High senzitivity brings not just making things easier, but harder as well... as everything. I don't feel it as anything like being higher beings. They are more senzitive, that's all difference. This world is weird, but it has purpose. I found god way in finding strengh. Face everything like warrior, as opportunity to test my sterngh and will. Every problem just as another drill...
Maybe sounds strange, but that's it. Higher senzitivity is just... not sure if i describe it propethhy, but it is just what we have as something to start. It's on the people, what they'll do with it, if train or let fade.
I see no difference, only one is, that if you are not high senzitive, you can become one in time, if you want. We're free to become anything, if we do it with the will of ballance, than enything is possibe. And this ballance is gentle and tough at the same time. Cats are very gentle and love cuddling, but when they attack, they can do much damage, for example.
I belive you describe your feeling for the weak ones. My feeling about them si to lead them to became strong. To make them stend up and follow THEIR way and be able to keep it. But not to be rough and agressive, you undesrtand, but to be able to have good life, to be free.
I don't like cometitioning mind of this human world either. The gods fighting fot worhshippers in orther to get power of their minds, that gives them strengh. They are slavemasters, i think. Not all of them, but they are. When I was speaking with one of christians, I saw grater light being behind him, but it was controling that human. like a puppet. It was partuculary within his head, looking at me throw his eyes. Can feel good, but not for me. there is difference betwen light and light...
I aleready stopped watching the TV. I hate ads and TV news are just making me mad nad aching for scuisside. One of the worst programmes ever. In this I'm even hypersensitive. However it is possible to avoid this, or just watch it for a while and then leave.
There is way, that we can carry, we must just find it and then go. It is individual, so everyone must find his/her own, but the graeat thing is that even everyone on his own path we can all go together.
Thanks for your words. I also hope that our presence will help this world. Becasuse there isn't much more, we can do, than live our lives the best we can and allow those, who needs elven presence to find us with help of spiritual beings and guides.
For elf it is very difficult to fit into human organisation. This is, why I left Jedi academy. (but stayed in the order) I didn't fit there. I felt so uncomfortable, even though that these people are really good people and love is filing the air on their meetings. It is not dreaming about fascinating Jedi, it is very much realistic earth Jediism. Maybe I really need to feel that I'm not chained to any organisation with my sign or promise... I'l continue writting later. It is so late. good night in the light of the ethernal light of the stars.
And about way home... Few times I visited other worlds, just for a while, but it was interesting. When meditating in forrest I was grabbet by green energy and I entered elvenhome, probably. guarded by magic and acessable only by it as well, I fear. Then I woke up and I fwelt that I was just second ago I was on different place, bit confuzing, but great experience. The forest feld so filed with harmony, and I was as well.
Anyway I belive that we already are home, that through our heart, we are connected with it an when we opens our heart, we can be there anytime, anywhere. It is the strengh of the heart, wher the energy of earth and the stars combine in love, where is our strengh to teleport, to see another dimensions and places, through our heart we are connected to whole multiverse.
I agree Morell, there are dimensions that are in better harmony living from the heart. Hopefully humanity will evolve into that higher state soon and our planet will be safe. humans so egotistical... don't even know the abundant life in this dimension and the many others that live here on Earth. They actually think they are the only ones here. Its hard not to be angry or sad about the cruelty and disconnectedness of humankind, but I am trying to stay calm. When once I was near a stream I became the stream it was sublime. That is here but also elsewhere at one moment and when moment does not even exist as time.
The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament" or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.
A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...
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