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Nature Inspired Healing Arts & Spirituality

I've found this anonymous text as a review of Starseeds.net, but the text is of real value much beyond just that page.


I was very naive in my awakening. Luckily I had much intuition for already be doing spiritual work and everytime I logged in on starseeds.net I felt nervous, unwelcomed, and when I posted: wrong, judged, criticized or even DEBUNKED. Yes, hard to believe 'spiritual' people would judge or even debunk you. When you come from other planet you are naturally open minded like no one on Earth because we know physics, belief limitations and more are not real so hard to believe they'd be skeptical.

So it was a great learning, now I know why I felt that way, I'm very sensitive and realize how infected by evil this world truly is. It's on churches, all religions, all big 'non-profit' organizations, schools (how exactly bullying can still happen if there are adults there?? How many 'lessons' on things that are worthless in life but no moral guidance and spiritual classes?), government, and very disappointingly but surely in the spiritual fake movement.

I've had visions, tips, all very nice things I brought to encourage fellow starseeds and was mostly met with criticism and skeptcism.

People can't complain there how much you miss home, they come and lecture you that you chose it, deal with it. It's absolutely no different from dealing with people with no compassion. My lie detector started to suspect most there saying they are starseeds are not, or some starseeds also come here for karma not missions and others are downright NOT starseeds but evil agents there to disrupt. I don't believe in corruption happening overtime, I not once been corrupted and moved away from my path, if it took a wrong turn it means it was there all along. I've found other starseed type of websites has been shut down, those might have been genuine. I took a long time to give up because I was absolutely disheartened how starseeds could be cruel.

It made me feel even more alone in this society that I've never fit in to begin with. You can't defend others, can't talk about people's rights, truths, animal rights, can't talk about real changes and practical solutions. I also made a reptilian friend there and tried to get over this fact as everyone can evolve. But overtime putting the nice things said in our frienship this person was making me feel bad, it was incredible subtle as I never saw before because my relationships were usually set up to sabotage me (see love bite theory by Eve Logren) but it made me question and doubt myself very much. After figuring starseeds.net out I also cut ties with this 'friend'.

It's a place where you can't really call home (if you ever get lost home is inside, trust your soul, don't believe in higher selves and separate yourself from your true soul but embrace all, this belief and that you need to search for guides or archon-angel-guides is there to weaken you).

I've sent nice and warm messages to Yshatara but she never replied or anything, she is too important to bother with us.

That's also how I find good people, I write to them, if they don't think they are too important to talk to me because they own a site or published a book or something it's a great good sign. You could do that before finding a healer or psychic, see if they bother if you don't pay them. And absolutely don't trust in expensive mediums and healers. The ones sent here want to help won't put such obstacles to help people as much as they won't be motivated by money. They also have compassion for all creatures, that's your sign.

Now I can also read people, Yshatara picture never felt good to me and if you notice she always dress in black. I don't think she is what she say she is, I think the site is infected by evil.

It's a cult because people talk a certain way, act a certain way. Everywhere I'm the rebel, we are all unique and should act differently, when I finally realized that my opening ups are not met with support, understanding and compassion (which if it's truly a spiritual place people WILL act that way, if not get out, it's a forum or site in work for evil to dishearten starseeds and all the warriors who came to Earth) I saw right through them. I complained and heartlessly was banned without explanation, without second chances. I've seen people attacking nastily and they were never banned, I had a real issue and was truthful but polite, she and her minions didn't want to hear it. Some people attacked me and that's why I complained, I checked just once but will never go back again. ALL of those nasty attackers are still there, even the attacks were never erased so they know I was saying the truth. I believe they are banning those brave enough to spread true light or stand up.

I think they are dangerous as some people posted in here, and you did a great service for sharing. I hope I'm one more voice to stop naive young teens from going there.

In spiritual growth stop relying on others, I went there for confirmation and now I'm glad they kicked me out because I now totally rely on my inner true, I don't need someone outside, a forum, a spiritual 'leader' to tell me if I'm right, we just know things and what we don't know it will come in time. Many there offer paid services only, are not compassionate or supportive, are not non-judgmental, feed on animals, and that should have been a red sign. That site changed me so much because it was the last try I would give to find support outside myself. I think it came as a way to distract me once more because I've been cutting out of mylife everything that makes me weaker. I'm truly empowered now. I don't go to any forum anymore and started to publish the truths I've always known, I'll never look for confirmation anymore, we fall prey of evil if we rely on outside forces. It was I who in my weakness and insecurity thought starseeds.net would have answers, support and I would finally find like minded people, my family. I was so wrong. The good thing is that after heartbreak we have a chance to reborn into a more powerful and wise being. If we go inside we are never alone and the Creator or however you want to call is ALWAYS with us.

