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Ancient Celtic NZ - Poukawa Revisited part 1 -Poukawa Archaeological Site, Proving Ancient habitation in NZ to 7000+ yrs

Ancient Celtic NZ - Poukawa Revisited part 1 -Poukawa Archaeological Site, Proving Ancient habitation in NZ to 7000+ yrs


The History Changing, Archaeological Work of Treaton Russell Price (1901 – 1986, Proving Ancient habitation in NZ to 7000+ years ago.

Ancient Celtic NZ- Poukawa Revisited part 2 - The Scientists Vs the Social Engineers

Ancient Celtic NZ- Poukawa Revisited part 3 - NZ A Very Old Country

NZ's Top Scientists "Statement of Belief" - The History Changing, Archaeological Work of Treaton Russell Price (1901 – 1986, Proving Ancient habitation in NZ to 7000+ years ago

Ancient Celtic NZ-Poukawa Revisited part 4 - What are the origins of Ancient Poukawa Man? Hill forts and Amphitheatres

Ancient Celtic NZ- Poukawa Revisited part 5 - Epilogue, The ongoing coverup of NZ History

Ancient Celtic NZ - Split Apple Rock - Ancient Solar Observatory | First inhabitants of NZ

Ancient Celtic NZ- Our True Treaty..

Port Waikato & Manukau Treaty signings did not go to plan in 1840, the Official Treaty document did not arrive in time. Chiefs were gathering and Reverend Robert Maunsell had to find a solution.

He had a "Printed sheet with Maori Text" on it, this was legitimately the same as the Treaty used at Waitangi on the 6th of February 1840. It was the words the Maori Chiefs heard and the interpretations of those words were what they signed, 5 Chiefs signed this, and unfortunately ran out of room.

Scrambling to find another suitable paper that could be used a 'ruined English Treaty memorial sheet was substituted' It was however unsuitable not only due to being written in the English Language (as "All Treaties" must be in the native tongue, Maori) but secondly unsuitable as it bore the tortured signature of Governor William Hobson after he had had a stroke.

The English "Formal Royal Style" version sheet was based on discarded obsolete rough draft notes and was written by James Stuart Freeman, a man who had been through Eton in England and had learned not only to write in beautiful style and language but how to write in memorial style to kings and queens wording that would be befitting of their presence, which is why the English memorial document is so very different to all other versions.

The 32 Chiefs signed on to this "Overflow" English substitute sheet, then a wax seal was attached to the top left front corner of it and joined to the Printed sheet, it was also pinned through the top. The two sheets became a 'Make do' Treaty sheet explained to the Chiefs in the Maori language, officially sealed and approved by Hobson.

Years later the two sheets were forcefully separated and torn apart in a move to deceitfully alter the true version of the Treaty by introducing terms that were in the ruined memorial English sheet that were never in Te Tiriti (The Treaty of Waitangi signed at Waitangi 6 Feb 1840). This has been used to undermine the true meaning of the Treaty, cause confusion, theft and instigate a major scam on the New Zealand Public.

Further in 1989 the long lost Final English Draft of the Treaty was finally found in the paperwork of the Littlewood family. The Final English Draft is now known as the Littlewood Treaty.

It gives the exact meaning and intention of the Treaty of Waitangi that was signed by the Chiefs in 1840. There are no mistakes in its intention it is very clear, the Chiefs ceeded sovereignty to the Queen of England in exchange for the rights , priviledges and protections of the British Commonwealth.

Over the many years till today, European Pakeha and Maori have enjoyed a society of harmony, so much so that New Zealand was reknown around the world for this. It would be a very different history today, for Maori, had this country ended up in the hands of the French, something they were terrified of and which they very nearly did.


Ancient Celtic NZ- How the Treaty of Waitangi was Falsified and reinvented after 1975

ORDER BOOK: The Littlewood Treaty - The True English Text of the Treaty of Waitangi Found http://www.treatyofwaitangi.net.nz/Or...

Ancient Celtic NZ- Who taught Maori of New Zealand the death myths of the Ancient European-Mediterranean theatre?

A comparison between the Maori death myths of New Zealand with the Celtic death myths of the Mediterranean, Continental Europe and the British Isles. (Who were the first people in New Zealand?) Who were the first indigenous inhabitants of New Zealand? the first people living in New Zealand? were the Urukehu, Kiri Puwhero, Turehu and Patupaiarehe amongst many others... Moriori Nga Marama and Maru iwi etc... Maori legend, underworld myth Cape Reinga, Spirits Bay solar observatory

Ancient Celtic NZ- Raglan's Ancient Winter Solstice Sunrise (Who were the first people in New Zealand?)

