Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Nothing Shocks Art

Tthere was a sphere that revolved inside my head

behind my forehead it turned slowly in space

today, a line of a gem with no centre, inverted in interest


I met in a vision someone in a cape, skeletal head

hands reached out to me, filled with birds

crystal shards flew... embedding deeply into my body


My entire being was encompassed by movement

an etheric butterfly body became my reality

I didn't exisit as I did yesterday, encompassed by colour


Newness of incarnation, a certain dizziness grew

day by day heat threatened to take over

a sensation at the back of my head, pain mutating pain


A Wellspring washing the whole world clean

filling up, so slowly...liquid rainbows in illumium colours

in review of this adventure, nothing shocks art



Tai (Julie)

June 2013

edit August 2024

A Point of Welcome

Exercising the mind of what is
stilling chaotic thoughts
waiting for the moment to rise
or the moment to fall
balancing the everlasting
origin of truth


Perpetuating the development of fortitude
relaxing into receptivity
forever gazing in wonder
perplexed and yet not perplexed
biding in time
everlasting in grace

Quantities and qualities
forever merging and changing
the rise and the fall of the quest
not looking, or finding
not seeking the everlasting

A point of welcome
a point of non-existent fearlessness
darkness shrouded in light
a bird singing in a tree
welcoming the dawn

Whoever or whatever
guest or resident
undefined, but whole
made and unmade
swimming in oceans
of firm waves
humanity expresses
their divine mortality

Tai (Julie)
September 2010
image - Tai (Julie)

 Collision in Time

and would I breathe

a thousand sighs of longing

when my eyes met yours


and would time disappear

no trace left to mortal eye


and how would I know you beloved

profound imaginings chase my thoughts

promising this dream of never-ending


and my mind and heart settle on you

I see your green enlighten my blue


realms of understanding pass by my lips

pink rose of summer

enlivens this long forgotten kiss


melt my heart into your own

for my soul is incomplete without yours

why are we not together beloved


as I hold you in magnificence

a million miles away my unity is completed


engaging in every single splendour of your being

I know your perfection

you have brought me into insubstantial bliss


and now I let go

into the space beyond you


and I know that in my dream

reality has manifested transparent stars

in multitudes of light prisms


each star a replica of our love

light years away

I know our hearts have collided in time


each one an imperfect fragment of the other

each a child of one hundred smiles

blazing the universe into timeless rapture


I am you

unconscious and bereft of my own heart

as one beloved


all knowledge is held unbound




if tomorrow never came

we would regret lost time

moments spent holding

the other in consciousness

as we drifted into formlessness


 devoured by the spirit of incompletion

I let go into Unity


Tai (Julie)

July 2011

Awakened by Morning Light

Autumn is coming Beloved
see the magic and feel the colour
leaves fall into gentle understanding
sofly bedded into mother's rich earth
I kneel with reverence so golden

Sunlight streams through open branches
silhouettes of upstanding grey monuments
enthrall me with wonder and deep benelovence
I feel the holiness of being here in nature
I know the joy and blessing

Cycles and seasons come and grow warm
many now feel deepest gratitude for your patience
each human life holds you close in their hearts
gentling your battered and abused body into healing
space grows cold with the surrender of fear
Mother Earth I love you

Tai (Julie)
Sept 2010

photo Tai (Julie)

Poems from a selection on ANewGaia site

Views: 47

Replies to This Discussion

the above is just a link to Byakko's website to show the work they do, never got to see the magazine Vlada.

My mum saw an ad in the chronicle newspaper, think it was dated 2012, a year I wrote lots of poetry...its a book that was published to introduce new poets works across the country, so I submitted several poems.  There was another poem published in their other year book called A Woodland Marriage.

Is there a Writers Circle in your area Vlada, I joined one for a couple of years and had the opportunities to do readings in the local bookshop/cafe and a couple of other places.  It's a good way to introduce your poems, or maybe there's a local magazine/newspaper to publish your poems in.



a crown she wore, like a crown of thorns, antlers framed the night

she perceived The Good Life through visionscape

wrapped around by the skin of a bear, nothing was impossible


her being was brought down from the stars, her body was crystal

her name was Crystal Amaretta, she swore it was true

why else would she feel the earth as she did, she stood in moonlight


moths have faces, they see what we don't see, they morph like butterflies

red ochre stained her hands, she held one in front of the mirror

reflecting the image, the bird was tethered, feathers taken


blue and ochre journey colours spoke in loud voices

she knew their meaning, somewhere inside fluttering, death moved sideways

if she relied on her senses, all but sight, everything would fall into place


the blindfold wasn't tight around her eyes, she saw the small pebbles

visible on her path, maybe she could see around the edges of the mask

she knew in all sincerity the movement, the path...beyond 



June 2013

I liked that one,as I got a full look at her from within it, and she didnt look anything like the photo you put up lol..she looks more like a Viking Shaman like this image below..

Viking Shaman My Mate Charlie And I Had Fun In The Woods, 59% OFF

Oh so you havn't published a actual book yourself, you sent poems in to someone else's book, I thought you'd published a book...and No we dont have anything to do with poetry in this town, or surrounding towns, were country orientated, I think there was years ago in a town 20mins away by the beach called Thames but its now gone as the town has moved to be more Steampunk orientated these days over there.. I will find a way to publish maybe a ebook even??..

Julie said:

the above is just a link to Byakko's website to show the work they do, never got to see the magazine Vlada.

My mum saw an ad in the chronicle newspaper, think it was dated 2012, a year I wrote lots of poetry...its a book that was published to introduce new poets works across the country, so I submitted several poems.  There was another poem published in their other year book called A Woodland Marriage.

Is there a Writers Circle in your area Vlada, I joined one for a couple of years and had the opportunities to do readings in the local bookshop/cafe and a couple of other places.  It's a good way to introduce your poems, or maybe there's a local magazine/newspaper to publish your poems in.

One of my friends published on ebook, so don't think its difficult to do Vlada, she sells on Amazon.

Yes cool picture, the picture triggers memories to write too, its like lifting the lid or turning another page to discover more


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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