Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

A Monumental Victory By Patricia Cota Robles

This Newsletter contains an overview of the miraculous and very complex events that were God Victoriously accomplished during the 33rd Annual World Congress on Illumination. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have confirmed that this Sacred Knowledge is being magnetized into the awareness of the Sons and Daughters of God who have been selflessly and valiantly working toward this facet of the Divine Plan on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth for myriad Lifetimes.

Please read these words with an open heart and mind. Ask your I AM Presence to blaze the Flame of Illumined Truth pulsating within your Heart Flame through every word, so that you will remember how you contributed over aeons of time to the victory of this Cosmic Moment.

This is a summary of what brought us to this point. The Company of Heaven said that some of you are receiving this information for the very first time and requested that I include this summary, so that everyone will be able to grasp the magnitude of what has occurred.

The number 33 is the master number that reflects Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness. It is comprised of the two master numbers 11 and 22. The number 11 reflects the transformation from the physical into the Divine. The number 22 reflects power on all planes and the ability to change the course of history. It is not by chance that these miraculous events took place during the 33rd World Congress on Illumination which was initiated in 1987 with Harmonic Convergence.

Harmonic Convergence was the global event cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth that allowed the Mighty Elohim to raise the Earth off of the wheel of karma and to place her back on the Spiral of Evolution where she belongs. The wheel of karma was inadvertently created by fallen Humanity through the misuse of our Gift of Life. It was that human miscreation that has trapped the masses of Humanity evolving on Earth in the painful cycle of life and death for aeons of time.

Once Mother Earth reclaimed her rightful place on the Spiral of Evolution, the Holy Innocents were given permission to begin embodying on Earth. The Holy Innocents are the Millennials and the Children who were given permission by our Father-Mother God to begin embodying on Earth for the first time after the Earth was lifted off of the wheel of karma in 1987.

These precious Sons and Daughters of God were birthed on this Planet with new consciousness codes imprinted in their DNA. These new DNA codes are programmed with Sacred Knowledge and viable solutions designed to assist the masses of Humanity to transmute the effluvia of the old Earth back into Light, so we can all cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

Unfortunately, the Holy Innocents were not able to access the new consciousness codes within their DNA as originally planned. This was due to the deliberate interference from our malevolent sisters and brothers who for their own sinister purposes have controlled, oppressed and manipulated or in other words who have literally enslaved the masses of Humanity since our fall from Grace.

These fallen souls are Sons and Daughters of God just like you and me, but they have made the conscious choice to oppose the Light and to deliberately resist our Father-Mother God’s Love. The Company of Heaven is discussing our fallen sisters and brothers in this way for the first time.

For millennia these wayward souls have done everything they can to prevent the Earth and all Life evolving upon her from moving forward in the Light. The vast majority of the Lightwork that you and I and the rest of awakening Humanity have been doing for Lifetimes is to try and awaken our malevolent sisters and brothers. Our goal has been to help them remember who they are, so that they will reclaim the Path of Divine Love that will allow them to move forward in the Light with Mother Earth and the rest of Humanity.

From the beginning, we were told by our Father-Mother God that if we were not successful in awakening these fallen souls, a contingency plan would be initiated in the future. This plan would involve Divine Intervention on behalf of the masses of Humanity who have been trapped and enslaved for Lifetimes through the nefarious actions and evil intent of our wayward sisters and brothers.

At that time, we were told that we were not to focus on any future contingency plan, but rather we were to hold the Immaculate Concept for the awakening of ALL of our sisters and brothers, thus empowering the Divine Potential that EVERY Child of
God would make the free will choice to move forward in the Light.

Our Father-Mother God have revealed that there are millions of Lightworkers now embodied on Earth during the final stages of Earth’s Ascension process who have been unwaveringly faithful to this facet of the Divine Plan for hundreds and often thousands of Lifetimes.

This is the result of those Heart-based efforts:

The Birth of the New Earth

Once the Holy Innocents began embodying on Earth in 1987, the malevolent souls began to realize how these precious Ones would interfere with their ability to enslave the masses of Humanity. They clearly perceived that the new consciousness codes in the DNA of the Holy Innocents contained the Sacred Knowledge that would allow these Sons and Daughters of God to transcend the illusion of separation and duality.

The fear-based consciousness of “us against them” is the distorted belief system that the malevolent souls have used for aeons to prevent the masses of Humanity from remembering the Oneness of ALL Life and from reconnecting with our I AM Presence. Our wayward sisters and brothers knew that without people being afraid of each other they would not be able to enslave and control them any longer. 

In order to prevent the I AM Presence of the Holy Innocents from activating the consciousness codes in their DNA, the malevolent souls devised a plan to lower the frequency of vibration within the Earthly Bodies of these precious Ones. They knew that their nefarious plan would also further entrap the masses of Humanity by lowering the vibration within everyone else’s bodies as well. In order to accomplish this misguided goal it was decided that the easiest way to lower the vibration of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies was to contaminate them with toxic substances.

