Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Good day All,

I believe I AM here to birth new ideas and plant seeds that will grow into a more balanced partnership with Earth and all Her Spirit helpers. However, on the (current) physical level of vibration I see severe changes underway that are directly caused by human's unbalanced thoughts (creations). 

I am confused why I choose to experience this specific scenario. It seems that greed has overpowered the indigenous and a toxic matrix of thought has been imposed on the humans of what is now called America, where I reside. Also, superpowers, like the identity of this land has become, continue infecting consciousness globally.

I am not sure if I will stay on this time-line into a warming climate with rising ocean levels and collapsing societies or if there will be some sort of split in possibilities. I have sought many external sources as to what is to come. Coming up with all sorts of 'theories' such as some sort of galactic 'harvesting' and training for a new Earth or higher vibrational Earth. 

I continue holding a vision of an ecovillage that is resilient and sustainable. Almost a mix of indigenous culture with free radiant energy for heat/power. As well as sophisticated forms of agriculture from the past, using pyramids and methods of increasing Life Force energy. A community of people living in balance with the natural environment. A space where creation is free to express itself in amazing ways, in rhythm with the cosmos.

I need to use more time to connect internally to find the 'how and when' but I am curious if anyone else has a similar vision or has received information from their higher self on what is to come.

I am tired of being a player in the current "reality" (perhaps a collective sub-conscious creation?). I really wish to co-create the vision I have been given. Who will help in this? Does this vision already exist? Sometimes I am bummed when I return to this body 'in' this (current state of) agreed-upon reality.

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In order for the fruits of the new generation to plant a seed that will bloom with beautiful colors and creations full of forms and perfect strokes in their manifestations, the tree will have to mature well in order to sustain a fruit that potentially will be the seed of that voice of reason in a world filled with confusion needs. I'm not surprised your bummed & I hear your heart felt soul song, along with many others from your country right now, we all know as humans we can choose paths as for the reaction of any specific random event that unfolds around us, those paths are predetermined in nature yes,step out into nature and ground and connect there..many are tired just like you are.. but dont give up change is on its way I'm sure..

'inhale - exhale - breath'..:)

Image result for change is on its way Im sure


i work on listening daily and there is. LOT happening 

that we don’t see withnphysical eyes but I know I’m feeling with my soul

for example the real world is much much MUCH more alive and vibrant than

whats shown on TV programming ... I fall farther distant from that noise daily

I agree there is something very profound taking place beyond 

animals seem to know it too ...

Some is quite enchanted 

I know how you feel, friend, really. I'm quite depressed person sometimes, because of evil spiritual influence, so I have to clean myself a lot sometimes. True, I even tried to escape this life but I've been send back. Nto much enjoyable experience either.

I've also noted what happened to many awakened ones. Money was one corruptor, another, even worse in my eyes, the easiness of angelic and alien cults: just pcture, do affirmations, connect to them and they'll do all the work. Just read what Poor soul Steven posts here all the time. An encyclopedic example of fooled soul.

You might like to look at my experience I've written down here, might be useful to you too. https://elvenworld.ning.com/group/the-crystal-cave/forum/topics/qua...

I preffer vision of "You think of it and wish it, you have it." This reality is painfuly too slow.

Thank you all for your replies! They bring me closer to the solace I seek. Peace and love to you.

That's good. And Vlada is correct. The changes are on their way.

Well we who are awakened have to do this together aye,as we are all in it together yes!.. and so the most powerful method for deepening the process within oneself is to join together in experiments of collective unification and heightening, this more than anything else empowers the greatest energies and sows the greatest seeds of destruction,so it acts kinda like a energy weapon of sorts to break down old consciousness mindsets and revert this to growth out of which a new consciousness is born,meaning & purpose,goal & achievement,rightness & pride,no matter what wonders they appear to be moving us toward,also operate as obvious or subtle mechanisms for self-definition,of self-defense to fortify against a fuller state of beingness does it not? People can stay in this depressive mode of taking onboard all the negatives in the world and wallow in it as victim mentality or they can take a stance and stand up and fight like light warriors to move over the top of it all,this way we break through this negative consciousness and relearn how to use our energy in bettering ways,so its kinda like learning to walk again lol..cos we are the change..no one else is going to do it for us,so its up to all us to make the changes happen we are the manifestors & creators ourselves of our own reality on this planet..

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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