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GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Article by Meg Bendice ~ What makes 2024 so Special ~ Numerology of 8

What Makes 2024 so Special?

By Meg Benedicte | Source

In Numerology it is an ‘8’ year (2+0+2+4). In Chinese astrology, it is the Year of the Dragon. Both are encoded with the vibration of ‘empowerment’.

An ‘8’ Year is the time to develop personal power. It is a journey of true understanding, reward, balance, and achievement.

As with any potential power, what blocks, limits, opposes or disempowers will be more enhanced, obvious, ‘in your face’.

The first half of 2024 has been revealing those disempowered energies. We are realizing what has been holding us back. It is a time for review, identifying where you feel depleted, weakened, stuck, or giving your power away.

Armed with conscious awareness, you can step-by-step unlock, unwind and remove old, outdated barriers and blockage to Soul empowerment.

It is a process of completion, resolution and extraction from the limits of ego mind, traumatized heart and physical density. You are liberating yourself from all that has clipped your wings, destroyed your confidence and told you ‘No, you can’t have that’!

It is a point of no return. Once you clear away all that has been preventing you from living your Soul’s truth, a shift occurs deep within. You pass a threshold into a new reality, a new timeline, a new future life. It is a shift from living as the ego self to becoming the Higher Self. The ‘8’ energies are propelling you into freedom to be your empowered self.

2024 is the year to get clear on what you want to create for yourself, what you value, what you desire, how you see yourself as an empowered being. It is the year to put everything into motion. It is a potent year to make your dreams come true. But it requires clear, realistic, concrete goals and visions…so you take action on your own behalf.

In Numerology, 8 represents Infinity, balance, union and harmony.

8 is the symbol of abundance.

As we exit the old, Atlantean hierarchy matrix, we shift into the Ascension timeline that is circular. It moves and flows in the spiral of creation. What we give out returns to us.

We are adapting to a continual inflow – ouflow of energy sourcing our bodies and earthly lives. What do you want to put into the circular flow? Take the time to get clear. You are shifting into directing your life from the Higher Self mind. All moves into the abundant flow in ease.

On August 8th, we are blessed with a triple 8 day of empowerment. It is also the annual LionsGate portal. In honor of this momentous occasion, I will be leading 888 LionsGate Activations at Mount Shasta, CA. You can join us for a 3 Day LiveStream and experience all the 888 ceremonies, performances and activations. Or you can participate in the online Zoom 888 Activations at 12pm PT.

We will be working on both personal and planetary ascension in LIVE Zoom broadcasts on August 8th. Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Gridworkers and Star Weavers from all around the world to fire up the 888 LionsGate.



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I dont really follow this astrology stuff, but I know I had an Egypt connection from long ago many lifetimes ago, to bring in these energies from up above into our own lives for humanity ,there were rituals we performed in groups, so its like a completion of our task back then into now.. which is why we came here, to release it all, reborn into a higher consciousness,,,

Ancient-Egypt Cult

So sure I know I'm a Wayshower but I work more on manifestation via thought creation over anything else.. As your thoughts have a effect on reality itself. Whenever you look at the particles in the air. You immediately affect them. They start to arrange themselves just like in the double slit experiment. Through your visual tunnel. Whatever you are focused on. You will have an effect on.  Just looking and thinking it will make it happens. Here's a experiment to show you how to manifest into reality and its so simple...

Incense GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFER

Light a incense or a candle either one will do. Place your eyesight and focus on it. See if you can move the smoke Or the light. When you focus on the smoke it should stop waving. It should straighten up. After it straightens up see how far you can get it to go up...

I like what you say here because it's something I've noticed too Vlada.  

I'm always lighting candles and every so often I light incense too

I tried to trace back the writing/meditation that I did on Egypt that I added to Tony's website, so far I haven't had any luck locating the website, maybe it no longer exists. Found him on Linked In https://uk.linkedin.com/in/tony-morton-31b76138

Dont you just hate that when websites just vanish taking all your writings and words with them, why dont they at least tell you they are closing a site down, and please remove what ever content you posted in a time frame...least then you can save some of it at least...this has happened to me so many times over the years and I write a lot in these sites as you well know being in here,..now I try hard to place everything to a word pad , in case it happens.. least I've saved it..

There are many ways to connect to info other than via astrology horoscopes...a meditative true shift happens when your synchronizing with time. A shift is when your mind reboots and speeds 180 miles a minute. Leveling to a new consciousness this is when I actually hear beyond the passage of time within itself, I'm learning till to use the power of quantum jumping and manifesting my dream life! ..I've been practicing the 'law of attraction' for a while now, I can think something and know that within say a 3 day time frame it manifests itself to happening, I've proven it online many times, but I've got to the point I need to now trust my thoughts to actually speak them outward out loud in my reality ...and then others can see it manifesting for themselves...however I never knew about parallel reality shifting...