All we have to do in order to see the results of their sinister efforts is to observe the atrocities inflicted on the environment over the past 40 years. The gross pollution of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and the Earth we abide upon has contaminated Humanity’s bodies in horrific ways. This unconscionable contamination was accomplished through greed and corruption by the malevolent souls and the enslaved people they have used as their pawns for millennia.

Even in the face of this adversity, Lightworkers around the World kept working tenaciously to awaken our fallen sisters and brothers. Through our dedicated efforts, in 2001 our Father-Mother God were able to expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love within every person’s Heart Flame to frequencies unprecedented on Earth.

This influx of Divine Love softened the hearts of the masses and paved the way for a miraculous activity of Light. That event gave the malevolent souls one final opportunity to choose whether or not they were willing to do what was necessary in order for them to be able to make it through the Shift of the Ages which was destined to occur in 2012.

During an awesome activity of Light in August 2002, every recalcitrant soul that was in danger of not making it through the Shift of the Ages was drawn, in their finer body as they slept at night, into the Heart of our Central Sun.

In a merciful act of Divine Grace the Solar Logos from our Central Sun, Beloved Alpha and Omega, set aside each one of the recalcitrant soul’s free will and one by one compelled them to peer into the Mirror of Life to observe their own Divinity. For many, it had been thousands of Lifetimes since they even fathomed that they were a Divine Child of God.

When that phase of the activity of Light was complete, Alpha and Omega reinstated each person’s free will. The I AM Presence of each of these fallen souls then revealed the karmic liabilities that he or she had either deliberately or inadvertently created throughout their Earthly sojourns. Each soul was then shown what they would need to do in order to transmute their human miscreations back into Light in time to make it through the Shift of the Ages.

Once that profound Truth was clear to each one, Alpha and Omega asked every recalcitrant soul, one final time, if he or she was willing to make the Heart commitment to transmute their karmic liabilities back into Light before the Shift of the Ages. To the astonishment of even the Company of Heaven every single one of these fallen Sons and Daughters of God made the Heart commitment to do what was necessary in order to make it through the Shift of the Ages. That commitment was encoded within each one’s Heart Flame with the hope that when they returned to their Earthly Bodies they would consciously remember this Heart-based commitment.

With the God Victorious accomplishment of that phase of the Divine Plan the Mighty Elohim were able to magnetize the old Earth into the full embrace of the New Earth, thus the two Earth’s became One. That was a miracle no one thought would happen prior to the Shift of the Ages. Consequently, all of the prophecies talk about the New Heaven and the New Earth and the old Earth passing away.

No one perceived that every single malevolent person would make the choice to give up their sinister ways and do what was necessary in order to move forward in the Light. When the two Earth’s became One it meant that all Life evolving on this Planet was going to make it through the Shift of the Ages and that no one would be left behind. When that miracle happened in 2002 there was rejoicing throughout the Universe.

For the next several years Lightworkers around the World participated in innumerable activities of Light that assisted Humanity in transmuting our human miscreations from the past. This helped immensely in preparing the way for Earth’s inclusion in the Shift of the Ages. Lightworkers were told by the Company of Heaven that millions of previously malevolent souls were keeping their Heart commitment and transmuting their karmic liabilities.

As a result, they were moving forward in the Light. We were also told that, unfortunately, some of the most sinister and destructive souls had changed their minds and were digging in their heels. These wayward sisters and brothers were fighting tooth and nail to hold on to their power and their malicious intent to enslave the masses of Humanity. Fortunately, in spite of their most strident efforts their vicious actions had no power over the Light.

The Light of God is infinitely more powerful than the fear-based and hateful thoughts, feelings, words and actions of a fallen Humanity. Consequently, on December 21-22, 2012, as millions of Lightworkers held Mother Earth in the full embrace of Transfiguring Divine Love, this sweet Earth reached a critical mass of God’s Infinite Light.

As the Earth aligned with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, instantaneously our Father-Mother God Inbreathed this Planet and ALL Life evolving upon her up the Spiral of Evolution into the initial impulse of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Realms of Light, thus Birthing the New Earth. During that Cosmic Moment, in addition to the Birth of the New Earth, every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life that lives, moves and breathes within the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God’s Causal Body Ascended into the next octave of its evolutionary process. This brought to fruition the long awaited Shift of the Ages.

Divine Intervention from Our Father-Mother GoduHuman

The incredible shift of energy, vibration and consciousness that took place within the hearts and minds of awakening Humanity after the Birth of the New Earth allowed the Lightworkers to accomplish a great deal toward Earth’s Ascension process.

This was possible in spite of the intensified resistance and interference from our malevolent sisters and brothers. Even though much progress was being made the Millennials and the Children were still having difficulty accessing the Sacred Knowledge within the consciousness codes of their DNA. So, in 2017 our Father-Mother God initiated a NEW facet of the Divine Plan to rectify that situation.

