Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Tylwyth Teg

These fairies represent humans who manifest in many different sizes. From the height of a mans knee to taller and smaller. They are renowned as shapeshifters. These Tylwyth Teg Faeries live in an organized society, with their king Gwyn ap Nudd rules over his maxed race of spirits.These fairies dress in Green, but their kings' court wears blue and red silk clothes.
Living in remote places, such as the wooden areas of the mountains or upon the lonely islands within lakes or even off the Welsh coastline. They are not nocturnal and make music and dance in the moonlight in their fairy rings.
You might be curious what these fairies do? well they kidnap musicians and force them to
play music for them to play in the moonlight in their fairy rings. If a human is caught within the boundaries of their fairy rings, the punishment for that human is - to dance for a year and a day without stopping in their fairy ring, although carrying a rowan twig gives you free passage through their territory. If someone was to plough through their fairy ring, even if it was an accident they'd be cursed for life by the Tylwyth Teg Fairy's .

These Tylwyth Teg Faeries are among the fairies known to be accused of  stealing
human children and leaving changelings behind in their place. (note: a changeling is the result of a human child - usually a baby - being stolen by the fairy folk and replaced with a substitute. The name can refer either to the original child or, more commonly, the substitute. Although changelings are most usually associated with fairies the practice has also been said to be carried out by other supernatural creatures and fey folk including elves and trolls.
The theft of the baby would usually take place at night when everyone was asleep. The fairies always left something in place of a child. Sometimes this was just a lump of wood, at others it was one of their own fairy children. In the latter case the fairy child would be brought up by the human parents who - presumably thanks to a little fairy glamour - often failed even to suspect the switch.)

Some say that the Tylwyth Teg Fairy have long blonde hair, dressed in a thin lovely white dress and are very attractive. These faeries belonged to the magician Gywdioon while others have said that they ruled the underworld. This is because they would steal babies and children with blonde hair and leave a changeling called a Crimbli in their place of the human child. 
These fairies can only be seen at night & are usually observed singing and dancing merrily in fairy rings, but can quickly turn to anger if one joins in their fun and merriment.
My advice is to be very cause if you ever happen to come across these fairies in the 
woods singing and dancing in a fairy ring. I would just turn the other way.. There are so many other fairies in the world that are much more friendly and kind then these. 
Another thing about these fairies - they fly to markets and replace humans money with 
their own magick money that would turn into dry leaves or just disappear when the humans would  get home. In my opinion these fairies are not very nice fairies at All!

I did find one interesting fact about these fairies but I would not trust them still all the same!
It is said if you light a fire at night for these fairies to dance at night this will please them and they will leave you a present. I myself would be very cautious of what this gift might be?
The Nixie's
 Nixes are the water-people that inhabit all  lakes and rivers of Germany. 
Some say if they see any beautiful maidens dancing on the surface of either a lake or  nearby river, it means that someones has downed in the waterway that they are dancing on - These Nix maidens could be naked or with light clothing. In the any culture it is heartbreaking for all to lose a love one due to a downing and to have maidens dancing for joy because of this sad incident makes it that much harder to deal with. But I am sure there were some that took pleasure in seeing these maidens dancing naked or with very thin clothing on the lake or river. 
In German folklore the Nixie's are your typical mermaid. But they are very different in Germany. 
The males Nix have green teeth and wear a green hat, sitting on a rocks near the banks of rivers & lakes. They are probably scoping out the human women to see who looks to be easy prey to enchanted or trick them into coming with them down to their underwater palace, where the ladies are forced to marry these devious male Nixes and  have a lifetime of all eternity serving them.
Interesting I thought and quite different than the Greek Merman. I did find a bit of information that
you might find interesting - The mermen are also have been depicted as having webbed fingers and toes, also they were said to have green beards and hair too.These Merman were able to breathe underwater like a fish and would rather stay in the ocean where they origins are, and they can cause the violent storms and sink passing ships. I thought this to be all very fascinating  for two reasons 1) because there really isn't much written on the merman - I had to really strength to find what I did on the Mermen 2) I had a very hard time finding any photo's that depicted the type of mermen I describe above.  I will show you the photo's I did find and you can make your own conclusions on this subject..
These are not my own photo's - They are of different fine Artist...
But I have gotten of track of the Nix, so I will continue with the Nixes counterpart the female~
Now the Female Nixes are very different than their male counterpart, the original Greek typical mermaid. 
Although there are few similarities with the female Nixes, you can usually see these beautiful young maidens on sunny days sitting on the river bank or the branches of the trees that over-hang the lakes. They are usually combing their long flowing golden hair and could be either clothed or naked. 
Nixie's Habitat ~
The Nixes live down in the waterways of lakes & rivers, in these magnificent  palace's below the deepest parts of the waterways.  Some say its an enormous castles with many other equally beautiful buildings stretched across the lakes and deepest parts of the rivers in Germany.
In the German folklore history there was a story about a young maiden who lived in a small German
village. She was the maid in the house of this small village and everything in her live there was wonderful for the exception of the food at time. She said that there were times that she would have to ask if she could have the food to not have any salt added to hers . I find this very interesting because in all legends, stories & actual true encounters of the mermaid it is always ocean - not fresh water mermaids and I have never heard of a story of a mermaid asking if she could have her food without salt. 
Another interesting fact about the female Nix - when they go on the banks of the lake & rivers they  always dressed in the finest clothes whatever period their in. This could be either the  1200's or 1900's. They are always in finest clothes that the human woman ware. The only way you might be able to tell if they were a Nix is, by the hem of their dress or some other part of their clothing that might be wet. This is the only sign that you might be able to tell if they are a Nix. But mostly they are never discover when on land. 
Now the male Nix is a very different story. They only go onto the banks of the rivers and lakes to  either enchant or trick a human female into coming back with them below the waters of the lake or rivers where they are usually force to marry and serve the male Nix for a eternity.   