Now I know this quantum manifestation thing really isn’t anything new. The ancients have called this the doing and not doing of dreaming... In the process of trying to make knowledge my own, I call it ‘turning your head.’ The stopping of fixating your inner eye upon only one direction or not trusting to speak it.

Learning how to navigate has been a long and difficult process but my perspective and ability to see the eye that knows me when I know that I know what I know, has allowed me to see these coordinates.

Just recently. I lay on the bed after a long hard day at work.  And I practiced controlled breathing. To a point that my heart rate slowed down to something close to non existent. My body became like a shell. I then could feel/sense/know of another presence beside me. [I instantly gathered it was my guide?]
anyway I knew I was not alone. I sensed an energy moving freely amongst me. I attempted to catch it and control it, but it eluded me every time. It proved to be impossible to catch as it wasn't my own energy....

Once I accepted I wouldn’t be able to catch it, It then seemed to approve of my humble submission and rested at my core. Instantly just me knowing where it was I swear to you I became totally immersed in this energy, it was his not mine. I was beyond bliss I tell yah in fact I felt I was beyond all things.. I was pure and absolute.

The feeling of my entire being was power radiating/pulsating. I was completely humble in a type of submission but I was in control of myself.... It felt as if I was an eye ️that could see with complete understanding. Words meant nothing everything was comprehensible with just being in the presence of it and I was in the presence of All. I was presented then with a number 333. When I woke out of this trance like state I felt better than I ever have, I was no longer tired, but instead energised. Now I've been paying attention to numbers way more and now I’ve been seeing 333 everywhere..so I know he's still with me where ever I go.. I'd soul merged & synchronized in other words..

See so It’s easy to obsessively manipulate the mind to what it thinks it knows if the inner eye isnt fixated. This leads to worship of our own self image- at the ever increasing expense of realising the existence of our true self, which has many abilities including- turning your head to face a new time line, a world line, an intent, whatever you want to call it. 

If you’d like we can put the writings on ElvenWorld.org which you cherish they are more permanent. but I’m not planning to go anywhere from here, though. Thanks I’ll check out Aug 8 in Shasta. There are massive fires up there maybe quiet by then I hope

Yes, I've started saving poems in folders on email as it's happened to me time and again, especially when Gaia poetry showcase closed it's doors, locking out the admins because the fees hadn't been paid, so rescuing poems wasn't possible, so in a way having the other Gaia site still open has stored some poems from over the years.

333 - from one of my angel books reads "You are aligned with Jesus and other ascended masters at this time.  You are at a crucial point on your journey where you can go beyond all previous setbacks." --Kyle Grey "Angel Numbers"  

333 - Equilibrium - "Nurture the mind, body, and spirit connection - Get some meditation going, embark on a workout routine, and start a vision board.  Your angels want you to look at the areas of life that are  not fully rounded out and self correct" --The Angel Numbers Book by Mystic Michaela.

by: Taikunping

The magic eye
Births all intention into being

The magic eye
Exists in all humanity
It is linked to the source
To the loving creator

It is Sacred
It is Unity
It is love


The Magic Eye

Deviation Actions

See Julie I personally dont believe in this one God/Creator notion sorry, as I'm non religious, as to me we are all Creators within this worlds consciousness.. what I speak of is simply what my life guide informs me of, ..the universe or reality can never fully be explained in human terms its beyond our word syntax,.. as why invoke God to explain consciousness & creation - it's not necessary. Because if you do - then you will have to invoke something else to explain who or what created that creator or that God - and then the question becomes an endless loop. Those who say the Creator or God needs no creation because "he" is God automatically dig themselves into the same hole - because if this God or Creator Source needs no creator then the universe needs no creator either...if that makes any sense to you..

let me ramble for a bit you may find my thoughts of interest.. cos I had this convo before on this Creator topic,

"Some people don't get it , if every thing that exists needs a creator, and God being said to be thus creator; exists, by that logic God will also need a creator right!... so if we then say God created himself,  I say but can he really ? ...and if so how?   ..can anything really create itself?    ..so then there is no problem in accepting that the universe created itself, and this can be true to some extent, trouble is we cannot reach a single conclusion which is right, human mind dosnt allow it.... whether God created himself first and then he created the Universe or did the Universe create itself and then it created this so called God and in turn thus God created us, its like that Chicken & the egg issue, which came first the chicken or the egg, if the chicken then who created the chicken, if the egg, then what created the egg..

