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Ancient Celtic building techniques

The word Celtic was the term used by the Romans to categorize the various people who lived in the eastern part of Europe. They included people from modern day Britain, France and several countries to the east, but are most commonly associated with Britain and Ireland. It’s believed that people from Europe moved to Britain over the land bridge that connected modern day France to England before it flooded around 6,100BCE. After this time the Celts of Britain were isolated and created their own culture and way of doing things, including their own version of architecture

Due to the age and level of technology available at the time, it’s no surprise they weren’t building huge castles or elaborate stone works, but they were able to build everything they needed to not only survive, but flourish. Here’s a few of the building techniques that the Celtic people of ancient Britain used to create their world.


The Roundhouse

By far the building most commonly associated with the Celts, the roundhouse was actually the most effective home they could have built. The central fire pit warms the interior space better than any fire place would, and the smoke is able to escape through the waterproof thatching. The following are the five main sections of building a roundhouse:


1) Foundation posts
Wooden beams with flat tops would be placed every few feet in a circle the same size as the home intended to be. These would then have planks laid across them to form what looked like a circular fence with very thick posts. The goal of this would be to provide points for the roofing beams to lay on for maximum support.

2) Roofing poles
A number of long, straight poles would be tied together at the top and walked out from the center, so that one can sit on top of each of the foundation posts. When the first few are in place, more will be added and tied together so there’s not too much space between posts.

3) Roofing support and thatch
Sticks will be woven through the roofing supports in a loose, wattle-style wall design. These will be the base that the thatching material is attached to, which would normally be either reeds or straw, depending on what they had available.


(Some of the larger homes would have an inner ring of support beams instead of relying on the walls alone)


4) The walls
a wattle and daub wall will be constructed in order to keep in the heat and make the walls airtight. A wattle wall is just a collection of sticks woven in such a way that there’s tension on the sticks keeping them firmly in place, so no string is needed. The tops and bottoms of the vertical supports sticks in the wall will usually be popped into a hole cut out in the above planks or dug into the dirt beneath, and when the woven sticks are put in place it adds enough strength to hold the daub.

5) The interior
A fire pit and beds need to be built within the home, as well as a few smaller finishing touches on the outside, like digging a small trench round the outside of the wall to make sure all the water from a heavy rain fall flows off in the right direction and not into the middle of your home.



This mixture has been used by ancient people for thousands of years, with everyone from the ancient Egyptians to the Native Americans using it for various purposes. In ancient Britain, it was used to seal up walls and stick stones together when building small walls. It is normally made by mixing equal parts of soil, clay, animal manure and some kind of binding material like grass, horsehair, hay, reeds or whatever they had on hand at the time.


(A wattle wall being covered in daub, the material easily sticks due to the huge amount of grip provided)


All the ingredients are put into a pile and then someone takes off their shoes and gets stamping, mixing the ingredients into a thick clay like material that would then be smothered onto a wattle wall. Because of how the wall is formed, it offers a huge amount of grip for the daub to stick to, and would always be smeared onto both sides of the wall, making it at least 3 inches thick.


Burial monuments

The most common type of burial monument for ancient Britain’s was the Dolmen, a set of several standing stones supporting a rather large center stone. The stones used in the center have been known to weight up to 15 tons, which raises the question of how they managed to do it in the first place. Unfortunately the Ancient Celts weren’t great at recording their own history, so we will never know for sure, but the most likely method would involve a huge amount of digging and wet tree trunks.



(The Dolman is by far the most common type of burial mound, and was reserved for only the most important people)


At the build site of the monument, a set of holes would be dug for the support stones after they had been transported there. This would have been done by laying a path of logs on the ground and keeping them wet to help the stone slide along them better. The stone would be pulled by people and animals using ropes and would be dragged to the build site before being tipped into the pre-dug hole. After all the supports were in place, a mound of earth would be created around the supports stones with one side turned into a long ramp. The center stone would be dragged up this ramp and put into place above the support stones, the mound would then be dug away to leave the center stone on top the supports.