For over 50 years Lightworkers have been working with the Company of Heaven to cocreate a Grid of Light around the Earth that would serve as a Bridge to unify Heaven and Earth. This grid is known as the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. It pulsates with various multidimensional patterns of Sacred Geometry and extends from the densest and most discordant frequencies on Earth into the highest 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of Light associated with the New Earth. This is the Bridge to Freedom over which the Earth is day by day Ascending into the full embrace of the New Earth.

In 2017 our Father-Mother God asked those of us associated with Era of Peace if the Free Monthly Seminars we had been offering throughout the USA for decades could be used as the vehicle to initiate a new facet of the Divine Plan that would greatly amplify the Light flowing through the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. Our God Parents said that if we were willing, in a rhythmic momentum every month during our Free Seminar, they would infuse this Grid of Love with previously unknown frequencies of Light. They said this new influx of Transfiguring Divine Love would amplify every person’s Lightwork one thousand fold every single day. We were told that this Divine Intervention would be accomplished through the unified Heart Flames of the dedicated Lightworkers attending the seminars.

In deep humility and gratitude, we accepted this opportunity. Throughout 2017, and continuing indefinitely every month, Lightworkers have offered the unified Chalice of our Heart Flames as the Open Door for this facet of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Plan.

In 2018 our God Parents said that amplifying every person’s Lightwork one thousand fold was succeeding in amazing ways. They said that in spite of the attempted interference from the malevolent souls, this monumental influx of Light had created the opportunity for embodied Lightworkers to assist every Millennial and Child to transcend the contamination within their Earthly Bodies. That would allow their I AM Presence to activate the consciousness codes within their DNA.

This opportunity became the Divine Mission of the 32nd Annual World Congress on Illumination. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, that mission was successfully accomplished in August of 2018 within the sacred Lemurian forcefield of Diamond Head in Honolulu, Hawaii.

2019 the Next Step In Humanity’s Ascension Process

With the successful activation of the consciousness codes within the Millennials and the Children, our malevolent sisters and brothers knew that they would no longer be able to enslave the Holy Innocents and use them as pawns to do their nefarious bidding as they had the masses of Humanity for millennia. With that realization, these wayward souls decided to redouble their efforts to pollute and contaminate the Earth with the hope that they could wreak enough havoc in the lives of the rest of Humanity to block or at least slow down Earth’s Ascension process.

In January 2019, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven assured us that the New Earth had been God Victoriously Birthed in the Realms of Cause in 2012 and that there is NO turning back. They said that nothing can prevent Earth’s Ascension in the Light. The only variable is how long it will take for Humanity to complete the process of transmuting back into Light the surfacing residue associated with our human miscreations from the past. This is the very process that our malevolent sisters and brothers have been trying desperately to prevent Humanity from accomplishing. They have been doing this by trying to lower the frequency of vibration within our Earthly Bodies through the obscene pollution of our environment and the overwhelming amount of toxic substances they are infusing into our food, medicine, water and air.

Our Father-Mother God revealed that there will be a time in the not too distant future when Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her will take a quantum leap up the Spiral of Evolution into higher frequencies of the 5th Dimensional New Earth than we have ever experienced.

They said this will be a Heart-based frequency of Light beyond what any of our malevolent sisters and brothers who are deliberately opposing the Light and rejecting the Love of our Father-Mother God will be able to withstand at a cellular level.

We were told that when we reach that Cosmic Moment, our Father-Mother God will sound a Cosmic Tone and issue a Divine Fiat which will decree that the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth who are still, after aeons of time, deliberately choosing through their hateful and nefarious actions to enslave and oppress the masses of Humanity will no longer be allowed to interfere with or delay Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension in the Light. When that occurs, our Father-Mother God’s contingency plan will be set into motion.

Our God Parents said when that time arrives the I AM Presence of every one of these fallen souls will decree “enough is enough.” Any malevolent soul who is still intent on enslaving the masses and striving to prevent Humanity and Mother Earth from moving forward in the Light will be alerted that a new contingency plan has been set into motion and their sinister efforts will be in vain.

Our Father-Mother God’s Amazing Grace

After informing us of the above information our Father-Mother God said it was not yet time to initiate the contingency plan. They said that through the unified efforts of willing Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven, we still had a chance of persuading our malevolent sisters and brothers to honor the Heart commitment they made in 2002 to do what is necessary to complete their karmic liabilities and move forward in the Light.

Our God Parents then revealed a Divine Plan that had the potential of inspiring the remaining malevolent souls to change their mind and reclaim the Path of Oneness and Divine Love. We were told that with the Light flowing through the consciousness codes of the Millennials and the Children, and with every person’s Lightwork being amplified one thousand fold every single day through the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love, the I AM Presences of Humanity had the opportunity of reactivating the Twelve Strands of DNA that we, as Sons and Daughters of God, were invested with when we were first Breathed forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God.

