Desmodium Gyrans the dancing plant
Codariocalyx motorius - formerly Desmodium gyrans.
Codariocalyx motorius, known as the telegraph plant, dancing plant, or semaphore plant, is a tropical Asian shrub, one of a few plants capable of rapid movement; others include Mimosa pudica, the venus flytrap and Utricularia...
Much has been said on the Internet about this curious plant, whose scientific name is Desmodium gyrans, but it is better known by its other names: telegraph plant or… dancing plant.
But how true is it that he can dance? Does he really dance, or is it that we think he dances? We'll find out below.
The truth is that, unfortunately, he does not dance. There are some plants capable of rapid movements. Some of them are the Mimosa pudica that closes the leaves when an insect touches them, or the carnivorous plant Dionea better known as Venus flytrap, which closes its traps to get some food.
Our protagonist today, move its leaves every 3-4 minutes. In fact, in the description of some videos uploaded to YouTube, it is specified that the speed of their recording is increased.
Plants live on a different time scale. It is something logical and normal that, when we see a plant capable of making rapid movements, our brain interprets it as that the plant can dance. But if you have a chance, do the test. Look at the Desmodium gyrans with music, and then without music. You will see that it makes the same movements.
Of course, that does not mean that we cannot put music to our plants. Of course it is possible. Our elders did it, and even today they say that this way they will grow stronger and more vigorous.
For those who want to have this curious plant in their home, tell them that it is a tropical plant, whose origin is in the warm and humid jungles of Asia.
It doesn't grow much, maybe 50-60cm tall, which makes it a great plant to have in a pot. We must place it in a semi-shady place, avoiding direct sun.
Plants aren't generally known for their speed. They tend to move at rates we simply can't perceive. The few species that exhibit rapid movements such as the sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) and the Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscipula) have become quite famous as a result. Such movements happen in fits and bursts. These plants certainly cannot maintain such activity. However, there is another plant out there whose activity puts these other plants to shame.
Meet the telegraph plant. It has gone by a handful of scientific names since its discovery (Desmodium motorium, D. gyrans, Hedysarum gyrans, Codariocalyx motorius) but that's not why its famous. This Asian legume is renown for its maneuvers. Its compound leaves are surprisingly active organs. The larger terminal leaflets move up and down throughout the course of a day but its smaller lateral leaflets exhibit rhythmic movements on the scale of minutes.
Perhaps most famously, the leaflets show an increase in movement when exposed to music. Search the web and you will find lots of videos of the telegraph plant "dancing" to a variety of musical styles. Though entertaining, music is not why this plant moves. Having evolved long before music was ever invented, its movement must have its roots in something a bit more natural. However, despite how popular such motion has made this species over the past few centuries, their its function has remained a bit of a mystery.
Before we get into the theories, let's take a closer look at exactly how this plant moves. At the base of its leaflets there sits a ring of cells called the "pulvinus." They act a bit like water balloons and thanks to some dedicated work, it has been found that, when stimulated, these cells can quickly move water in and out via osmosis. This causes the cells to either swell or deflate and this is where the movement originates. Now, onto the why...
A relatively recent opinion piece puts forth some of the most interesting theories on telegraph plant movement yet. The author suggests that leaflet movements are defensive in nature. They believe that the leaves could be mimicking butterfly (or some other winged arthropod movements). In doing so, it may convince gravid female insects that this individual plant is already occupied. Such strategies do indeed exist in some plant species, though via physical adornments rather than movements. Another theory this author puts forth is that their movements could also attract potential predators. By mimicking the movement of a tasty insect, it could entice birds to come in to take a closer look. Once there, they could easily find other herbivores hiding on the plant.
Another possibility related to defense is that the movements are meant to deter herbivory altogether. Studies on other plants have shown that some species can actually detect the vibrations of an insect chewing on leaves, which signals to the plant to uptick the production of defense compounds. Perhaps when sensing vibration, the telegraph plant increases its movements to knock away a hungry insect. Certainly a moving meal is less appealing than a stationary one. This is also thought to be the reason for rapid leaflet closure in sensitive plants. Hungry insects have a hard time hanging on to a plant when the leaf suddenly collapses from underneath it.