Stone walls

The creation of limestone based mortar was still a long way off, and the Celts didn’t have anything they could use in place that would set hard enough. To get around this they had a method of building walls that allowed them to create very strong structures, as long as hey didn’t build too high.


(An old fort on the isle or Orkney in Scotland, originally built using stone stacked with clay inbetween as a binder)


The walls were built by first digging a flat trench for a level surface before laying a line of stones with their flat side facing outwards along the outline of the wall. The internal space is then filled with clay or a daub type mixture to fill in all the gaps and add strength. The next layer is then built the same way until the desired height is reached. The only problem with this is that the mixture is strong enough to build a home, but it’s far too brittle to build anything tall.


Defensive walls

The palisade wall has been used across many cultures and was the first reliable form of a defensive wall. It was built by digging a trench 3 or 4 feet deep before placing straight pine trunks into them. Stones and soil are packed around the beams to secure them before attaching them to each other for added strength. Because of how deep they are in the ground, they are very difficult to pull or push over, and with all the branches and bark removed are impossible to climb without equipment.


(The top of a palisade wall attached together for extra strength. with the bottom firmly in the ground, they made a strong and difficult to climb defensive wall)


The other popular form of defense was to dig a series of ditches that would force the attackers to not only become exhausted, but they would be exposed each time they have to cross one of the ditch peaks. Lining one or more of these ditch peaks with a palisade wall was the best form of defense possible for people with this level of technology.


Other building methods

Apart from these basic construction techniques, the Ancient Celts didn’t really build anything more notable than Stonehenge or large burial mounds, both of which were constructed using the methods above. People of this time were still very firmly in the Bronze Age and even things like a log cabin was a long way off due to the huge amount of sawing it would take, a task that weak metals like bronze was not suited for. Lime stone mortar didn’t enter the country until the Roman invasion of 43 AD, a material that allowed for the construction of castles and strong stone walls, but as for the people known as the Celts, life was simple when it came to making things, and difficult when it came to staying alive.

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Replies to This Discussion

How egotistical of us to use false building materials that harm the earth and then to look upon these people as lesser in advancement when the opposite is true. Thanks for your posting

I have no idea what your on about to be honest Tara, there is nothing egotistical in this post,everything in it is the truth,the Celtic folk were lesser in advancement compared to todays standards with their homes,as they didn't have what we have today to build things with,they would mostly take stuff from the land which was available to them at hand in the area they lived in...also I'm not sure where you got the idea building materials are hurting the earth either, because most of the materials we still use today on making out homes originally comes from the earth also,..like we still use wood for bracing,framing & struts,we still use concrete which consists of stone & sand & lime wash,we still use steel for roofing,nails also from steel which all comes from metal thats found within the land,then you have eco homes that use stuff from the land also,mud & straw etc & yet its just our designs of our homes that are different these days as climates have changed and populations have altered that need to be catered for ..

I've visited the roundhouses in Wales, it was a lovely atmosphere, very organic and in keeping, it was a little hard to find and very worthwhile exploring the area.


This is the site I visited Vlada, thought I recognised the lead picture on discussion

"Castell Henllys is also home to a peaceful woodland where you can spot a variety of wildlife, a children’s play area, a barefoot trail, and prehistoric breeds of livestock as well as a riverside café where you can relax after your prehistoric adventure.

Throughout the year we hold a variety of events and workshops that educate, inspire and celebrate the ancient way of life"

Its awesome aye that was something I liked when I visited the thatched roofs, an amazing technique to watch being done too, I saw it on a TV programme years back now..I'm pleased they keep doing it and the craft is not lost... I liked the tying of the rocks & stones to the thatch roof as bracing to keep it down on some older structures too. Thanks for the added links Julie..

a pleasure to revisit Vlada


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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