I've gave starseeds.net much content and helped countless people freely, they all went away just like non-starseed people in my offline life and didn't feel starseedy to me at all because where I come from we lived in grattitude. And I remember other star systems's civilizations who were also grateful, compassionate and evolved people. I can only come to the conclusion many saying they are starseeds are not. Or maybe the negative aliens who exploited living beings reincarnate here to rehabilitate, they'd be called starseeds too and surely would miss home and have otherworldly memories. Coming from another world doesn't mean one is good.

If in a spiritual on or offline place you don't feel accepted without judgment and are supported, get out. If there is hierarchy get out. If you need to follow rules but when it's your turn you receive no

compassion and support, get out. If you were treated unjustly and no action was taken get out. If you speak truths with good intentions and you are met with rudeness, skepticism and even violence,

get out, spiritual people were supposed to 'feel' you're genuine.

You want spiritual company that is already working on themselves, judgmental people are like that because they are projecting their s...on others, they point and say you are something because THEY ARE. If you feel there's something wrong there probably is. If the head or 'leader' of some place just ignore you then get out, don't make excuses. When people care and are compassionate THEY FIND TIME FOR YOU. I always found time for strangers, volunteer work with the elderly, homeless people and animals, it's not a burden, it's what makes me truly happy. All of us with a mission who came here to save Earth are driven by inner riches, making any creature better makes us as happy and accomplished as nothing else can. Those who are not driven by service to others are here for learning, balancing their karma and don't come from higher densities and worlds.

All things that exist was infiltrated, we'll find true amazing souls here and there but go inside. We are weakened in our search for the exterior practices and 'experts', that's because this world was built on authority when hierarchy is completely wrong. Even 'light' beings here are lordes, masters, white brotherhoods and federations of light so truly a false light. Evolved Beings helping us are humble and let us live without giving us all the answers.

Go inside, if you are a true starseed be humble, sure, but know you are an expert yourself. There is no arrogance in recognizing and embrancing our gifts. Step upon your power and become who you truly are. Who you came here to be. Don't look for jobs that exist if you can INVENT a new one, we are here to break the cruel system and as they can't use us sometimes they influence those around us so don't rely on the exterior, the inner wisdom and interior practices is what will make you whole. Harm no being and you'll be in your full power very soon.

Some moments we might feel weak. Find starseeds vlogging, blogging or with websites and WRITE them, if they reply you'd have a clue they might be an evolved compassionate soul and they might share some light on your problem but let's train on going inside always. The true light will be found easier in unpopular websites, books, videos and people. Truth is not easily found because evil are doing all they can to hide or destroy it. We've seen this, they killed truth bringers, they are discredited, ridiculed, isolated or put in prisons.

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A lot of information to contemplate, but you've given me reason to focus on two things that I've been working on:

1) Can people be born evil? I've got far too much experience with sociopaths, and it's my conclusion that sociopaths are truly evil. Some people believe that true evil doesn't exist, but my experience says it does, and it also says that sociopaths are evil. I've been trying to figure out if there's any way to bring a person back to the "good" side after they've turned evil... And my conclusion is that no, they can't.

But reading your message now makes me wonder... Are evil people born evil? If they are, then I'm guessing there's no way to make them "good" again because they were never "good" to start with, even if it didn't show until later in their lives. That would also explain why so many young people nowadays are doing so many nasty things.

But why would people be born evil? Is their soul messed up (if they even have a soul), or are they working off past "karma," or what? This is definitely something I'll have to spend some time thinking about. I'm not a Christian, but I've read the Bible, and there's a section where Jesus and the apostles are looking at a man who was born blind. An apostle asks Jesus if the man was blind because he offended God in this lifetime or a previous lifetime. Jesus replies that since the man was born blind, he must have offended God in a previous lifetime. I never could figure that out from a Christian point of view because Christians believe that people only have one lifetime. I've learned a lot since then, but now I have even more reason to learn more.

