It has a lovely fragrance

Lovely rose Vlada, I have a very regal rose too called Queen Elizabeth, it grows strong and robust.  I made the mistake of putting in into a pot at first the rose grew well then it ran out of space and needed to be put into the garden.  It didn't help that a buddleia seedling started to grow in the pot too.  Once you plant a garden buddleia they're seeds grow everywhere, they're great at attracting butterflies.

One of my favourite roses is Deep Secret which is a brilliant red and very perfumed.

I can see from your chart that your sun is only just in Gemini which could give you the attributes of Taurus as well.

I have limited knowledge on astrology Vlada, only knowing the planetary symbols and the basic houses.

Mars in Scorpio....your energies could be driven to the deep secrets, lots of determination and drive to search out what is hidden.  Depth and focus and a strong urge to delve into the mysteries/mystical.

Moon in Pisces, perhaps a dreamer, intuitive with emotional sensitivity, in tune nature and flow of energies

Mercury in Taurus,  learning best by doing things rather than going by written instructions.

You have many planets opposite one another and moon seems out on her own but close to the ascendant, could be that your emotions/feelings rule the rest of the chart and perhaps create strain.  

Jupiter in Capricorn could dull down your sense of enjoyment as capricorn is a bit stubborn and a hard master whereas Jupiter it freedom loving out "out there" which again could cause some friction with what you're doing and what you'd like to do.

Saturn in Scorpio could drive you underground at times, possibly good for studying

The outer planets are more generational and give you a sense of what it is that the people from your generation are experiencing en masse.  

Chiron will perhaps magnify whichever planet it sits beside and lend emphasis to the house it's in.

Ascendant in Aquarius, freedom loving, a need to move freely and be independent both in thinking and living in the physical world.


Oh well lol for someone who says they dosn't know much on horoscopes that reading was rather on par Julie. its nice to read and thank-you for sharing it with me,and least you get a general fair idea of who I am as a person anyway,...I've had a few other people give me readings online,one was very long and in depth but cos I dont understand them the info in it kinda went over my head.. yes thats a nice rose you have... I too like roses but have not grown any myself they have always been already at the houses I lived in,when I lived down south I rented a beautiful cottage with a glorious old style garden with large lawn for the dog,a huge old weeping cherry tree with seating around its trunk, & some huge Copper beech trees...

I loved that place.. and there were beds with roses and all kinds of English cottage garden plants,most were self seeding so all I had to do was weed them on occasion & put things into pots on my deck for colour..

this house now up here in the North I own and it dosn't have much gardens... but what is here is also tropical and with fruit trees..so I grow things in pots too..you can see that in my photo's in here..

I love gardening when I have time as its meditative for me...and I'm told I have a green thumb..not much dies even if I dont really know what I'm doing,I must be doing something right.

Have you ever traced your ancestry Vlada.....family name etc

I was in the garden transplanting a rose bush on Saturday, it was good to be outside, the weather has been a lot warmer and drier to enjoy the garden.  Everything is so lush here at this time of year but the lawn is still a bit wet and squelchy in places.  I took some old annuals out of pots in the hope I can reuse the compost or just lay it on top of the patches where there aren't plants.  The garden is full, not much soil visible but I tend to like this aspect of a garden.  The garden seems to like growing shrubs, it's clay here and both red and grey clay which makes for a rich soil but one that needs to be worked for it to break up and drain more easily.

When you mentioned copper beech trees...there was a beauty, once again in the middle of a field where a pony lived, it's energy felt wonderful.

Yet another housing estate was built on the field where the tree lived, I just wish the countryside was left to its own being and the old and ancient trees left in place

I've grown chives in a pot, loved their flowers and a tasty addition to salads

Family ancestry you ask...well it hasn't been of interest to me moreso because I estranged myself from my parents in my early teens & its more to my sisters liking,..so she filled me in on some of it, moreso on my mothers side [shes passed now] she was a only child from wealthy elderly parents, which were Polish decent with some connection to a castle too lol..and no its not Dracula's castle either hahahaha...but there was something said to that the deeds to it had been lost in some old war,.. so it now belongs to the state,until the deeds could be found,cant see that happening though...my father is a New Zealander & has Dutch decent.. yes I grow my own vege & herbs too in tubs too this season..did you take that picture of the chives flowers,if so its a good one..

Yes for sure a picture I've taken Vlada.  Nikon Coolpix P100, on recommendation from a friend.

I didn't really find out too much on the family history but a neighbour leant me a programme to print out the family tree.  

I tried radish last year, first batch fine, hint not to plant too many seedlings as second batch "went to seed" and didn't like the hot weather.  Early planting seems good, well spaced seedings, no direct sun.

Good on you,yes I plant many vege as I'm vegetarian, so will share all my gardening & crops in the new group soon..along with my journeys too I'm having on my vacation..beautiful day again today after all the rain over the past 3 days, so I'm out of here, going to see a huge garden and meditate at a temple..

Sounds good to me...have a lovely time Vlada.  Yes been wet here but managed to get out into the garden yesterday afternoon, it was good to get back outside after all the bad weather...looking forward to your pictures of the trip.  I've got a friend coming over for a few days so painting is on my menu again.  


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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