...or did we just evolve from single cells as per Darwin's theory in a Universe that had always existed but goes through cycles of self creation and destruction, for instance, ...if you take a black hole, it sucks up all matter into it, a point might reach when virtually the last surviving atom in the universe reaches the event horizon and gets sucked in, this was the last atom that was one too many and then the whole thing cannot sustain the immense energy and pressure that has built up in its belly, and then it explodes chucking out all matter it swallowed and a new universe is formed..

My personal belief is that this God  notion is human created, ...which means it is really a pure form of Energy that has consciousness, as both are invisible and can live side by side without needing any energy to exist, in fact as Einstein said you cannot destroy energy nor you can create it, and logically speaking, since we exist and we know that we do and all that matter is composed of Energy, so because there was energy that already existed as a default state rather than "Nothing " at first and then someone or something had to create Energy, which logically cannot be created, so the answer is Energy always existed, it had qualities or attributes that we fully don't know and one of the attributes is the consciousness , they are the two sides of the same coin, yet a coin cannot have just one side, it must have two sides, so is Energy + Consciousnesses, just as a heat that given off by as a flame, but if you do not get heat, then it cannot be a true flame.

But we humans always think that everything that exists has to come from somewhere, but suppose we invert our logic, where by default everything existed or had been in existence, except it changes in shapes and forms, so then the state of nothing should not exists, and indeed it does not exist as otherwise if there was no source or no universe then we simply would not be here today either, we are created out of Energy, and energy had always existed because it cannot be created nor destroyed it just is.

But the energy I am talking about is the special kind of spark energy into being that one may call it the Ultimate source of all energies, and by that I don't mean electricity or atomic or nuclear power, because these two forms of energies do not possess consciousness, and they are the product of matter, electricity is produced by an external force driving a generator, through electromagnetism, flow of electrons , and flow of electrons is created by a force created by a magnet that is forced to move by an external force or mechanical energy, such energy can be obtained by water flowing from heights causing turbines to spin, as in hydro power stations, our sun is the prime source of energy on our earth, so the special energy i am talking about is the one spark into being where souls are formed from which matter was conceived to form suns and stars which in turn created us souls, we are all made up of star dust. with a spark into creation...now I step off my box..lol.. see I loved philosophy as I can pull things apart and put them back together again with simply pure Logic..

Nor am I Vlada, but some are and it leads to all sorts of problems when growing up, especially from my experience when folks grow up in the Catholic religion

...mmmmm what comes first the chicken or the egg, maybe there is no order as Chaos is the creator energy.

God to my way of thinking is a handy term to label the "creative energy force" which exists everywhere, because this creative force isn't an easy thing to give name to.  

God in numerology

Chaldean numerology

G = 3

O = 7

D = 4

= 14

1 + 4 = 5

5 is the Centre

Lo She Square - Feng Shui


The Energetic Map used in Feng Shui is called the Lo Shu Square. It is also referred to as the Magic Square. The Lo Shu Square is a method in which a nine-sector grid is superimposed on the floor plan of the home or space. It is a three-by-three-grid that is said to have first appeared on the back of a turtle over 4,000 years ago. The first person to see it was a sage named Yu.

Each square, grid or chamber has an assigned number from 1 to 9. Each number represents one of the 9 human aspirations –
1 = Career
2 = Marriage and Relationships
3 = Family and Ancestors
4 = Wealth and Prosperity
5 = Health
6 = Helpful People
7 = Children and Creativity
8 = Knowledge and Self-Cultivation
9 = Fame and Reputation.

The Lo Shu Square is “magic” because the sum of the three numbers placed in the grid always adds up to 15,  regardless of which direction they are added: vertically, horizontally or diagonally.  The number 15 represents the number of days it takes for a new moon to reach full moon.

Your options matter as you found your own way, the way right for you as an individual just as I did, which perhaps has  put me in the frame of mind to investigate different ways and to find my own way and maybe even to writing poetry because poetry comes from somewhere inside, maybe outside too. All is energy, all is creation in progress and my belief is that "all" is founded/works on the progress of energy in movement.

LOL love it chaos well sure thought is chaos...yet no one can answer that age old question to which came first, it has been ongoing for eons, I've had many discussions & debates on it over the years, all just opening thoughts with no conclusion...I like to think about this question as one of the tools to separate views and beliefs in a never ending debate of evolution vs creationism. I'm more on the side of an evolutionist, so I say the egg came first possibly from cells that evolved to form an embryo which evolved into the chicken & a cycle began, but this too can be debated.. cos if life came from elsewhere, it would have needed to start somewhere too. This isn’t a solution, it just moves the question to another place. ...in philosophy studies at Uni it went on & on, but I always stated that LIFE is a title for the "Self-Awareness" of nothing... NOTHING is Something, or we would NOT be able to refer to it !
There has ONLY ever been NOTHING.... but humans are unable to grasp this concept...but a most important question is how the first cell came to life? ..