Our Twelve Strands of DNA originally enabled us to consciously communicate with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven through open heart and mind telepathic communication. Tragically, after our fall from Grace, we fell into such discordant frequencies of separation and duality that our Twelve Strands of DNA short circuited. They became dormant and fragmented into the double helix DNA our scientists are now researching. When that occurred, we lost awareness of our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven. Instead of consciously receiving Divine Guidance during our Earthly sojourns as our God Parents originally intended, for aeons we have been “weeping and wailing through our valley of tears” struggling to find our way Home through trial and error.

The possibility that at long last that horrific situation could be corrected is something Lightworkers have been striving for Lifetimes to accomplish. When we were told of this opportunity, we at Era of Peace volunteered to assist in this Holy Endeavor anyway we could. We offered the collective Cup of our Consciousness and the Divine Momentum of our Monthly Free Seminars and the 33rd Annual World Congress on Illumination.

The Company of Heaven said Humanity had a long way to go before we would reach a frequency of vibration that would allow us to safely receive the intensity of Light necessary for our I AM Presence to reactivate our Twelve Strands of DNA. We were told the global Divine Plan involving our Monthly Free Seminars had been very successful and that our seminars would be the perfect vehicle for the waves of Divine Intervention that would rhythmically raise the frequency of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies.

With that knowledge, awakened Lightworkers invoked the I AM Presence of every person and unified our Heart Flames with the Heart Flames of the Company of Heaven. In rhythmic waves of Light month after month our Father-Mother God demonstrated their unfathomable Divine Grace by assisting, once again, our malevolent sisters and brothers and the rest of Humanity to raise the frequency of our Earthly Bodies so that we would be able to activate our Twelve Strands of DNA.

Waves of Divine Intervention in 2019

The first wave of Light involved our Father-Mother God blessing Humanity with the most intensified frequency of the Violet Flame of Forgiveness that Humanity and the Earth had ever received. Forgiveness is one of the exquisite Divine Qualities that pulsates within the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God’s Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection. It is the Gift of this merciful and NOW exponentially expanded frequency of Forgiveness that allowed Humanity’s I AM Presence and the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangel stationed within each of our auras to transmute our human miscreations and our past transgressions at a greatly accelerated pace.

The second wave of Light took place during our Free Seminar in Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is one of the very few places on the Planet in which the Ley lines from all over the world intersect in the Crystal Grid System of Mother Earth. When Light is invoked through the Portal in Sedona it empowers the Crystal Grid System in the body of Mother Earth in exceptionally powerful ways. This is why Sedona has always drawn the attention of people who are dedicated to assisting the Earth and all Life evolving upon her during the unprecedented Ascension process we are now experiencing.

During our Free Seminar our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven guided us through powerful activities of Light that added to the Light of the World in previously unknown ways. The collective Life experiences, from all time frames and dimensions, of the Lightworkers in Sedona formed a catalyst that allowed the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth to accelerate within their conscious mind the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL Life.

The third wave of Light occurred during our Free Seminar in Memphis, Tennessee. This phase is complicated and very personal to me, but the Company of Heaven said it is important for us to comprehend the magnitude of the Divine Intervention we are being blessed with at this time.

Our seminar took place within a Unity Church that had been focusing on building a momentum of Christ Consciousness for Memphis and the rest of the Planet for a very long time. The Minister said that several months prior to the seminar she had been guided by the Company of Heaven to expand their endeavors by invoking a forcefield of Purity. Even though she did not fully comprehend why, she said that she and the Lightworkers associated with the church had been invoking the Flame of Purity on a daily basis since she received that request from On High.

During my meditation on the morning of the seminar, the Company of Heaven revealed the Divine Plan for the Memphis Seminar. First, I was reminded of a very special personal experience I had several decades ago. I do not usually talk about my personal experiences, but I am being guided to share this with you now so you will know how long this facet of the Divine Plan has been unfolding.

Since 1954, when he made his music debut onto the screen of Life in a massive way, I have had a deep spiritual heart connection with Elvis Presley. I was 11 years old at the time and for several years I experienced a recurring mystical connection with Elvis in the Inner Planes while I slept at night. During that time we were training, over and over again, for a mission that we would one day accomplish together.

In our training sessions Elvis would receive new frequencies of Divine Light from higher dimensions and then project that Light to me in the physical plane. I, in turn, was responsible for “broadcasting” those frequencies of Light to all Life on Earth. I clearly remember those training sessions as though they happened yesterday. Even though Elvis left the physical plane from his home in Memphis on August 16, 1977, I have periodically experienced tangible connections with him. Each time I knew that whatever our mission together was, it was unfolding in Divine Timing.

Video - "Gently Assimilating The Activation of Our 12 Solar Strands of DNA" By Patricia Cota-Robles - https://youtu.be/xXZWRgjcVrA

During my meditation on the morning of the Memphis Seminar, the Company of Heaven revealed to me that the preparation was complete and the facet of the Divine Plan that had been unfolding for decades was now being brought to fruition. The following is what the Company of Heaven revealed about the unfolding Divine Plan in Memphis.