Another hypothesis is that these movements are meant to increase sun exposure. It has been discovered that far from only responding to music, the leaflets move throughout the day depending on temperature. When temperatures are low, leaflet movements are more vigorous. They eventually slow down if temperatures are high enough. This hypothesis is bolstered by the fact that movements cease once the sun goes down. In a sense, the leaflets seem to be using temperature as a means of detecting whether or not they are getting as much sun on them as possible.
In reality, it very well could be a mix of these ideas. Natural selection works like that. In the end, movement of the leaflets has certainly benefited the telegraph plant whether it be fore defense or just to take advantage of as much sun as possible. Despite centuries of popularity, this awesome little legume still has some secrets tucked away and I kind of like that about it.
I remember having a venus flytrap and a
this little plant had sticky fronds, neither plant lasted too long, but I think the sundew plant seemed a bit hardier as my son was fascinated by the flytrap plant and used to touch the leaves to make them shut. I did think about getting a pitcher plant as they look strangely beautiful.
I hadn't heard of the plant you posted on discussion Vlada
Yes if you keep touching the Venus flytrap simply to close it without giving it food to absorb it will eventually rot & die out I was told,plus the temperature has to be right for them as they are a tropical plant..same with the Sundew plant,cool as it is it has to have the right wet boggy conditions & temperature's..this plat I found amazing,just seeing it dance from the sound frequencies it obviously is sensitive to..
Think that's what it did Vlada...kept the plant in the downstairs loo, I've got vague recollections of one of the plants ending up in the toilet, never did find out why.
There was another occasion when I hear a bee buzzing, it sound was coming from the toilet cistern, on lifting the top off the tank I found a bee inside, think it must have got in through the overflow pipe, so the pipe had to be blocked off so it couldn't happen again
Hhahhaha oh the poor bee, yes it would think the overflow pipe was somewhere to start a hive in so went in to investigate,.. but sadly found itself in deep water instead,they are such nosey pokes arnt you ever put out bee baths for them in summer & winter?..
I did last year,I rescued a few who were starving in winter and 3 that were dehydrated in summer too..
oh and I noticed a new variety made its self at home in my garden its very territorial,makes me laugh how it chases off other bees & really dances around protecting his territory when a lady is around, its called the wool carder bee..and the male bee cant sting at all I read..hes a funny chappy looks kinda like a version of a wasp & bee he is on his rock below, not a very good photo but least you can see him..
There are so many species, I was looking online at them a few days ago...long live the beautiful bee
I remember reading somewhere if you have troubles then to tell them to the bees....
"If the spirit animal Bee stands in your way, it's to push you to your limits. However, the bee represents not only effort and hard work, but also the satisfaction and pleasure of contemplating what you've achieved.
This spirit animal encourages you to embrace victory and savor every success you achieve, whether they're real triumphs or small, everyday successes. The bee guides you to realize and appreciate the time and effort involved.
Just as honey is the concrete, sweet and delicious result of her hard work on earth, the bee also teaches you to recognize the work you've done. It teaches you to be proud of your achievements and to be aware of the benefits of your actions."
Yes bees love to crawl inside things...watched one on youtube, a big queen bee going down a mouse hold, the mouse couldn't get out of his burrow quick enough...she'd turned round backwards and warded him off with her stinger
Yes I put out water last summer Vlada, think I found an article online that suggested doing this
Well I learnt something too... not only all about the bee being a spirit animal, lol & because I always thought bees were insects not animals now I know otherwise..
Beautiful, I love the fuzzy white bumble bee, oh its so cute..I have Purple water Iris growing in my pond and a beautiful Brown one also thats only flowered once since I purchased it and that took years..this discussion needs to have a page in itself in this group aye..
When my brother moved into his bungalow many years since there was a beautiful browny coloured iris in his garden, just wish he'd have given me one ;) He's not a gardener but both my parents enjoyed gardening. My dad kept gardening into his eighties and mum at 89 still likes to be out there when the weather is good
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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