Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song




 The Images I found on the internet as depictions only,they look kinda like the Temple but not totally,how to explain, the images give a idea but they are not accurately portrayed, not sure where this took place,but my soul is leading me towards possibly a Lemurian memory recall IDK?


Journal Vision Entry 19/1/1999...


I sat in wonder at what was happening around me,men around me all dressed in white type robes..a woman with long flowing hair that glowed slightly reddish in tones in the light... I listened to what was being spoken,though the language I understood I know was not of my time sequence..this vision was ancient,yet it was very modern all at the same time...anyway I'm holding a roll of what looks like flax looking parchment paper,yes its paper but its not at the same time.. it's like woven light beams glowing blue/ green like you see in that film the 'Matrix'  in my hands waiting for the command to place it on a huge light stone,along with a beautiful Blood Red coloured glowing 'Red Shaped Tall Crystal' of some sort in front of me,it was shape-shifting as it glowed it's radiant beam of light upwards,there was a blue crystal one the same on the other side of the room in the courtyard.

I knew not what had been written on this parchment only that it had great significance to the life's of souls before me to come,the stone glowed then also a brilliant sparkling blood Red like glitter and changed then into what looked like a huge human skull like in the glittering flicking flames from the tail feathers of a phoenix,in the centre was a swirling mass of fluoro sparkling colours in the shape of a Merkaba type geometric shaped star formation,sparkling blood Red light prisms circling the room in mid air like a swirling vortex, it then illuminated up into the rafters of this sanctuary room and out it's roof and appeared to form a glowing Red misty dome around the outside of the complex we were all seated in,how I saw it outside in a bubble formation covering the whole place as well as inside at the same time IDK,.. I have no idea how,but I did via third eye concept maybe?.. this is the weird thing with visions I guess one can see through the third eye vortex to seeing everything from all angles as if they had 100 odd eyes looking in all directions..

Then I was asked to step forward and place this funky flax parchment on what was being told to me from somewhere else(again that's the thing with visions you hear voices but not knowing who's saying them) the matrix stones for it to be embedded into them, I saw it carving the words automatically onto the stone discs themselves like a invisible printing machine engraver and I then had to chant the words I already knew within my head being "This is my law,I hold it true,let it live under the light and so no man will see what is written here in their language,let these words become invisible to their naked eyes,let this be a lesson it shall not be rekindled, I have spoken and it is so"  - that's all I remember of the words there was a lot more but I couldn't recall them when I came out of my trance.. next thing I recall in this vision is someone else stepping forward and trying to remove the parchment I'd placed there and then seeing his hand become invisible,in front of my eyes like some magick trick or some amazing stepping through dimensions something like that and then this terror feeling raced through my whole being into my body the pain seared and raced,my head was pounding like an army of warriors about to go into battle banging on their shields.There was then much commotion with the people around me,it was of utmost importance and very technical scientific things were being spoken about in groups, of men and woman dressed in these white robes much like those in Roman times but different at the same time,hard to explain cos some were dressed in more sci-fiction type space suit clothing also,so it was really weird... there was a real mix of people in this huge conference hall type room...

I tried to stand up to step forth to assist but was held back by strong arms from behind me..words spoken by someone behind me said:...

"It is done leave it be, you cannot change what has already happened,history will bring it forth,your place in this act is not yours, you need not be concerned"

All I could sense was the sadness surrounding this vision yet I didn't know why... I then came back to my senses and my reality... I just cried uncontrollably,still realising it was just a vision I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as if it wanted to jump out, it was so real to me...almost like I had been initiated into some major ritual of some kind,but where and with whom?...

This vision had really got my head spinning cos I felt like I was being transported to another dimension,remote viewing has only ever been within my own dimension of time like when I see others sitting at their computers I know its of real time,but this was not like that,it felt more like an OBE to another higher dimension in space time ...since it was so vivid in my head I quickly wrote this down,as everyone on a site I was on at the time was happy chatting I was spinning in the background..



ℓἇ∂ἇ aka Reɪvən ...

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NOTE: This image above is so similar to what I looked like in this vision but I had dark long flowing hair and not blonde..everything else is a accurate depiction..


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I was looking at crystals online a few days ago, I found this one on this site...50 most beautiful gemstones


Yes I can run with that Vlada...my belief is that we get attunements to different energies when the energy of creation receives acknowledgement in some way, perhaps through our soul.

My experience with Lemuria or Atlantis, not sure which we should actually call this land but it appears that it's perhaps the same

"The concept of Lemuria was developed in detail by James Churchward, who referred to it as Mu and identified it as a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean. Churchward appropriated this name from Augustus Le Plongeon, who had used the concept of the "Land of Mu" to refer to the legendary lost continent of Atlantis."

I have a book that I haven't read yet on this subject, perhaps its time to read

No dont get confused lol... Lemuria & Atlantis were totally definitely two different places & yet humans always confuse things and give false info crossed over...yes  James Chrishward wrote on it but so have many others..

In my own experience Lemuria aka Mu was in the Pacific and Atlantis it also gets confused with the city Dwarka as both were in the Atlantic & both sank due to cataclysm deluge events..

its remembered that Lemuria sank below the ocean due to rising sea levels,some of Mu is still around today.. but its frequencies have dropped and is no longer above 3D... some areas are no longer inhibited even & some are ..but see area maps below of each..and a interesting link to much info..please use your own discernment..


Lemuria aka Mu

Mu (mythical lost continent) - Wikipedia

 AtlantisLocation hypotheses of Atlantis - Wikipedia

Hi Vlada, I started reading the book yesterday just snippets, so when I've read a bit more on the subject I can gather up the info.

My dream concerning Atlantis that I remember was basically being somewhere underground, cavelike.  I was in a wide corridor and looked into a room with lots of people dressed in brown toga type garden, they were all working with something, it appeared that they were some type of machines.  I shouted to them that they should leave because the place was going to be flood, non turned round, non listened.  So with urgency I and someone else..I didn't see them...I was just aware of another presence with me...went outside, the path was narrow around what appeared to be the bottom of a cliff and the sea was right up to the path, the feeling was that we had escaped just in the nick of time.

Well that sounds extremely intriguing, they were machines you say woah..ooh well robots freak me out..so I wonder is history repeating itself,... cos robots are making a comeback right now, Elon Musk is ready to sell them next near to the general public..


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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