An Ancient Solar Observatory in Raglan New Zealand, probably built many thousands of years ago by the ancient Turehu people to get a precise fix on the winter solstice day, in order to keep their calenders 100% correct first people in New Zealand , Who were the first indigenous people of new zealand? Who were the first people living in New Zealand?, Who were the Urukehu, Kiri Puwhero, Turehu and Patupaiarehe amongst many others... Moriori, Nga Marama and Maru iwi etc... Included within the article "ANCIENT ELEVATION SURVEYING IN NEW ZEALAND" by Martin Doutre http://www.celticnz.co.nz/Raglan/Anci...

Ancient Celtic NZ- Kaiteriteri solar observatory | Who were the first people in New Zealand?

An ancient, purpose-built solar observatory using natural features to get a precise fix on the winter solstice Who were the first indigenous people of new zealand? Who were the first people living in New Zealand? the Urukehu, Kiri Puwhero, Turehu and Patupaiarehe amongst many others... Moriori, Nga Marama and Maru iwi etc...


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This amazing information actually means that Maori did murder & kill off the Moriori and push them to the corner of the South Island,then take over lands that weren't originally theirs to take in the first place,the Moriori were a peaceful race,now new generation Maori today are fighting for it again & again with new demands attached and with new Govts,how many years do these new Govts have to keep making altered settlements with them..they are claiming land is theirs and yet that Treaty then in this case is really not worth the paper it was written on,..if the land didn't belong to them at all it was signed over to the British in return for protection under  British laws and they all agreed to it to save themselves & populate the country to form townships & farms etc etc.. lol..so in this sense signing it, they had in fact saved themselves & this country from falling into the hands of the French which is a good thing & a positive thing, so can they just get over themselves and get on with all Europeans instead of segregating themselves from us & standing alone,because they all have the same rights as everyone else in this country if not moreso in some instances..well that's another story in itself..

a complex story

Ahh yeah,but a deep one that should be in our History books and taught in school,..its got stuff many kids know nothing about cos its being hidden from us..I did know the Maori were warriors & cannibals too, in fact some of the explorers were killed by them,the Moriori also,...and I was told by a elder on a marae once the horrors of what they did to some of the tribal war warriors & the Moriori,...they actually captured the warriors in their battles,tortured & they then ate them,then boiled their heads & kept them on spikes to ward off other enemies,some of the men who wernt killed or were wanted, they actually cut their Achilles tendons so they couldn't run away and some of the women too,..then they used them as sex slaves & slaves to prepare & cook their food for the whole tribe. They were barbarians like that really.. our history books dont tell this whole story of how they were cos its shameful to the race...

Many chiefs were then considered as wanted criminals at the time by the British law enforcers...and they hunted them from one end of the country to the other,however some managed to stay low and not get caught,it was said that some European whalers were even known to house & feed them in return for work without payment, knowing that they were wanted criminals, those whalers were tough men back then you wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of them he told me.. and he said some of the whalers themselves were escaped convicts from Scotland & Great Britain who came over here as Early settlers but under fake names to escape prison sentences..

he recalled one name of a guy who his great grandfather had spoken about highly of, now were talking about the 1800's era here...he said his name was Captain James Jackson,he was a sealer,whaler & trader in Te Awaiti,who had come to NZ from Australia,he was born in London in Putney originally,...he was very well known and a darn hard worker,despite he was a older man, in his late 40's at the time,.. he took a young wife of just 18yrs who had came off a ship from England..he was more than twice her age,her name was Eliza...they went on to have 9 children together,his grandfather knew one of their children,hense why the story came forth,he actually sheltered a Maori rebel warrior from the police in his wood shed,and made him chop the winter supply of wood for him in return for not dobbing him in to the police lol that was cleaver I thought,cos they burned wood every day,no electricity back then they used it to cook with,heat water & keep warm,there would have been a huge supply to chop daily to keep that fire burnin..but also he said there is a lot of  history & books on him at Te Papa as he was so well known at the time & had a huge family tree blood line.. I love the stories that come forth from my clients & from the Marae these are things not often spoken on just past down tales,some have a load of historical truths,some I'm not so sure of, could be totally just that.. tales.. 

yes, this is the story of the island and it's important  to keep it alive, As for cannibalism and things like that, I shall remind you that cannibalism still exists today and when there is war between us, things aren't a slight better. 

Well yes it is stories of a Island,its much like the telling of the Celtic tales of Ireland that got passed down from family to family, and this guy & his channel is unfolding more than any others I've seen online though,in more depth and with archaeological evidence to back them up as well ..I spose if your not into this kind of stuff its not of interest,but if your into history then you learn things no one else knows about..

yes, I agree :o)


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

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