Elvis was 42 years old when he left the physical plane in 1977. This year, 2019, is the 42nd anniversary of his transition into the Light. The original owner of Elvis’ home named the house and the surrounding property “Graceland”. In Divine Order, Elvis kept that name.

After his passing, his family created a shrine and a museum for him at Graceland that has magnetized millions and millions people from all over the World. The Beings of Light said that for the past 42 years people from every corner of the globe have come to Graceland with open hearts and loving thoughts to acknowledge and to give tribute to Elvis Presley for the Light and Love he added to the world. What many of these travelers did not realize is that their pilgrimage to Graceland was accomplishing a far greater mission.

We were told by the Company of Heaven that through their I AM Presence every one of these precious Ones brought with them, in the Divinity of their Heart Flame, the collective energy, vibration and consciousness of the people from their specific locations on the Planet. As the pilgrims traversed the sacred grounds of Graceland, this Light from the masses of Humanity in every corner of the World was woven into a Core of Purity that would one day open and anchor into the physical plane of Earth a brand new Portal of Divine Enlightenment.

 On March 9th, our Father-Mother God revealed that the Cosmic Moment had arrived and that our seminar in Memphis would be the vehicle through which this brand new Portal of Divine Enlightenment would be opened and secured in the Core of Purity that had been forming for the past 42 years.

The Company of Heaven affirmed that this NEW frequency of Enlightenment which manifests as an exquisite Yellow-Gold Flame, will greatly accelerate Humanity’s awakening and our remembrance of the Oneness of ALL Life. This, in turn, will accelerate Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness. Both of these factors were critical in assuring the reactivation of our Twelve Strands of DNA which was destined to occur during the 33rd Annual World Congress on Illumination.

 The fourth wave: Springtime begins in the Northern Hemisphere every year with the March Equinox, and the influx of the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame. In 2019, the March Equinox occurred on March 20th or 21st depending on where you live. On that sacred day, we were also blessed with the third Super Full Moon of 2019. The Company of Heaven said the synchronicity of those events provided a greatly intensified opportunity for our I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental to accelerate the Divine Alchemy taking place within our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.

This Divine Alchemy involves transforming our carbon-based planetary cells into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light cells that will form our bodies once we complete our Ascension onto the New Earth. During our seminar on Palm Sunday, our Father-Mother God granted the Angel of Resurrection permission to breathe higher frequencies of the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame into Humanity’s carbon-based cells, and the carbon-based cells within the elemental substances that comprise the Body of Mother Earth.

The fifth wave: In May both Mother Mary and Saint Germain took full advantage of the opportunities being provided by the Solar Logos in our System of Worlds to assist Humanity in raising the frequency of vibration within our Earthly Bodies. The Solar Logos intensified their assistance in unprecedented ways. Here are the reports of two of those events.

A Flare on May 13, 2019 in the Milky Way’s Black Hole

 Astronomers reported that on May 13th the Milky Way’s Black Hole flared, growing 75 times as bright for a several hours. This Black Hole is 4.6 million times more massive than our Sun. This flaring was not visible in optical Light. It all happened in the near-infrared spectrum closest to optical Light. Astronomers have been watching the Milky Way’s Black Hole for 20 years. They say the Black Hole does have some variability in its output, but this 75 times normal flaring event is like nothing astronomers have observed before. This peak was more than twice as bright as the previous peak flux level.

 May 26, 2019 Interplanetary Shockwave

On May 26th the Earth was bombarded unexpectedly by what was referred to by scientists as an Interplanetary Shock Wave from space that caused solar wind density to abruptly quadruple and the interplanetary magnetic field to double in strength.

The Company of Heaven confirmed that these events opened portals in Earth’s magnetic field that allowed us to receive higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light. They said magnetic shifts of this nature alter our personal energy field and dramatically affect our Mental Body and our physical brain structure.

When our magnetic field shifts in this way obsolete crystallized patterns are shattered. Things recorded in our Etheric Body that have been hidden from us are pushed to the surface to be cleared. This allowed our I AM Presence and our Body Elemental to remove blocks that have been preventing us from moving forward in the Light.

This Divine Intervention from the Solar Logos and Cosmic Beings in our Solar System accelerated the reactivation of Humanity’s spiritual brain centers. These celestial events and the activities of Light the Company of Heaven had guided us through so far in 2019, allowed the I AM Presence of every person to recalibrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain to a higher level. This created the space for the fragmented pathways within Humanity’s physical brain structures to be healed and in many instances restored to their original potential.

Once these pathways were reconnected, our spiritual brain centers which consist of our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brain were activated to the next level of their full Divine Potential. As these centers within our brain were activated to a higher level, our I AM Presence was able to use the amplified Light that is flowing through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love in powerful new ways that helped to raise the frequency of vibration within our Earthly Bodies.