And the second thing that I now have to contemplate more is:

2) If there is a fixed set of rules that the Universe forces us to follow (and I'm not saying that I believe that there is), could it be that, as the rules are filtered through each individual person, the way that the rules manifest themselves in the physical (and possibly spiritual) world make them appear to be completely different for each person? And I mean that they could be SO different that even history itself could appear different for different people?

Maybe this could explain why one person could say, "This is how things work for me," and other people could say, "You're crazy; it doesn't work that way"? Maybe this could even explain the Mandela Effect. We know that there are multiple physical dimensions existing parallel to each other, so maybe the rules work slightly differently for each Universe and we're just getting more bleedthrough now?

Lots to think about... Thank you for getting my mind jump-started...

Morell youve opened a can of worms you know nothing about but I assure you I do totally... this info goes back to 2015 and I was in the Starseeds.net aka Intl starseeds website  I was there way back in 2015 when all this text was written, and I can share with you that there was in deed this horrible cult activity with the owner Zoh's (Yshatara-Rose) and her numerous minion enforcers on her admin team,who were in a Messiah Complex and certainly not awake,religious kooks...Zoh (Yshatara-Rose) actually hunted people out to attack & she hurt many people with evil intentions and brain washing including traumatizing them with black helicopter invasions even.[if you dont know what that is all about I can inform you]  but the whole site was in chaos,the nastiness & PSI attacks were rampant... if you even opened your mouth or hinted you had a warrior spirit to speak up,you were targeted... I have all the relevant text emails from behind the scenes of that time span as there was a legal investigation going on,and some of this nastiness also rolled over into other starseed websites,& sites were made thinking they could talk on stuff openly,little did they know there were spies watching,because everyone hides behind avatar profile names no one really knew who was who,but my lawyer sent me the emails and my name was mentioned as I was a threat to them all,knowing things they thought were a secret, Dashana was terrified as she was under investigation being the owner of the website..thus they were all leaving a huge paper trail unknowingly... United Starseeds was one of the worst for this activity, but a number of others including Ashtar Command & others which are now closed... United starseeds which was run by Elshara Silverheart aka Josh O'Brian aka Psylord -  who has gone on to be one of Nings worst web site hackers and is well known to have scammed thousands of people of their private emails then inviting them to his made websites and spamming their inbox's from the emails that he sourced during his hacks and he even stole money from one well known website Humanity Healing.net website  Read here on that & Here also about stealing he worked with another older woman who went by the name of Mandrake aka Dashana and some others also she was a well known spiritual hypnotherapist regressionist..  It got so bad with nasty bullying and harassment that a young girl who could have been under aged actually committed suicide. So it was then under serious investigation via interpol even..OMG was it real bad..

I still refuse to delete all this emailed info I have from my lawyer as it can be used again in a investigation of these people in the future if they all raise their ugly heads... Elshara is the only one still raising his ugly head and hes left a trail effecting many websites..now I have a feeling but I'm not 100% sure that he could be now trying to hack Paganspace his MO is all over it.

Hmm. Why people turn groups into cults ... sickness. If you find that nonsense here, alert Morell or myself and it’s bye bye time. This is not about money or personality. Keep a safe space here. I wrote a book, people read it and hang out, end of story. I’m not even famous. Give me a break. Wait til they find out the “aliens” are their moms. Such idiotic folk ridicule the ones who would save their life. Be tough but kind. Don’t let folk steal your feathers . Grrrrr. 

Well, I was looking for the site and found some marijuana seeds selling website, which confused me, actually. But whatever. It was still interesting find, this text, it is interesting tale.

But some thoughts... There IS universal set of rules in the universe. But they are well created and so simple that anyone can follow them even though we are so different and actually everyone should follow them.

I have more problem with current trend of rising kids than with socios. I think that Socios are often lizards, I'm half dragon myself. The difference here is that I understand the laws and honor. I think that when small kids, they can be trained to respect and to have honor. But that requires understanding of the matter and strong master who can make such person respect him as an authority. I may be true, I may be wrong, that's what I think.