This " Matrix machine" we live on is the most complicated thing its called earth, it has it's own source of information (DNA) and this machine has the perfect abilities to be able to use this DNA , and it has a security system to correct or destroy any error in transducing this information, it's a real complex factory. I think It's impossible for this perfect machine to be built by coincidence. Any matrix machine has it's own creator does it not. Again we go into another question of thought.. If we found life on Mars that was based on the same DNA as life on Earth, that would be a big breakthrough. Or if we found life in the ocean of Europa that was markedly unrelated to life on Earth that would also be a breakthrough.

perhaps there's some kind of blueprint in the etheric kingdom where everything comes into form and as Earth is where we are now in this moment, the birth of the blueprint is experienced here and now...could be there are stages/levels/dimensions as the "form" births itself into solidity

Very good point and your on the right thought process as I think this also, hard to put into words aye, cos we dont have really any words to express it, but can I say when my soul came into being I had the words to express my own creation, I wrote this from a trance state after I returned when I left this planet in a near death OBE as my twin brother & my silver cords were still attached to the cosmic sphere.. here it is below it kinda expresses what you said here about a blueprint into being that births itself into solidity....


I Entered..

Neneki nesenti-mikenko amach ajakis akis tentana mija-narka ni moi .. hai ki an ei duduk sheiben-ei-ta mahesh anapuna...ekataya Kanesh omata tawai! kukula- em- sham, sakti elmkt ei sei ektu ahan kul..mekhut daaka.....

Before the first NOW, there were a countless number of centuries of non-time & so, at the exact live instant, before which it was a moment, a powerful voice echoed inside the birth sphere & said: Become!...

And the larger sphere of whiteness like that of a thousand oceans bubbles came together to form my soul spark...it ignited into being, that act was like a flower that spread its white petals.

Premium Photo | Astronomy Blueprint tshirt design super cute 2d vector flat

That moment resembled like a corolla that arose upwards in a spiral. It looked like an explosion of light in slow motion.. then it split into two sections then there was two me's, my cosmic twin brother was ignited into white light of becoming, his soul then split into two sections & made my soul smolder & split again like a petal unfolding.. he followed suit & then we both were drawn by the attraction of the sphere, its exterior had turned blue. a symphonic echo faded, until the last light rays from the sphere opened into that like an ocean, and we were both thrown into existence.

Our soul & spirits then was glimpsed in the magnitude of blue energy vortex's to form a spiral star, we were suspended, facing each other floating in the air, levitating over an ocean of blue & white light mist, that took on the appearance that of liquid aqua coloured water, It was as if the blossom of the Infinite flowed great rivers of light prisms splaying outwards, combining more and more incredible light wisps of swirling, whirling around each other, forming centers..

Deep into the evo, we were maturing, we were developing or evolving into an embryo-like formation.

The insecurity of not knowing as yet your cosmic birth father will take care of you, do not feel abandoned in the middle of these silent solitude's to come, as it has begun .....

thus in closing..

ashant ..ei em elo 'enta akta khor diwaj' hl en eli walh .. ek enta sheknah mu ra'ehl, ana epta khorj en djawa'el-emni amma aya hori anana em shakul ka te mei ...

thank you for sharing your experience, the two thoughts that came to mind concerning the colour blue were

1.  When I was working with my partner at the reiki attunement and I was focusing "reiki" into the auric shell my partner mentioned after he had come around that he was in a blue place, he couldn't really say any more and I've always wondered what that blue place/space was.

2.  In poems over the years I've mentioned the colour blue so many times, could this be the birthing space of each beginning, or maybe the "healing space" we enter when we are attuned to one another

I’ve been trying to find this answer forever. I’ve been meditating for years and this has happened many times I get into these swirling colours. I keep a log of all my meditations. This is how I know if I’m relaxed if I can get to the colors something more is coming after it. Also after yoga when I do hatha sabasana at the end I drift off into these multiple colors and they are translucent violet purples, blues & pinks, & translucent whites and they are like racing tubes that move and turn like a rollercoaster & I see planets & stars beyond it at the end, its amazing I just want to get out there and bath in it. Once I even saw a huge eye, bathed in colours fluorescent & with these smaller round ball fractals moving around it, this was all encased in like this protective clear dome...it was like nothing seen on this earth thats for sure.. but it then slowly faded out,..it was kinda like this image below:

Pop Eye - AI Generated Artwork - NightCafe Creator

I really want to know more to why this happens.. like you and to know what these colours are, I gathered its going through my souls chakra system, but cant be 100% certain...have you ever watched that movie 'Contact' with Jody Foster when she leaves the planet in the steel ball and she sees a tunnel with colours flashing & swirling like water, well it was just like that..here it is below..

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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