The sixth wave of Light involved brand NEW frequencies of the Yellow-Gold Flame of Enlightenment that were flowing through the newly opened Portal of Light in Memphis. That activity of Light was drawn from the Realms of Cause and encoded in the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. Our Father-Mother God said the Divine Intent of that assistance from On High was to lift the consciousness of the masses of Humanity higher into the frequencies of Christ Consciousness than we have experienced since our fall from Grace. This event was greatly intensified during the June 21st Solstice.

 The seventh wave: In July all of the previous activities of Light that had been God Victoriously accomplished this year were exponentially amplified during an extremely powerful Eclipse Series that began with a Total Solar Eclipse on July 2nd and ended with a partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16th. That influx of Light was sealed within every person’s Heart Flame with the opening of the Lion’s Gate on August 8th. That was the final step of preparation before the 33rd Annual World Congress on Illumination and the reactivation of Humanity’s Twelve Strands of DNA.

All Is In Readiness

On August 10th, approximately 600 Lightworkers gathered in Tucson, Arizona for the Opening Ceremonies of the 33rd Annual World Congress on Illumination. We unified our Heart Flames with the Heart Flames of the Company of Heaven and cocreated a magnificent Chalice of Light that would cradle Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her throughout the entire World Congress.

Next, through our unified Heart Flames, beautiful music, meditations and powerful activities of Light, we cocreated an Open Door through which our Father-Mother God infused our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love with frequencies of Light that would amplify one thousand fold the miraculous events destined to be accomplished that sacred and holy week.

On August 11th, as we served as surrogates on behalf of ALL of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, the Company of Heaven guided us through activities of Light designed to help even the most malevolent person change his or her mind and reclaim the Path of Divine Love.

The Lightworkers gathered in Tucson opened our Heart Chakras to full breadth and through our I AM Presence focused on the Oneness of ALL Life and the Love we have for our sisters and brothers. Instantaneously, we were able to see the Truth of every person on Earth. We saw ALL of our sisters and brothers, even the most malevolent souls, as precious Sons and Daughters of God no matter how far their behavior patterns or their life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. We saw the battered and abused Life Force within all of their painful human miscreations as innocent, primordial energy entering our awareness to be transmuted back into Light and Loved FREE.

We happily greeted all of these fallen Sons and Daughters of God and all of their misqualified energy the same way our Father-Mother God would greet them. We greeted them with Love from within the embrace of Eternal Peace, Detachment, God Confidence and Supreme Authority.

Within an Invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Love, we took our sisters and brothers into the Kingdom of Heaven within our Heart Flames and held them in our arms of Light as we would an injured child. It was not possible for them to overwhelm us or control us in any way, nor did we need to fear them or shun them. We simply held them and Loved them while holding the Immaculate Concept that they would surrender to the Love of God, desiring on their own to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within the Divinity of their own Heart Flames.

On August 12th, the Company of Heaven guided us through several activities of Light designed to purify and raise the frequency of vibration within every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy within Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. That purification allowed every person’s I AM Presence greater access to his or her Earthly Bodies. We were told that this Divine Intervention created one final opportunity for the malevolent souls who were still digging in their heels and doing everything they could to oppose the Light and reject the Love of our Father-Mother God to change their minds.

On August 13th, in the early morning hours as we slept at night, the attendees at the 33rd WCI were taken in our finer bodies into the Temple of Divine Grace in the Realms of Illumined Truth. Before the luminous Presence of the Solar Logos from our Central Sun, Beloved Alpha and Omega, we were asked to witness an event on behalf of the masses of Humanity that no one had anticipated.

This event took place in the Eternal Moment of Now and involved every malevolent soul who had made the free-will choice to renege on the Heart commitment they made in 2002. These are the fallen Sons and Daughters of God, who in spite of every conceivable opportunity and unprecedented acts of Divine Grace from our Father-Mother God, were still fighting tooth and nail to oppose the Light and to continue their nefarious efforts to enslave Humanity and prevent Mother Earth from Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution.

One by one our malevolent sisters and brothers were brought before the altar of Divine Grace by their I AM Presence. They were told that their time had run out and that a new contingency plan was being set into motion by our Father-Mother God. Alpha and Omega confirmed that this was not punishment for their wayward behavior, but rather a plan that would allow them to continue their free-will choices in a denser school of learning in the inner planes. This meant that they would no longer be able to manipulate and enslave the masses of Humanity or affect Mother Earth’s Ascension process adversely.

Alpha and Omega demonstrated to every one of these fallen souls why this was happening. They were reminded of the Heart commitment they made in 2002, and they were shown what they have done to renege on that agreement. They were also shown how for aeons of time they have manipulated, controlled and enslaved the masses of Humanity by tricking them into being pawns for their sinister plans.

Next, the magnitude of what their obscene greed and corruption has done to harm the Children, the Millennials, the rest of Humanity and Mother Earth was revealed to them. Once that was complete, our fallen sisters and brothers were then shown the unprecedented sacrifices their sisters and brothers have selflessly made on their behalf in an effort to prevent them from being left behind during the Shift of the Ages, and now Earth’s Ascension in the Light.