Before time, how did elves dominant the race on earth? 
They lived life as Kings and Queens, their magic & immortally was the norm. In the time of the elves was great glory of the dominant race on earth along with the faeries. They were very carefree by nature. Elves and their tiny friends - the faeries loved to dance and play stringed instruments. Music was a great part of their lives, as well as dance. 

Most lived in the thick dark forests where know one could find them. They could live freely out in the open with music, singing, dancing and lovely one another. There was a lot of sex and chasing about of both sexes. This was the way of the middle class elves & all other elves except,  the Kings & Queens Elves who were very posed about their actions & appearance's.Their children were expected to marry whom they choose. Some of the elves would live underground in the spring. They aren't bad but sometimes their pranks have been fatal to humans but never intentionally. Elves apparently came in several distinct varieties - though they are a rather mournful lot, one breed of elves was an invisible  kitchen helpers for good servants, the others the bringers of illness and misery. They can be of both sexes of sexless...

Yet the old tradition portray them as very different creatures, among the Norse, Teutonic and and Scandinavian peoples, Elves are tall, extremely beautiful and very powerful. 
A person may be said to have 'elfin beauty', when they posses fine bones, light and silken hair and large eyes. A Anglo - Saxon, there is a adjective - aelfsciene, that means 'as pretty as and elf.'
Elfin fact - The importance of elves in earlier western culture can be inferred from the number of words & phrases of that have survived into recent times. 

Here are are a few examples - of Early Elfin words & phrases - A changeling - is a elf cup is a stone with a hollow in it filled with morning dew, elf fir is another name for the will - o - the wisp, elf - locks maybe either knots in the hair, said to be caused by elves deliberately tangling it during the night, or short springy curls, elf taken is a phrase used to suggest those who are temporarily mad; elf - twisted - is used of a elf who has suffered a stroke. And elf blot is a disease in a farm animals, said to be the result of being shot by elf arrows.

In more recent times, there has been a general diminution of the elves. In Scandinavia they have become associated with the Hulder a small race, with kinship to dwarf's or brownies. They also aired a tradition of being mischievousness and spiteful at times. This just depends on the type of race to the elves.

In Germanic mythology, the forest Elves are called Schrat, while Danish folklore has Elev or Elle - Folk who have an unfriendly relationship with humanity~

Elvhenan was a place where elven language was reportedly at time time where elves were still the dominated race on the continent of Theda's. Elvhenan in ancient times covered all of Thedas and it wasn't an myth that elves were immortal and used magic. Their political, economical, cultural, activities & were in the heart of the city. Elvhenan was one of the greatest cities of its time. During this time there was much peace and harming with the elves of this age. Their homes were glorious ,  & high up in the forest tree tops. They had no war, disease and only peace and beauty of the earth, water , wind  & sky.  Arlathan or Arlath both have the meaning in elfin as ' I love this place'. Arlathan was located in a great forest in the North of Theda's not far from where the 'Tevinter Imberium' first emerged. Elvhenan is the oldest Elves found on record. Some go back before the dragon age.

Before the ages were named or numbers were used, the people were glorious and eternal and forever changing. They worshipped their Gods for months at a time. Decisions came after decades of debate and could last for years from time to time. Their  ancestors would drift into centuries of long slumber but this is not death as we know it. While the ancient elves did not die, the oldest of the elves were said to weary of life, Memories became too much to bear and rather than fade into complacency, they would voluntarily stand aside, and let the younger generation guide their people. This practice was know as Uthenera or 'The long sleep'. Elves would retire to a chamber that was one part bed and one part tomb. It was the Great Ceremony from all  the extended families, the eldest of the different groups of Elves would succumb to a slumber from which they would not wake for centuries and often never. In time the body would deteriorate and the elder would die in truth. All the while the family would continue to visit the chamber to pay respects to the one who mad
e a great sacrifice.

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Replies to This Discussion

I always wondered how those tangles and knots became....

As long as its not a fairy like this dancing in your hair aye..

Sizzy GIF - Sizzy - Discover & Share GIFs

It could be a case of a honey overload on my toast, but you never know ;)

ënagualí ~ Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

As long as its not a fairy like this dancing in your hair aye..

Sizzy GIF - Sizzy - Discover & Share GIFs

Oh that joke went over ones head...ooops..sorry..yeah blame it on honey overload on the toast then.


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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