You have some interesting thought processes Jack even though I'm totally none religious I like a person who dosnt take the first thing someone says as a total fact and does their own homework & research..I read up on this so called Madela effect myself as I couldnt believe people could be so damn gullible for starters,it was a flow on effect to all sorts of things,including music lyric's being said to have altering,lol when really it was peoples listening of words & their perception of hearing them was to blame...so perceptions are at fault totally and people in general who believe anything said to them..

I found out that the Mandela effect is nothing more than termed as false memories, e.g perceptions of other people to the events that occured that then get twisted by other people feeding snippets of info into it..[kinda like the Chinese whisper theory].. that then tricks the mind into believing something occured this way or that way... when in reality it didn't happen that way at all....it all started with Nelson Mandela's supposed televised death,when it wasnt him at all it was someone else who died around the same time.. hense the namesake..read up on it in the link..


Jack Thorsson said:

A lot of information to contemplate, but you've given me reason to focus on two things that I've been working on:

1) Can people be born evil? I've got far too much experience with sociopaths, and it's my conclusion that sociopaths are truly evil. Some people believe that true evil doesn't exist, but my experience says it does, and it also says that sociopaths are evil. I've been trying to figure out if there's any way to bring a person back to the "good" side after they've turned evil... And my conclusion is that no, they can't.

But reading your message now makes me wonder... Are evil people born evil? If they are, then I'm guessing there's no way to make them "good" again because they were never "good" to start with, even if it didn't show until later in their lives. That would also explain why so many young people nowadays are doing so many nasty things.

But why would people be born evil? Is their soul messed up (if they even have a soul), or are they working off past "karma," or what? This is definitely something I'll have to spend some time thinking about. I'm not a Christian, but I've read the Bible, and there's a section where Jesus and the apostles are looking at a man who was born blind. An apostle asks Jesus if the man was blind because he offended God in this lifetime or a previous lifetime. Jesus replies that since the man was born blind, he must have offended God in a previous lifetime. I never could figure that out from a Christian point of view because Christians believe that people only have one lifetime. I've learned a lot since then, but now I have even more reason to learn more.

And the second thing that I now have to contemplate more is:

2) If there is a fixed set of rules that the Universe forces us to follow (and I'm not saying that I believe that there is), could it be that, as the rules are filtered through each individual person, the way that the rules manifest themselves in the physical (and possibly spiritual) world make them appear to be completely different for each person? And I mean that they could be SO different that even history itself could appear different for different people?

Maybe this could explain why one person could say, "This is how things work for me," and other people could say, "You're crazy; it doesn't work that way"? Maybe this could even explain the Mandela Effect. We know that there are multiple physical dimensions existing parallel to each other, so maybe the rules work slightly differently for each Universe and we're just getting more bleedthrough now?

Lots to think about... Thank you for getting my mind jump-started...

As far as the Mandela Effect is concerned, my personal belief is that it's being caused by the Schumann Resonance ramping up and frying everyone's brains. I also believe this is the reason why people think time is speeding up... People mind's are short-circuiting and they don't notice the time passing... That and modern media devices are causing people to become very distracted.

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

You have some interesting thought processes Jack even though I'm totally none religious I like a person who dosnt take the first thing someone says as a total fact and does their own homework & research..I read up on this so called Madela effect myself as I couldnt believe people could be so damn gullible for starters,it was a flow on effect to all sorts of things,including music lyric's being said to have altering,lol when really it was peoples listening of words & their perception of hearing them was to blame...so perceptions are at fault totally and people in general who believe anything said to them..

I found out that the Mandela effect is nothing more than termed as false memories, e.g perceptions of other people to the events that occured that then get twisted by other people feeding snippets of info into it..[kinda like the Chinese whisper theory].. that then tricks the mind into believing something occured this way or that way... when in reality it didn't happen that way at all....it all started with Nelson Mandela's supposed televised death,when it wasnt him at all it was someone else who died around the same time.. hense the namesake..read up on it in the link..