With the completion of those revelations, our Father-Mother God sounded a Cosmic Tone and issued a Divine Fiat for Archangel Michael and the Lords of Power and Protection from his Temple in the Realms of Illumined Truth to take command of these malevolent souls. With the agreement of each of these souls’ I AM Presence, Archangel Michael responded by placing a “Ring pass not – of God’s First Cause of Perfection” around each one. This is an invincible Circle of White Lightning that prevents anything that is not of the Light from leaving or entering the circle.

When that phase of the Divine Plan was complete, the masses of Humanity who have for myriad Lifetimes been manipulated and controlled by these wayward souls were drawn into the Temple of Divine Grace in their finer bodies. All of them had energetic connections and attachments to the malevolent souls that had been used to manipulate them into being their reluctant and sometimes willing pawns Lifetime after Lifetime.

As the masses stood in readiness with their I AM Presence, Archangel Michael directed the Lords of Power and Protection to use their Swords of Blue Flame to cut FREE every one of these Sons and Daughters of God from anything the malevolent souls had ever used to entrap them. As the energetic connections and attachments were permanently removed from our sisters and brothers, their I AM Presences were able to take command of their Earthly Bodies in ways they had not experienced since our fall from Grace. Without the manipulation from the malevolent souls, our sisters and brothers will now be able to hear the inner voice of their I AM Presence in new ways that will guide them toward the Path of Divine Love they have been seeking for Lifetimes.

Archangel Michael then stationed one of the Lords of Power from his Legions of Light within the aura of every malevolent soul. The Lords of Power will hold in check the backlash from the malevolent souls once they realize on a conscious level that they no longer have the ability to enslave and manipulate the masses of Humanity. They will still try and we may witness their sinister efforts in the outer world, but they will not be able to affect in any way Earth’s forward movement into the Light. Archangel Michael’s Lords of Power have also accepted the responsibility of selflessly guiding our malevolent sisters and brothers through the final stages of their Earthly experiences before they are escorted to their new Home in the inner schools of learning.

The Company of Heaven said it is very important that you and I and the rest of awakening Humanity fully comprehend the following information regarding the process that our malevolent sisters and brothers are now experiencing, so please read the following words carefully.

Our Father-Mother God’s contingency plan has now been initiated and there is nothing Lightworkers can do to change the direction our malevolent sisters and brothers have created through their own free will choices. Even though it is certainly disappointing that they will not move forward in the Light with the Earth at this time, what is occurring for them is an act of Divine Grace far beyond what they have earned.

In the denser dimension they will be abiding in, they will be given the opportunity to transmute their karmic liabilities at their own pace no matter how long it takes. Their I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will always be available to assist them. All they have to do is “ask and they will receive.”

 The Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth are now being asked to let our malevolent sisters and brothers go. With the implementation of our Father-Mother God’s contingency plan, these fallen Sons and Daughters of God are no longer considered part of Earth’s evolutions. They are certainly still our sisters and  brothers, but when we talk about activities of Light that are moving the Earth and all her Life forward in the Light these fallen souls are not included. Our attention must now be focused on helping the Sons and Daughters of God who have been cut FREE from the oppressive manipulation, control and entrapment they have been struggling to overcome for Lifetimes.

The Company of Heaven said these precious Ones will initially be disoriented, confused and afraid. The power that was used to manipulate them into the fear-based consciousness that tricked them into being pawns that have harmed Humanity and Mother Earth is gone. Now they must remember the Oneness of ALL Life and reclaim the Path of Divine Love.

The Company of Heaven is giving us the following information, so that we will know how the process of transferring the malevolent souls to their new Home will unfold. This is the last time we will discuss these souls or the process they are now experiencing.

The malevolent souls have been secured in Archangel Michael’s forcefield of Light and even though they may flail around striving to reclaim their power this will not happen, regardless of outer appearances. In Divine Timing these souls will be removed from the Planet and transferred to their new Home. This will not be a mass exodus. They will leave one by one through the natural process we call death. We are being cautioned to not try and second guess who these souls are or how many of them are involved.

As we observe the actions of people doing the most harm to Humanity and Mother Earth we may think the malevolent souls are obvious, but in many instance we would be wrong. The vast majority of the malevolent souls who have wreaked havoc on Humanity and the Earth for aeons of time function exclusively behind the scenes. In many instances those in the public eye are the pawns of the malevolent souls who have now been cut FREE.

Our Father-Mother God are asking us to release all judgments and opinions about any of our sisters and brothers who are leaving the physical plane. Please hold every one within your Heart Flame and ask their I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven to assist them into the next phase of their evolutionary process in perfect alignment with their Divine Plan and their highest good.

At the 33rd WCI the activities of Light continued throughout the day on August 13th. Mother Mary guided us in consciousness on a sacred journey into her Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Realms of Illumined Truth. In the Eternal Moment of Now every man, woman and child on Earth was initiated through their I AM Presence into the highest possible frequencies of our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. For our sisters and brothers who were now cut FREE, this activity of Light helped them to raise their frequency of vibration one thousand fold. As Mother Mary guided the Lightworkers gathered at the 33rd WCI through this activity of Light, she simultaneously guided Lightworkers around the World through this process as they watched Vlog 127.

In the afternoon of August 13th the Company of Heaven revealed that the events that had taken place so far during the 33rd WCI had cleared the way for a “Changing of the Guard” involving Earth’s Silent Watchers. When Humanity fell into the abyss of separation and duality and began creating gross mutations of pain and suffering instead of the exquisite patterns of Heaven on Earth, our Father-Mother God summoned Beings of Light from the Great Silence to come and help Mother Earth. These selfless Beings of Light are known as Silent Watchers. Since our fall from Grace they have been stationed in, through and around the Earth holding the Immaculate Concept for Mother Earth’s return to her original state of perfection which we have known as the Garden of Eden.

On August 13th, with our Father-Mother God’s contingency plan in place and the masses of Humanity cut FREE, the Company of Heaven revealed that it was time for Mother Earth’s Silent Watchers to be relieved of their selfless service to the Light. They said that the Earth had reached a frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness that would support a Higher Order of 5th-

Dimensional Silent Watchers. These Beings of Light have been trained to hold the Immaculate Concept for the glorious patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth until they are God Victoriously manifest in every detail.

In a heartwarming activity of Light the Silent Watchers who have served Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her since our fall from Grace, were released and Lovingly escorted into the Realms of Light by the Mighty Elohim. Then, in a wondrous procession of Light, the 5th-Dimensional Silent Watchers for the New Earth took their strategic positions in, through and around Mother Earth. These powerful Silent Watchers will serve Humanity and Mother Earth until it is time for Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution once again during the next Shift of the Ages.

On August 14th, our Mother God reintroduced herself to our sisters and brothers who had lost awareness of her a long time ago and those who had been prevented from reconnecting with her due to the energetic attachments and bonds that had been used to block their awakening. On that sacred and holy day, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, every person on this Planet was embraced in the Transfiguring Divine Love of our Mother God.

Then, on the Holy Breath, our Mother God blessed all of the Sons and Daughters of God who are destined to God Victoriously Ascend into the full Glory of the New Earth with the most powerful Baptism by Sacred Fire that Cosmic Law would allow. This Gift from our Mother God raised the frequency of vibration within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity to a frequency that will sustain the reactivation of our Twelve Strands of DNA.

On August 15th, which is celebrated in the outer world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven guided the Lightworkers gathered at the 33rd WCI, and the I AM Presences of the rest of Humanity, through activities of Light that we have been working toward since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace.

During the first activity of Light, the perfect balance of the Divine Masculine Polarity of our Father God, and Divine Feminine Polarity of our Mother God were secured in every person’s Heart Flame. This created the sacred space that allowed every person’s I AM Presence to open our 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth, thus creating the Open Door for the Light of God that permanently reactivated Humanity’s dormant and fragmented Twelve Strands of DNA.

Instantaneously, the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God bathed us in the highest frequencies of the Yellow-Gold Flame of Divine Enlightenment that we were capable of receiving. This allowed each One of us to Ascend into higher levels of Christ Consciousness than we had ever known.

After that miraculous activity of Light our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven told us that was only the beginning. They said the myriad activities of Light and the unprecedented Divine Intervention that had been successfully accomplished in 2019 through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, had shifted Mother Earth and Humanity into a New Earth Paradigm that would support the permanent activation of Humanity’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA.

They said in most instances the Sacred Knowledge encoded within this level of our DNA is beyond the comprehension of our finite minds. This level of our DNA is encoded with wondrous patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our Crystalline Solar Light Bodies that are beyond anything we have ever imagined or dreamed could be possible.

With that revelation the Company of Heaven guided us through a sacred Divine Ceremony during which our Father-Mother God empowered every person’s I AM Presence to activate our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA.  This was God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause and will now be gently integrated and assimilated into our Earthly Bodies by our I AM Presence, step by step.

This will be a unique and individual experience for each and every one of us, but the Company of Heaven said as we assimilate this Light the Sacred Knowledge encoded in our 5th-Dimensional DNA will transcend our most Glorious expectations.

So stay centered in your Heart Flame and focus on the wonders being revealed to you through your intuitive inner knowing. This is our NEW BEGINNING!

God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles

Video - "Creating A Sacred Space For The Changes Taking Place Within All of Us" By Patricia Cota-Robles - https://youtu.be/LCFYR9FdlYY


Views: 41

Replies to This Discussion

I cannot believe how much these people lie about humanity history. And of course they point their spirituality to be part of the forces which are working in aiding this earth. I see only humans and nature spirits working here for Earth and humanity. So far I see these aliens only taking credit for work of others...

I've stopped reading when I reached blaming humanity for its situation. Humanity was manipulated into it's current state they now keep not knowing the better way out, but it is not their mistake...


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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