Well Jack some of that is correct modern media devices are distracting humans big time  your right,moreso it works to those who are partially asleep though, those who are on differing paths in their consciousness..in fact technology is changing consciousness and its not necessarily for the better though valid...the rest is your own belief because its been infused by disinformation on the same media you claim is distracting these mindsets..Schumann resonance is altering energy that's a fact, as right now many people are learning how to alter the vibratory rate of our bodies,to rise consciousness ..as everything in all of life is in motion,we are in motion and we are in the process of being half way through orbiting this thing called the photon belt,and this is bringing a lot of change in the whole vibratory rate of our planet as well as our solar system,remember everything in creation is progressive.. There are numbered sequences that indicate that newly planted ideas are beginning to take form and grow into this reality these will allow for the information and lessons to manifest further,if  you havnt heard the notion that our planet is right now going through a partial pole shift.. but it wont be publicly announced oh no.. instead it is being covered over by the notion that its all just climate change,yet the ozone layer hole is now healed so how can that be..strange how fast it took hold across the whole planet, as the magnetic poles are moving and its affecting our tectonic plates, we also have solar flares that affect our magnetic field siesmic activity is going on all over the world at an alarming rate but they dont make mainstream news you have to have earthquakes volcanoes on google alerts to see the bigger picture. we know for a fact the magnetic poles are moving and that the magnetic field has a hole in it which will allow solar flares and solar radiation to hit the planet(michio kaku) the sun is due its solar maxim which could cause havoc as it did in carrington (solar flare) I think its very possible that we may also be passing or on the fringe of the dark rift which would manipulate our gravity and cause unprecedented siesmic activity also comets etc, people will say I'm just speculating but its not entirely impossible, and the powers that be would be the last people to warn the public..Lets face it you have America in the throws of being tormented by its money hungry evil president,the violence is rising.. all the signs are there..so this so called mandela effect is just small fry fish in the great ocean of deeper chaos and as thus is not worth putting ones energy into..

When the invisible became perceptible, I discovered that we are very loved, more than I had ever known or even imagined. Also I saw their cloudlike presence seeding visions of a new Earth. You know what I mean. 

No I dont know what you mean?????..but if your talking about your etherical soul scepter guardians then I would understand,but if your talking about a avian blue race of beings that David Wilcock & Corey Goode created themselves then you've been indoctrinated by their false information.

Hmmm, never heard about Avian blue race, only about wingmakers and those I believe are just angels.

#1) No. I've never heard the media mention the Schumann Resonance. I'm speaking from personal experience. When I'm feeling particularly spacey I check the Schumann Resonance, and it's usually quite high at that moment.

#2) Yes, I am aware of the pole shift. I'm also aware that it is intrinsically connected to the Schumann Resonance rising.

#3) We are currently in a Grand Solar Minimum. Sunspots are incredibly rare right now, and no sunspots = no solar flares. We do have several cameras pointed at the sun, so it's pretty easy to see if there are flares, which there hasn't been. During a solar minimum, the Earth's magnetosphere is diminished, which then lets in background radiation from space, which heats up the Earth's core. When the Earth releases the heat, we get earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

#4) Not sure what country you're from, but you've obviously been listening to mainstream media talk about President Trump. If you denounce media for one thing, you shouldn't believe them about another. Almost all mainstream media is owned by the people who wanted Hillary Clinton to become president, and because she lost, they've been demonizing Trump. If you heard about what he's actually doing, you'd understand that he's the best president we've had in a long time, but you won't hear it from mainstream media.

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ ኔጡ። said:

#1) Well Jack some of that is correct modern media devices are distracting humans big time  your right,moreso it works to those who are partially asleep though, those who are on differing paths in their consciousness..in fact technology is changing consciousness and its not necessarily for the better though valid...the rest is your own belief because its been infused by disinformation on the same media you claim is distracting these mindsets.

#2) There are numbered sequences that indicate that newly planted ideas are beginning to take form and grow into this reality these will allow for the information and lessons to manifest further,if  you havnt heard the notion that our planet is right now going through a partial pole shift.

#3) but it wont be publicly announced oh no.. instead it is being covered over by the notion that its all just climate change,yet the ozone layer hole is now healed so how can that be..strange how fast it took hold across the whole planet, as the magnetic poles are moving and its affecting our tectonic plates, we also have solar flares that affect our magnetic field siesmic activity is going on all over the world at an alarming rate but they dont make mainstream news you have to have earthquakes volcanoes on google alerts to see the bigger picture.

#4) Lets face it you have America in the throws of being tormented by its money hungry evil president,the violence is rising.

The blue avians are a concoction from David Wilcox and Corey Goode. I have yet to see any evidence that anything they say is true.

Morell Sunweaver said:

Hmmm, never heard about Avian blue race, only about wingmakers and those I believe are just angels.


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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